//------------------------------// // Welcome, Comrades // Story: Squad Equestria // by Corona Blaze //------------------------------// There was a horrible, agonizingly long second of nothing. No sensation what so ever, merely an eternity of void stretched out across the smallest span of time measurable. And suddenly, all the light and sound of the material world came flooding back to the startled ponies, forcing them to blink and gasp and re-adjust to the real world. They were in strange, burning ruins. The tall, cyclopean towers around them, fashioned of strange stone and glass were aflame and crumbling as fires raged in the streets and sky. Over head, the sky was jet black save for stars and smoke. All around the frightened ponies, there were the shrieks of crushing metal, the howls of raging flames and the screams of people. Clockworx tried to find his happy place and looked upon the scene with the detached logic of a scientist. But the unfamiliar setting, the horrible noises in the background, and the sneaking suspicion that this terrible scenario was, some how, his fault made his usual manic glee simply break his heart. Lyra and Bon-Bon were not trained for this sort of thing. In fact, besides the terrible day Nightmare Moon came to Ponyville, they have never actually experienced danger in any sort. They did the only thing that occurred to them; shriek and hide behind the larger Celestia. Luna and Celestia where stunned. They felt their connections to the sun and moon become so distant as to not exist. The very magic in this place was thin. Painfully so for the two sisters, for they could feel their powers slip away form them. There was no way for them to describe the nightmarish sensation as something that was a core part of their very existence, simply ceased to be, but some how they lived on. "What..in the hay..is going on?!?" Apple Jack demanded out loud, her voice trembling in fear. "It could be a very, poorly done party." Pinkie pie said with a small, forced laugh. In the distance, one of the alien towers collapsed under its own weight and shattered, sending debris and dust through the burning cityscape. "Aaaaand some one forgot to put out the candles..." "This is no joke, everypony! Keep close and lets find shelter!" Twilight shouted. "Keep together and keep calm!" "EEEP!! I'M TO HANDSOME TO DIE!!" Squealed Blueblood, hiding behind his smaller aunt Luna. "Okay..everyone ELSE keep calm!" Twilight yelled. "Everypony! Follow me!" Princess Celestia commanded and gestured towards a pile of crushed metal and stone. It would do for now as cover for the startled ponies while they gathered their wits. They had, literally, just reached the apparent sanctuary of the ruined pile of rubble, what had at one time in the past been one of the massive towers. Looking out into the hellish wasteland, it was hard not to be chilled to the bone. However, Trixie had been keeping her eyes open wide, hoping to spot something useful and be the hero. What she saw, however, was something that would give her nightmares for decades to come.... "Wh-what's that!?" She shrieked, a purple hoof clamping over her mouth. Off in the distance, a tall, bipedal creature was running along the streets. Not dressed in the armor of a warrior, the creature seemed female, with her soft peachy skin covered by softer clothing. But what was truly horrific, not the alien woman, but the massive, insectoid, black hominid chasing her, a glowing manic grin locked on it's face, and unleashing a horrific chattering sound, as if laughing in glee. The creature was blindingly fast, only the keenest of eyes catching it's details. To most of the helpless ponies, it looked like naught but a laughing black blur. But once it caught it's prey, the real horror began. The creature yanked the female off its feet with one of its horrific crab like arms and threw her to the ground roughly. The woman gasped and shrieked, but the monster straddled her body and extended a spiked, segmented stinger form its mouth. "..stop..." Whispered Twilight, her body frozen in horror. The stinger plunged into the woman's open mouth and gagged her as it forced its way down her throat. Her esophagus budged as the stinger slid deeper and deeper. "...stop it..." Twilight said in the softest of tones. The slime dripping tendril bulged unnaturally as something was forced down it's internal length and into the woman's throat. Whatever foul delivery was made caused the woman to spasm and jerk about like a fish out of water. "STOP IIIIIIIIT!!" Screamed Twilight and with a flash of light, she summoned all her magic to hurl a girder at the monster. The metal mass barely budged and Twilight felt as if she had done the full "Running of the Leaves" at a full gallop! The creature retracted its stinger. And turned its gaze towards the new, warm blooded prey. It's beady eyes scanned the dim light, only to spot the small team of ponies[and dragon]. It charged immediately after them, even as the woman rose, her body horrifically distorted, green ooze dripping from every hole in her body. The ponies all screamed in horror, many attempting to fly away, and not even making it off of the ground, dreading that their first moments in a new world would be their last... Until, at least, a string of rockets impacted upon the massive