//------------------------------// // Talent Show // Story: Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// One afternoon in Ponyville, Dustin, Alistair, Blaze, Alice, Alicia, Eu, and Aria were walking around town, until Dustin saw a flyer posted on a wall, "Hello, what have we here?" the group went up to look at it, as Aria read it. "Ponyville Talent show this week, opened to all competitors willing to display their best talents." "A talent show, huh?" Alistair asked, "Sounds neat." "I'll say, maybe I'll enter." Blaze said. "You will?" Alicia asked him. "What, does it surprise you?" he asked. "Well, what would you do?" the stoic twin inquired. "I would sing. I'm a good singer." he answered. "So am I, so maybe I'll try that as well." Dustin added. "Me and my violin would be a shoe in for first place." Aria said. "This calls for me and my break dancing stunts." Alistair put in. Alicia spoke up, "Sorry, guys. But if anyone here would win this thing it's Alice." Alice turned to her twin in shock, "Alicia!" Alicia smirked at her, "Come on, Alice, out of both of us you're better at singing solo than me." "She does have a point, Alice." Aria agreed. "Uh, well..." Alice stammered. "Then it's decided, we'll enter this competition, and no matter who wins or loses we'll all did our best." Dustin said, as they all nodded. "In that case we better start practicing now." Blaze suggested. "Agreed. I'm gonna go see Vinyl and ask if she's got any fresh beats for me to break it down to." Alistair said, as he took off. "Wait for me!" Eu went after him. "Catch you guys later." Blaze ran off. "I'm out of here." Aria headed off to practice. "I'll see you two later. Good luck, Alice." Dustin said, as he flew off. When the twins were left alone, Alice turned to her sister, "Alicia, you shouldn't have nominated me without discussing it with me first." Alicia spoke up, "Alice, I'm doing this for your own good. Dustin likes both of us, but we need to get him to like each of us individually more and not always as a duo. I can handle that myself. But you could use some help with that, and you making an impression at this talent show is just what you need to earn extra points." "You think so?" Alice asked. Alicia smiled, "I know so. Now let's go see Mitsukai. She can give you some good tips on singing." the twins headed off. When the coast was clear, Johan and Omaddon appeared and looked at the flyer as well, "Ponyville Talent show, huh?" Johan asked, "Sounds interesting." "How so?" Omaddon asked. "Because Omaddon, we're going to enter this and take home first prize." Johan smirked. "What? But, Johan, what about Ebon?" "What about him?" "Won't he get mad if we're caught slacking off?" the big one asked. Johan answered, "Ebon hasn't given us any orders for days. I suppose he's just biding his time until he actually comes up with a plan. Besides if we're gonna stay here until he releases Felix, then we might as well have our own kind of fun." "But will they even let us join?" Omaddon asked, "I mean we're not exactly local faves in this world." "The form says 'open to all'." Johan noted. "Ooh, smart," Omaddon smirked at the loophole, until another thought crossed his mind, "But, uh, what're we going to do in it?" Johan smiled, "Just leave everything to me my friend." he escorted him off. Later on at Dustin, Alistair, and Blaze's HQ, each of the three were giving each other enough space to practice and not interrupt each others. Alistair had a boombox playing dance music, as he was break dancing on top of a mat with Fievel and Eu observing him. When Alistair jumped to his feet, Fievel stopped the music, "Well, Fievel, be honest, what did you think?" "Wonderful job, Alistair. Those moves of your know no bound." Fievel answered. "He's right. I can't wait to see you perform." Eu added. "Thanks." "Hey, what's going on over here?" Applejack's voice came, as she, the rest of the girls, Wild, and Spike approached. "Hey, you guys, what's up?" the dark warrior asked. "What's with all the dancing here?" Rainbow asked. "What this? Well, I'm practicing for Ponyville's Talent show this week." he answered. "Really?" Fluttershy asked. "Yeah, me Alice, Aria, Dustin, and Blaze are entering." "How wonderful." Rarity smiled. "And you're going to be dancing?" Pinkie asked. "Break dancing, but yeah." he replied. "Cool." Wild admitted. "Anypony else joining?" Alistair asked. "Well, Nightfall is signing up to display his artistic talent." Muse answered. "Nice, I'm sure the crowds will love his work. Especially after all the ideas and designs he got from seeing New York." "No kidding." Dustin said, as he, Blaze, Zyphon, Alice, Alicia, and Mitsukai approached. "Hey, guys, how's your practicing going?" Eu asked. "Couldn't be better." Dustin answered. "Same here." Blaze added. "Mitsukai's been helping me out." Alice explained. "And she's coming along nicely." Mitsukai added. "So, who's going to be judging at this Talent Show?" Zyphon inquired out of Twilight. "Well, I will be for one, so will the mayor, and the third is..." Twilight was interrupted as Discord appeared. "Me!" he cheered. "Discord?" Dustin, Alistair, their familiars, and Zyphon gasped. 