//------------------------------// // The pool of tears // Story: Alicorn in Wonderland // by The Hand of Pony //------------------------------// "I take it back! Not a normal cupcake at all!" Twilight was growing in size, albeit disproportionately at first. She could see her hooves disappearing into the distance, which in her mind was a lot further than it actually was. "How the heck am I going to walk or do anything if I can't even see my own hooves? Worst cupcake ever!" She sat there watching her hooves, wondering if Spike would object to helping her put her shoes on in the morning when her head struck the ceiling. "Ow!" She rubbed her head, or at least tried to. She looked around the room and remembered the key. "Too bad the shrinking potion's all gone." she muttered to herself before picking the key up in her magic and unlocking the tiny door, leaving it open as she contemplated how she was going to get through it. She bent down to look through the door and sighed. "First almost killed by curiosity and now I'm being defeated by a door. How is this even possible?" She straightened back up, without thinking about her size and smacked her head on the ceiling hard enough to make her eyes water. "Sonuva-! Ugh! Dammit!" she stayed there until the pain started to recede. However her eyes continued to water. "Oh come on! My eyes should not be watering this much! My head doesn't even hurt that much anymore!" The tears not only kept coming but were increasing their flow, running down her cheeks in rivulets. Around her hooves a pool was starting to form, about four inches deep, and it was starting to spread. After watching the pool grow for a while, grumbling about getting dehydrated, her tears finally stopped. She rubbed her eyes with a hoof, not noticing that she was a lot more proportional now, when she heard a pattering of feet coming closer. It was Angel Bunny, who was now wearing a pair of white gloves and carrying a fan. He was muttering to himself as he ran along. "Oh man, that Duchess is gonna be in one helluva mood if I don't get my butt there soon!" Twilight shouted at Angel. "Angel! You come here right now and..." She trailed off as Angel jumped up and shot off into the distance, having been scared by her shouting. "Well that's just great! Abandon me here why don't you!" she shouted after him before pouting at his retreating form. She noticed that he had dropped his gloves and fan. "Uh, you forgot these!" She shouted after Angel. When she got no response she shrugged and started to fan herself since her increased body mass was making the tiny hallway rather warm. "Could this day get any weirder?" she sat there pondering her situation for a while. "Luna better not have gone and dumped me in someone’s dream again and if she has it better not be Pinkie's. Knowing Pinkie I could actually be Pinkie pretending to be me in her own dream." She frowned for a moment, for some reason, even though that statement made no sense it made more sense than she really wanted it to. She snorted. "That's ridiculous, I can't be Pinkie and I'll prove it. She wouldn't know that the square root of five hundred and forty six is twenty three point three six...six...six... She trailed off frowning in confusion. She couldn't remember the answer, or at least not all of it. "You know what? That won't prove anything. How about geography? Ponyville is the capital of Canterlot, and Canterlot is next to Griffonia and Griffonia is in Eques-." She stopped herself, a sense of unease growing in her chest. "Ok maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. Pinkie can't remember things, especially lyrics. Maybe I should try reciting poetry!" Pinkie did tend to invent lyrics when she couldn't remember them. She cleared her throat. "How doth the little manticore Wield his pointy tail, And stalk the forest of Everfree Through sun and wind and hail How cheerfully he seems to grin, How neatly he spreads his claws And welcomes little ponies in With gently smiling jaws!" Twilight started to hyperventilate. "Oh sweet Celestia, I'm Pinkie! I'm going to spend the rest of my life as a party mad mare with possible brain damage!" She lay there, quivering with existential horror until she felt calm enough to dismiss the hysteria driven madness clouding her thoughts. She got up when a strange feeling on her hoof led her to find out she had gotten one of Angel's gloves on it. "Huh? Why would I even try to put that on?" Clearly being Pinkie meant having quite large gaps in her thought processes. She looked around. The room did seem bigger than before and she could no longer touch the ceiling with her head. She went and measured herself by the table, the top of which was now eye level. She kept on shrinking until she theorised that the fan she was using could be the cause. She released it from her magical hold before she could shrink into nothingness. "Why did the fan shrink me? It was the potion that did it last time! Why is nothing logical and consistent here!? Is this what it’s like to be Pinkie!?" She huffed. "Well at least I can get through that bloody door now." She ran to the little door just to find it was somehow locked again, with the key somehow residing upon the table again. "Gaaahhh!!!" She bucked the door for good measure. "Stupid door with its stupid lock and its stupid...stupidity!" She slumped onto her rear and hung her head. "That's it door. I quit. You’re clearly the smarter of the two of us. She dragged herself to her hooves and started to slowly walk over to the table when she slipped and fell into the pool with a splash! She surfaced, gasping for air. Where did all this water come from? She trod water for a while until she remembered the pool of tears she involuntarily made after banging her head. "Great. Now I get to drown in a pool of my own tears. What a perfect end to a perfect day. Come on world, what's next? Snakes falling from the sky?" Just then she heard something splashing nearby. She swam towards it to investigate. "Hopefully it is a snake because getting eaten would really round today out." she thought before remembering her tiny size, a snake wouldn't even have to chew, not that it would’ve anyway. She soon made out that it was a mouse that was stuck swimming like her. She looked at it for a while, as she followed it from a distance. Trying to talk to a mouse sounded like a silly thing to try, or at least she thought that until she thought that thinking such things was really insulting to Fluttershy. "Well if the rabbit could talk maybe the mouse can." she reasoned. "Uh, hello there mister mouse. I don't suppose you know how to get out of here? I'm really not that good a swimmer and I would prefer to not drown." The mouse just looked at her inquisitively and appeared to wink, but otherwise remained silent. "Right, just a mouse." she said feeling a little disappointed with its lack of response. "Just a mouse?" it suddenly said with an angry tone, making Twilight jump in surprise. "Just a mouse? Because you're so special, little miss talking, purple...winged...unicorn..." The mouse floated there for a moment. "Ok, so you are pretty unique but that doesn't mean you get to call me 'just a mouse'." "I...I'm sorry. It’s just that you said nothing after I first spoke to you so I thought you were just a regular mouse inste-." "So I'm just a 'regular mouse' now am I?" the mouse suddenly interrupted. "If you wanted my help you're really not going to get it by being so insulting." He turned away huffing in indignation. Twilight held a hoof out. "Wait please!" she said sounding not a little desperate. "I'm sorry if I offended you, I really didn't mean to. It’s just that talking mice are not a common feature where I'm from." The mouse turned back to her and squinted its eyes, as if weighting her up. "Very well, but if I hear any more talk of 'just a mouse' I promise you we shall part ways for good." Twilight gasped in joyous relief. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "Now follow me and when we get to the shore I can tell you my history." "Right! Of course! Lead on mister mouse." She swam after the mouse that had started to move on. They were joined by other creatures now, such as a duck, a lory and an eaglet amongst others. "Wait. What was that about history?"