by xzillerationer

Act 1: Chapter 4

Chapter 4:
With Spike moved out, I’ve found the library oddly easier to run as a business, my profits have improved greatly. I’ve hired some mail pony to take his place, she bumped into a lot of things at first, but she’s getting better. At least she means well. But, even then, I still miss him a lot. Celestia helped me through that. It’s definite. I love her now. Why am I writing this? I should be saying this out loud! But, Celestia said that we can’t officially come out as a couple just yet, she still has a few things to worry about. I can’t believe I’ve all but stopped worrying! Maybe Celestia is affecting me, in a good way of course. But, she said that on Hearts and Hooves Day we would officially announce it. Well, stop hiding it at least. It’s not worth an entire press conference to tell them that we’re dating.
Diary of Twilight Sparkle.

“It’s finally Hearts and Hooves Day!” Twilight says while rolling around on Celestia’s bed, marvelling at the horizon a few minutes after sunrise, “This is the first one I’ve ever had with a special somepony!”
“Me neither, actually” Celestia giggles, “Usually my Princess duties took up most of my time, but with Luna back, I’ve had more time to spend with you.” The noble pony says, before planting a quick peck on Twilight’s cheek.
Twilight stops rolling, blushes, and giggles a little, “Guess I’m still not used to this. We should spend more time together, if you can...” Twilight trails off her sentence.
“Well, I’ve been trying to spend more time with you, but that whole thing with Zecora kinda made things a little difficult...” Celestia says, also trailing off, “But, now that that is all taken care of, we have plenty of time to ourselves!” Celestia says with a giggle.
A second later, Twilight catches on and starts giggling too, “So, where are we going?” Twilight lovingly asked as she rolled around on Celestia’s bed, “Foul-Zoli’s? Pony Hut? Burger Mare?”
“Well, I was thinking a simple picnic in the park in Ponyville...sound good to you, too?” Celestia smiles.
“That sounds...” Celestia starts to frown at Twilight’s statement, “Wonderful, Cel! I’ll go get ready, I’ll meet you later tonight!” Twilight jumps up and plants a peck on Celestia’s lips, before darting off to go meet Rarity at her shop for a new dress.


