A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 7 revelations

“What kind of mess, SHADOW BALL, did you get yourself into?” The attack deliberately missed any target it had. “I don’t think they started it, and we were told by Arceus not to attack any of the citizens of this world. Oh shoot, now I’M attacking them.”
“Oh sure blame me for- MATRIX! 4 O’CLOCK!”
Matrix dodged the beam from a unicorn. “Thanks, but how do you know my name, the only pokemon that know that are- AHH!” This time a beam caught his toes.
“HEY! Leave my brother alone!”
“Lea? Is that really you? Okay after this, DARK PULSE, we need to have a serious talk.”
“Talk, shmalk!” Caddi said, swooping in,“Lea, glad you found your friend, but we need to get out of here. Take the tunnel entrance right around the corner. I’ll distract them!”
Lea ran with Matrix to the manhole. She flipped the cover and jumped down. Matrix jumped in after her and followed her to the base. Upon entering, a few of the younger and healthier pokemon ran to greet Lea and meet Matrix. Lea told them to have fun and for one of them to tell Caddi that she had gone upstairs to talk with Matrix.
“What is up with all this? What could you have possibly done to anger a whole town of these ponies? I mean, come on, we have the same rights they do. The princess, Celestia I think, made us citizens of Equestria. Why would you attack them?”
“Right, their rights say it’s fine for them to be forced to fight each other. To attack each other on sight. To not care for those that are hurt. Yes, I so love having those rights!”
“What did you do? It’s been two effing weeks! How much could you have done?!”
“Oh, technically its only been about four days for me. I was locked up for the first week and two days. Y’know how there were sometimes those pokemon fights where neither side could use attacks and they just battled until one passed out from exhaustion and fortunately very rarely from blood loss? Yeah, I can give you a first hand experience of what goes on there.”
Matrix stared at her for a second before she went on.
“One day I escaped and my distraction caused the building to set on fire so no one noticed me limp-running away. I went out the next day for food because I was practically starved in that place and everyone attacked me. I tried the next day, and came across a foal playing with a mudkip, and when the mudkip got hurt, what does the foal do? NOTHING! I got the mudkip out of there, bandaged the wounds and went on my way after telling it to come here. I made a friend named Caddi, who you’ll meet later, and we got this place up and running to be like a pokemon center. They eventually put wanted posters up for me and we were taking them down when all those ponies attacked. That, my dear Matrix, is what happened in the past 5 bleeping days!”
“Why weren’t you that descriptive when you had told me?”
Lea and Matrix turned to Caddi, who was a ponyta. “No wonder all this has been happening. If you had told me all that from the beginning, we wouldn’t have this problem. Oh, by the way Matrix, I’m Caddi.”
“Nice to meet you, I’ve never seen a shiny ponyta before. But yeah, Lea, you don’t have all the facts. Why do you think they’re evil when you’ve only really seen them for about five days.”
“Lea,” Caddi started, “Most likely all those ponies attacked you because those evil ponies lied and everyone thought you caused the fire. I only just noticed the posters today, but they could have been there longer, long enough so that when you went up to those ponies the day after you escaped.”
“I’ve been searching for the rest of the group, and all the ponies I’ve seen have been nice to me. I’ll admit, when I first woke up, I ran everywhere searching for you and the others, and a few ran thinking I was some sort of, what did they call it? Lupus minor, I think. But after Arceus made his announcement, they were nicer, and one unicorn even helped me for a while. I believe her name had been Citrus Flower or something like that.”
“Shut up! You’re kidding! There’s a real Citrus Flower?!” The two umbreons turned to stare at her for a few seconds before she said, “Ok… continue.”
“Anyway… the ponies are nice, for the most part. Don’t let this world become the same as our old world. It’s a new world with a new way!”
They looked at Caddi again, who was having a giggle fit. “Yeah… I’ll shut up now.”
“Besides, if this place is giving you trouble, we should leave. We have to find the others as well. I can’t imagine how Kya is right now, same with Sparks.”
“I can understand Sparks being in a bad place, but Kya? Why?”
“You probably never noticed, be she always saw you as a mom. When new trainers came to pick a pokemon with their parents, she saw how much they cared about their kids. She felt that you were a mother to her in the same way.”
Lea stared at Matrix. She had had a daughter, but never knew. Kya saw her as a mother but never realized it. She didn’t deserve that privilege. Heck, if Kya was her daughter, that also made Lea a grandmother to Sparks. Lea started to tear up. “I-I… I never knew! I was a mom and a grandma and I never knew!” Lea was crying at this point. “I may never see them again! I may never get to really have a real relationship like that again! I-I… I’ll never… I’ll never…”
“Shh… just cry it out Lea. You’ve had it rough her for the past two weeks. Come on, you need some sleep.” Matrix comforted her and led her to a large pile of blankets.
“Wow.” Caddi started as they left the room. “I didn’t realize how bad it was.”
“Yeah, she usually keeps it bottled in. Usually, the only way it ever comes out is if Angela is here. If I was able to help let that out, she was having one heck of a time here. I can’t imagine what she’s going through.”
“Oh? What do you mean?”
“Well, one time… one of the few times she opened up before Angela joined our family, a group called Team Rocket tried to capture me. You see… pokemon with a special coloration are super rare, and usually seem to sparkle and shine, so they’re called shinies. This group wanted me because I was a shiny, and almost had me before Lea and Kya could step in. They were able to free me, but one of the two people on that team had a pokemon that was a psychic type. They were angry enough that to get me, they first had to take care of Kya, and they did that by telling their pokemon to use Psychic on her and smash her against a rock over and over again.
“We all barely escaped, and Kya almost didn’t make it. At one point the nurses asked us to leave just in case something were to happen. While we waited, Lea broke down crying because she couldn’t bare to lose anymore of her family. Her mother had died in an accident when she was two. and her dad disappeared when she was eight. Now all this happened and she lost her whole family, only to find out how much she had lost.”
“Wow, no wonder she’s been acting so protective. Now she’ll act even more so with you around.”
“No, we’re going to leave this town and find a better place to stay.”
“Yeah… good luck with that. The only reason she hasn’t left already is because she created a pokemon center here. Well, as good a pokemon center as you could get here.”
“Great, just great. Now we have to hope the others can find us. By the way… what region did you come from?”
“Huh? Oh, right. I’m still a ponyta. No, I’m not from your world. I’m from this one. I’m called a changeling. I can change into other beings like ponies, griffons, and, as I learned when you guys came, pokemon too.”
“Well, you fooled me. It seemed like you knew what you were talking about when you mentioned that this place was the closest to a pokemon center as we could get.”
“Nah, She just talks and talks and talks about your world. Anywho… want a tour of downstairs?”
“I guess I’d like that. Since I’m gonna be staying here, I should know where everything is.”
When the pair reached the main area downstairs, the younger pokemon from earlier jumped onto Matrix. They quickly brought him down and conquered him.
“AHH! These guys are as bad as Sparks!” He waved his paw in the air, “I give, I give! This is me surrendering!”
While a bunch of them got off of Matrix, a few of the smallest ones stayed on. The rest of them started pelting him with questions, the main one being: “Are you Lea’s mate?”
At this question, Matrix paused, shuddered, and gagged slightly. “No, she’s not my mate. She’s my sister. Or hatch-mate. Which ever you prefer. I go with sister.”
“You sure?”
“Yes! Please don’t make me think about it.”
As Matrix left for a tour of the whole place, Caddi said. “I think they like you!”
“Yeah, no kidding.”