'So that's Discord.' Blaze thought. Discord upon seeing Dustin and Alistair looked overjoyed, "Why, Dustin Bowers and Alistair Savage. How good to see you two again!" "Great to see you, Discord." Dustin said, as both he and Alistair locked fists with Discord's paw. "You look well." Alistair said. "So do the two of you," Discord said, "And Domino, Fievel, and Zyphon. A joy as always." "Quite so, Discord." Zyphon agreed. The master of chaos suddenly saw the others, "Ah, and these must be some of the friends Twilight and the others have told me about. Blaze Shadow; the deceptive one," Blaze raised a brow at that, "Mitsukai Tendou; the senior spirit warrior, Eucliwood Belthio; the witch girl, Alice and Alicia Kingsley; the twins." Dustin nodded and introduced his friends, "Guys, this is Discord the reformed master of chaos." "We did hear about you from Dustin and Alistair." Mitsukai said. "Good things I hope?" he asked. "So and so." Alicia replied, making Discord confused. "So you're also going to be a judge?" Alistair asked. "That's right. And I for one think it is an honor to be a part of something like this." Discord said proudly. "As long as you don't play favorites." Zyphon warned him. "Right." Twilight agreed. "Play favorites?" Discord asked, "Why everypony, I'm shocked. I would never play favorites among anypony." "I agree," Fluttershy spoke up, "Discord values all of our friendships equally. Don't you?" she hugged him. "I would never put any of you above the other." Discord answered. "Well, you all better get back to practicing, the competition may surprise you." Wild said, as the humans nodded and went back to practicing as the others took their leave. Later on in New York, at Mitsukai's place, Alice was singing a few notes with the older spirit warrior, until they decided to break. They sat down and enjoyed a beverage, as Mitsukai spoke, "The lessons I've been giving you are really paying off." "You think so, Mitsukai?" "Of course. So what was the reason Alicia volunteered you to compete?" she wondered. "Well, it was to improve my relationship with Dustin. If he saw how good I was up there he'd be very impressed with me." "Oh, so your sister was pimping for you?" Mitsukai grinned. "Yes. I felt embarrassed." she blushed. "Alice, Alicia's just trying to help you. I know the both of you love Dustin almost as much as Aria. And I'm glad to see how much the both of you care for him. And I know he cares a lot about you two as well. But when you go out there, don't do it just to impress Dustin, do it for yourself." "Myself?" "Yes. Because in the end you're the only one you need to do it for." Alice smiled, and embraced Mitsukai, "Thanks, Mitsukai." "Anytime." Mituskai smiled, as she returned the embrace. A few days later in Ponyville, outside the school was a stage set up for the talent show competitors, off to the side was Twilight, Mayor Mare, and Discord in the judges seats, while everypony in Ponyville was in the crowd eager to watch the performances. Spike walked on stage and read his notes, "Welcome Mares and Colts to Ponyville's Talent show. We have some great contestants here tonight who're eager to show off their talents. So without further adieu let's bring out the contestants!" the ponies cheered, as Spike read off competitor after competitor who each showed off their talent from singing, dancing, juggling, comedy, etc. After the latest contestant walked off stage, Spike came back, "Thank you. And now our next competitor is somepony we all know and love like our own. We have here with us the dark warrior hero of Equestria; Alistair Savage and his talent break dancing!" The ponies cheered, as Alistair walked onto the stage with a boombox and dance mat. Once he sat everything up, he turned on the boombox and began showing off his dance steps for the crowd of ponies. In the crowd, Wild, the girls, Burai, even Xever were enjoying the younger Savage brother's performance, "That's my bro." Xever smiled in pride. When the music finished, Alistair got to his feet as the crowd applauded and cheered. Alistair waved to the crowd before collecting his boombox and mat. By the judges, Discord spoke to the two ponies, "He certainly has moves down, don't you think?" "Indeed. He's obviously been doing that for a long time." Mayor Mare said. "Yeah. And I thought Xever was good with his legs." Twilight added. Spike came back to introduce the next guest, "Next up we have a new girl with us from the other world of our human friends, here to share with us what she does best. Give it up for Aria Sanzo and her violin playing!" The crowd