Twilight trots through the glorious city of Canterlot, home of the two Princesses, and, although less notably, Rarity and her husband. Twilight stands, awe at the wondrous craftsmanship and complexities of architecture of famous unicorn city. Twilight, deciding to grab a snack before she goes over, knowing she can’t eat in the dress until the picnic, canters into a small bakery, intent on grabbing a delicious cupcake. The lavender pony smiles, as she realizes this is Pony’s Delight, a famed bakery highly recommended by both Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Twilight starts walking in there, before trailing off in thought, If Pinkie Pie doesn’t usually come here, how can she recommend it? she thinks to herself, Well, I suppose it-
“Welcome to Pony’s Delight, how may I help you?” a gray coated earthpony says, with a slightly depressed, less than enthusiastic expression.
Caught off guard, Twilight replies, “Oh, uh, I’ll have one dozen chocolate cupcakes...wait a moment...Octavia?!” she says, suddenly realizing the pony’s true identity.
“Err, yes, I’ve kinda fallen on hard time lately...” Octavia says, nervously.
“Well, couldn’t you go to Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asks, quizzically.
“Well, err, we’re not exactly on good terms right now...” she says, nervously grinning.
“Hey! Come on, let’s get a move on!” a pony in the back of the line says.
“I’m sorry, Twilight, but I can’t stay and talk. Maybe we could talk after I get out? It’s lonely here.” Octavia says, grimly.
“Well, I’m busy today, but how about tomorrow?” Twilight says, fostering a smile to try and help out poor Octy.
Twilight takes her cupcakes, and starts walking to the door, starting to zone out a little. Damn, Octavia really hit rock bottom. Working in a bakery? She’s the finest classical musician I know! Twilight thinks to herself, before bumping into a rather handsome, at least to Twilight, stallion, knocking cupcakes all over him, “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Twilight says to the fallen pegasus.
“Oh, no, it’s okay. It was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” the grey coated colt says.
“Oh, okay,” Twilight says, graciously accepting the change in blame, “Well, let me help clean you off.” she says, before activating a spell, wiping the pony clean, and frazzling bits of her mane.
“Why, thank you. You seem to be good at magic, you look very familiar...” The smooth talking stranger with a brown mane adds.
“Well, yeah, I think. I’m...Twilight.” Twilight says with a blush.
“I’m Alpha. I know, weird name. But, hell, I’m great with electronics.” Alpha says, showing off his cutie mark, a Victorian styled ‘One’.
“Oh, that’s not that odd...” Twilight says, nervously.
“Well, I dunno. I kinda like it, it makes people think I’m in charge!” Alpha says, preparing to boast.
Cutting him off, Twilight says, “Oh, well, I was actually on my way somewhere...”
Alpha grins, “Well, maybe I could join you? I seem to have lost my friend, and he usually turns up randomly, and I don’t really know anypony else here...” he says, signing at the end.
“What? You lost him? Well, maybe I could help you find him. I have a little bit of time...” she says with a nervous smile.
“Hmm, alright,” Alpha says, “Let’s go, then.” he says, while turning, and winking at Twilight, confidently.
Twilight blushes, before heading out, following the gray pegasus, “So, Twilight, what do you do for fun?” Alpha casually asks.
“Oh, you know, book stuff. I enjoy reading, a lot.” Twilight says with a slight giggle, “More than your average pony.”
“Oh? I’m keen for your average comedy or adventure novel from time to time,” Alpha boasts, “But, I also occasionally prefer a romance novel...”
“You don’t look much like the reading type.” Twilight says, nervously.
“Well, I mostly spend my time fixing electronics, where you from?” Alpha stops, and inquires.
“I’m from Ponyville, originally Canter-” Twilight says, before being cut off by Alpha.
“That would explain it! I fix electronics for a living, and Ponyville isn’t exactly your biggest market for that sorta stuff.” Alpha says, while making alarmingly nonchalant gestures with his hooves, “I mainly fix stuff up in Manehattan, although I do quite enjoy travelling to Canterborough, I think I might move there some day.”
“Canterborough? Where is that?” Twilight asks, confused.
“It’s technically not in Equestria, but most ponies there, well, the people who are ponies, generally pledge their allegiance to the Princesses.” Alpha continues, starting to move again.
“I thought Equestria covered the entire land?”
“Not really, you see, there’s entire continents out there unexplored, a few with cities in them more luxurious than even Canterlot!”
“So, why move to Canterborough but not there?” The purple pony asks.
“Because it’s right on the edge. Plus, I grew up there.” Alpha casually remarks, “Woah, did you know you’re kinda cute when you’re inquiring stuff?” he says, catching Twilight off guard.
“Oh, uh, yeah, uh, I mean, thank you?” Twilight says, before recoiling from some faint unknown force, Do it! a voice says, It won’t hurt, she won’t know. Your last day of freedom... the voice trails off. Twilight’s mane starts to frazzle some more.
“Woah! Are you okay? Usually most ponies don’t recoil like that when complimented.” Alpha asks.
“Oh...” Twilight says, getting surprisingly caught off guard, “Sorry, I just...nevermind...”
Alpha looks at Twilight confused, almost disbelieving, but continues, “I don’t think I’ve seen my friend,” he says, confident this cute little mare is his for the taking, “Maybe we should head back to my place and wait there?”
Twilight replies, “Okay...let’s go...” she says, unsure at the stallion’s intentions.
Together, the duo starts trotting over to Alpha’s hotel room, all the while Twilight is being pounded by voices from a mysterious figure, It won’t hurt. it says, You’ll never know the pleasure otherwise, the voice continues, Come on! Do it!
Upon arriving at Alpha’s hotel room, Twilight is slightly shocked to see it filled with gadgets and gizmos and circuit boards. Flying over, and pulling a curtain that shrouds most of the electronics, Alpha comments on it, “Sorry, but we’re not allowed to show you that kind of stuff.”
“Oh, it’s quite alright...” Twilight returns, trailing off, “But, maybe I should get going...” Twilight says, suddenly breaking into sweat, “I’ve got a big day ahead of me!”
“You sure you have to go? You can’t even stay for a drink?” Alpha asks, confused as his attempted consort’s sudden decision to head out, “I won’t pressure you, but I’d like to repay you for those cupcakes somehow.”
“What? Oh, yeah,” Twilight lets out, all the while voices pounding in her head, do it, they said, It won’t hurt! Just one time..., she hears before letting out a heart wrenching scream, and dropping to the ground, sobbing.
Alpha swallows, and looks at the throbbing mare, screaming in agony on the floor, “Twilight? What’s wrong, Twilight!?” He asks, unaware of what’s going on, or what to do.

