The Monster of Canterlot

by drnkntst

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The first time I woke up, I was in so much pain, I begged whoever was near to make it go away. It felt like my entire body was on fire, burning away from the inside out. My muscles were throbbing and my bones felt like they were on the verge of breaking.

“It hurts! It hurts! Make it stop! Please, make it stop!” was about all I could say. The doctors decided that a medically induced coma would be the best option. I can only imagine what that must have done to Celestia.

The second time went much better. I could tell I was in the royal infirmary on my special bed. I could also tell I wasn’t alone. Celestia had had a second bed wheeled in and lined up next to mine. This way, she could be here when I finally came out of it. She was asleep, since it was the middle of the night, and had a wing draped over me.

I couldn’t help myself. Even though my… everything was stiff from being in bed too long, I reached up and stroked her feathers. Finding one out of place, I plucked it.

“Mmph… ah… thank you, Honey. That feather’s been… Chris?!” Her head shot straight up and she looked into my eyes. Tears began to flow down her face and she wrapped me in a hug.

“Hurgh… too… tight,… still… hurt…” I wheezed.

Celestia lessened her vice-like grip. “Oh, I’m sorry, Honey. I’m just so happy you’re awake.”

It was then that I noticed the bags under her eyes and the tears in them. She obviously hadn’t been getting enough sleep in the last… “how long was I out? It feels like years with how stiff my back is.”

“Two weeks,” Celestia told me as she fluffed my pillow. “You had us all so worried.”

“I’m sorry about that. I never meant to scare you.”

“Shh… stop all that. We’re all just glad we got you back. Guard, please go tell my sister and anypony else who is still awake about the happy news.”

The night guard saluted and galloped off to follow his orders. Ten minutes later and my personal ward had become a lot more cramped. Not that I minded in the least. Even if you excluded the two weeks I was out, I hadn’t seen my friends in family for over a week. Now I had Luna, Twilight and Bunny keeping me company.

“Nephew, I am overjoyed to see you awake. I was unable to even see you in your sleep and have been missing your company.”

“I’ve missed you too, Aunt Luna,” I told her around Celestia’s head. She seemed to be unable to release me. “You too, Twilight, Bunny. Oh, and I want to see little Fluffy Butt here first thing in the morning.”

Bunny giggled, “yes, your highness.” She sealed her humor with a deep bow.

“Good. Now, if Mom could let me go, I would really like to stand up. I need to stretch every muscle I’ve got.” Celestia finally let go of me and stood beside the bed, allowing me to use her to stabilize myself. The other mares went to that side of the bed too out of decency, my gown didn’t have a back on it.

Slowly, I slid to the edge of the bed and sat there for a few moments, making sure my legs still worked. With one hand on Celestia’s back and the other on Luna’s, I managed to stand up. Carefully, I lifted my hands but kept the outstretched for balance.

Once certain I wouldn’t collapse, I raised my hands up and stretched. First my arms and then my legs, being rewarded with a series of pops and cracks. Then came the back, only this time, I got something different from simple noises. “*Fwomph* huh?” I looked back and saw a set of very large and, if I do say so myself, very handsome wings. They were pearly white with dark blue accents similar in fashion to Cadence’s. “Uh, why do I have wings?”

Celestia placed a hoof on my chest. “Umm…you may want to sit back down, Sweetie.”


“Dead? B-but that can’t be. I mean, I feel fine.”

“Tell me, Nephew, what is the last thing you remember before waking up here?”

“Well, Willow, Trixie and I had just managed to make it out, but only Trixie managed to get away. Willow and I had gotten captured and dragged back inside the hive and hauled before the queen. I was tied up and Willow was taken to be… Willow! Is she alright?”

“You were the only non-changeling we found in the hive,” Twilight informed me.

“No, she was a changeling. She was the one who got Trixie and I out. The queen said she was going to ‘re-educate’ her for it.”

“We have all of the changelings captured being held in the dungeon. We can search for her later,” Luna assured me. “Now, please continue.”

“Alright. So, because my hands were bound behind my back, I was able to reach the dagger you gave me, Bunny. I managed to get my hands loose, and stabbed the queen. After that… after that…” I felt at my chest where the spear had been. Tears began to well up in my eyes at the memory of it. “The last thing I remember was seeing you float down through the ceiling.”

Celestia hugged me again, tears in her eyes once more. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. If I had only gotten there a little earlier, none of this would have happened.”

I stroked her mane and ignored the tears dripping down my back. “No, it’s not your fault. You got there as fast as you could. Besides, if it weren’t for you and Aunt Luna, I would still be waiting in limbo for my final judgment.”

“Christopher is correct, Sister. None of this was your fault. Besides, now that he had been given some of your lifeforce, it is like he truly is your son.”

Celestia stopped sobbing instantly. She raised her head in realization. In a very real since, that was true. She had literally given life to her son. A smile spread across her face. “If that is true, then does that make you his father, Luna?”

“He does have my eyes. Well, one eye at least.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” I asked. Bunny floated a small mirror over to me. When I looked into it, I saw that my eye color had changed. One eye was magenta, like Celestia’s, while the other was cyan, just like Luna’s. “How about that. Makes you wonder what else has changed.”

“Yes indeed, but that can wait for later. For now, you need to get your rest, Chris. You too, Princess.”

“Yes, you’re right, Twilight. And now that I know Chris is out of danger, I think I finally can rest. Good night, Honey, I’ll see you bright and early in the morning”

“Alright, Mom, see ya then. And, Bunny, I’d better see Cotton in here first thing.”

