//------------------------------// // The Battle Continues // Story: Hope / An Unexpected Ally // by brandsca123 //------------------------------// Chapter 13 The Battle Continues Down in the everfree in the camp sight, Lumin was busy collecting data. Little did he know Lullaby the demon flute started to glow as a black mist escaped its eye sockets. Lumin started to feel a chill down his spine as he worked. The black smoke floated towards the inactivate scouts, and entered them. They activated and came to life. Silently they left the camp and started to fly towards ponyville, leaving Lumin none the wiser. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Pinkie Pie ran as fast as she could to the park, leaving Jane in her dust. "Don't worry Dashee I'm coming." She shouted as she disappeared down the road. Jane was still hurt from the effects of the mind merge, so he limped as fast as he could down the road. "Hey wait for me." But Pinkie was already gone. She kept running until she came to the park. Her ears pricked upwards as she started to listen, she could hear the faint sounds of a fight going on to her left. She B-lined towards the sound and stopped, Rainbow Dash was struggling to stay standing up. She had sparks of electricity jumping on her body kepping her rooted in place. A large muscle bound man was slowly making his way towards her, he cracked his knuckles and let out a small chuckle. Pinkie couldn't believe her eyes, Rainbow Dash in danger. She grit her teeth and stomped a hoof, she charged the man while shouting. "You leave her alone you big meanie!" Matsu looked to his side and saw a pink mass ram into him. He was knocked back by the force, but used his feet to slow himself down. "So a new contender comes into the game, this should be interesting." Matsu said with a smirk. Pinkie looked into his eyes and nearly toppled over. His eyes had a small hint of madness and bloodlust, she never seen anything like this and it made her sick. But she couldn't back out now, her best friend was in danger so she stood her ground. Matsu charged at her full speed, electric sparks surrounded his fists as he ran. He thrusted his fist at her, she dodged and delivered a kick to his face. Matsu staggered back covering his face, blood was trickleing down his face. He clenched his fists and screamed to the sky as electric arches surrounded him in a bright light. He let loose a wave of energy sending both Pinkie and Rainbow flying backwards. Matsu ment business now, it was apparent on his face. "Out of all I've fought, you were the first one to make me bleed." He clenched his fists in anger. "I guess there's no holding back now." A bright light surrounded him once more as his body began to change. His fingers streached and changed into blades, his feet changed into claws. Horns burst out of the top of his head, and his muscles twitched and swelled with veins popping. His body hardened into steel like scales, and electricity was flying everywhere. "You should be honored to have seen my true form, though...." He charged at Pinkie, " I doubt you'll live through it." Pinke Pie tried to dodge but, Matsu delivered a knee kick to Pinkie stomach. It landed with a sickining crack as she was sent tumbling to the ground. She would have hit a tree, but at the last moment Jane appeared and grabbed her. He gently placed her on the ground and said. "Looks like I got here on time." ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Hope was glaring at Flora, her spear still in her hand. Hope overheard her say something about a chaos gene and couldn't help but ask. "Chaos gene?" She cocked her head to the side. Flora couldn't help but laugh. "You mean you don't know." Flora advanced on Hope who stood her ground. "All living things have a hidden gene called the chaos gene. It differs from person to person, though I doubt this info would be of much use to you." Flora raised a vine and took a swing at Hope who dodged it. Hope was still confused, though she knew now was not the time for questions. A vine snaked its way towards her, but Hope stabed her spear into it. Flora let out a cry of pain as magical energy shot out from the spear, causing the vine to snap of her and deteriorate. "You little brat!" Flora said with anger. She took another swing at Hope, but was interupted by a loud explosion in the distance. Flora looked behind her and growled. Over in the distance was a pillar of light that touched the ground. "Looks like that idiot Matsu is going all out. I wonder what could of caused him to do so." Flora started to make her way to the source. "Our fight is over for now. I will let you live, Right now I have an idiot to destroy." Flora was fuming with anger. ' Why would that idiot follow me here. I thought he was supposed to be helping Lumin. ' Flora thought to herself. "Hey get back here!" Hope charged at Flora who batted her to the side. She landed with a thump as Flora disappeared into the everfree. Hope was left with more questions than answers. What is a chaos gene, and whats with this weapon, were some of the questions that were running through her head. Hope heard a groan to her left and went to help Fluttershy up. Rarity was unconscious because of the strain of using her magic to hold the boulder away from Hope. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< The two scouts that snuck away from Lumin had somehow managed to get lost, and found their way into the back end of Sweet Apple Acres. "SCANNING" One of the scouts said. "TWO LIFE FORMS DETECTED ENGAGE ATTACK MODE" The other said. "COMMENCING FORMATION DELTA" Both said in at the same time. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Applejack was busy bucking trees , with each thump of her hooves more and more apples fell into the baskets below. Her brother Bigmack also did the same. Applebloom was out in the orchard somewhere with Winonia, not that it bothered her any. Winonia was a reliable female dash hound, she wouldn't let any harm come to Applebloom. As Applejack went to pick up the baskets when she heard a scream in the distance. Both Bigmack and Applejack said at the same time, "Applebloom!" They ran down to the back of the orchard as the sounds of their little sisters screams got louder. They stopped to a gastly sight. There was Applebloom, screaming and squerming in the clutches of a giant metal robot. It resembled a beefed up scout with horns on its head and claws for hands. Its chest looked like a cage and opened up. Winonia was barking like mad at the beast as it brought Applebloom into its chest and closed the cage. "NEW LIFE FORMS DETECTED, COMMENCE EXTRACTION MODE." The robot said as it turned its head to look at Bigmack and Applejack. "Big brother, big sis, help me." Applebloom cried from the cage. Both Bigmack and Applejack lowered their heads, getting ready to attack as the metal beast towered over them. Winonia was still barking as the battle began.