//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: When Stars Collide // Story: Starfall // by AuroraScribe //------------------------------// Everypony steps back, giving Princess Celestia and Star Flare plenty of room as they form a massive half-circle around Star Flare and Celestia. “The stakes are… should you lose…” Star Flare tilts her head and narrows her eyes at Celestia, who is standing calmly, watching her every move. You stand there, looking at me like you’ve done no wrong, she thinks. “Should you lose… you will relinquish your crown to your sister. You will no longer be a princess of Equestria. Furthermore…” Star Flare pauses, her thoughts drowning out the shouts of anger from the crowd, considering her next words carefully. For a moment, she paces back and forth, then, as she purses her lips, she slides off her helmet and takes a deep breath. “You will be exiled… just as I was. Before that, however, you will stand in Canterlot one last time and explain to everypony why you were a coward when your subjects needed you most.” Rarity looks tearfully at Twilight then hugs Spike. “In any case, you shall free him this instant! You can fight all you want afterwards!” She pleads. “Yeah what she said!” Pinkie Pie shouts, nodding to Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash all huddled around Rarity and the statue of Spike. The crowd of ponies shout their approval, but Star Flare turns and clears her throat. “That depends entirely on Celestia...” Star Flare begins. “However, know this. Should she lose, it is my intent to rid Equestria of its enemies – your friend will be but the first of many.” Rarity’s eyes widen as she shakes her head in disbelief, but before she can say anything, Celestia speaks up. “And should I win… you must find a way to let go of this terrible anger that fills your heart. The noble pony I once knew – a hero of Equestria – must return. And while it will not be required that you accept, you must allow me to ask once again for your forgiveness… and friendship.” Star Flare closes her eyes then pulls her sparkling blue mane into a pony tail as she slides her golden helmet back on. “Should I lose, I would be a danger to Equestria… I must be sent into eternal exile.” “Perhaps in time... But not all hope for you is lost.” Celestia says quietly. Emotions swirl through Luna, most importantly one she hadn’t felt since just before Twilight and her friends used the elements of harmony to free her from Nightmare Moon -- Anger. It should be her fighting Star Flare, not her sister… why is she doing this? Celestia’s horn glows brightly, her magic making the entire area glow in its radiance. You do not deserve your crown… you never did. The words play over and over in Star Flare’s mind, making her more determined than ever. Her golden eyes narrow and she takes a deep breath, her own horn now glowing intensely blue. Time seems to slow as she turns and looks at the ponies watching on, pegasi and earth-ponies all with fear in their eyes — fear that before this is over, they may lose their beloved princess. In this moment, as her mind is in another place, she doesn’t see Celestia’s first attack. A bright yellow flash of magic sears a portion of her armor spinning her sideways, but she braces her legs then deflects Celestia's magic with her own. What was that? Cheering? They’re cheering for her? Star Flare deflects a spell, then another… and another, streaks of yellow light coursing by her like rays of the sun. Celestia steps back then jumps into the air, taking flight as her eyes and horn glow intensely, a beam of yellow energy streaks towards Star Flare. A barrier of light forms around Star Flare as she summons her magic shield, then her eyes and horn glow bright blue as she sends a beam of her own magic to collide with Celestia’s - but it’s too late. As the magic collides, the yellow almost instantly overtakes the blue and collides with Star Flare’s shield, sending mini bolts of lightning and sparks in every direction. Star Flare tries to focus her magic to counter, but it’s too much, Celestia’s magic is far too powerful. Star Flare lowers her head, focusing all of her magic into her shield causing Celestia’s magic to ripple away like the light of an aurora. Just when she doesn’t think she can block any more, the yellow beam of magic fades and Celestia lands. She’s taking pity on me? Panting, Star Flare takes flight, heading straight at Celestia. Her eyes flash blue, her shield appearing around Celestia, pinning her in place. She lands and quickly plants her front legs to spin and kick, but the earth around Celestia explodes upward, her magic creating a wall of stone and soil. As her hooves strike dirt, Star Flare whips her head, the motion causing her shield – and Celestia within it - to smash through the wall of earth, tossing the princess onto her side. A bright pulse of yellow magic radiates from Celestia causing Star Flare’s shield to fade away, dispelled by the princess’ magic. She slowly picks herself up, her colorful mane glowing lightly from the magic coursing through her body. .....She didn't abandon us, Star..... Skystrider's last words. But why now? Star Flare shakes her head as if to dislodge the memory, but stops abruptly... They’ve been a part of her for so long, and she can hear his voice with such clarity… she can't lose it. The sudden