Fallout Equestria: Mirrors

by Tyo

Chapter Two: The Waselander, Part Two

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Chapter Two: The Wastelander, Part Two

“Who needs a map?”

The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful. No more exploding crazy cannibal slaver ponies of malice and hate had come by for the rest of it, anyway. We’d made it by noon.

And I must say, when I saw Baltimare... I was awestruck. This wasn’t a run-of-the-mill settlement like the particularly close town near the shack, this place had once been a city! Buildings nearly pierced the cloud curtain, and there were so many! It was a fucking jungle made of bricks and concrete! My eyes widened and mouth hung agape at the sight. What did ponies even need these huge structures for before everything exploded? What could they possibly be useful for? And why so many? And why were ponies living here today? I’m sure there’s something called too much space... According to Lander, only a few hundred ponies lived here, it wasn’t special in that regard... But why here?

Lander gave me a disgusted look that said, “t’ain’t that special.” With weird accent and all. I ignored it though. I don’t care what he had to say, this place was absolutely huge. Only after a little more walking, we reached the main gate. This thing was made of junk... it was so... Unimpressive, compared to the city the ponies two centuries ago built. Yeah, this is the wasteland and people don’t have as many resources, but then why build such a sorry excuse for... Lander was giving me that look again...

We passed the main gate without any fuss. I decided to wander the town while Lander escorted the pair of ponies we saved to wherever the job said to go. Spotting a local bar, I headed in... The Mix, it was called. It was a smaller building, only two stories. It was right on the corner of the street. The sound of music came from it. Soon enough, I headed in.

Behind the bartender unicorn mare with a velvet coat and mane were regular alcoholic drinks and unidentifiable multi-colored liquids. She mixed different kinds with whiskey and beers and handed them out to ordering ponies. She was a real natural when it came to mixing it seemed. The music was... Eh. I didn’t like it. I dunno why, it just wasn’t my taste. Everypony else seemed to like it, or at least were just fine listening to it. I trotted my way to a stool in front of the bar, and immediately a weird purple beverage was placed in front of me.

“I never seen you here before, so first drink’s on the house,” she said, looking at me for a second and smiling before getting back to her work.

“Thanks?” I said, but it didn’t appear she noticed. Lots of ponies around, it was a busy day. no time for chit-chat, I supposed. I looked into the glass curiously... Dad never gave me alcohol, granted I never asked for any. Picked it up with my hooves and drank it slowly...

You know, this wasn’t half bad. In fact, it was pretty damn good! I finished the glass and set it back on the table, and it was immediately picked up and wiped with a cloth. I didn’t understand that... Weren’t germs the least of a pony’s problems these days? I don’t even think the cloth would hel—

I realized how awkward I was being when I noticed she was looking at me intently. All ponies had a glass or bottle in their hooves already... Damn this mare was fast...

“Oh, hi. Sorry, I was—”
“It’s fine, sweetie. I’m the one being rude here. The name’s Mixie. Well, that’s my name now anyways.” she said, more politely one would expect to come from a pony in the wastes. But then, she also just gave me a free delicious drink, so I decided she was simply a nice pony.
“Rain,” I said as we hoof-shook.
“If you don’t mind my askin’, what brings you to Baltimare?” she asked, still keeping the friendly tone.
“I came here with... a frie-... Business partner? I’m not sure how I’d say our relationship goes really. We’ve only just met and he only said we’re together till we reach here, so I dunno. I didn’t really come here for any definite reason.”
“Is that so? Your companion wouldn’t be that Lander fellow, would it?” she asked in a low yet weirdly sweet voice.
Huh? “How’d you know?”
“He’s found quite a few companions over the years...” her mood got a little more serious, “Let me just give you a word of advice... That pony’s had dozens of companions over the years, who have mostly vanished... The only pony I know who he traveled with and didn’t just disappear is some crazy fellow who lives in a shack in town... He don’t talk to nopony though. I’m just warnin’ you, don’t stay with that pony for long...”
“Huh...” that gave me something to think about.
“Well anyway, do you want anything else?” she asked politely, all seriousness vanishing.
“Nah, I’m fine for now. Thanks for the drink again. See you later, Mixie.” I said, trying to hold back any grimness... And other stuff. Man, did I feel awkward. I had a crush. In this hellhole of a world we call the wasteland, I had a crush. I was honestly relieved that I was able to speak to her at all... I wasn’t good with words when it came to ponies I just meet... Anyways...