Twilight closes her eyes, and opens them to an empty room. Empty except for the single being, a pony, who Twilight is intimately familiar with, but has never seen before. Staring in disbelief, she asks the unusual being, “What’s going on?”
The being steps into the light, and Twilight is shocked to see her face, an exact duplicate of herself, “You’re dreaming. I would say this is your subconscious,” the being laughs, “but, quite frankly, it’s not.”
Twilight covers her head, in attempt to escape the celestial being, “You’re not real!”, she screams as she closes her eyes, and opens them to Alpha staring into them, wondering what happened.
“Twilight? You okay?” Alpha asks, as he helps Twilight to her feet, before noticing her disheveled state.
“Uh, yeah...” Twilight says, confused herself as to what just happened, “I have to go. I’m sorry.”


Twilight trots down the street, attempting to navigate to Rarity’s shop, hoping to catch the white unicorn for a dress. Still distraught at what happened, Twilight thinks to herself, Well, maybe I can go see about what happened later. I’ll ask...no... Twilight stops for a moment, realizing what had happened, Still, I’ll talk to...no I can’t talk to Celestia about it. Maybe I’ll...I have to come clean about what happened with Alpha back there first...I’ll get ready, and then tell her later. Twilight, content with knowing her plan will undoubtedly work, trots off, with a new smile upon her face, suddenly, and oddly, forgetting her previous sin, but not the strange voices causing it.

