Dark Souls:the descent into friendship

by star dust pony

chapter 33:Light and Dark (WARNING:not yet filtered through editor)

My legs wavered as I walked through the castle, still with my sword in my hand as it scraps along the floor making a loud, dragged out scratching sound behind me.

"Sir sparks, what happened with my sister? Is she alright?" Celestia exited the throne room with hope and panic in her eyes as I lifted my visor slightly to rub my head as I felt the dark sign remind me what its purpose on me is.

I rubbed my soar eyes before shaking my head and closing my visor. "We couldn't get her to return but we did manage to buy some time to prepare and hopefully think of a way to make her come to her senses." I saw the small fragment of hope simmer away from Celestia's eyes but she still tried to keep her face straight.

"I...see...That is fine I suppose, but pleas do your best not to use your weapon, I'd prefer my sister to be whole rather in cut up." I nodded as I heard a clanging behind me making my head perk up, I wasn't walking or running so it couldn't be my armor making that much noise.

I turned and saw what I never thought i'd see in this world:Another knight that isn't Solare, a black knight with beautiful silver markings and a majestic red cape with a rather impressive almost king like sword. "Who...are you?" I turned my whole body, creating a clanking sound from my armor plating.

"I'd like to ask you the same." To my surprise the voice that responded to me was completely female as she walked forward.

I gripped my sword slightly tighter and walked toward her, down the long hall, with caution. "I am Knight Sparks."

The black knight rose her blade slightly. "I see...my name is Ruby...and i'm sorry for doing this."

"For doing wha-. " I soon realized what she meant as I ducked under her swing and rolled backwards before she could stab where i was. "Oh thats why." I get up and raise my shield.

Celestia gasped and took a step back. "Sir sparks, pleas be careful..." She leans in and then whispers a plan into my ear which still manages to get through the metal around my head. "I'll be back...just remember okay?" She galloped off into the Throne room.

Ruby stared at me as she Pointed her sword at me. "Looks like its just us..." We began to circle each other like enraged dogs, waiting for the other to strike first. "Just two knights born from dark...in a world where they don't belong, each one with a mission that requires them to strike the other down."

I felt my breath go cold when she mentioned the dark..."I am not born of the dark...and I'm Guessing your undead as well." We both stopped in unison like we were in sync. "Then I guess whoever wins here...it will not be the last we see of each other." I heard a small chuckle exit her helmet.

She put one foot back. "I guess it wont be...now enough talking." She gripped her sword with two hands as she got ready to strike and I got ready to counter it.

She and I didn't speak another word as Ruby sprinted forward and as she thrusted her sword at my chest as i just barely back stepped away from the range, feeling the force of the swing hit me like a powerful gust of wind.

I slammed my shield into her sword, knocking it out of the way before thrusting at her head only for her to lean to the side and try to do the same to me with the same result causing us to be locked for a moment. "For a great sword user you are surprisingly quick." I rolled away from her and put my shield up again.

Ruby backstepped then rushed forward, striking my shield and getting locked in a struggle. "Thanks." She kicked my leg so that I wound up kneeling and I felt my guard leave me just as she swung her sword directly at my head...


My helmet shattered onto the floor, the visor dented and the hinges broken off while the head piece rolled on the floor as I panted, my exposed hair hanging from my head. "Well...that wasn't very fair now was it?" While i was on the floor I kicked both her legs in and kicked her helmet as she fell forward, causing her to crash onto her back.

I got up as we both heard a groan and glared at each other and predictably...she saw my eyes. "What the-?" She jolted back up and took a step back away from me. "...how far have you hallowed?...your eyes...their white..."

I Chuckled as I wiped the blood from my nose. "Oh my eyes?...you'll just have to guess how much I died to get them." In all honesty I was born with them, since birth my eyes always lacked any visable pupils...guess thats why I enjoyed frighting everyone by pretending i was a ethereal ghost...heh good days back then.

I heard Ruby's armor chatter as her hands shook for a moment before shaking her head and running at me as I quickly picked up my sword and shield and swung at her as she swung at me, only this time I put a shield with my sword to keep her sword at a further distance.

She took a step back again and then three steps forward, using the pommel of her sword to knock my shield out of the way and just as she took a swing I leaned back and panted from having to maneuver so quickly and I realized just how close I had gotten to being blind when I saw a strand of my own black hair fall down in-front of me. "Well that was closer than I thought."

Ruby took out a small shield thats round and black as it glowed in the middle and I took out a Talisman and mine began to glow as well and as we ran our tools across our blades they both became sunlight blade-infused.

I heard Celestia's hoof steps ahead as I gripped my sword with both hands and dashed forward same as Ruby but instead of swinging at her I slid under her and kicked her in the back of the knees and rolled to the side. "See you when you revive." I gave her a short wave as she looked at Celestia and the six elements of harmony as a powerful glow appeared on the sun Alicorn's horn.

Ruby seemed frozen for a moment. "Oh you fucking little basta-."