I trotted out and looked around warily. The whole Lander ordeal aside, something felt wrong. One more step... BANG! BANG BANG BANG! The sound of gunshots coming from my right rung in my ears for a moment as I got to the nearest piece of cover... A bench. How lucky. I had to use a bench for cover. I picked my 10 mm from its sheath and peeked out, immediately entering SATS. Three ponies. All unicorns. They were all packing fucking assault rifles. I closed the interface and just sat behind my cover. Suppressive fire kept me there. Where was the fucking security? What the hell do I do now? Even peeking out is more than likely suicide. Doing anything is more than likely suicide...

But doing nothing is too, isn’t it?

I pulled out Mane. This called for something stronger than a pistol. Glancing to my right I spied an empty, rusted barrel. This required luck and so far luck didn’t seem to like me, but I tried anyway. I dashed as quickly and lowly as possible behind the barrel and bucked as hard as I could. My effort was rewarded with a resounding PONG as it hit a mare in the head. Well, I was also rewarded with a few bullets to my chest but... nothing penetrated. Huh. These clothes —Er, barding— was useful after all. The bullets stopped for four seconds long enough to slip into SATS, Mane in mouth, and queue and fire four shots. One in the chest to the closest, another to the dazed pony next to her, and two at the unicorn buck furthest away.

ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! The weapon let out, more musical to my ears than the undesirable music everypony loved. The first glanced off the unicorn mare’s side, however, it completely scorched the barding and flesh beneath. She howled in pain as her dazed comrade was hit in the chest dead center, emphasis on dead. The laser bolt left her chest only as charred remains. The third shot missed. The fourth shot turned the buck into ash.

And just like that the gunfight was over. I trotted over to the survivor trying to limp away, but eventually her legs gave in and she dropped. I didn’t think it was that serious a wound, but then I never had my flesh burned with a super-intense laser. I finally reached her, making sure Mane was ready at a moment’s notice. She simply store at me with brown eyes and peach face, dirtied by dust and tears. What the fuck was she doing shooting at me? She looked my age! I asked her as much.

“It... It’s just a job...” she said, slowly, “It was supposed to be easy... They even gave us equipment and big bro was always a good shot anyways.... and it’s just one young buck who shouldn’t even know how to shoot... This wasn’t supposed to happen...”
“You know, there are other ways to make a living. This... didn’t have to happen.”
“We were desperate...!” she paused, “That doesn’t matter... Big bro and big sis are both dead and I’m probably dead too... I don’t have anypony anymore anyway... In fact... Please...?” she said, closing her eyes and laying her head down on the dirt.
I was agape. What... What the fuck, wasteland? Seriously? You’re gonna make me choose this? Damn it all to hell...

But just then, I heard Lander’s voice behind me, “What the fuck?”
I turned around, only a little shocked... Okay, I nearly pissed my pants. “Oh, Lander... I’m in a little predicament here...”
“I’ll say. What happened here?”
“We tried to kill him and got killed back. Now please let him finish the job.” she sounded.... determined? What the fuck...?
“Wait, so three ponies armed with...” he checked to make sure, “Assault rifles attacked ya and ya got them without a scratch...? What the hay...? Whatever, we’ll discuss that later... But what’re ya gonna do now?”
“I don’t suppose you can choose for me on this one?” I said with a hint of begging.
“Dammit... What’s the decent thing to do?”
“They were all I had... Just please... I’m sorry...”
Lander shrugged.
Fuck the wasteland. Fuck her. Fuck dad. Fuck me. Fuck everything. This is ridiculous...

I grabbed Mane in my mouth... Never before had a handle ever tasted so... Sour. I pointed at her. I closed my eyes... And fired. There was no scream. Just another zap, along with the sound of incineration... And that was it.


Footnote: Karma Lost
*** * ***

Despite my feelings on the matter right beforehand, I saw no reason why not to loot my assassins. Whoever wanted to kill me for whatever the reason sure wanted to kill me badly. I’m no weapons inspector but this stuff looked Grade A. There were even a few explosives! I packed everything up when I came across another note. It simply said, “Kill him, take his bags to the magical science facility. You’ll be paid once the packages are secure.” It had a crystal-type shard drawn onto it, too... an emblem, perhaps. Well, if there were an investigation on who wanted me dead it’d be the quickest one ever. These guys want these energy weapons really badly...