Rarity slowly and carefully snips away at a new design of hers, one she’s sure is going to win major awards all over Equestria. That is, until Twilight almost breaks down the door in excitement, and causes Rarity to rip fully down the length of her new dress, “What could you possibly want that would be so damn important that you had to interrupt me in the middle of my most important design of the year!” Rarity seems furious, before turning out and seeing Twilight, “Twilight! What happened!?”
“Oh...I’m fine...I just needed some help...” Twilight puts her head down towards the ground in shame, lowering her ears, and losing her smile, “But, it’s kinda important...”
“Oh? Why is it so important?!” Rarity’s concern extends to question.
“Well...you see...”, Twilight starts digging at the ground a little, “I’m going on a date...”
“A date!?” Rarity loses all hints of concern and instead, changes to glee, “Oh, darling, you simply must tell me, who?!”
“Oh, you know. A lovely pony....” Twilight grins.
“Twilight, are you seeing that mare again?” Rarity asks, “Oh, what was her name, it’s been so long it seems.”
Twilight puts her hoof up to say something, then lowers it, “I suppose...it’s only been....six months or so...”
“Oh, then you must tell me who!” Rarity pushes out of Twilight.
“With...Princess Celestia....” Twilight smiles a nervous grin.
“Princess Celestia?!” Rarity nearly faints at the name, “Fancy, darling, can you come here? I have a very special order and I can’t do it all by myself!”
Fancypants, Rarity’s husband, walks down the stairs at such an odd request before seeing Twilight Sparkle sitting awkwardly, as usual, at the doorway, “I must say, it’s good seeing you again, Twilight, may I inquire to the occasion?”
“Honey, she’s going on a date with the very Princess Celestia herself!” Rarity squeals, and Twilight blushes, “And she needs our help to prepare and make her a dress!”
“My, Princess Celestia? How did a pony such as yourself manage a date with Royalty?” Fancypants says, surprised at the development, “I mean, I could understand if you were royalty, but, you’re not. Are you?”
“Well, no. I’m not really expecting to be made royalty either.” Twilight casually replies, “You know, maybe just a few casual dates, nothing serious.” She grins, and tries to imply a false sense of non intimacy.
“Oh, dear heavens, you still need to look your best!” Rarity beams, “Even if it just casual, a meeting with the Princess needs you to be your very best!”
“Oh, I don’t know...” Twilight says, trailing off and losing focus, “By the way....Rarity...I need to talk to you...”
“Oh? About what, darling?” Rarity asks, utterly confused at Twilight’s sudden inquiry.
“It’s...it’s a private thing. I need to talk to you alone, not Fancypants....” Twilight responds, visibly nervous.
“Oh. Okay, Fancy, could you please give us some privacy?” Rarity asks, starting to trot into the kitchen, and prepares a cup of tea.
“Certainly, I’ll be upstairs when you two are ready.”
“Rarity...” Twilight inquires, “Is that tea?”, the wrecked mare asks.
“If that’s what you’re asking, then yes. Would you like a cup?”
“Well...it wasn’t what my initial question was, well, it wasn’t really a question,” Twilight asks, putting a hoof to her chin and thinking hard, “But...I...” Twilight attempts.
“Yes?” Rarity asks, completely unsure of what Twilight is going to say.
“I...I...” Twilight continues, tearing up, “I cheated on Princess Celestia!” She manages before breaking down completely.
“You-you what?” Rarity says, in complete shock, dropping her tea, “How could you...what happened?”
Twilight stops crying for a moment, and explains to Rarity her awful sin, taking breaks to weep in between lines. Near the end, Rarity almost burst into laughter, “Twilight! That’s not cheating!” She says, barely able to contain herself.
“It’s...it’s not? Should I still tell Celestia?” Twilight asks, wiping back her tears from before.
“No! Of course not. You simply went to a friend’s house, well, if you can call him your friend. From what he told me, he doesn’t even sound like a good friend,” Rarity continues, “Maybe you’ll just keep this one quiet. Anything else you need to,” Rarity chuckles, “Confess?”
“No...Rarity...now I just need help preparing...” Twilight says, blushing.
“Well, let’s get ready now, then!”

It takes a few hours, but Rarity finally manages to make Twilight look nice. Not formal, but not casual. A perfect balance of class and style to make Twilight appears exceedingly beautiful, yet relaxed and casual. Rarity was sure she’s going to wow the Princess, yet still seem like she didn’t even try. Twilight, however, neglected to tell Rarity that this was more than a simple first date on Hearts and Hooves Day. This was their six month anniversary, and Twilight was more excited than Rarity could ever tell. The simple picnic Celestia had planned in the Ponyville Park had gone much better than she expected, and they ended up spending the rest of the day wandering around Ponyville, sampling the various shops and wares of the area, and having a furiously good time.

By the time it was dark, the two lovers ended up in Twilight’s library, having an amazing time by candlelight, and even making dinner together, something neither of them planned, and enjoying an evening of fun and play. Celestia had surprised Twilight with a gift, as well. A book, an autographed copy of Starswirled the Bearded’s Biography, straight from her personal collection. She, of course, had many of these, but she elected to not tell that to Twilight, instead pointing out that this particular copy had been personally annotated by Starswirled, pointing out discrepancies and falsehoods put in to make it a better read.

“If this was marked up because not all of it is true, why did he even let it be published?” Twilight asked, confused at the errors in the ‘official’ biography.
“Because Starwirled gave up on that and decided to write an autobiography. That doesn’t mean he was stupid, though. He approved this biography to make some money at the time.” Celestia chuckles casually, “Unicorns back like him back then didn’t exact make much money, and he kinda needed it.”

