
by CreatureofTheNight


Tirek was alone in Tarturus laying down. He was beaten by ponies, again! How did he lose twice!? No no, this time he lost, but those ponies the first time. His idiotic foolish brother, Scorpan. Foolish little brother, we need to love ponies he said. Ponies put him in this situation, ponies drove him this way, ponies, ponies, ponies... Suddenly Tirek clutched at his chest in serious pain and looked up. "What is this?" He looked around and held more in his chest and fell over. He looked up and saw to his shock, Scorpan.

"You!" Tirek said in rage, "I should have know you would have survived! Come here to gloat?" He held his chest again as he shouted. "Come here to mock me?" He started panting as he tried to say something else, but his chest hurt him more and more.

Scorpan said to him, his voice having an echo, "I've been dead for four hundred years brother" Tiiek's eyes widened and looked at him. "I died peacefully in my sleep, from a heart condition" He sighed "I wanted you at the funeral, but it was at Equestria held by Celestia, and she didn't wanna risk you trying to take all the magic again. You understand, citizen's safety and what not"

Growling Tirek said "I don't understand, if you're dead, why are you here? Surely your ponies granted you a peaceful after life, why would you bother with a brother you abandoned and left"

"I did" Scorpan responded

"Then why are you here huh!?" Tirek said in a rage, as he held his chest again in pain. "Why come and visit now? Come to gloat at how I failed, how I came so close to finally getting what should have been ours long ago, only to be cut down?"

Scorpan could only say one thing, and that cause Tirek to look at him in shock. "You're dieing, brother" He sighed "From the same heart condition that killed me. It turns out that runs in the family"

Tirek growled and said "That's a lie little brother, my chest just hurts that's all. Maybe it's just rage" He glared "Besides, I'm still alive after so very, very, very long." He smirked "Besides, if what you say is true, why didn't I die four hundred years ago with you" He said confidently. "I'm not dieing, and you're not real"

Scorpan sighed "You did it to yourself" He said to his older brother. "Tatrus has some sort of magic that keeps their prisoners alive regardless of their health conditions" He sighed "When you escaped, nearly 1000 years in Tartus accelerated it, bringing it to the for front" He sighed "You probably would have noticed eventually, and used the magic you stole to heal yourself, or die and releasing all the magic you stole into Equestria again"

"You're lieing!" Tirek said glaring him down. He then held his chest in pain and said quietly"Liar, you always lie to me. You lied to me about who you're loyal to and you are lieing to me now"

"If I am lie brother" Scorpan said "Close your eyes and open them again" He did just that. "There, now you know I tell the truth." He then said "And I've never lied to you big brother, you just assumed I did because you had to be stopped"

Tirek coughed and spat out, then held his chest again in pain. "I'm not dieing, I can't be dieing" Tirek then sagged in defeat "I'm dieing"

Scorpan paused and said "So you finally understand that I speak the truth now..."

Tirek interrupted his brother in a rage. "This is all your fault!" Scorpan paused "You and your pony loving obsession! Equestria magic would have saved both of us! We would have ruled together in perfect harmony and it's your fault that, this happened to me!"

Scorpan responded with equal rage. "This is not my fault, brother! Your hatred did this to you, all you had to do with listen to me!" He said in a rage. "All you had to do was let it go, you could have lived a perfect life, with me. In peace and love, instead you wasted it on blind hatred and rage and for what?"

"For power, For glory, for being perfection itself!" Tirek said in pure rage. "I would have been perfect and could have twisted the entire world at our images! We were going to be rulers."

Scorpan said "I found something better!" Scorpan responded with rage. "I found love and kindness that you never gave me!" Tirek paused in shock at that. "You never loved me, you never did Tirek. All this talk about this our is just nothing but lies! You only cared about yourself, and I don't know why I risked my own soul trying to make sure you at least died in peace. I'm an idiot to think you ever truly cared about anyone but yourself"

Reaching through the bars Tirek said "Scorpan..." Scorpan looked away. "Scorpan please, listen to me, I'm begging you" He keeps reaching out "Please, brother" Scorpan kept looking away as Tirek finally sagged in defeat. "You're right" Scorpan looked at Tirek quickly at that. Tirek wiped his eyes and said "Brother, I did love you, I kept that medallion you have me when you were little for the entire time"

Tirek's words echoes in the Tarturus. Scorpan said "What?"

"You're right" Tirek said tears escaping the centaurs eyes. "I never did tell you how much you and I love you, you're my brother, you meant the world to me" He looked away. "Please help me brother, I can't die yet"

Scorpan sighed and said "It's to late brother, it's far to late"

"Then save my soul at least" Tirek said to Scorpan in desperation. "I...I want to make it up to you."

His little brother sighed as Tirek knew what that meant, but Scorpan said it anyways, "Brother, your soul has been doomed for a long long time" He sighed again and said "I can't save you Tirek, it's not my place" Tirek looked down at that.

Eventually his eyes started to water, and he started to cry silently. "I'm so sorry brother" He said sobbing tears streaming down like rivers in his eyes. "I'm a terrible monster, I deserve what I'm getting, but I never did make it up to you. I'm so sorry brother." Scorpan walked through the cell bars and Tirek felt his arms being held by the Scorpan.

There silence for a while, as Tirek and his brother embraced each other for a long time, Tirek was breaking down right in front of Scorpan and kept like that for a while Scorpan let his brother go as Tirek wiped his eyes. Scorpan said "Brother, I'm sorry that you never did find the happiness you needed until now"

Tirek said "I'll be fine" He then paused "Does death hurt?" Scorpan was quiet. "Does death hurt?" Scorpan shook his head no. "Then..." Tears slowly escaped Tirek's eyes. "I die" He fell over and layed down, as his heart stopped beating. Scorpan vanished in a wisp as an alarm went off in Tartarus signalling that Tirek was dead.