Well, I’d have time to think on that later. For now, I’m surrounded by a half dozen guard ponies all wearing battle saddles mounted with an assortment of guns that came out of nowhere. Lander sat calmly beside me... I was a bit nervous... Okay, I was incredibly close to pissing myself. Eventually, a particularly large mare wearing shades walked up to me personally. She had a fucking minigun on her battle saddle.

“Are you gonna tell me why there are two piles of pony ashes and a body on my street? Nopony else seems to know.”
Oh, fuck... “Uhh, well... they shot at me and I... Well... Shot back? Yeah...” I’m dead.
She raised a brow, “So they shot at you, and you somehow outgunned them without so much a scratch?”
“Well the bullets didn’t penetrate, but...”
“Witnesses say you capped the last one while she was on the ground,”
Fuck me. “She literally asked me to!”
“Look, unless there’s a slip of paper that somehow explains this in the matter of seconds, I see no reason why I shouldn’t turn you into paste.”
I was 120% certain she wasn’t lying either. Lander sat there like a statue.
“And you, what are you doing back here?” she said, starting to face him.
“I ‘ave to work sometimes, y’know. Ya never banned me.”
“I said I didn’t want to see you in my city again,” she said with a glare that could possibly kill if weaponized.
“Ya never banned me,” he repeated, bluntly. That ticked her off quite a bit. “Also, there just so happens t’ be a paper that ‘splains this in the matter o’ seconds.” he then looked at me.
Oh, right. That paper I had would surely prove to be good evidence, wouldn’t it? “Oh yeah, there’s this...”, I held out the paper signed with the crystal.
She slapped it out of my hoof, looking at it herself. “Wait... That’s the emblem of the Scarlet Rangers.”
“Huh?”, Scarlet Rangers?
“Well that does actually explain it with that piece you have there... You’re excused for now. Just don’t let these fights happen too often.”
“As if I have a choi... Nevermind, who are these guys? Scarlet Rangers? Sounds like a cheap knock off of Steel Rangers.”
“That’s ‘cause they are a cheap knockoff o’ the Steel Rangers,” Lander inquired, quite bluntly.
“Seriously?” The Steel Rangers have admirers?
“Eyup. They more or less do the same thing on a smaller scale.. They’re almost exclusive to out here, up north-east. And they have not a clue how to raid stables. But anything that looks remotely advanced, they want. They’re made up of almost entirely failed Steel Ranger recruits.”
“That explains things... But nopony has shut them down yet?”
“Nope. Nopony knows where their base is.” the large mare answered.
“So... Nopony ever got ahold of a not like this?” I asked dumbfoundedly. I had two already and I wasn’t even trying to look!
“No, can’t say so. But they don’t bother Baltimare, so we have no reason to go after them. If you wanna clear the lot out, that’ll be your job and yours alone. Now if you’re done here, I suggest getting off my street. I got a town to defend.” she then trotted off towards the heart of the town. Must’ve been the sheriff or mayor or something...

“Kid, ya beat three unicorns literally armed to the horn unscathed and do it so quick only three ponies actually saw the fight, but when y’all’re simply talked to aggressively y’all’re scared shitless. What. The. Hell.” Lander said after everypony left.
“I... I’m just no good with words. I haven’t seen a pony before you besides my dad in over a decade! I just can’t... Talk.” I said, defensively.
He facehoofed. “Y’all’re quite the character, boy.”
Then I remembered something important. “Hey, uh, Lander... How many ponies have you traveled with along the years?”
He raised a brow, “A lot...”
“Uh... How many are still alive?”, I asked, awkwardly.
“... Too few...”, he paused, “Well ya did come to the town I most often go for resupply and the like... Ya were bound to learn sooner or later. Traveling with me is a gamble with death, kid.”
Well this was a lot easier than I expected it to be. “Well knowing that, why’d you let me come with you?”
“Well, I figured ya’d have a better chance coming with me if you wanna live. But after that, and now that we’re in a nice settlement... I think now is the time we should split it. Speaking of splitting, here’s yer part from the job.” he held out a pouch of caps in his hoof.
“Well, what if I like having a friend around sometimes?” I said, taking it and dropping it in my saddlebag.
He didn’t answer immediately, “Look, havin’ me as yer bud isn’t worth dyin’ over.”
“I have a bunch of ponies after my head anyway, I don’t see how going with you decreases my chances too much.” Plus, so far he’s my favorite pony in the wastes.
“Goddess damn ya, y’all’re persistent.” he sighed, “Truth is, I ‘ave a good deal of ponies after me too. Can we split now?”
“Nope. Why do you have ponies after you?”
“Y’all aren’t leavin’ no matter what I say, are ya?”
I shook my head no.
“Fuckin’... I don’t wanna get ‘nother sensible pony killed! Why don’t ya get it?” he was getting pretty frustrated.
I could see where he was coming from... “But...”
“Ya better not follow me. Serious.” and with that he trotted off.