Twilight smiles, and nuzzles her former instructor. Conversations like these, with a casual tone, and gentle demeanor, ran throughout the night. Twilight ran Celestia through her books, her ‘secret’ laboratory underground. Towards the end of the night, however, they found themselves struggling with finding more things to do. Twilight’s library wasn’t full of things for couples to do. Twilight briefly thought about doing the ultimate couple’s activity, but decided against it, fearful that it might ruin the night if Celestia didn’t want to.
“Twilight...” Celestia nervously said, breaking the comfortable silence she and Twilight were sharing, “It’s getting rather late...”
Twilight stops cuddling a little, and looks over towards Celestia, “Do you have to back to Canterlot?” she asked, with a look of sadness on her face, “I don’t think I ever want this night to end!” she finishes with a sad smile on her face.
“No, it’s not that. Luna’s agreed to take care of my morning duties tomorrow...I just just thinking...” Celestia looks down, up, around, everywhere except into the nervous eyes of her lover. The candlelit library emanated a distinct silence, not an awkward silence, but a comforting silence. Blowing out the candles, exposing the room to the abundance of moonlight, Celestia added, “Maybe tonight...we could have fun in a more....adult way?”
Twilight giggles seductively, “I’d love to.”


The next few months had gone by more quickly than ever. They were also the best time of Twilight’s life. Her and Celestia grow closer than ever, it seems as though they will never split. Twilight became welcomed by the royalty of Canterlot as one of their own, both out of their own free will, and out of the fear of retribution otherwise. Twilight’s friends all accepted and approved of Celestia and Twilight, except for Fluttershy, who oddly seems to get very nervous whenever Celestia is around Twilight.

Wandering through the forest, the mare in question found herself at a uniform peace. Having already done her nightly duties, she decided upon a walk in the foreset. Quietly trotting through the forest, she found herself upon a river. Glancing down into the river filled the beautiful mare with a sense of chaos and agony. Turning around to a familiar form, she muttered, “Oh, it’s you again.”

“Yes, it is I.” It replied, in a manner both loving and sinister.
“I hadn’t expected to see you again so soon.” she replied stalwartly.
“What? No sympathy for your old lover?” He laughed back, growing a smile which made her nervous.
“You know that never happened. It was a fling, it didn’t even last two days.” The mare sighed in response to the teasing.
“Oh come now, with that new found relationship of yours, you’re begging to have me back!” He teased.
“No, I’m not. I love the mare I’m with, and that isn’t going to change.” She said, nervously. Eyeing a sharp object in the river for a moment, she stares him deep in the eyes. He responds by growing nervous and taking a step back.
Growing a mischievous smile, he walks over to the river. “You know you’ll outlive her. Her metabolism is simply too fast to last as long as you.” He says, staring into the river.
Turning towards the river, she lifts a hoof, saying, “I know.”, softly.
Picking up the object, he tosses it towards her. Her nervous face turns to something more decidedly depressed. Catching the knife midflight, she eyes it, before looking back up to him.
“You could save yourself the pain and do it now, she won’t mind.” His smile turns devilish, “She’s probably at one of those parties you hate, face to face with some stallion.”
Adding a look of concern to her face, she briefly ponders her options. Glancing back and forth between the dagger and her mysterious friend, “But she’ll miss me.”
“A bottle of booze will fix that.”
“I can’t. I can’t, I have too many friends to take care of...” She startings openly tearing up.
“They won’t miss you. They’ve always stepped on you, and hurt you.” He walks around her, silently seducing her to his devilish ways.
As he steps outside her vision, she grows into a furious rage, she takes the dagger, closes her eyes, and swings behind her. Satisfied with the impact, she opens her eyes to see Twilight Sparkle’s body on the ground, her neck split open. Dropping the clean dagger, she starts tearing up again, and picks up her body, before dropping her head to it, and openly weeping. Gently lowering the corpse, she eyes the dagger. Taking the dagger, she wobbly lifts it in the air. “O happy dagger, This is thy sheath. There rust and let me die.”