insect's body, blasting chunks of armor from it and forcing the beast to be shoved into a spike of exposed rubble, killing it. What had once been a woman followed suit soon enough, getting blasted so fast that the ponies could only watch in horror as her flesh was ripped away, revealing ANOTHER of those horrifying bugs beneath, it too slain by the massive blast. "Fucking Chrysallids!" Someone shouted, "WHY does it take so much to make those fuckers stay DEAD!?" From the shadows stalked another creature. Tall and hulking and clad in dark gray armor. Smoke poured form the barrel of a strange and alien weapon. On its shoulder plate, a golden X was inscribed inside a circle. The most terrifying thing about it, was its face. There was no face, merely a pair of misshapen eyes of glass and a "mouth" made of metal grill plating. Behind the hulking brute, was another two legged creature. This one was clad in a slim, form fitting suit of strange armor and carrying a smaller, but none the less strange looking weapon in its hands. It however had a face underneath its helmet. Pale, hairless skin that was covered in nervous sweat and green eyes peered at the ponies worriedly. The duo stopped at the sight of the gathered ponies. Celestia and Luna spread their wings and lowered their horns, ready to charge if necessary, for all the good it would do. For what seemed like forever nether side moved. Until the large figure with a big gun spoke, his voice crackling with static. "Mac?" he said in a low voice. "Yeah Reaper?" Said the smaller man. ".......I think I'm crazy now." "Your not going crazy because...say...a bunch of..small...colorful...animals are looking at you per say..are ya?" "Ya-huh. You?" "Yeah...yeah I'm looking at them." "Oh...good...we both gone crazy." "Um...excuse me?" Twilight said timidly. The two creatures raised their weapons and looked around nervously. 'Who said that?" Demanded the big creature called Reaper. "Um...I..did?" Twilight said and raised her hoof. "...........did....the...tiny...purple...pony...just talk?" Asked Mac. "Yes...yes she did." replied Reaper. "We...are so very crazy." "Um..your not crazy..we're right here." Said Luna. "Please stop talking figment of my imagination. Telling me your real just makes it worse.." Reaper moaned. "...No..I really think their real." Said Mac. "What?" Reaper looked at his smaller companion. "They CAN'T be real." "We just fought off a bloody alien invasion." "Yeah but..the aliens....were..real enough to get shot! Ha!" "I'm gonna touch one." "This is a bad idea on every level." "..and what makes you think we're going to LET you touch us." Demanded Celestia, drawing the attention of both soldiers. "Um..because...we want to know..if we're insane or not..or if this is a trap or something?" asked Mac. Celestia looked unconvinced. Then Mac said the magic word. The one word of power that resonated between difference races and cultures. "...Please?" He asked. Celestia was still for a moment. Then she nodded, causing gasps form the assorted ponies. Mac nodded back and slowly he put down his gun. Careful not to make any sudden motions, he reached out to Celestia. His outstretched fingers touched the soft and silky white hair on the Princess's muzzle. Mac's eyes went wide. "...she's real..." he whispered. First contact was made. "As are you..." Celestia spoke, her voice regal, yet nervous. "I...wow...this is more than a tad creepy." "Real aliens...." Twilight whispered, "Real, honest to goodness ALIENS!" "Not just aliens!" Lyra gasped, "HUMANS!!!!!" "....Humans...aliens..." Bonbon whimpered, "I'm in hell, aren't I?" She curled into the fetal position, watching in horror as Lyra began bounding around happily. "Uuuuhhhhh....." Southern Cross began, him and Clockworx glancing at one another before speaking. "OK, question number one. Is there anywhere safe around here?" "And question number two!" Clockworx said, "Do you have giant robots!?" He starts hopping around, like Lyra, having always wanted a giant robot.... "No." Celestia said, "You are not getting a giant robot, even if they have one....ESPECIALLY if they have one!" "Okay..their really real.." Mac said to Reaper as he backed up. "Now the more pressing question; what are they?" "Brightly colored." Reaper said with a static filled cough. "Also; impossible." "Well they can't be aliens...I mean..they MIGHT be but all the aliens we've encountered until tonight where horrific and violent." Mac pointed out. "Yeah..and these are small, cute and snuggle-able." Reaper as he put his hand to the side of his helmet. "Mother Goose, this is Bravo-team. Mission completed...and we got some..friends you'd like to meet." "Copy that Bravo team. Mother Goose confirms battle casualties were high. We've lost bios on all but six agents..make that five." replied the voice in Mac and Reaper's helmet. "The Interceptors are prepped for departure and for your captives." "Ummmm..yeah..about that.." Mac said into the radio uplink. "Um..well..we're not sure..um..y'know what? You HAVE to see this for yourself Mother Goose." Mac pulled out a small camera and took a picture of the ponies. "Sending now.." "...what the hell am I looking at Bravo team?" The voice in their radios asked back. "We..have no earthly idea?" Mac offered. "We're ponies!" Lyra shouts, apparently a tad TOO