I wasn’t taking no for an answer, though. I was certain we weren’t friends yet, we barely knew each other after all. But I don’t need lots of friends to tell he needed one... Fuck, I needed one. If he meant what he said, he won’t let me die from some stupid decision I made either. Stupid decision, here I come! To the science facility!

Footnote: Sidequest added- Drowning Scarlet
*** * ***

It wasn’t too hard to find. Asking Mixie and other random ponies around town, I found the location easily enough. My Pipbuck helped too... It had markers for where the likely locations were based on what ponies told me. Soon enough, I was standing right in front of it. There was a shady pony dressed head to hoof in black. Black fedora, black trench coat, black pants... This pony even had sunglasses and shoes! My EFS showed there were more than this pony nearby, though. Two others were hidden. Likely in case a pony would try something.

Here’s to trying something!

The pony in black began to talk, but as it-the gender wasn't very distinguishable, all things considered-opened its mouth, I started talking first.

“So, this is the Scarlet Rangers’ place?”
“I’m not paid for small talk. Do you have the weapons or not?”
“So they told the grunts what I looked like but not anypony at the front gate? Weird.”
“W-What? Who are you?”

By ‘who’ I had Mane out at the ready. By ‘are’ I began aiming; I didn’t need SATS for this distance. By ‘you’, I had shot three times. The poor bastard in black disintegrated into the blue goop I knew too well at this point. The two ponies behind their hiding spots jumped out, and were immediately met by a wild spray of beams from me. I imagined I didn’t hit or at least didn’t hit and do more than trivial damage. They hadn’t screamed in pain yet.

The three of us jumped behind the nearest cover. They had a nice dumpster to hide behind. I had... a telephone booth. Not much better than the bench I had before. Luck was never on my side. The two ponies were just as armored as those three I had just fought hours before. Just as well-armed too. And I didn’t have a barrel to buck at them. So I did the only thing I could do. Blindfire until something happened.

And happen something did. I found too much pleasure than I should have in a blood-curdling scream. I peeked out, seeing that one of them had one of their forehoovess burned off. I jumped from my cover to the surprise of the able-bodied unicorn mare guard. Injured enemy or not, jumping from cover is never entirely expected. Her unexpectedness awarded her with two bolts of super-hot blue lasers to the face, which subsequently melted the front of her head... Thus caving her face in. That’s... very gruesome... What was it with ponies and dying horribly around me?

Despite the horrid sight, I decided to stay true to the resolve I made about a day before. I won’t let this get to me... I was sure worse things can and do happen out here. The injured unicorn buck sat there whimpering, burying his face with his not-detached hoof. Apparently, I didn’t just shoot this guy’s forehoof off. A beam also took off this poor soul’s horn. I thought for a second... Any reason why I should leave survivors? I thought back to... I didn’t even know her name... I don’t suppose this case was much different. Every pony in this base will shoot to kill without second thoughts. He wouldn’t give me a second chance, either. Even if I hadn’t attacked and he was sent to kill me, he’d have done it. If I was in his position, willing to give up my energy weapons, I’d doubted if he’d show me mercy...

Eh, nope... No reason in sight.


Footnote: Karma Lost
*** * ***

This was more or less going as planned. I killed little to none. Now I was pinned down in the middle of their base!... Inside a desk in the middle of a room I boarded myself up in. Well, it was a better position than luck previously gave me. I had tuned into my Pipbuck’s radio by now... A broadcast coming in from Baltimare’s extremely limited broadcast tower told of my recent exploit.

