Pillow Talk

by Spider8ite

We will find a way

Pillow Talk
by Spectrum Shine

The cold winter wind was coming through the bedroom window, Rarity tried everything to stay warm beneath one blanket, but it seemed impossible not to shrink from cold even in a blanket made ​​of bear fur. Even more without Twilight there. Ah, Twilight.

The two had started a relationship at the beginning of the year and everypony seemed to accept them very well, Sweetie Belle loved the fact of being the sister in law of a Princess. Spike refused to believe it for a while, but he accepted the relationship of the two.

But Twilight was already returning, she had just gone to Canterlot Castle to talk with Celestia about magic and an evil that rose in the north. At least that's what Rarity had understood.

Rarity closed her eyes for a few seconds, forgetting about her marefriend. But she continued to hear the sound of the place and she clearly heard the sound of magic that came into the room; somepony had teleported. Twilight was, obviously. She wiggled her ears, without opening her eyes and let out a smile, feeling a body go up hers and bite her ear. “Oh Twilight, you silly mare…” she said through a sigh, slowly opening her eyes and turning, going belly-up. Twilight had a soft smile on her face and stared at the blue immensity that was Rarity's eyes, seeming to get lost in it.

“Tired?” Twilight asked as she approached her and laid her head on Rarity’s neck, feeling her perfume.

“A lot, I was doing so many dresses today,” Rarity said as she closed her eyes and seized the moment, feeling the hot breath of her companion, “But I’m good now, darling, even more when you here. I’m just a little cold, dear.”

Twilight did not answer for a moment, coming off above of Rarity, causing the white mare sighed impatiently, but soon stood beside her under the covers and pulled the body of Rarity, making them become embraced, “Better?”

“Better, very better, dear,” Both were silent for a moment, just enjoying the moment of rest between them. Rarity broke the silence in the room, “How was your talk with Princess Celestia? Did she say the evil is too… Powerful?” the tone in Rarity’s voice sounded worried, but soon Twilight pulled her closer to her chest, making Rarity understand that was no reason to worry. At least not now.

“Well, she… said that my brother and his guards will maintain attention in this evil. Princess Celestia said that it’s not Sombra, it’s a way more powerful pony or… Creature. You don’t need to be worried about this, I need to be…” Twilight sighed with distant thoughts

“Oh darling, neither of us need to worry about this now,” She paused, biting her marefriend's chest, causing Twilight drop a laugh, and then continued, “You know what pony is too worried? You. All the time, and I don’t like that, darling. I know you have things to do, I have too, but we don’t have to worry about everything, just enjoy it, darling,” Rarity approached Twilight, kissing her mouth gently, and then returned to her chest, resting her head on it.

Another great moment of silence was shared by those who are not embarrassed about it, they loved it. Mainly Twilight, which was why she was always going to Canterlot Castle to see Celestia, to her house and vice versa. But the silence was broken, and this time, by Twilight, “Rarity?”

“Yes, my darling?”

Twilight hesitated for a moment and realized it was not the right time to ask, and then continued, “Uh… And your parents, when will you tell them about us? We have been together for almost a year now, they have to…” Twilight was stopped by the hoof of her marefriend in her mouth.

“I’ll tell them soon, on Hearth's Warming Eve, darling,” Rarity pulled the hoof off her lips, smiling weakly, “They normally don’t have time to see me or my sister, but we will surely have time to do it. And, after all, I know that isn’t what you were going to ask me. Whatever is it, please, darling, say it to me.”

Twilight gulped and then sighed, “Er… Have you ever thought about having… Foals?” Twilight finally said, giving a wan smile at the end. Rarity's eyes widened and then her look grew sad. She knew that two mares could have a foal with magic, but there was a problem... And this problem was in her. One problem that she had never told Twilight, because she did not think it was necessary in this moment. Both were silent, Rarity stayed with a worried and sad look, trying not to show this look at Twi, but her attempt was in vain, “Oh, you… You’re not ready for this, no? I’m sorry Rarity, I never…”

“No, Twilight dear, is not that… It’s…” Rarity sighed and climbed off of Twilight, lying belly-up beside her and closing her eyes for a moment trying to find a good response. Nothing. She would just tell the truth, the harsh truth, “Twilight,” Twilight looked at her, that kept her eyes shut, “I-I love you, but… I can’t do this, I just can’t darling because I’m…” she let out a loud sigh, trying to keep her crying, “Barren.”

Twilight widened her eyes, looked down and bit her lip. She did not expect this, ever. Rarity looked broken only by speaking it, and Twilight hated to see her marefriend like that. But both were broken, it was a surprise for Twilight and a reality for Rarity.

“S-since when did you know that?” the Princess of Friendship finally asked, with a trembling and sad voice.

“I’ve known it since… When I went to the doctor many years ago, he told me. My mother was desperate, and I was broken. But I continued, and… Here I am darling, but…” she let a tear fall, “I never told you, because I thought that it wasn’t the right time, and I’m sorry, so sorry, darling…”

“Don’t be sorry, Rarity,” Twilight approached her and hugged her, Rarity put her face in her chest, trying to hide, as if she was afraid of something. Twilight kissed the top of her head, “It’s not your fault, and, no matter what, I’ll love you, Rarity. I’ll always love you, and no matter if I can have foals with you or not, we continue to be a family, me and you, always. And we'll find a way, we always find a way…”

“I-I love you Twilight dear.”

“I love you too, Rarity, and I’ll always love you. No matter what.”