applauded, as Aria stepped out carrying her violin and bow. She bowed to the ponies and spoke into a mic, "This is a little number called Shadows." And so Aria began playing her violin like the professional she was, as the lights form above cast her shadow off the scenery behind her. The ponies enjoyed the sound of her violin playing, until they noticed Aria's shadow was no longer following her movement, but was instead doing some dance routines. Twilight and Mayor Mare were in shock, "How is she doing that?" The mayor asked the Princess. "I don't know." she replied, until her eyes fell suspiciously onto Discord. "Don't look at me, this isn't my doing." Discord answered, feeling just as confused. So they continued to watch Aria's performance with her shadow. Suddenly her shadow picked up her own violin and began playing music, while Aria sat hers down before doing a dance just like her shadow was. Eventually she picked her violin back up and played along side her shadow as both were moving different instead of in sync. When Aria finished, the ponies roared with applause as both Aria and her shadow took a bow before walking off stage. When Aria was back stage and out of the light, her shadow vanished. She saw Dustin, Blaze, and Alistair looking at her in shock, "Aria, how did you do that?" Dustin gasped. Aria smiled, "That's the beauty of playing Shadows." she walked off to grab some water. "I wonder if we'll ever know how she did that." Blaze said. "Probably never." Alistair replied. "Blaze Shadow!" Spike announced from on stage. "Oh, that's my cue. Wish me luck guys." Blaze said, as he went on stage. Blaze took the mic, and spoke, "Evening, everypony. I hope you're all ready because this song I chose especially to describe myself." And so music started playing, as Blaze started singing. The crowd listened with interest, while the humans were rocking their heads to the rhythm, "He chose a good one." Burai told Xever, who nodded in agreement. When Blaze finished, the ponies applauded, as Blaze took a bow before going back stage where Alistair and Dustin congratulated him. "Way to go, Blaze, that was awesome." Dustin congratulated him. "Thanks, Dustin, and good luck to you out there." "Thanks." When Dustin was called out he took the mic and began singing his song with passion. The ponies were rocking to the rhythm as Dustin sang, while backstage Alice was watching Dustin in awe. Alicia and Mitsukai who were backstage with her smiled. Mitsukai spoke, "He's got some voice doesn't he?" Mitsukai asked. "He sure does." Alice nodded. "And soon enough you'll wow him with your own." Alicia added. "I hope I do." Mitsukai said, "Just remember what I taught you." "Yes, Mitsukai." Alice nodded, as she continued to watch Dustin until he finished his performance. When he was done, Dustin accepted the applause before going backstage where Zyphon offered him a beverage, "Good show, master. Good show." "Thanks, Zyphon," Dustin accepted the drink, and looked over at Alice and Nightfall, "Hey, good luck you two." "Thanks, Dustin." Nightfall thanked him. "Yes. Thank you." Alice blushed. "And next we have that artist of a colt, Nightfall!" Spike called. "Ok, Nightfall, that's your cue." Alistair said. "Here I go." Nightfall galloped onto the stage to see the cheering ponies. Muse cried in joy, "That's my boy up there!" "For my talent I shall paint you all something I have seen what not many ponies have had the honor of seeing that resides in the world of our human friends." Nightfall explained, as he started setting up his artist equipment. The others watched him from backstage, "I sure hope they like his art." Dustin said. "So do I." Alistair agreed. "Well, I hope they like it when we win." a voice said, as they turned around and saw the Chaos Duo. "You two!" the humans gasped. "Rakka, Rakka, Rakka!" Omaddon ranted. "You shouldn't have come here!" Blaze was ready to strike, until Johan held out a hand halting him. "Ease up, Blaze. We're here as competitors, not to cause trouble." "A likely story." Alistair called their bluff. "It's true, see for yourself." Omaddon showed him the list of competitors, and saw their names were officially registered. "This has to be some kind of joke." Dustin said. "No joke about it. We registered ourselves." Johan assured him. "What's your game?" Mitsukai asked, while ready to attack. "No game. We're just here for the fun." Omaddon answered. "And what could you two possibly do for talent?" Zyphon asked. "After the boy is done we'll show you." Omaddon replied. "You realize Nightfall is who Ebon wants, right?" Blaze asked seeing how this would be an opportune moment for them. "Ebon can get him on his own time. This is our time, and we don't want to do with any of his plans now." Johan explained. "Very well." Dustin replied, as they decided to let them be. Back on stage, Nightfall was hard at work painting, while