Hello, fillies and gentlecolts! This is Cave Rat broadcasting live from the Baltimare’s very own Cave Broadcast Station! And do I have a story for Y’ALL! So, there’s this kid, new meat to the wastes. Pitch black coat. Maybe y’all’ve seen him before? He’s the buck who was in that three on one fight hours ago, ‘round noon. So this kid is apparently packing serious tech as his weapons, and your friendly neighborhood Scarlets want them! So when they sent a few ponies after his head, he got so pissed he discovered their base that has eluded dozens of ponies, marched there, and has laid it under a one-man siege! My sources say he’s already breached the walls of their fortifications and is holed up somewhere inside! So, why am I tellin’ y'all ‘bout this? Because it’s about time somepony kicked the Scarlets in the nuts! You adventurers at Mixie’s place say you ain’t ‘fraid of nothin? I’d like to see any of y’all take on an entire order of failed Steel Rangers! Sure they failed, but the Rangers don’t consider just anypony! If y’all got real balls, go over to the old magical science place and help the poor kid! If not, well I s’pose ya’ll can say y’all ain’t ‘fraid anypony under the age of 18 or so is ‘fraid of. That can work too, if ya’ll don’t mind being laughing stalks of the wastes, not accepted in the lowliest of groups. Anyways, if y’all are listenin’ to this, good luck kid. Now, here’s some musi-

While I appreciated Cave Rat’s moral support and admired his guts, he did just call out any self-respecting wastelander. After all, I found his, and frankly everypony else’s taste in music dreadful. I mean, seriously. I just don’t see the taste. There’s either no excitement or the intrumen- Wait, that’s a lot of shooting. But it’s not coming into the room.... there’s a fight going on outside.

I lifted my head from under the desk, went to the door, and cracked it open for a peak or listen.
“Forget the little ass in the lab room, there’s at least a dozen of that fuck-head Cave Rat’s lackies out there!” an emerald pony said from the top of the same set of stairs I retreated from mere moments before.

Nopony complained or protested the order. They all packed up and went to what I was sure looked like the front lines of a war. My thoughts on the matter? Loot ALL the supplies! I looked around the room I holed myself in first. Despite hiding in here, I never got the chance to look around. Apparently, the emerald-green pony was right. This was a lab of sorts. The walls were lined with different kinds of pictures of advanced rifles, like Mane... So the note was completely true. The place was for constructing the magical energy weapons I’ve come to know and adore.

I looked through many papers lying around on desks... These were pretty organized. The Scarlet Rangers were probably studying these things themselves. I skimmed through them, and took those that looked like they’d be helpful. Then I found something really really cool. Beam Splitter installation and uninstallation instructions! I put that in a safe corner of my saddle bag. The rest of the room wasn’t too enlightening, so I began expanding my looting zone. Nothing really notable, though. They took most of the useful stuff with them. But I did find a saddle-looking thing... But it had two holster-looking things at each side and a mouth grip. A conveniently-placed label had it named as a ‘battle saddle Mk II’. Huh. I wonder how this would work... I got it on my back, removing my bags for a moment. It seemed I had it on the right way when my Pipbuck started interacting with it. A small wire attached itself somehow to the saddle... Okay, I wasn’t told it would do that. A... video or something appeared on the screen of a cartoon soldier buck saluting. After a moment, some audio recording played.

Alright soldier, it’s time to go wipe some stripes! Before you do, you must be wondering what this new saddle does in comparison to the primitive old saddle of last month. I’m here to tell you! The Battle Saddle Mark II is magically improved to interact more fluently with the famed Stable-Tec Pipbuck. This unit is equipped with not only standard weapon handles; but can hold saddlebags, compartments for healing potions and chems for easy access, and more! Now that you know the basics, you don’t even have to look through the tutorial, especially if you used the old, primitive saddle model. Anyway, you have zebras to kill, so this program won’t keep you a second longer! For Goddess and Country!

Patriotism was weird. Whatever. I soon enough installed my bags onto the saddle’s additional bag spaces, plus installed Mane on a handle. The saddle looked easy enough to use... bite down on the handle it placed in front of your mouth to shoot. Added bonus, I no longer needed to blabber random noises when trying to speak while armed.

Well, now I was stumped. Lander hadn’t come yet and likely won’t be making it this far with the battle going on outside. Wait... Why would they leave me completely unchecked? After investigation of the stairs, the only way in or out of this room I might add, I noticed why they didn’t need to guard me. They mined it till there was nowhere to possibly step without being inches away from one of the explosives. “Oh, fuck,” I groaned. “Nothing’s ever easy...”

