A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 8 allies

“Good morning you two! Hope you had a good night’s sleep because I can’t change today!”
Lea and Matrix woke up to Caddi bursting into the room. Matrix was startled even more so because Caddi hadn’t even been in her normal form when he was around her.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I strained myself changing into too many forms yesterday. It can happen to almost any changeling, but usually doesn’t happen because they stay in one disguise all day. Also- wait… Why could I understand you?”
“Maybe one of the pokemon from downstairs is helping.”
Do I get a cookie now?’ A voice played in the heads of the small group.
When the trio reached the playroom for the pokemon, an espurr walked up to the with her paws held out.
Lea laughed and went to fetch a sugar cookie from the food storage.
“Thanks for helping us.” Caddi told the espurr, “Would you maybe like to stay?”
“No, I’m just here because I needed a place to stay for the night. Maybe I can stay for today, but I want to find my friend as soon as possible.” The espurr touched the necklace it was wearing. “Her name is Elise.”
“I understand,” Lea told the espurr. “We’re looking for our friends and family too. Thank you for helping us even though you didn’t have too.”
“I thought you three deserved it after all you've done for these pokemon.”
“Umm… not to be rude or anything, I’d like to talk to my friend here.” Caddi interrupted and pulled Lea away from the espurr.
“Listen, last night, Matrix mentioned a unicorn mare named Citrus Flower.”
“So? Why does that matter to you?”
“Before I was discovered as a changeling, I lived as a unicorn mare named Citrus Flower. What’s even weirder is I actually made her from this weird photobooth thing that takes the pictures of two ponies you give it and mixes them together. It’s just enough for me to use because while i’m not as talented as magic and flying or any of that stuff, I’m rather good at my natural changeling magic of disguising myself. When your twin expla-”
“Wait! I understand everything else, but twin?”
“Well he explained you’re basically the same age, so close that you celebrate your birthdays together, and you also both happen to be umbreons. You also consider each other siblings. So yeah, you two are twins.
“Anyway, continuing with the story. Matrix described the mare and she matched the description of the pony I disguised as. In other words: She’s another changeling, or she’s a one in a billion chance.”
Lea could understand why Caddi wanted to check this out. Soon Caddi explained she would go out tomorrow to find her, since she could be her new alias, Kiwi Lime.
“I like the names you chose.” Lea commented, “How did you choose them?”
“I went and looked at the names of bathing supplies. Citrus Flower was a coat wash and Kiwi Lime was a shampoo.”*
“Of course that’s how you picked them.” said Lea, who would have face pawed herself if she weren’t standing on all of them.
“Anyway, for the rest of the day, we should focus on taking care of all the pokemon since the only one of us who can leave is Matrix and he said he didn’t want to be alone for a while. We can go out tomorrow morning. I should be ready then.”
“Alright then.” Lea agreed, and the two departed to take care of various pokemon.

That night, Caddi went to sleep earlier while Lea and Matrix finished up a few jobs downstairs. About a fourth of the pokemon had been able to leave that day, but a few decided to stay the night before leaving like the espurr. The two siblings ate a late dinner of apple dumplings Caddi had made with the help of a torkoal, and some bread rolls.
When the two went upstairs, they found Caddi fast asleep. Lea decided to check their financial status before heading to bed while Matrix took straight to the covers. Lea, unfortunately found that they would need another payday from Caddi to stay on track. She felt that they should stay within 30 bits of a set number and they were about 50 bits below that number. It was nothing too big, but Lea didn’t want them running out of money.
As she closed the safe, Lea heard Matrix call for her quietly from the other room. She went over to find Caddi moving around on the mattress of sheets and boards they had made, and had pushed Matrix off. As Lea got closer, she could hear Caddi humming some sort of tune, but she didn’t recognize it. Eventually, when they could tell Caddi wouldn’t be stopping anytime soon, the two umbreons created a pile of sheets in a different part of the room and slept there.