every pony in the crowd waited in anticipation. When he finished, he put his brush down and revealed his painting to the crowd being that of a landscape of New York City, "Voila!" The crowd gasped in awe for how neatly detailed the painting looked right down to the last brush stroke. The colt took his painting and supplies off stage and around back. "Not bad, kid." Johan said. "But wait and see, first place is ours." Omaddon smirked, as Nightfall just went right past them and over to the others. Spike read the card, "Next is... Johan and Omaddon?!" The ponies were confused or shocked by his reaction, as the Chaos Duo took the stage, while Spike left. "Evening, ponies." Johan greeted them. "Rakka Rakka Rukka Rakka!" Omaddon ranted. "Tonight my partner and I are going to put on a little musical performance." Johan explained. "So get ready to rock!" Omaddon called, as the two summoned guitars with amps behind them. The two started rocking out hard with their music blaring. The ponies started covering their ears on how badly they were performing, while only Discord was snapping his fingers around to the tune. When they finished they looked out seeing the crowd was wide eyed with all their mane pulled back from the blaring sound. Johan smiled, "See, Omaddon? They're so taken by our talent, they're lost for words." "First place is ours for sure, Johan." Omaddon smirked, as they went backstage looking confident. After recovering, Spike called out, "Ok, after that we have our final competitor. Please welcome, Alice Kingsley!" Backstage Alice got herself together and relaxed, "Ok, here I go." she walked onto stage to face the crowd, "Hello, everypony. I'd like to dedicate this piece to a special guy I know. And I hope he likes it." she explained, as Dustin looked curiously knowing she was talking about him. And so Alice started singing. As she sang the crowd listened and felt moved by her lovely voice, while Rarity was looking the on verge of bawling with happiness, and even Discord flicked a tear from his eye. Dustin listened while smiling at how Alice sang the truth about how she felt about him since they met. Mitsukai smiled as she watched one of her younger fellow warriors sing from the heart, while Alicia herself smiled while watching her sister perform and know she was going to leave a big impression. When she finished, Alice bowed her head as the crowd applauded. Alice went back stage, as Alicia hugged her, "You did it, Alice. Congratulations." "Thank you, Alicia." Alice hugged her twin, as Mitsukai hugged her. "You did marvelously, Alice." "I owe it all to you." "I can only take some credit. Most of it was all yours." Mitsukai replied. "I thought you did great, Alice," Dustin said, "I'm proud of you." Alice smiled while blushing, "Thank you, Dustin." she hugged him, and he returned it. Johan and Omaddon watched looking bored, "How long until the judges decide the winner?" Omaddon asked. "Can't be too long." Johan answered. When the three judges were finished with deciding the winner, Spike was given an envelope with the winner's name, "And the winner of the Ponyville Talent Show is... Alice Kingsley!" The contestants were surprised, while Alice was in shock, "Me?" she asked her friends. Mitsukai smiled and nodded in confirmation. Johan and Omaddon were outraged, "Seriously?!" Johan asked. Alicia shooed her sister to the stage, "Get out there!" When Alice went back onto the stage, Twilight, Discord, and the Mayor presented her with a trophy, "Congratulations, Alice. You earned it." Twilight smiled. "And it was a wonderful performance my dear." Mayor Mare added. "It was spectacular." Discord finished. "Thank you, all of you." Alice smiled. "And a round of applause for our other competitors!" Spike called, as Dustin, Aria, Blaze, Alistair, Nightfall, and all the others went on stage for an applause on their hard work. All but the Chaos Duo. "This was a bust. Come on, Omaddon, let's go." Johan said, as the two vanished. After every pony was clearing out, the guys were still being congratulated by their friends, "You all did well despite not coming in first. You should all be proud." Burai congratulated them. "You did so well, Nightfall, that I'm gonna hang this in my office." Muse said, while looking at her colt's painting. "Thanks, mom." "Why don't we go out and celebrate?" Rainbow suggested. "Yes! To Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie announced. So they all started heading out, but before Dustin could follow them Alice pulled him back, "Alice?" Alice without saying a word, pulled Dustin into a deep kiss. This act took Dustin by surprise, but went along with it as he wrapped his arms around her waist. When they parted, they looked into each others eyes, as Alice spoke, "How was that?" "Perfect." Dustin panted. Alice smiled, "Let's go." she took his hand and led him off to catch up with the others.