Wait, idea. I looked around for things to throw. To my supreme and undying disappointment, there was nothing heavier than papers, and frankly, they could be very important papers too. I sat there, thinking... All I had on me were essentials... I wasn’t gonna throw good food and water... I gave all my guns sans the 10mm pistol out to those slaves, and sold the rest before coming here... Dammit... Wait. The plasma pistol. That could work. I only had what was in the crystal pack inside it for ammo anyways. Well, that could be worth something, so I popped it out before I threw it.

Did I mention I wasn’t a very good aim when it came to throwing? The gun hit the corner of a stair, bounced up, and tumbled over the side onto, wasteland damn me, a very tall, very inconveniently placed locker of sorts. I bucked it once or twice, but the thing didn’t even tip over a little bit. “Fuck. Me.” I rasped frustratingly. Then I realized how stupid I was being. So. Very. Stupid.

I took aim and fired a 10mm bullet right into a mine. With a series of explosions, the stairs were utterly ruined. I smiled in success. The blast had incidentally blown back the plasma pistol off the locker and into the wall, shattering it into pieces. Well, that was a waste of perfectly good and awesome technology. Maybe Steel Rangers had a point in hoarding away technology from fuck-ups like me. I banished the thought as I climbed up the destroyed concrete stairs, if you could call them that. It was more like a hill of gravel... It was traversable either way.

I reached the top to discover a Scarlet decided to check up on what he probably thought was splattered remains of yours truly. For his concerns, I bestowed unto him three bolts of hot blue lasers. The blasts weren’t as gruesome as before. Not to say the three blasts to his chest didn’t seem to melt his ribcage. I stepped over him. I was no in a hall with to ways. One way sounded of guns, lasers, and explosions, the other was filled with yelling as a familiar voice of a certain green earth pony barked orders.
I know where I’m going! I snuck as stealthily as possible to the loud pony. I eventually arrived at a workshop-type room. It was rather big. Not in height, but rather in expanse. It was as if the pre-war ponies wanted an assembly-line of artisan-crafted weapons. Which was probably the case. The booming voice came from the center. There were at least a half dozen in the room with him despite the size and the amount he was yelling. For now, I retreated back, flank first, from my door. Engaging ponies with little cover had worked thus far, but I’d rather not make it a habit. Then, I nearly pissed my pants again in the past 24 hours as my rump touched something directly behind me. I turned slowly to see what was likely my doom, but instead saw something infinity times more both better and unexpected.

“Lander?” I somehow managed a whisper despite my shock.
“You. Fuckin’. Idjit.” he replied, flatly, “Somepony tell me why, oh why, am I thinkin’ I somehow played into yer hoof?”
“‘Cause you did, bud.” I said evenly.
“Damn you, Rain...”
“I’m happy to see you too.”
“Okay, let’s get out’a here and then I c’n figure out how to kill ya best.”
“I doubt you’ll be doing that. Plus, we’re not done here yet.”
“The fuck?”
I motioned to the door, “I’m pretty sure that fucker is the one who wants me dead. So, why not erase one of my problems now?”
He groaned, rolling his eyes. After a pause, he said, “I’m really gonna do this, huh?”
“Eyup.” I replied, mockingly.
“This pony...”

While I was unsure if I should charge balls out by myself, I was completely confident in charging in with the Pony who more or less takes out slaver encampments by himself. We charged in, guns and high-tech lasers blazing. Well, this was easy. Three had gone down already, their bodies coming in either gruesomely bullet-riddled or hot gooey and blue flavors!... I have a fucked sense of humor, huh? The other four flipped workbenches over to use as shields. I was glad that the emerald bastard wasn’t among the fallen, I wanted to see this guy face-to-face.

My thoughts were then muted by a bong. My head rang like a bell, and not those small chimes. I’m talking a bell the size of three ponies. I sank to the floor, the frying pan that hit the floor with me told me the answer to my question of “What the fuck just happened?”; I was hit in the head with an aerial frying pan was what happened! Couldn’t you just shoot me? This headache was unbearable... I could hardly think straight. But somehow, I got to my hooves despite the painful throbbing. I saw the three unimportant ponies behind their cover, but where was Mr. Green? I then noticed a door I hadn’t even known was there across the room, wide open. It seemed to lead into a backdoor entrance- or exit. Didn’t really matter.

“Going... ow.. going after him...!” I said, slowly but surely.
“Rain, he’s probably—”
“Going after him,” I said more determinately, dropping my saddle. “Keep an eye on this.”

With that, I galloped off after the green fucker.

