Angel Wings

by SeasonTheWiccan

The Breaking of Shells

Angel had not spoken to Big Mac since the fight. In Angel's mind, he was trying to impress her by attempting to show his dominance which was a major turn off for her. She continued to go out with Twilight and her friends for the next two weeks, she mentioned what happened between her and Big Mac and Applejack felt immediately embarrassed for her brother's behavior. They all thought that Big Mac had feelings for Angel, yet again, Big Mac wasn't the easiest pony to read.

All was well for Angel and her new friends, they went out for breakfast, she helped Fluttershy with her animals, modeled dresses for Rarity, shared books over tea with Twilight, taste tested recipes with Pinkie (Angel even shared some of her recipes with Pinkie), she didn't know what she had in common with Rainbow Dash; but made an effort nonetheless by critiquing Rainbow's stunts, and since Angel felt she couldn't go over to Sweet Apple Acres without bumping into Big Macintosh, so she and Applejack made do by baking at Angel's house and talking about each other. Angel was very fond of all six of them, but she was particularly fond of Applejack and Twilight, there was just this sense that they would let her breathe and not want to have her around them all the time which was comforting to her.

Once in a while, when she was with her new friends, she often pondered if she was too harsh on Big Mac. He was just trying to help after all, and the things she said to him were really hurtful. The look of shock was on his face before she slammed the door on him, just thinking about it stung Angel's soul a little. But she put it out of her mind, the doctor said to just make friends, not coltfriends. She couldn't afford to have a romantic relationship right now.

But, frankly, she wasn't able to avoid Big Mac forever, she had spent two whole weeks without any contact from him when she realized that she needed to go to the market. She conjured up some waffles that morning and realized that she needed to go shopping that day and, lo and behold! She needed apples.

She groaned with a face hoof, "Why does the balance of the universe hate me?" she asked out loud.

Angel then got her saddle bags and left her house with a heavy sigh, knowing she was about to have a run in with the stallion she was working so hard to avoid. Angel reached the market, doing the rest of her shopping before going to the apple stand, she really did not want to face Big Mac. She approached the stand with an annoyed expression pointed at Big Mac, as she got closer, she noticed how Big Mac was looking around and trying to find a way to escape. When he couldn't he turned to his siblings, both of which denied him their assistance. It was clear that he was trapped, in his defeat, he looked off to the side; not daring to meet her gaze. Angel then realized how badly she hurt him with her words. Her prideful and stubborn Manehattan side of her was still in her system and she felt embarrassed and genuinely ashamed of herself. She now wondered, 'How badly did I hurt him?' and 'How can I make it up to him?'

She was finally at the stand right in front of Big Mac and her mind went blank. The only thing she could bring herself to say was, "Hi, Big Mac."

He only nodded at her in response.

She sighed, 'I'd better do this now,' she told herself in her thoughts.

"Big Mac I..."

She now had his full attention and her mind was suddenly wiped clean as she looked into his gentle green eyes. She closed her eyes, trying to remember what she was going to say, after a few heartbeats, she opened her eyes and continued, "I'm sorry for what I said. It was uncalled for and unkind of me, it was my Manehattan pride and stubbornness taking over me. I'm used to handling situations like that by myself. Can we...possibly...start over?"

He smiled, her apology seemed very real and genuine, he held out his hoof, "Big Macintosh Apple."

Angel smiled back and took his hoof to shake it, "Angel Diamond Wings."

They stared at each other for a moment and let go of each other's hooves, Angel then asked, "So, you forgive me?"

Big Mac thought for a moment and decided that this was his moment to make his move, "Ah'll forgive ya. On one condition."

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Granny were serving other customers and listening at the same time. They were hoping he was going to ask what they thought he was going to ask.

"What's the condition?" Angel asked.

Big Mac grinned, "Ya hafta let me take ya out ta dinner."

Angel was taken aback as she felt herself blush hotly. 'How in the hayseed did we get here?!'

She tried to compose herself and failed, but still, she needed to think on this. It was now obvious to her that he liked her. But why? She wasn't THAT extraordinary; as she thought about it longer, the more and more she became attracted to him. He was handsome, he was kind and that's all she knew about him.

'No NO! You're not going through with this! You accepted the friend thing but do NOT go for the romance!' her inner monologue told her.

'Oh, shut up! You're a part of my mind, I do as I please!'

'Fine! But I wont say 'I told you so' if this goes bad.'

