Just Another Average Tuesday

by Flamesinger599

An Unusual Friend

A/N: This is my first fanfic, so please review. For those of you that have reviewed already, thanks for the support! I don't own My Little Pony, Hasbro does. Enjoy.

After reading the first couple chapters of A Guide to Dragons, I did have several of my questions answered. First of all, dragons apparently don't eat people. I was thankful for this, as it would have meant a pre-mature end to my social life, small as it was. In fact, they didn't even eat fruits and vegetables. I mean, they COULD, but the preferred diet for a dragon was, of all things, gemstones.

So that’s what all the gemstones were for...

Then I read the line again, fully comprehending it this time.

Wait, they EAT GEMSTONES!!??!!

I decided not to put this to the test. I wasn't hungry, and my teeth still felt the same as my human teeth. I had no doubt they had gotten stronger, but I wasn't prepared to lose one of them to find out.

I also discovered that, yes, dragons could indeed breathe fire. In fact, they could breathe two different kinds of fire: the normal kind that torches everything in front of you and is colored red, orange and yellow; and a special, green-colored flame that, after engulfing an object, would teleport it to the dragon's desired location with absolutely no damage to the object itself.

I experimented with both kinds of flame and succeeded not only in setting the grass around my bed on fire, but also in teleporting the bed itself 10 feet away from my position, where it appeared in a bright flash of green fire.

I walked over to the bed and examined it. There were no burn marks whatsoever.


I almost continued reading, but the next chapter was all about dragon history. And the one thing I knew for sure about history was that I found it boring as hell.

So instead I thought about what to do. The safest plan seemed to be stay here, and yet I wasn't drawn to that idea. I was obviously in the middle of nowhere, and I wasn't too keen on the idea of surviving for the next couple of days on nothing but gemstones. That is, if I could get myself to try one.

The best and probably not safest plan would be to start looking for intelligent life somewhere in this place.

I immediately liked this idea, so I packed everything back into the satchel, slung it over my shoulder, said goodbye to my bed, and started walking off in the direction opposite of the forest.

As I walked, I wondered why I had been so quick to delve into unknown territory. I was never the adventurous type, and my geography skills were pretty terrible so I would never be able to retrace my steps. In fact, I was technically lost already, as I had no idea where I was.

I was contemplating my new frame of mind and thinking it was probably going to get me killed or worse, when I heard something.

I stopped.

Then I heard it again. A faint rumble, coming from over the next hill.

Ignoring the smart part of my mind that was telling me to get out of there, I immediately started up the hill, eager to see what was on the other side.

I was not expecting what I saw.

Lying in the small valley created by the hills, sleeping, was a creature. A REAL creature this time, not just a shadow. It had the body and head of a lion, huge bat wings, large ears, and a scorpion's tail. The noise I had been hearing was the creature's snoring.

Like an idiot, I immediately got closer.

I had two good reasons for this though. One was that in this new body, I wasn't really afraid of anything. I felt powerful, more powerful then I'd ever felt in my life, which I guess made sense, considering I had been transformed into a creature that was infinitely more lethal than a human.

The second, and bigger reason, was that the creature was covered with a large, steel net.

It obviously wasn't aware of it, because it was still sleeping peacefully, with a content look on its face.

I walked all the way to the edge of the net. It covered the creature's entire body and was nailed into the ground with spikes. Someone had put a lot of trouble into making sure this creature didn't move.

Well that proved it. I was most definitely not in Kansas anymore.

But if that was true, what could have done this?

As I was picturing green mutants with three heads nailing down the spikes in my mind, the creature woke up.

I backed up very fast.

The creature on the other hand took absolutely no notice of me. It instead focused all its attention on the steel net that was holding it in a prone position. Whoever had made that net had thought ahead though, because the beast's claws did absolutely nothing to the steel net. It did, however, succeed in making the beast very tired and extremely pissed off.

The beast eventually collapsed, exhausted, and said in perfect English: "Crap."

It had a rather gravelly voice, but I was more focused on the fact that a creature from a world that was definitely not Earth had spoken in a language that was definitely from Earth.

I slowly walked towards the creature until I was about five feet away from the edge of the net. Then I said "You can talk?"

The creature apparently hadn't even known I was there because it jumped about 10 feet in the air
and looked frantically around until it saw me.


"I've been here for the past 15 minutes."

The creature looked me up and down.

"You're not running away."


"And you can understand what I'm saying?"

I blinked. I hadn't expected that.

"Well...yes. Isn't that normal?"

"Of course not."

Greeaat. Another mystery. I couldn't really think of anything to say, so I just asked the first thing that came into my head.

"So, what are you?"

The creature gave me an "are-you-serious?" look. At least, that's what I thought it was. I was never good at reading emotions, even those of my same species.

"I'm a manticore, obviously."

It didn't look that obvious to me. I had heard of manticores and they were basically the same as dragons. That is to say, they were only supposed to exist in fairy tales.

