
by L_Wolf

Chapter Fifteen: Escaping Manehatten

Chapter 15
Manehatten Escape

Apple Bloom turned bucking the backdoor of the hotel hard enough to send it flying off the hinges before spinning around aiming the shotgun through the door. The police pony that had been guarding the door was knocked to the ground dazed.

She stuck her head out of the door frame glancing around quickly before running down the small flight of stairs into the alley. She could hear other police ponies coming towards the alley. Bucking the door open wasn't subtle but it was the only way she could think of to make sure the pony guarding it didn't become a threat.

“Freeze! Police, drop the weapon and pony on your back!” She heard an officer demand. She ignored the demand and kept running. Apple Bloom heard the pony swear start running after her before hearing a crack of gunfire.

Her heart raced at the sound of gunfire but she didn't feel any pain, glancing back she saw the police pony that had been chasing her on the ground a pool of blood forming. Confused she started to slow.

“Keep moving!” Rising Star's voice called at her, she didn't take the time to try to figure out where the voice came from. Apple Bloom started running again spotting her car down a side alley and turned down it.

Apple Bloom heard more cracks of gunfire coming nearby and frowned. She had hoped to get out of the area without any bloodshed.

She was halfway down the alley when a police pony came out of a doorway pointing a rifle at her. “Freeze!” The stallion demanded of her.

Apple Bloom slid to a stop still holding the shotgun in her muzzle looking at the stallion blocking her path.

“That's a good filly, now put the gun down and surrender.” He spoke as he started to walk closer to her.

Apple Bloom looked passed him at her car, it looked like a clear run once she got to it. She folded her ears back taking a step back. She braced herself before firing the shotgun feeling the recoil push her back a little.

At this range, half the stallion's head disappeared in a spray of buckshot. Apple Bloom did her best not to retch from the site as she ran past the body to her car. She opened the back and pushed Risky into it before tossing the shotgun into the passenger seat pulling out the sub-machine gun.

“You don't really think you can make it out of Manehatten do you?” Risky asked her, he had been quiet most for the most part. Just making small grunts of pain from time to time.

“I'll do what I have to.” Apple Bloom replied getting into the driver's seat. “Just hang tight.” She glared at him before starting the engine and speeds out of the alley.

As soon as her car left the alley she heard gun fire strike the sides and back of the car. She aimed the submachine gun out the window and open fire on the police cars and police ponies while turning onto the road and speeding away.

Apple Bloom wasn't sure if she hit anything but it gave her a time to put a little distances between herself and the police. However, it wasn't enough she could already hear the sirens as the police ponies started to give chase.

Apple Bloom aimed the submachine gun out the back glass and fired another burst using the rear view mirror to aim as best she could. She saw one of the police cars suddenly turn sharp and crash into a store front.

She wasn't sure if she hit driver or the tire but it was one less police car to deal with. Though there was still too many behind her for her liking. She refocused her attention ahead of her, she took a sharp turn floored it, the tires squealing loudly as they tried to grip the road.

Apple Bloom felt the rear of the car clip a street light as it finally gripped the road and she sped down the street ducking between carts and other cars. She heard a loud crash and glanced into the rear view mirror in time to see a large delivery truck speed out of an alleyway slam into one of the police cars that managed to follow around the corner and block the road.

Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief but she didn't slow until she was sure the police had lost her trail. She took a few more turns but made sure she kept moving away from Rising Star's club as she went.

“You may have lost the police, but they will be looking for you and your car filly.” Risky growled at her. “You still have time to give yourself up.”

“Not gonna happen.” She snorted at him as she kept driving keeping her eyes open, she noticed she was near the docks. She pulled into the dock yard and down near where they unloaded the ships. The place was pretty empty. “But you're right, they will be looking for this car.”

“So what's your genius plan? Ditch the car and walk to Ponyville?” Risky asked chuckling softly before grunting in pain.

“Something like that.” She whispered parking the car and putting the shotgun in its holster and stashing the sub machine gun away. She then got out and opened the truck before moving to the back passenger door pulling Risky out.

“Wait... what are you doing?” Risky asked struggling in her grasp before it dawned on him, “You can't do this! You're not a cold blooded murderer! Please don't do this filly!”

Apple Bloom folded her ears back, pushing him into the trunk closing the lid. She could hear him banging on it. “I... I'm sorry I have to...” She whispered, “And I am a cold blooded killer.” She sighed.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she listens to him bang on the trunk lid. She found a piece of wood and used it to brace down the accelerator listening to the engine rev before putting the car into drive jumping back as speed off into Manehatten Bay. “Good bye Risky...” She whispered hearing the splash.

Once the car was gone she turned and started to walk away from the docks, she found a bus depot and got a ticket to Ponyville. The news about the shoot out near Rising Star's was still sketchy and details about Apple Bloom was still unclear so she didn't have too much trouble getting a ticket. Nevertheless, she knew she had to be careful they would be looking for her soon.