Twilight lies in bed, shifting about as though a bad nightmare had befallen her. Jolting awake, she yells out, “Celestia!” before realizing it wasn’t real. Looking around her library, she found her friends sitting there, along with Appleseed and Surprise.
“Ah, hi sugarcube. We came to help you feel better.” Applejack said carefully.
“Feel better about what? I was planning on going to lunch with Cel today, but if that was cancelled, it wouldn’t make me all that upset.” Twilight replied, utterly confused.
“Oh...you...you didn’t hear? It was on the news everywhere...” Fluttershy timidly said.
Pinkie Pie was oddly quiet, and Surprise clinged to her leg, “Celestia...?” Applejack asked, “You know she died, right?” Rarity winced.
Twilight smiles, and laughs a little. “Oh, come on, guys. She’s an immortal god-princess! There’s no way she could die, so this isn’t a very good joke.”
Pinkie looks up, and says in a completely serious manner, “This isn’t a joke, Twilight.”
Twilight’s expression goes from comical, to a look of utter despair, “How’d she die?”
Rainbow Dash spoke up, “She killed herself in the Canterlot Forest.”
Unable to cope with the loss of her lover, Twilight snaps. Smiling insanely, she begins, “Oh, what a funny joke, gals, but, oh, look at the time! I gotta get ready for lunch!” as she starts to push her friends out the door. That is, until she’s stopped by Princess Luna’s imposing figure. “Oh, Princess Luna! I was gonna tell her myself, but I suppose you can relay it to her. I’d like to have lunch with Celestia-” She mutters before being silenced by the woeful hoof of the Princess of the Moon.
“She’s obviously not taking this well.” Luna says to Applejack, who appears to be handling this situation the best.
“No, she won’t believe a word ‘o it.”
“Twilight, Celestia is dead. I’ve come to offer my condolences and help you grieve. I understand perfectly what you’re going through right now.” She says to Twilight.
Twilight, now looking of utter sorrow, breaks down into Luna’s chest. Luna appears shocked, but puts her hooves around her, to help her feel better, if even a little. “Come on, let’s go back in, get out of the sunlight.” Luna says as she leads the crying pony and her friends inside.
After being led inside, Twilight sat down at a table. On it were the most delicious, mouthwateringly fragrant sweets Twilight had ever seen, whipped up by none other than Pinkie Pie and Applejack to help comfort her. It was no use, however. Twilight refused to eat. She refused to drink, she even refused to read. All she could do was cry.
Sitting in another room, Rainbow Dash abruptly asked, “If they were only together for a few months, why is she so sad?”, not realizing how insensitive she sounded.
Applejack shot Rainbow Dash a look of death, “Because she didn’t just date her for a few months. Celestia was her second mother for a while, her mentor and her teacher. She loved her like nothing else.”
At this point Rarity piped in, “She did mention to me at one point how a divinity spell had revealed that they were in fact soul mates, destined to be together forever.”
“But I thought Celestia was immortal, and Twilight wasn’t. How could they be together forever?” Rainbow Dash asked.
“Well, there are spells that can greatly increase a pony’s lifespan, usually only by a couple minutes. But, with the power of a Princess, they could probably expand it to eternally.”
Rainbow Dash looked over to Applejack, who just shrugged. “Whatever, I just don’t like seeing Twilight like this. She seemed so happy when she was with Celestia.”, she said before looking down.
“Indeed, I haven’t a clue why Celestia would just take her own life like that. Having forever to live seems like a pretty good deal to me.” Rarity responds.
“Well, maybe she jus’ didn’t want to have to deal with losing Twilight?” Applejack pondered.
“Yes, maybe that, but you have to think, AJ, she also wouldn’t want Twilight to suffer like this. I think she’d be generous enough to let her do the suffering so Twilight wouldn’t have to.”
“Yeah, but, like you said, couldn’t she just make Twilight immortal?” Rainbow Dash questioned.
Noticing the sudden darkness outside, and the sleeping filly between her hooves, Applejack stood up, “Well, Ah think it’s best if Ah be heading home,” Applejack gently placed her filly on her back and started towards the door, “My little pony here needs some sleep. Ah’ll be back if y’all need me.”
Applejack stepped towards the door before having it slammed open in front of her loudly, waking her filly, and surprising everyone. Pinkie bolted through the door, a look of grave concern on her face, “She’s gone!”