//------------------------------// // Chapter Seven: The Finale Battle // Story: The Golden Throne // by pokefreak13 //------------------------------// "There." Roseluck stated happily once she had finished bandaging Rarity up. The unicorn nodded and the two mares quickly stood up. However, when Roseluck turned around to pack up her things, her blood ran cold as she felt a blade against her neck. "I do appreciate you healing me," Rarity informed as she pressed her blade harder against Roseluck's neck, "But King Blueblood hired me to stop all warriors from reaching him, and that's exactly what I'm going to do." "I'm not even a warrior." the earth pony gulped. Rarity smirked, "Nice try Roseluck, but you can't fool me-" The unicorn let out a moan before collapsing on the ground, revealing Roseluck's grandfather with a crumbled brick. "We need to go now." he replied urgently. "Come on!" Trixie shouted. Trixie, Spike, and Pinkie Pie were pushing through crowds of confused upper class unicorns. Soon, the small group came to King Blueblood's castle. A large, pearl white building with grape vines snaking around the marble white columns, and tall windows closed and with velvet red curtains drawn closed. "Go and get them!" Pinkie shouted before stopping. While Trixie went ahead, Spike stopped and turned around in confusion. "You aren't coming with us?" he questioned. The mare shook her head sadly, "I'm sorry, but I promised to get you up the mountain and I did my job. I'd love to watch you guys battle King Blueblood, but I have a family to get back to." she explained. Spike nodded his head and took out his axe before heading inside the castle, leaving a smiling Pinkie Pie in his wake. "Watch it!" shouted a purple unicorn servant as Trixie galloped past her. The blue unicorn just rolled her eyes and kept galloping through the castle. She was so close to becoming Queen of Equestria that she barely even acknowledged Spike by her side. "Almost there." she muttered under her breath as she neared two grand oak doors. Quickly, she levitated her sword out of it's shelf and held it above her head. Sighing, Spike jogged past his determined friend and opened one of the doors just in time for Trixie to charge past him. Rolling his eyes, he slowly entered into the throne room as well. For, he knew that the throne room could be his grave. "I-I'm a what?" Roseluck asked as she and her grandfather galloped through Canterlot. "You are a descendent of the great Knight Starswirled the Bearded." Greenhooves explained, "Before his death he casted a spell that allowed his fighting skills to be past down from generation to generation." The two stopped at the front door of Blueblood's castle. Mr. Greenhooves took a deep breath and pulled out a small dagger from his bag and gave it to his granddaughter. "This was Starswirled's most prized weapon. The blade is a Moonlight Dragon's talon, the grip is made out of bedrock, and it was forged together with the flame of the legendary Golden Phoenix." The old stallion placed a hoof on Roseluck's shoulder and smiled, "Use this to win that throne and stop this blasted game." Roseluck took a step back and gazed at the blade, "But Trixie and Spike," she began. "Are no match for Blueblood." Greenhooves interrupted, "The only reason I let them go was because I thought that they'd come back after a couple of hours or so." he informed. The mare wrapped a hoof around the dagger and slid it into her bag. Then she stepped towards the castle's door and took a deep breath. "B-before I do," she piped up, "Why didn't you go and defeat Blueblood yourself?" "Because I am not of Starswirled's bloodline" Greenhooves replied. So with a quick nod, Roseluck opened the door and trotted inside. Trixie and Spike gasped in shock as they saw Blueblood in all his glory standing over a bloody pegasus. "I-isn't that," Spike whispered. "Spitfire." Trixie finished. Blueblood's mane was disheveled, his clothes were ripped and bloody, and his normally cool eyes were bloodshot. However, Spitfire got the worst of it. Her mane and fur were soaked in blood while her clothes were torn to shreds. "Looks like we have an audience." Blueblood grinned. Spitfire raised her head a couple of centimeters and gazed at Trixie. "Run." she coughed, "He's a mo-" However, before she could finish Blueblood sank an orange sword into her throat. The pegasus cried out in pain for a few seconds before death took her. "So," Blueblood said causally while pulling the blade out of Spitfire's throat, "Who's next?" Trixie stared at the king in fear. Her fighting spirit gone. How could somepony kill another and act so casually? "Oh come on." The king sighed, "Don't tell me you came all the way for nothing!" Spike took a step forward and raised his axe with a shaky grasp. Flinching as Blueblood laughed and kicked Spitfire's body aside like a toy. "Spike don't." Trixie whispered. However, before the dragon could reply, he was knocked to his claws by a blur that smelled very familiar. "Roseluck!?" Spike and Trixie gasped in union. "Blueblood," Roseluck stated flatly before pulling out her dagger, "I challenge you to a battle." She caught a quick glance at what remained of Spitfire and that only added to her rage. The one pony that she's been trying to find was murdered by this so called king. Now, it was time for payback. Roseluck charged and swung her dagger at King Blueblood. Laughing, Blueblood dodged the blade easily and slammed a hoof into the mare's chest. She let out a grunt in pain before jumping out of the way as the king tried to slice her head off. However, as Roseluck moved, the tip of her blade grazed Blueblood's cheek. "AAARRGH!!" King Blueblood cried out in pain as the graze turned fire red, "What kind of blade is that?" he questioned. "My great, great, great grandfather's." Roseluck replied before throwing the dagger. It's blade sinking into Blueblood's chest. King Blueblood was lost for words. The pain of a million scorpions forced him to collapse on the ground. Fresh hot tears streamed down his cheeks and he tried to take the blade out, but using his magic only brought more pain. "You actually defeated him." Trixie piped up in amazement. "That means-" Spike said, only to shushed by Trixie. Roseluck stared at the once ruler of Equestria before walking over the the body and pulling out the bloody dagger. Quickly, she checked his pulse. Only to sigh in relief as she heard his heartbeat. "The blade doesn't kill." Mr. Greenhooves explained while walking into the throne room, "It only causes great pain." "Master, w-what are you doing here?" Spike stuttered before making a hastily bow. "You do not need to bow before me." Greenhooves chuckled, "But if you must bow, then bow to the new ruler of Equestria, Queen Roseluck." Trixie stomped her hoof, "No fair! I came all this way for nothing!" she whined like a foal. "I don't even what to rule." Roseluck piped up, "I just want to head home and tend to my flowers." "Well the day isn't over yet," Trixie replied, "I could always be your next challenger." Seeing what she was planing, Roseluck smiled and gave her grandfather the blade, "Sure, hooves on hooves." Trixie beamed and threw her sword by Spike's feet, "Deal."