Weighting for a Gain

by iceblazethequick

Chapter 4

Rarity plodded down the road while humming a delightful tune to herself. She enjoyed the fresh air and breeze, having missed them for the last few days as she was stuck indoors. To address her recent inability to walk far outdoors, she and Fluttershy had finally devised a solution: Rarity used a complex telekinesis spell which partially lifted up her mass, allowing her legs to support herself.

As she continued onwards, she felt the stares of the few passerby she encountered. She was easily the fattest mare in Ponyville, and although the rumors about her had thankfully died down, she was still a source of curiosity, disgust, or even admiration for the townsfolk. She grinned at the attention, no longer bothered by it, and put more energy into her spell to lift up her belly further; After all, she thought, just because I'm bigger doesn't mean I shouldn't keep a clean image.

At the outskirts of the small town, she finally reached her destination. Fluttershy's cottage loomed like a castle upon a mountain to Rarity, although it truly only sat utop a small hill. Despite her reluctance to climb the sloped path, she planted a think hoof in the dirt and began the challenging task. Although her spell allowed her ease and partial grace while walking on a flat road, she felt the near-full effects of her weight when she had to pull it uphill.

Once at the top, sweating slightly and out of breath, Rarity approached the door and knocked heavily upon it. Immediately it swung open, revealing the pony she had come to meet.

"Hello, Fluttershy! I apologize if I look a bit winded, but your little hill here gave me some trouble."

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Here, come in and I'll get you something to drink."

Rarity thanked her and complied, using her magic to squeeze her flab together so she could fit through the small doorway. "So, dear, you mentioned that I had to come over straight away... Is something wrong?"

Fluttershy shook her head as she stuck her head into her icebox. "No, nothing wrong. I just noticed that you had been cooped up in your boutique all day, and I thought you might enjoy a little lunch break."

"Ooh! Sounds delightful! Where shall we be going?"

Fluttershy gestured to her cabinets and some bags of food laying in her kitchen area. "Actually, right here. I've got everything I need to fix a full meal here... If you don't mind staying at my house, that is." She walked over to where Rarity laid and set a jug of chocolate milk on the table in front of her. "Here's something to drink while I get it ready."

"Of course I don't mind, darling! If you promise not to tell... I'm not sure I could make it to a restaurant and back, since I felt so winded from my little trek over here! I think my magic must just be weaker today..." She proceeded to lift the jug in her aura and tip it back, greedily gulping down its sweet and creamy contents.

Fluttershy smiled knowingly at her plumped friend. "Yeah, that's probably it." She lifted a box of candies apples and a box of cupcakes out of her bags, holding one in her mouth and one on her back, and brought then over. Rarity, seeing this, licked the last of the milk off her lips and picked up the boxes, levitating a cupcake towards her mouth. She fit it into her mouth with one bite, her cheeks puffed out while she chewed and swallowed. Soon after, the other eleven cupcakes and a few apples lined up in her magic to be snacked upon.

Fluttershy suppressed a giggle at this display. She had been planning to feed the treats to her flabby friend, but it seemed that she was already so eager that she needed no encouragement.

Fluttershy loved every curve, every roll that formed on her friend's body. She watched in fascination as Rarity ate, studying her trembling folds of belly which lay like a bed beneath her. Her rear quivered and shook, having rolls and masses of fat piled onto the area. Fluttershy knew it was an effort to keep the ravenous unicorn well-fed, but the food was irrelevant when presented with the results; Fluttershy knew that Rarity was past the point of no return, and she couldn't be happier knowing that her friend would happily grow large in her care.

Rarity, for her part, was having the time if her life. As she swallowed another mix of chocolate bread and icing, savoring the sweet flavor, she was reminded of her early days of gluttony. She smiled to herself as she remembered how reluctant she was to eat even a single cupcake over her limit; now, she could find no reason to restrain her diet at all; sure, she had gained quite a but of weight, but when she gave in to her gluttony and ate, she barely noticed the rolls of fat she had accumulated. It was merely a slightly bothersome side effect of the fantastic food she ate, and it was an effect she could deal with. After all, Fluttershy seemed to love it, and Rarity was so grateful for the pegasus's help that she would gladly show off every gain. She doubted she would be able to indulge so much without Fluttershy... Then again, Fluttershy had been the one to introduce gluttony into her life, but that hardly mattered to her. As long as the food kept coming, she was content.


"No! More blush!"

Photo Finish scolded yet another makeup artist at work. "No, no! That manestyle doesn't fit at all! Start over!" She usually wasn't this strict, but she could not let the photo shoot of a lifetime be spoiled by amateur's mistakes.

Sitting in a large, reinforced couch, Rarity patiently allowed the stylist to undo the braids and weaving of her mane which had taken nearly an hour to perfect. As ponies scurried about, adjusting lighting and giving her hooves yet another shine, she began to feel the sensation of boredom taking over. That, and hunger. Fluttershy had promised that they would go out to one of Canterlot's many buffets after this was finished, but that didn't help with the hunger she felt at the moment.

"Um, Photo Finish? Could I get a snack while you're setting up?"

Photo Finish gasped loudly. "I'm sorry, but we cannot; a crumb out of place, and the image is ruined!" Rarity nodded and agreed, while mumbling under her breath that candy didn't leave crumbs. Unfortunately, as she doubted she could debate the matter, she allowed her thoughts to drift to the reason she was here.

When Photo Finish had contacted Fluttershy, she had at first thought it was another attempt to get her back as a model; however, she soon found that the photographer and fashion expert merely wanted to know how to contact Rarity, as she wasn't currently at the boutique. After some scrambling to find the white unicorn, Rarity recieved the news at Sugarcube Corner where she was found; Photo Finish wanted her for a one-time photo shoot for a plus-sized fashion magazine.

There had been last minute preparation, one of which included a spell from Twilight for temporarily suppressing Rarity's hunger during the trip for convenience. After a short chariot ride provided to them, complete with a four-pegasus team to pull it, Rarity and Fluttershy found themselves in Canterlot. She hadn't seen much of the city, though, before she was whisked away to the studio she currently sat in.

"Ready!" shouted one of the photographers nearby. Rarity snapped out of her thoughts and found that her hair had been let down, and they were preparing for the first round of pictures.

"Now," an earth pony behind a camera began, "try and pose with your belly out... Good, good." A few flashes of light dazzled her vision. "Now, can we get a few from the side? Just turn a little more... Lay your hoof on the side of the couch." More flashes. "Now turn around, give us a look at your flank, there... Perfect!" More flashes, then the ponies stepped away from the camera. "Now, let's see what we got here..."

The stallion's voice trailed off. He stared at the photos for a moment, then passed them around to the other ponies. They all had contemplative expressions and murmured amongst themselves. Finally, her curiosity getting the best of her, Rarity took one of the photos and inspected it. In the image, the edge of her belly and much of her thighs and rear fell outside the frame, cut off by the edges.

The stallion checked the camera, inspected its zoom feature to make sure it was all the way out, them glanced over at Photo Finish, nervously telling her:

"... We're going to need a bigger camera."