//------------------------------// // No! Help! Let me out! // Story: A shadow of what I once was. // by FaelaArts //------------------------------// Twilight jerked upright, feeling the strangeness of her body. Looking down, she slowly stood up and realised she was towering, almost the size of Luna. After a few moments of shaking in place, she breathed out, and took her first steps, quickly becoming accustomed to her new-found height. ‘What did Sombra do, Is this a dream? Sure feels real.’ Twilight slowly walked over to a mirror placed in the room, and gave her new appearance a once-over. She was covered in black armor, similar the the type worn by Luna. Out of her eyes was also a faint purple mist seeping out, but her eyes remained their normal color. “Milady, the King requests an audience with you.” Turning, her wings flared as she noticed Rarity was bowing to her, a collar around her neck and eyes glowing green. Twilight was over to Rarity in an instant, stumbling over her newfound height and sliding to a halt in front of her. If she doubted this was real, the slight pain of carpet burn reaffirmed it was reality. “Rarity, what’s wrong?” Twilight gently tapped Rarity, who bowed and repeated her message methodically. Standing back up, Twilight gulped and bit her lip. Rarity wasn’t responding, green eyes, and mention of a King. Twilight narrowed her eyes, and stood up straight. “Very well, escort me to the King.” Twilight blinked as Rarity bowed once more, and set off trotting at a quick pace. Twilight found her newfound height made it easy to keep up with Rarity, and turned to look outside at what she now recognized to be Canterlot Castle, from the white corridor, as they passed by some open windows. “Oh my Celestia,” she paused, coming to a stop. Rarity stopped slightly ahead, but didn’t turn back to look at her. Canterlot was encased in gray crystals. Calling back her memories of the Crystal Empire, she knew exactly who they belonged to. Turning, she followed after Rarity, who bowed before the large ornate doors of the throne room, and left in a hurry. Turning, Twilight opened the doors, and walked in. “Twilight, I was getting tired of waiting.” Sombra was sitting on Celestia’s throne, now gray and covered in crystals. Standing up, he waited atop the slight staircase that led to the throne as Twilight paused, both now eye-level. “Sombra, you’re behind all this aren’t you? What did you do!” Twilight stamped her hoof and flared her wings, horn charging up with purple energy. Sombra tilted his head, blinked, and then smirked. “My my, it seems you’ve broken my mind control. In that case, let me welcome you to the future!” Sombra raised his arms and motioned to the window, where ponies could be seen carrying stuff. Twilight gritted her teeth, and turned her glare on Sombra, whose smile widened in response. “You tricked me! You made me agree to it so you could get control of the elements! You’ve been fooling us this entire time!” Twilight charged her horn, gaining a second aura on top of the first. Tears began to sting her eyes as she realised what a fool she’d been. How could she have been so stupid and trusted Sombra with her life like that? It hadn’t been the first time, she should have known he was only waiting for his full power to return. “You know, saying the how doesn’t change it.” Sombra yawned and turned to the throne, sitting down and regarding her with a bored look. Twilight’s eye twitched, she was boring him? “You’re going to pay for everything you’ve done!” Twilight fired her spell, smiling as Sombra wasn’t quick enough to dodge. Sombra watched the spell hit him, and bounce off him like it was nothing. Twilight reeled backward, and blinked. “Really Twilight, did you think I would let you run around with all your magic untapped? I’ve been draining you to-just enough to levitate-levels for years now.” Sombra waved a hoof and gave another yawn, levitating over a drink of chocolate milk. Giving it a sip, he sighed, and tossed it away. It just wasn’t the same. “I’ll get the elements! We’ll use them against you!” Twilight turned and began to head for the door, freezing as Sombra laughed, and she found herself unable to move. As her body turned around on its own, she realised Sombra’s horn was glowing. “Bow,” he ordered, and Twilight tried to resist him, but found her body obeyed without her consent. Tears sprung to her eyes as Sombra once more laughed, releasing her. Twilight finally noticed that her necklace was hiding a collar strikingly similar to Rarity’s. “Do you really think I would let you go and get them? I’ve seperated your friends to all the corners of my kingdom. And do not think that wretched Cadance can help you either, she’s trapped where she will never return.” Sombra smiled mockingly, and leaved forward. “So, what will you do now?” Sombra leaned back, and laughed loudly. Twilight glared venomously at him, but bowed her head. In a silent moment of desperation, she tried pinching herself, feeling a sharp pain as it confirmed once more this wasn’t a dream. Giving a sigh, she racked her brains for a way out of her situation, before turning and pointing a hoof at Sombra. “You can’t watch me 24/7!” Twilight smiled as Sombra looked curiously at her for a moment, before smirking and shaking his head as he chuckled. “I don’t need to, this entire castle is surrounded by a detection spell. As soon as you try to leave, I will know. Oh, and did you notice my new wings?” Sombra lifted his cape, revealing two large, white, Alicorn wings. Twilight widened her eyes, pailing in realisation as he raised his head, and laughed once more. “Oh my Celestia,” was all she could say in response. Sombra chuckled once more, and waved a hoof as boredom once more descended on his face. “Now get out of my sight, I have a kingdom to run.” Sombra clapped his hooves together and a couple of ponies, including Rarity, began to ‘escort’ Twilight out of the room. Twilight growled and pointed a hoof angrily at Sombra as she left. “Mark my words Sombra! One day you will slip up! And when you do I will END YOU!”