Just where the hell am I?

I looked down at the net. "So what did this to you? I'm assuming you didn't put it up yourself, seeing as you were so eager to escape from it a few minutes ago."

The manticore sat down and uttered a single word. "Ponies."

I blinked again. "Ponies did this to you?"


"Ponies, as in four-legged creatures with manes and tails?"

"That's right."

"And no claws?"

"Of course not."

"And no wings?"

"A few of them might've been pegasi, but..."

"And no big spikes on said tails?"

"Why are you even asking me this?"

"And they did this to you, a manticore, who has all lethal body parts that I just mentioned?"

"I was asleep." he said defensively.

I sighed.

"Well, you obviously need some help getting out of there, so let me just-"

"NO. I can get out by myself."

"You sure about that?"


"Okay then."

I walked about 10 feet away and sat down to watch what was sure to be a very entertaining performance.

It was, but at the same time it was kinda sad. The poor guy tried absolutely everything he could think of to get out of there, from biting to kicking to clawing to slashing. Whoever made that net sure knew their stuff though. The damn thing didn't budge an inch.

The manticore eventually wore himself down to exhaustion again and just lay there, panting. I walked over and kneeled down next to him.

"You're sure you don't need any help?"

He coughed and then glared at me.

"What would you even do? You have claws, teeth, and wings, just like me, and you can probably only lift about half the weight I can."

"I can breathe fire."

"Oh yeah, that's a great idea. Pour open flames over the steel net with the manticore trapped inside. While you're at it, why don't you just, I dunno, BLOW UP THE ENTIRE FREAKING VALLEY!!!"

"Got any explosives?"

"Just lemme outta here, okay?"

There was a pleading note to his voice. I could tell he was actually scared.


I didn't let on that he was probably right. There wasn't much I COULD do that he hadn't already tried. I couldn't tell him that though, and besides I was feeling sorry for this guy. He was probably having the worst morning of his life.

I set about trying to get the net off of him. At first I tried just pulling the net out of the ground, but was met with miserable failure. The nails that held the net were in the ground, and they were going to stay there. I then tried to break the net itself, first with claws, then with teeth. Same miserable failure. My new teeth may have been able to cut through gemstones, but there was something about this net that made it impervious to natural penetration.

Finally, in a fit of rage, I slashed at the net with my claws, willing them to break, willing them to come apart.

What happened next was completely unexpected.

There was a flash of what I could only describe as darkness, pure darkness, and a faint sizzling sound.

When the darkness faded, the entire section of the net that I had just slashed at was neatly cut in two.

I stared. Then I looked down at my claws. They were smoking slightly.

"Whoa." I muttered. "Wasn't expecting that."

I looked up to see the manticore looking at me with a hint of admiration.

"I didn't know dragons could do that."

"Yeah, me neither."

He raised an eyebrow at this but didn't question me. Instead he crawled out through the newly-made hole in the net.

After stretching his limbs and romping around a bit to get all his joints working properly, he looked at me and sighed.

"Well, I guess some thanks is in order."

"That would be nice."

"Yeah, well...thanks. I guess I probably would have been screwed if you hadn't come along."

"Sure, anytime. However, there is one thing you can do for me."


"Actually, make that two things. One, can you tell me where I am?"

He gave me a strange look but said "You are in Equestria, near the Everfree Forest to be exact."

Well that proved it. I was officially not on Earth anymore. As if me turning into a dragon and meeting a talking manticore wasn't clue enough.

"Thank you, and second, can you tell me if you've seen any other dragons in this area?"

This question had just occurred to me, and I couldn't believe I hadn't asked it yet.

He looked at me for a moment, then said slowly "Not in this area no, but there's a whole group of them living on a mountain a couple days walk into the Everfree. Don't know the name of it, but it's there."

"Could you take me there?"

He considered this.

"...yeah, I could take you there. Can't get very close to it, but I should be able to get you within sighting distance."

"That would be very helpful."

"Well then, let's get going."

"Sure, let me just grab my stuff."

I went over and retrieved my bag, which I had set down several feet away from the net.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go!"

We set off. After several minutes of walking, I realized something.

"Y'know, you never did tell me your name."

"Ha! You would never be able to pronounce it."

"Try me."

"Okay. My name is..." and here he made a noise that sounded like a cat having a very large hairball.

I stared at him for a second.

"Yeah, I'll just call you Manty." I decided.

"Oh? And what should I call you?"

I was about to answer when I realized I didn't know my name.

I mean, I remembered having one. I remembered people calling me by it and I remembered writing it down, but I had no idea what the name itself was. It was as if someone had gone through my mind and deleted all traces of it.

This was a startling revelation to say the least.

Manty noticed the look in my eye and asked "What is it?"

"Nothing." I shook my head and painted a smile on my face while going through a mental list of temporary names, finally settling on one that I thought would sound flashy for a dragon.

"Flamesinger." I said. "Call me Flamesinger."

-End of Chapter 2-