This is the End

by phantommai

A Warning to the People

They had just come back from helping fix the roof on Applejack's barn, when Pinkie started to tremble all over, and bounce up and down. Each of her eyes twitched seven times.
They all stared at her. "Pinkie," Twilight asked. "Are you alright?"
She didn't say anything.
"What does tremble-bounce-eye twitch mean," Applejack shuddered.
Pinkie looked upset, and immediately grabbed hold of the person closest to her(which was Fluttershy). Furiously shaking her around, Pinkie Pie shouted loudly, "the world is going to end!"
Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight exchanged glances. "Relax," Rainbow Dash sighed. "If the world was going to end, there would be a zombie outbreak. And if there was a zombie outbreak, we would know."
She shook her head. "No, if it was a zombie outbreak or whatever I would have jumped then trembled."
So they all just ignored her usual insanity and walked off in the directions of their houses.
Twilight Sparkle was ready to nod off the bed. She had been up all night studying and writing in the group diary about fixing Applejack's roof. Spike was already well into REM sleep. As she was about to turn out the lights, something flickering the sky caught her attention.
That flickering was headed straight for her window.
She tried getting out of the way, but that didn't stop the creature from crashing through her house and just barely not landing on Spike. It looked like a pegasus, but it also had a huge, long, pointy horn. Its fur/hair was golden, and its cat-like eyes were as well. It would have looked mostly normal if it wasn't for the fact that its wings were made of fire, and it was engulfed in a bright orange-yellow flame(that somehow didn't seem to set fire to anything else).
"Are you princess Twilight Sparkle," it asked in a soft, but authoritative voice.
"Then I must warn you of a danger that could end your world."