eager to meet more humans. "We came here by accident, testing a dimensional viewing portal." Spoke Princess Celestia, her voice regaining it's regal tone, "As ruler of Equestria, I humbly request safe haven until we can find a way home. I'm willing to offer my services to aid your endeavors n any way until that time." "As our sister speaketh, Thus shall We!" Luna's response was much quieter than normal, but her archaic method of speech helped reinforce the ambiance of royalty. "As shall I!" Responded Twilight, her friends promptly joining her, though after barely stopping one of Pinkie Pie's one-breath-ramblings. Everpony else, ESPECIALLY Lyra, Clockworx, and Southern Cross, joined in....except Blueblood and Bonbon. "BUT WHY!?" Apparently Blueblood hated one thing more than the antics of the Mane Six from the Gala. And that was risking his pedicure for anything, ESPECIALLY working to aid the people that would be, hopefully, putting a roof over his head in this war-torn hell world. "Oh, stop whining, ya big baby!" Clockworx snarled, his good cheer rapidly evaporating. He shut himself up at the glare Luna gave him, though Celestia seemed unfazed... "Clockworx is right, Augustus." Celestia said, "We are their guests, and they have every right to simply toss us out to die at the hands of those vile monsters that apparently wish to kill without mercy.... Do you want to risk being in an alien world, unarmed, alone, with those THINGS roaming about? Even if there is a risk, better a risk with a reward than a guaranteed death." "D-...death?" "Yes, you doofus!" Clockworx hissed, "DEATH! D-E-A-T-H! DEATH! As in dying, as in 'Not living anymore' as in 'Your bloody corpse will match that tattered shred you call 'Royal Pride'! So suck it up, quit your whining, and for once GET OF OF YOUR IMAGINARY THRONE!" "What! How DARE you address a royal in such a disrespectful tone!" Blueblood bristled, preparing to let the commoner have a verbal lambasting when Mac held up his hand for silence. Luna covered Blueblood's mouth with a hoof as the two soldiers listened to their command post's message. "Royal..oh for the love of..Reaper. Mac. Get them in here ASAP. The commander is not going to believe this unless she sees it for herself.."Said Mother Goose into Bravo team's head sets. "I'm looking right at them and I STILL don't believe it." Reaper replied with a flat tone of voice. "Okay ladies..um..gentlemen..we have a ride ready to get us out of here." Mac said and gestured for them to follow. "The Commander wants to have words with the lot of you..and make sure your not aliens..." Mac explained. "Technically we are." Twilight said. Mac gave her a flat look. "Let me correct myself; aliens who have come to kill us all." "Is..is that what happened here?" Bon-bon whimpered and looked around the ruined city. "Yeah..this WAS the city of Tokyo. Its seen better days.." Reaper said and gestured for them to follow. Bonbon however was frozen in place. "Bonbon..w-we need to go.." Lyra whispered and nudged the terrified pony. Bonbon collapsed."I..I can't..my..my legs won't work. I can't..I caaaaaayeeeeep!" Bonbon yelped as Reaper picked her up. "Up we go..lets get you lot outta here..seriously, this place is NOT safe." Thankfully for our equine heroes, the Skyranger VTOL drop ship arrived right then and there, landing with it's cargo bay doors facing the group of equines. The massive steel doors slowly opened wide, revealing the mysterious Commander. Standing in the doorway was a hulking man, clad form neck to toe in green and grey camouflaged armor not unlike Mac's suit. His chin was broad and strong like a granite cliff face, his skin tanned and weathered by years in the wilderness, his hair a regal silver color. From his steely blue eyes to his stance, every inch of him looked the part of a warrior born, a general who had seen much and accomplished many heroics in his time. Then he stepped aside to let a petite five foot Asian woman in a grey-blue uniform walk forward. Unlike the large man, she was youthful and bright eyed, with neatly combed short black hair and dark hazel eyes behind silver rimmed glasses. However she walked with a sense of purpose, with a calm dignity that mirrored the Princess of the Sun eerily. This caused the ponies to blink. Though to be fair, the appearance of so many colorful and cute and obviously real ponies caused the older man and the young woman blink. "...........what the HELL am I looking at Dragunov." Whispered the Commander to her hulking aid. "I am thinking some one let ze cartoons loose? Like in Amerikan movie 'Who framed Roger Rabbit?'" Answered Dragunov in a thick Russian accent. "Iz ponies, Commander. Ponies." "Please tell me you're not talking about THOSE ponies, Dragunov!" The commander growled, hoping against all hope that these weren't the same colorful equines the mountain of a Russian soldier constantly hyped up. Sadly, fate was against her, as Pinkie Pie, ever the fourth-wall-breaker, leapt up and gasped at Dragunov, her eyes briefly turning into gold-hilted daggers before returning to normal. She practically tackled him, moving him all of not-in-the-slightest and began blathering at a breathless pace, the Russian warrior grinning happily through it all. ".................PERMISSION TO SPEAK COMMANDER!" Mac yelled as he saluted the smaller woman. "Granted." She said even as her eyebrow developed a nasty twitch. "SIR!