This is the End

by phantommai

This is War

No one knew what to think. Not Rainbow Dash, not Applejack, or Fluttershy, or Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike; not even Twilight. No one knew what to do. Everyone just remained silent. Tomorrow a group of what used to be unreal creatures were going to attack their town. People could die.
Applejack insisted that they not trust Fifty-seven. What kind of name is Fifty-seven anyway? And who's to say she won't play a dirty double-cross on them? Who says she's even telling the truth? It could all be a big prank.
So they all put their own thoughts aside and went about their sleepover, but a bit more calmly and seriously. Like an ominous cloud had appeared above them, and it followed them into their sleep.
By morning Pinkie Pie was the only one who didn't doubt Fifty-seven's legitimacy in the least. She said nothing about it. No one did. They all kept to themselves a majority of the morning, until Spike managed to break the ice by smashing something on his foot.
So that got the group talking and moving about for a while, then they fell into that abysmal silence once more. Fluttershy and Rarity wanted to stay with Twilight...just in case.
It was noon. The sun was shining brightly on the optimistically ignorant townsfolk going about their merry ways. Twilight would not leave her telescope. It could happen any minute.
The blue sky was sheathed in a blanket of fire, frightening everyone. Just as Fifty-seven had prophesied, anyone with a cutie mark was burnt by the flames of the oncoming attackers. Fluttershy and Rarity gasped, while Twilight kept looking.
Birds of majestic ferocity and creatures looking practically identical to Fifty-seven were surrounding them, as ponies dressed in gold armor charged at the city. All the victims had cutie marks. Anyone who didn't fit that category was spared their life. Why? Why the cutie mark?
Occasionally, a Hybrid or Phoenix would fall to the ground, deliberately landing on their next victim. "What do we do," Rarity exclaimed, ready to faint.
Twilight stayed still.
"Twilight! They're coming closer!"
Finally, Rarity got Twilight to do something other than just stand there in shock and disbelief. "You two need to hide. I'll see if I can fight them off with my magic." Both Fluttershy and Rarity wanted to reject her suggestion, but knew that serious look in her eye and hid under Twilight's bed.
They had a pretty good view of the fight that went on. Armored ponies came storming in, all circling around Twilight. Ready to charge, ready to kill.
"What do you want? Why are you all doing this?"
No response.
One of them replied with a question. "Where are the rest of the people in this residence?"
"I'm the only one," Twilight lied. She then used her magic to lift one of them off the ground and onto another, then electrocuting them both. She dashed into the kitchen and grabbed the knife using the telekinetic power of her horn. "Stay back! All of you!"
Fluttershy closed her eyes and covered her ears. It's not like she would be able to see anything from where they were anyway.
Rarity didn't want to be a coward. But she also didn't want to die. She knew Twilight was dead. She felt death's icy exterior on her skin and through her hair. She heard the bloodcurdling scream of pain that came from Twilight.
Rarity started to cry. Twilight was dead. The one that united her with a group of amazing individuals, the one that saved the world countless times by her side. The princess. Fluttershy also cried but her tears were more full of rage than anything(ironically). She was mad at these Phoenixes or whatever they were, for making her cry. For making Rarity cry. For killing everyone. For killing her friend.