“I don’t think she would forgive me otherwise. Good night, Chris.”

“Good night everypony.”

After everypony left, I tried to get some more sleep, which is difficult after having been asleep for two weeks. I did manage to fall asleep, but it was not a pleasant rest. All night long, I was seeing a spear and a laughing changeling queen. Over and over, the spear was thrust into my chest while Chrysalis cackled. Each time, both got larger and the laughter got louder.

I was woken up by Luna. She was shaking me awake and had a near desperate look in her eyes. “Christopher! Please, wake up!”

As soon as I could see who it was that had roused my, I couldn’t help but throw my arms around her and cry into her fur. “Oh, Luna, I’m so glad it’s you. All I could see was Chrysalis, and… and…” I buried my face into her fur again, soaking it with tears.

“Hush now,” she told me in a soothing tone. “The nightmare is gone, the queen is locked away and her magic sealed, and you are home with your family and friends. Nopony here will ever do you harm.”

We stayed like that for a long time. It was as if Luna were a buoy in shark-infested waters. I just didn’t want to risk letting her go and having the nightmare return.

The next morning, my friends were all there, Celestia and Luna as well. Most importantly, little Fluffy Butt was there. I couldn’t stop playing with her, her laughter bringing me more joy than I’ve had in a month. I would toss her high into the air and catch her. I tickled her soft tummy. I even simply held her in my arms. All the while, I was doing my best to ignore Luna telling Celestia about the previous night and my nightmare.

“…and I could not enter. Sister, you know how difficult it can be to enter his dreams normally, but this was different. It was almost as if I was being actively repelled.”

“I see,” Celestia pondered what her sister had just told her. She couldn’t help but smile a little, despite the troubling information, at the sight of me enjoying myself.

“And not only that, but his strength has increased dramatically as well. It was almost as if he had the strength of an earth pony.”

“Really?” Luna now had Celestia’s complete attention. “Earth pony strength, wings… you don’t suppose he has become some sort of alicorn-human hybrid,… do you?”

“I could not say, Sister. If he had control over magic, I would say yes with absolute certainty. However, it would seem as though that were the case. Especially when you consider he has our lifeforce flowing through his body.”

“Hmm… if it’s true, then Chris would be the first male alicorn since Father passed.”

“It is intriguing. I shall summon the doctors to do a scan immediately.”

“Good idea. Oh, and Luna?”

“Yes, Sister?”

“Inform the guards that no spears, pikes or halberds shall be permitted within the palace for the foreseeable future.”

Fifteen minutes later, four of the on-call doctors had arrived in the room and begun their work.

“Your highness, this would be a lot easier if you would put the filly down.”

“What do you think, Fluffy? You ready to get down?”

“Never!” Cotton Tail cried out.

“You heard her. The kid stays,” I instructed as I tickled her again. “Now, please continue.”

“Very well,” the doctor wanted to argue, but he had been working in the palace long enough to know better. “Alright, doctors, all together now.” I could feel their magic flowing throughout my body. I never liked the feeling. It felt too much like some sort of invasion. Just one more reason I was happy to have my magic immunity.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a long process. Shortly after they began, the doctors had finished their scan. They all looked back and forth between each other as if to try to verify that they were actually getting the right answer. Once they had come to an agreement, they walked over to the princesses and discussed something with them.

Celestia and Luna thanked them for their prompt work and excused them from the room. Once they were gone, Celestia came over to me. I sat up on the bed and made room for her.

“The doctors have shared with us some… interesting news. It would seem that, since Luna and I shared some of our lifeforce with Chris, he has gained some of our abilities. That is the reason he has wings and pronounced strength.”

“Does that mean that he has magic too?” Twilight asked.

“Indeed,” Luna confirmed.

“The doctors also informed us that, although it is a slim possibility, it may just be possible for Chris to have foals of his own.” Celestia only just managed to hide her smile at the thought of having a bunch of grandfoals running around the palace.

“Oo-ooh, I could teach him to fly! I’ll have him flyin’ better than the Wonderbolts in just a couple of weeks!” Rainbow Dash called out.

“Ah don’t know ‘bout that, R.D. Yur flyin’ style may be uh little… extreme fur uh beginner. Maybe Fluttershy would be better fur the basics.” For some reason, this idea was making Fluttershy blush.

“What are you- oh, yeah. You’re probably right. My flying is a little too cool for somepony new to the whole wing thing.”

“I, um, I would be happy to teach you how to fly. Oh, if it’s okay with you that is.”

“Of course it is, Fluttershy. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Plus, you could stay with me and I could teach you magic in the evenings,” Twilight offered.

“Wait, what about me?” Celestia asked, virtually pleading. “I just got my baby back and now you want to take him away again? What if something happens to him?”

“Mom, are you suggesting your star pupil, who has saved Equestria several times, and her friends, who have helped her in her endeavors to save Equestria, are incapable of protecting one, single, little human?”

“Well, no I’m not-”

“So then they are capable of watching out for danger and protecting me from harm?”

“Of course they are, but-”

“Then it’s a trust issue. You don’t trust them or… me,” I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, “to make the right decisions. Is that it?”

“No, not at all. I trust you and them completely.”

“Alright then. Since you trust them and me, I will be accompanying them back to Ponyville so I can learn to fly and control my magic.”

“Okay, Sweetie, just be careful.” Sometimes, it was easier to trick Celestia than argue with her.

“I will, Mom,” I stood up from the bed and hugged her, careful of my new strength, “I love you so very much.”

And that was how I became an alicorn… sort of.