The next day, the two were woken up early by Caddi, who had already disguised herself as Kiwi. She told them that she wanted to leave a little earlier because there was a slight change of plans. “I’ve got an idea for a performance to do, and I want to have time to do the performance, get back here to drop off the profits, and then go find this other Citrus Flower. By the way, before you woke up, a chansey that used to belong to a nurse joy showed up, which is really lucky, and I asked her if she could take care of things while we were gone and she said yes! Just wanted to let you know so you didn’t panic.”
Lea opened her mouth to say how grateful she was that Caddi was getting some more money since they were a little low, but Caddi stopped her. “If you’re going to say, ‘Good, we were past our set limit.’ then yes, I know. I checked how we were doing this morning. Great minds think alike and all. Otherwise, don’t say anything. The espurr already left and I don’t want to risk changing a lot already.”
Lea closed her mouth again, and the group went downstairs to say goodbye to all the residents in the building before taking the sewer route to the center of town. The trip took a while since the sewers were like mazes and they started at the edge of town, trying to get to the middle.
When the finally reached their exit, Caddi exited first, followed by Matrix and then Lea. They scouted out an area for Lea and Matrix to stay while they waited for Caddi to be done with her performance. Finally, Caddi was all set up and a small crowd had already formed since they already knew what would be coming next.
Lea was surprised by the fact that Caddi had a music player with her, seeing as they had walked through the sewers with nothing on them and she never saw Caddi grab one.
Much like last time, Caddi did a song performance, which Lea admitted was nice because Caddi had a very pretty singing voice. When she got to the refrain though, Lea recognised the tune. It was the same exact one Caddi had been humming in her sleep the night before. It was a rather nice and catchy tune to Lea, which was apparently evident to Matrix since he had hopped on top of Lea to keep her from moving.
Lea was prone to dancing whenever she heard or remembered a nice and catchy tune, which was bad when they were trying to stay out of sight. Lea was still able to wiggle a little, and could still dance enough that it made her happy for once. She really needed that after what had happened over the past few days.
When Caddi finished, they raced back to the building, dropped of the earnings for the performance, and started to leave for their original outing. On the way, Lea asked Caddi a few questions about her performances.
“Where did you get the music player?”
“I have no idea. I can never remember. Questioned that a few times myself.”
“I’ve never heard the song before. What’s it called?”
“Don’t know. Came to me last night.”
“Wait, if you made that up last night, how did you get the music?”
“Stop asking me questions about it! Let’s just say It makes as much sense as a spider humming James Bond music!”
“Never mind!”

Somewhere in Canterlot, a young and very hyper joltik had a great idea for later. Now all he had to do was wait for the right time...

The group reached their new exit. They left the sewers the same way they had earlier that day. Carefully, Caddi led them to an apartment building. She went in and walked up to the front desk to ask the manager a question, before carefully leading the group to the second floor to a door with the number 251 on it. Caddi knocked on the door, and she heard a female voice talk to another pony before they answered the door. There was a pause in the hoofsteps and the mare most likely looked to see who it was before opening the door. When she opened the door, the mare spoke to Caddi, and didn’t seem to notice Matrix or Lea yet.
“May I help you?”
Matrix, recognizing the pony as Citrus Flower jumped towards her.
“Matrix! It’s you! Would you like to come inside with your friend.”
“Friends, but yeah, let’s go in!” Matrix told her.
“Oh, I guess your friend doesn’t know how to do translation spells. I’ll just help with tha- AAHHH!!!”
As soon as Matrix and Caddi had walked into the room, Citrus could see Lea, which was obviously stated with her quickly closing the door before she could walk in.
“Of course she saw the posters! *sigh* Matrix, get her to let me in.” Lea called through the door as she knocked on it.
She could hear Matrix trying to get her to be let in, but it was muffled by the door. As she called inside and knocked a bit more, Lea became aware of two ponies talking on their way up the stairs. Lea stopped knocking when she realized she recognized the voices. It was Quarry and Ire!
The door still wouldn’t open and the two ponies were coming up the stairs quicker after hearing her. The door finally opened when Bright Ire turned around the corner and saw Lea and grabbed Lea in her magic.