*** * ***

This guy was pretty fast. I was able to tail him though. Sad that I didn’t at least bring the pistol, but it appeared he had dropped all his stuff too. The chase lasted quite a while, but I was catching up. The buck was probably older than he looked; his tired gasps and pants told a lot about his fatigue... Although, I was getting winded myself. I inched closer and closer, despite his feeble attempts to slow me down with different kinds of classic tricks dad would always tell me about. Bucking a barrel in the way, spilling toxic waste, throwing random shit... But this pony wasn’t losing me.

When I thought I was close enough to tackle him successfully, I did. We rolled for I dunno how many feet before we came to a stop... Conveniently, I wound up on top of him, and his head was dangerously deep in a murky puddle. My Pipbuck confirmed it was irradiated with its soft ticking and clicking.

“Got you now, bastard.” I said, not hiding my triumph.
“You fuck-” down he went!... But wait, I didn’t chase him to kill him... immediately, at least. “FUCKER!” He coughed as he came back up.
“You’re the fucker here. Scarecrow, was it?”
“You know... Wait, Zig-Zag...”
“Blew up a while ago, yep. Now, the Scarlet Rangers are screwed. Got anything you wanna say?”
“Fuck you! The Scarlets are bigger than this! You think this is it? You don’t even kno—” bubbling ensued. Tell me what I don’t know, already... “You...” he coughed several times, “Asshole...”
It was weird. He wasn’t even trying to fight me off. Or maybe unicorns were just this weak physically...? “Then tell me.”
“Fuck you,”
I sighed, thinking, does this pony want to live? “Just explain one thing. Why continue Steel Ranger’s work if you asses failed out?”
“Failed out? What? That fucked rumor is still going aroun? The Scarlets were some of the best! The Steelies were just a bunch of zealots who worshipped technology! You know noth—” Back down under. Back up.
“You kill ponies for tech. Sounds exactly the same to me.”
“You’ll never understand. There’s just too many things you know shit about. Just fucking drown me already.” He said, resignedly. He stopped responding to my questions entirely after that. I won’t hide the fact that I took pleasure in ending it.

It was quite short... As if he intentionally breathed the poison water in. Later, my ignorance regarding my interests in what Scarecrow was saying would bite me in the ass. And by that, I mean that bite would rip half my body off... Not literally, of course...

Getting off his limp body, I started on my way back. I don’t know how, but I was able to make it back in no time... It’s like I had a map in my head or something. I didn’t question it. then I facehoofed at the fact that I didn’t need to use the map in my head, because my Pipbuck had a perfectly fine map already on it. Eh, whatever. Lander awaited me outside of the back entrance.
“It’s done?” He asked, the last three Scarlets’ blood seen pouring from behind the overturned tables behind him.
“It’s done.” I answered, moving towards my dropped equipment that laid untouched where I put it down before.
“The battle out front turned into a one-sided rampage. There’re only a few Scarlets holdin’ the entrance now.” Lander remarked.
“Find anything useful?”
“Not really, nope.”

I re-equipped my battle-saddle... Well, I won’t have another time to do this. Not with such a fitting workshop, anyway. I took out the beam splitter rifle and Mane, placing them both on a workbench.
“What’re you doing?” Lander asked, curiously.
I replied simply with, “Science.”

I imagined him making another one of his “Are you serious?” faces behind me. But I didn’t really care. I finished up pretty quickly... The instructions were surprisingly simple. I threw the less-cool beam rifle in my bag to sell later and set Mane up on the saddle. Then I turned to face Lander. “You probably know you’re not shaking me off again.”
“After t’day, I think it wouldn’t be my smartest life decision. One fuckin’ day out in the wastes and ya kilt off a group of ‘spiring high-tech raiders. Seriously, Rain. This is somethin’ not even I ever seen. Plus, you’re an egghead.”
“Eh, it’s nothin’, real—”

A stampede of hooves cut my sentence. Suddenly, the room was filled with various kinds of wastelander ponies...
“Hey, kid. Are we we still nutless asshats?” One said, most of the others shouting in agreement.

I can’t have two seconds of peace... Dammit, Cave Rat...

Footnote: Sidequest Completed- Drowning Scarlet

Quest Completed: The Wastelander, Part Two
Quest Added: The Guard, Part One
Level Up!
Perk Added:
Nerd Rage
Effect: +15 DT and Strength increased to 10 whenever health is 20% or lower
Quest Perk Added:
Effect: You have been through physical exertion only the wastes can provide. As such, your STR has increased by one!