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON SIR?!" Mac yelled, his eyes confused and pleading for something resembling sanity. "...I have no idea any more Corporal." She said with a loud sigh. Reaper meanwhile was inching away form Pinkie Pie and Lt. Dragunov. "Dragunov is smiling..he's smiling and that means some one is about to get hurt...namely me." he hissed, the static form his suit's speaker covering up the terror in his voice. "GUYS!! GUYS!! Its super commando Dragonoff!" Squealed Pinkie Pie. "He's JUST like in the books!" She squealed again and hugged the large Russian's head. "Wait...books..you mean those silly, campy sci-fi comics your reading all the time?" Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash and Spike's eyes lit up. "Oh! I know those ones! Its all about this squad of friendly aliens who fight and protect this..alien...world..wait.." "But...iz not possible..." Dragunov replied, "Little ponies are cartoon, having happy adventured and fighting evil monsters in Equestria..." "HAH!" Southern Cross interrupted, "PROOF! Proof that the imagination links alternate realities to one another! PROOF I SAY! PROOOOOOOOF!" "Dude, calm down." Clockworx deadpanned, knowing that cross had a bad tendency to be just as hyper about astral physics as he, himself did about engineering...or Miss Sparkle about magical theory. "So, wait." The Commander and Celestia both began, "In our world, you're just fictional heroes...and in YOUR world, we're just fictional heroes...." "I don't like where this is going." The Commander deadpanned. "I absolutely LOVE where this is going!" Celestia countered, "Love the comics, by the way. I'm a big fan." She then produced a copy, or more accurately, the FIRST copy of the first edition of the series and held it out to Dragunov, whom promptly signed it, pecking a kiss on Celestia's cheek in response. "OKAY!" Twilight shouted, "Your Majesty, I don't mean to be rude but...WHY are you acting so...strange!?" "Strange?" Celestia mimed, "Luna, are you acting strange?" "She means you, Celly..." "Does she, Lulu?" Celestia raised an eyebrow, pushing her face closer to Luna's, "DOES she!?" Her eyes prodded out repeatedly, unnerving Luna with the cartoonishness of the action, especially after Officer Dragunov said that they were a cartoon in this reality.... "S-so..." Spike piped up, "Does this mean we can get the chance to join the team?" "YEAH!" Rainbow shouted, "I wanna join, too!" "Me too!" came the continuing chorus from Pinkie Pie, followed promptly be the rest of the assembled ponies piping up, many having at least passing knowledge of the comics, at least enough to know what they were getting in to. Though the only one scared was the only one to say no. Blueblood. "Do I have too, Auntie?" "Yes, Augustus." Celestia said, finally regaining her composure. "But WHY!? They're commoners! I'm not even TRAINED to be a soldier!" "Iz true." Dragunov supplied, "But most of our troops are inexperienced, we get lots of rookies, high turnover rate." "That's why you began using cloning, isn't it!" Pinkie pie leapt into the conversation, "Too many falling to the aliens, no one had the guts to join!" "Miss Pie iz correct. Iz difficult job, fighting alien scum." "Then why would you want US!?" "They've not said if they did or not, Augustus." Celestia continued, regaining control of the conversation. "Think about it. They're the best in their fields, with an army of scientists and engineers at their disposal. What they lack in troop numbers, they make up for in technological skill. If ANYONE has what it takes to get us home alive, THEY do!" "Hm. That is true..." said the Commander. "We DO have access to tech that's light years ahead of the rest of the planet and we get first dibs on the best scientists and engineers and general know-it-alls." "Then its settled!" Pinkie Pie said happily. "We're joining the team!" "Err...its kinda up to the Commander.." Mac said, gesturing for the lot of excited and colorful critters to calm down. "And even if she did..what exactly could you guys do in the field?" "We're a mite tougher then we look. You tell us what needs doing and we'll git it done!" Declared Applejack. "At the very least darling let me make you a new outfit..no offense dear but...yuck." Rarity said as she looked at the Commander's uniform. The white unicorn visibly grimaced at the thought of being forced to wear a suit like that. The commander's eyebrow twitch got worse. ".......Very well. FOR not you are all top secret guests of the Terrestrial defense and research initiative. Weather or not you will actually JOIN will depend on your aptitude and your ability to complete our organizations rather Rigorous entrance examinations." Said the commander as she adjusted her glasses. "Or at the very least until we find a way to send you all home...." The Commander gestures grandly and behind her the lights of the room lit up as one, revealing a vast hanger filled with sleek and powerful craft of all kinds, while a small legion of men and women in uniforms rushed about preparing for the next deadly mission. "Ladies and Gentlemen..on behalf of myself, Commander Li Yoshimura, and the people of the planet earth...Welcome to X-COM."