'Oh bite me!'

She was about to answer him when she remembered that there was something that had been bugging her for some time now. It had been gnawing at her backside for two weeks now and there was only one pony who could answer her question, and he was standing right in front of her.

"Okay, but you have to answer something that's been confusing me know."

"Alright, what is it?"

"How did you know where I was?"

"Ah didn't."

Angel looked at him confusedly as he continued, "Ah went to yer house an hour after ya left Sugar Cube Co'nah ta ask ya out. Ah thought long and hard about how ta do it and Ah decided Ah couldn't wait until the next day. When Ah got there and knock on yer door, ya didn't answer; when ya didn't, Ah looked at the time and saw that you were supposed ta be home 30 minutes earlier. That's when Ah started ta panic. Ah spent the next hour searchin' all over Ponyville for ya and when Ah heard ya screamin'..."

His sentence trailed off, Angel then got a hint that he cared for her.

"Ah don't know what came over me, but Ah knew that you were in some kind of trouble and Ah needed ta do sumthin' or...Ah...Ah would live with the guilt fer the rest of my life."

Angel's chest felt warm as he finished.

"Ah'm...Ah'm sorry, Ah'm bein' too forward."

"It's okay...and...yes, I'd love to have dinner with you."

Big Mac's face lit up, "Really?"

Angel nodded, "Mm-hm."

"Alright, does tonight sound?"

"I have nothing planned."

"Great, Ah'll pick ya up at 6 okay?"

"Sounds like a plan."

Angel then ordered a bushel of apples and went on with the rest of her shopping.

As soon as she got home and everything was put away, there was a knock on the door. She opened it to see Rarity, who looked like she were about to burst from surprise.

"Hi Rarity! Is there something I can help you with?"

"Actually the question should be: Is there anything I can help you with?"


"You've been keeping a secret haven't you?"

Angel's face went cold, did she find out? How? When?


"Oh darling, don't give me that, I know what you've been hiding," Rarity said with a grin.

Angel took a deep breath, "Rarity, I can explain, I have-"

"Feelings for Big Macintosh? I already knew that darling! In fact, I think everypony knew that."

Angel's body washed over with relief, all panic was out of her body. Her secret was still safe."

"I...uh..." Angel stammered.

"Oh, no need to hide it Angel, Applejack told us how Big Mac courted you."

'Curse you Applejack with the fury of a thousand suns!' Angel screamed in her mind.

"So, why are you here?"

"Why, I'm here to help you get ready for your date of course!"

"You're doing what now?"

"Now what will we do with your mane? Maybe pull it up? Straighten? No, the curls look better and the bow makes it oh-so-adorable!"

"Rarity I-"

She then gasped, "Ideeeeeaaaa!"

Rarity then sat Angel down on a stool and began styling her mane.

"Rarity really, it's fine...I can get myself ready. It's just a date."

Rarity then dropped the lock of hair she had in her hoof then walked around to face Angel, she looked as if Angel announced that she were engaged to a cockitrice.

"Just...a date?"

Angel was a bit frightened now.

"JUST A DATE!" She was now in Angel's face

"You've just been asked to dinner by Big Macintosh, the shiest stallion in Ponyville and who hardly speaks to anypony and you're telling's JUST...a DATE?!"


Rarity quickly composed herself before she exploded, she then went back to work.

"In all seriousness Angel, I shall make you look presentable for your stallion."

"Thank you Rarity but I-"

"Just a date," Rarity murmured with irritation. "Honestly darling, who broke YOUR heart?"

Angel's mouth snapped shut, her eyes nearly to tears, it was broken into shards a year ago by another stallion. Afterwards, she picked the shards up piece by piece over time and stored them away by the time her fate was set and forgot about it. But now that she was reminded of those events, the shards had been released and they were stabbing her internally as well as repeatedly. It was another reason why she'd shunned herself away from others, what if they abandoned her when she needed them most like he did? Ever since then, she'd avoided stallions.

Now, she was worrying, what if it happened again? She didn't think she could take going through that again. But it was too late, she already said 'yes' and she couldn't just simply look Big Mac in the eye and tell him she couldn't date anypony period. She couldn't face those kind and gentle eyes, she didn't want them to be saddened, she didn't want to hurt him. Angel was now stuck between a rock and a hard place, 'What have I gotten myself into?'

She simply had to be cautious, she had to grin and bear it. Which is what she did as Rarity fixed her hair.