//------------------------------// // Victory // Story: Hope / An Unexpected Ally // by brandsca123 //------------------------------// Chapter 14 Victory Applebloom was kicking the bars of the cage trying to get out. But whenever she made contact she was treated to an electric shock. Winonia was still barking at the robot that captured her. The robot took a step forward, knocking down nearby trees. Big Macontosh ran forward and delivered a powerful kick to the robots shin. Applejack used her laso to tug at the robots arm. Winonia jumped up and bit down on one of the many wires on its lower torso. With the combined effort of all three, they managed to knock the robot onto its back. Big Mac then jumped up on the bot and grabbed a bar with his mouth and tried to pull it off. He got a shock for his efforts, but he still wouldn't let go of the cage. The robot then shook him off sending him flying to the ground. Applejack who still had the rope in her mouth was lifted of the ground. Winonia still held on to the wire she latched onto. Applejack who was now dangling off the ground swung around and used the momentom to circle around a nearby tree, holding the bot in place. Big Mac got back up and ran at the bot and delivered a flying kick to its face, shattering the jewel in the middle. Winonia managed to get the wire she held onto loose and pulled it out, disabling it. The machine groaned as it fell to the ground with a crash. Applejack sighed in relief as Big Mac worked on getting the cage open. Applebloom jumped out and hugged her brother close, tears streaming from her eyes. "Who do ya think sent this here contraption." Applejack asked Big Mac. He then pointed to a small picture on the robots side. Applejack went over to the picture, passing Winonia who was still barking at the now dead robot. She looked at the picture which looked like a blackend eye surrounded by what appeared to be a snake circling around itself to bite down on its tail. She stared at it for a minute before saying. "Twi should know what this means, Big Mac take Applebloom to the house, I'm going over ta Twilights fer a bit ta get me some answers." "Eeyyyup" Big Mac replied as Applejack left the farm. ><><><><><><><><><>< Matsu and Jane stared at each other intently. Pinkie Pie was still laying on the ground in pain, the kick from Matsu shattered a few ribs and knocked the wind out of her. Rainbow was still paralized from her battle with Matsu, though now she can move her wings slightly. "Long time no see, Matsu." Jane said while glaring at him. "Well, Well, Well, If it isn't our resident celestial knight, I see that you still choose to stand against us." Matsu said. "Matsu, why? Why did you decide to betray her?" Jane asked Matsu. "The celestial knights were weak, I wanted more power and Xorn promised me that, I also hated you. You were always her favorite, I wanted to see you suffer," Matsu clenched his fist as he said this. "Besides, now Harmony's dead, and she forever will be." "Your wrong," Jane said. "Harmony still lives on, her daughter Hope still lives." "Oh, so that child really is her daughter," Matsu grinned, "Knowing that will make it more fun when I do kill her. I guess seeing you suffer some more won't hurt." Jane clenched his fist and ran at Matsu. "You bastard, I won't let you lay a finger on her." Matsu quickly dodged to the side. Jane followed him, swinging punch after punch trying in vain to hit Matsu. "Come now Jane, surely you can do better than that." Matsu teased. He then flicked his wrist, sending electricity towards Jane. Jane was then sent flying and he landed on his feet, still glaring at Matsu. Matsu only laughed, but behind him Pinkie Pie struggled to her feet. Matsu was still laughing at Jane, when a rock hit him on the back of the head. He flinched and turned around and glared at Pinkie who was glaring back at him. "You *huff* leave him *huff* alone." Pinkie said while panting in pain. Matsu growled at her and went straight for her. "Pinkie run!" Jane called out. Matsu was about to land a punch when out of nowhere, Matsu's back burst open. This surprised everyone as they stared in shock. Two thorny vines snaked their way around Matsu and lifted him off the ground. "I thought I made it clear to you, that I wanted to complete this mission alone." Flora said as she walked out from the forest edge. She dropped him beside her. "Besides the mission was a bust, her chaos gene activated so we need to regroup." Flora looked at Jane. "I take it your the celestial that escaped," Flora said. "No matter, we'll kill you once we finish with the child." Flora went back into the forest and disappeared, dragging Matsu with her. "This isn't the end Jane, I will beat you and destroy the child." Matsu shouted as he too, disappeared. The three of them stared into the forest for a long time before they left. Jane was carrying both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash this time as he made his way back into town. "Jane?," Pinkie Pie asked, "Would you mind telling me, who that meaniee was." Jane sighed as he stopped. "That man was Matsu. He used to be a dear friend of mine, before he betrayed me and went after Princess Harmony." Jane continued his walk into town without saying another word. 'I Just hope, that Hope is okay' Jane thought to himself. A/N: To be continued in book three. The series will be put on hiatus for a bit mostly because I want to write about something else for once. Anyway the story will continue in book three.