When Citrus had closed the door behind Caddi, Matrix tried to open the door.
“What! Are you crazy? That’s the wanted pokemon the police have been searching for!”
“Matrix, get her to let me in.” He heard Lea say behind the door accompanied with a few knocks.
At this point, Citrus had been able to cast the translation spell on Matrix. “What’s going on with you?” She asked.
“Citrus, let her in she won’t do anything bad.”
Before Citrus could respond, the knocks had changed to pounding, and Lea was yelling from the other side that the ponies that had attacked them two days prior were coming.
“What’s going on out there?”
“It doesn’t matter! Just let her in!”
“But why-?”
“JUST DO IT!” Matrix yelled at her.
Citrus still just stood there before Caddi opened the door for her. Outside Lea turned her head just before she was picked up in indigo magic.
Matrix grabbed Lea and pulled her in before he slammed the door shut. Lea quickly ran and hid before there was a new knock on the door. The group of course knew who it was, but Citrus answered it thinking she knew who it was.
“I’m sorry ma'am,” Bright Ire was standing at the door with Quarry with an evil smirk on her face as she spoke with her bitter sweet voice. “I believe I saw the wanted… umbreon, was it?... come in here. If so, I’d like to take her to be… turned in.”
“Well I-” Citrus Flower was cut off by Matrix.
“Nope! The only umbreon here is me. If another does come by, we might just let you know! Other than that, LEAVE!” And he slammed the door in their faces.
“Lea you can come out now!” Caddi called.
Lea slowly peeked out from her hiding place and looked around, before running out and hugging Matrix and crying from what she almost lost again.
“What’s going on Matrix?” Citrus asked him.
“Citrus, this is Lea. The same Lea I had told you I wanted to find. This planet… hasn’t been the most welcoming for her.”
“Oh, she needs the spell cast on her too!”
Citrus cast the spell on Lea, and before she could ask for Lea to repeat herself, Matrix stopped her. “You don’t want to know…”
“Okay, I’m done waiting and listening to all this noise!” said a stallion who walked around the corner.
“What’s going on here?” he noticed Lea, “And isn’t that-”
“Yes she is. Sorry I kept you waiting. Let’s go to the kitchen.” Citrus told him.