thought of giving them up feels almost as if she were giving him up, as well. Panting and uncertain what to do, she briefly closes her eyes and remembers the last time she had to fight this hard. * * * * * * * * Crimson's massive tail swung in a wide arc, cleaving through a pillar then striking Star Flare hard. As she cries out she barely manages to use her magic to shield herself as she explodes through a wall of the central Canterlot library then smashes into a bookcase, sending paper, stone and wood airborne. With her armor badly damaged, her magic shield fades as she tries to stand up, limping from a wound on her front leg. "I have... I have to give Celestia more time... Luna... she'll be back, and they'll use the elements..." She stumbles, kicking scattered books and stones as she catches herself but turns to see a giant claw reach through the damaged wall and begins tearing it apart, shattering bricks and stones and fully eviscerating a massive part of the ceiling. She wants to scream as Crimson peers through the gape in the building, but she won't submit to fear, even though her heart feels as if it may jump from her chest. She winces and steps back, watching the massive red and black dragon intently. "There you are... I'm not through playing with you, yet." Crimson's voice rumbles through the library, the final word echoing over and over. He takes a step forward, completely tearing through the remains of the building's entrance. Star Flare summons every bit of magic that she can, her horn fully illuminating the half-crumbled library. Crimson's eyes narrow as he laughs wickedly, the sound almost deafening. "Your magic doesn't work on me, haven't you figured that out by now?" He hisses then points to a gold crescent moon imbedded into the scales of his chest. "Who says I was going to use it on you?" Star Flare grits her teeth as her magic levitates a crumbled pillar outside, raising it high into the air. Unaware, Crimson snarls as he rears back, prepared to use his fiery dragon’s breath just as the pillar smashes across his snake-like snout. The powerful impact makes him collapse onto his side, his massive body crushing the remains of the entrance wall, sending dust and debris all over. As he howls in pain, Star Flare begins to run, hobbling on her hurt leg. They need more time; I have to find a way. "Just a little-" Her thoughts slip into her voice as she glances over her shoulder just as a massive claw comes down on top of her, pinning her to the stone floor. Her magic dances across the dragon's claw and scales in tiny blue electrical arcs and sparks, the magic being completely nullified. With a large chunk of scales missing from under his eye and his nose bloodied, Crimson laughs. “You think you’re so smart.” He presses down, the pressure causing Star Flare's magic shield to explode in a bright blue flash. "No more running... it’s over, little pony." He digs his claw into the floor as he shifts his weight forward to crush his prey, the sound of armor crunching against stone making him smile in satisfaction. Star Flare gasps for air as tears run down her cheeks. She wants to call for help... but she can't move, and she can't breathe. It's over... I failed you, princesses. “I'm sorry, Sky... I'm so tired, I can't...” She barely whispers, her eyelids fluttering as she begins to pass out. Crimson roars then presses down, intent on ending it, but suddenly he surges forward as the flooring gives way and the stones break apart beneath his claw, sending Star Flare tumbling into a small basement chamber below. * * * * * * * * Star Flare blinks and refocuses back on Celestia, determined to not give up until the very end. Her horn sparks with blue energy as she prepares another attack. “Stop! End this, Star Flare; your fight is not with my sister!” Luna’s horn glows brilliant purple and a pulse of magic resonates from her, the force pushing Celestia back and Star Flare onto her side. At that moment, the deflection spell Celestia had prepared is miscast, now just a harmless beam of light streaking into the night sky. Star Flare starts to pick herself up out of the dirt, her eyes wide. “Ce-Celestia?” .....She didn't abandon us..... Star Flare hears Skystrider's words once more as she watches the princess stumble backward; using her wings she barely steadies herself from the impact of the spell she was unable to counter. A bright blue swirl of magic pulses on her chest then fades as it’s absorbed into her body. She tries to gasp for air, but it’s no use. As a single feather from her wings floats to the ground, her body is turned to crystal. “Princess Celestia!” Twilight shrieks. Gasps and shouts of terror erupt through the crowd. “Why--why would you interrupt? I didn’t… no, this wasn’t supposed to happen!” Star Flare shakes her head then looks frantically between Luna and the crowd. The crowd of ponies turns to face Star Flare. Above, a low rumble of thunder sounds as a storm begins to form over Ponyville. “I just wanted to know why she did it…. she was supposed to end this!” Star Flare stumbles. Frightened, she turns and takes off, flapping her wings with all her might. “Oh no you don’t!” Rainbow Dash takes off in a streak of color. “Wait, Dash!” Applejack tries to grab her tail but only gets a mouthful of colorful hairs. “I’ll um… go after her.” Trembling, Fluttershy takes flight.