When they finally all settled in the kitchen, Citrus asked why they came to see her, and how they knew to find her there.
“Mostly because Matrix told us about you and you shouldn’t even exist so I had to meet you for myself. I thought I would find you here because of him.” Caddi told Citrus and pointed to the stallion.
“What do you mean? And why would you think I would be here because of Specter?”
“Because he used to be my coltfriend before he dumped me and then went out searching for a pony to replace me who shouldn’t have existed, but guess what? You do!”
At this, Specter spoke up. “I’ve never dated you! I don’t even know you!”
“WHAT!!!” Citrus and Specter exclaimed simultaneously.
At this point, Caddi dropped her disguise and proceeded to slap Specter across the face.
When he recovered, Specter immediately did what he had done about a month and a half ago. Before he could finish, however, Caddi grabbed him in her magic. “Oh, no you don’t. If the police come here, you have to deal with Matrix and his anger.”
Citrus Flower also kept him away from the phone, but was simultaneously glaring at Caddi. “Give me an explanation. A good one, and don’t leave anything out.”
“Fine! A few months ago, I was pretty sure my disguise might be compromised, which was bad for me since you all seem to hate changelings because of Chrysalis. I had to create a new disguise. One that didn’t look like another pony, because that was the reason my old one needed to be discarded. In town they have that one booth that lets you put two pictures of ponies together to see what they would look like melded together. I decided to try that, and I came up with a pony, which I named Citrus Flower. I met Specter a few days later when I was trying to find a job. He let me stay with him in this apartment, which, by the way, is how I knew to look here. Eventually, he asked for me to marry him, but I said only if he’d accept the true me. The changeling me. He didn’t and thought I did something to the real Citrus. I left, and apparently he went looking for the real Citrus.”
“You mean me?”
“Yes, and I thought you didn’t exist. The chances were on in a billion, which I guess you are. Anyway, I left and created a new identity, the one I came here as, and named her Kiwi Lime. Instead of looking for a job, since the authorities were most likely looking for me, I did street acts. The problem was that I wasn’t getting enough love, and I would have died for that reason if it weren’t for the appearance of the pokemon, who cared for me as much as I cared for them. After a while, I found I could change into them… with some differences, and eventually was able to understand what they said while I disguised, though that only finally happened the day before I met Lea.
“Anyway, the day I met her, she went looking for me after a performance and saw me change. I thought she was a pony and freaked out, I tried to convince her I hadn’t done anything wrong before finding out she was a pokemon. She had been hiding from ponies because they kept attacking her and trying to catch her but she didn’t know why.”
“Well that’s because-” Specter started.
“Up, bup, bup! My story, not yours. We fixed up an old and abandoned building, though it was mostly her, and started rescuing hurt pokemon, and any pokemon that we thought might be being treated wrongly, which we possibly interpreted wrong. Eventually I found a wanted poster for Lea and we tried taking them down. We were spotted and attacked by a group of ponies being led by two ponies who wish to capture her for more… grotesque purposes. We don’t know how the other ponies were convinced by the two leaders only that they were following them. Matrix came in and saved the day, not knowing it was Lea. We took him back, and he told me about how you had helped him. I wanted to meet you since I thought you couldn’t exist. I thought to look here because I believed Specter would have found you while he looked for me. When you left Lea out in the hall the ponies who formed the group that attacked us same her and tried to catch her.
“Now you know my story. I hope it was good enough for you!” Caddi finished.
After a few quick questions, Citrus wanted to hear Lea’s story.
“It’d be better if Matrix told you. We all know the story, but I might lose my temper thinking about it.”
“Alright then, I guess I’m telling the story then. Well, let’s see… Lea, when she ended up on Equus, she found herself in one of those underground animal fights. Fortunately, they don’t seem to do death matches. They had a few places like that on Earth. The worst that was done to Lea was she was hurt badly, practically starved, and forced to fight all day. From what I’ve heard, the most ponies they would have is 4 or 5 watching, unless the two leaders had some sort of special event, which only happened, once was it?”
“Twice, actually. My first day, and the day I escaped.”
“So, yeah, Lea escaped about nine days after all the pokemon came. In her escape, something happened, causing the building to catch on fire. We’re unsure of what happened in town after that, but the next day, Lea went out to see if anypony would spare some food, but they all treated her badly.”
Citrus Flower stopped him. “I can fill in the gap. Quarry and Ire covered their operations by saying they had been rescuing animals, but you had started the fire. The next morning, there were already posters up for your capture. Reports of your encounters with the other ponies said you attacked first, since they mostly saw them going after you as a good deed, but a few did actually admit they attacked first and would have provoked you.”
“Thanks for the info.” Lea told her, “Matrix, could you continue?”
“Yeah. So she got the impression that all ponies were cold hearted to pokemon, and the ones who had pokemon with them when she found them were using them. She decided to create a pokemon refuge building, which we’ve sort of made into a pokemon center. She found Caddi after she had mostly fixed it up, and found me a few days later when Quarry and Ire got a group of ponies to try and catch her. We got away eventually, I got angry at her, and she got angry at me since she was all stressed. I understood, and I told Caddi here about you, so we came to visit. You wouldn’t let Lea in at first, and she almost got captured by Ire and Quarry again. Oh yeah, and we’re also still looking for Angela, Linoone, Kya, and Sparks.”
“Oh I feel so sorry for you three!” Citrus told them.
“They’re probably just lying to get us to feel sorry for them.”
“Oh shut up Specter! Now I understand why you wanted me as your marefriend so bad! You still were in love with Caddi, but wouldn’t give her a chance since she was a changeling!”
“But honey, I-”
“Don’t you honey me! We can still be friends, but that’s it! I’m breaking up with you!”
Lea Matrix and Caddi, doubled over in laughter at Specter’s reactions. Then Citrus walked into the next room and came back with pizza. “Here, have some leftover pizza. It’s all we have, and it’s about dinner time.”
“What!” Lea looked out the window. Outside, it was night time, and the moon was shining brightly in the sky with the stars. “Oh, no! Ohnonononononononono!”
“What’s wrong?”
“Umbreon glow in the moonlight. I’m an umbreon. There’s moonlight. The closest sewer entrance is in a place I could be seen! Not to mention Ire and Quarry are probably waiting for me!”
“Don’t stress about it. I think I can manage a short teleport to the ground below the window, and we can go to the police station to sort this all out.”
“Well… I guess.” Lea agreed. But I think Caddi should be able so stay disguised and not need to go in as a changeling.”
“Deal! Let’s go! Specter, do you want me to teleport you to so you can come with us.”
Specter nodded. The group went to the window, and Citrus charged her spell. The spell worked, but Caddi had to help her along because of how fatigued after casting the spell, as she was still recovering a little from the dual translation spells. The group went off in the quickest way towards to police station, but tried to keep Lea in the center of the group so she wouldn’t be seen.
‘Let’s hope this works. Then maybe Matrix, Caddi and I can look for the others.’