//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The First Step // Story: The Magician's Mantle // by I Caboose //------------------------------// In order to handle life on the road, a pony would need to meet certain requirements, mostly to avoid succumbing to the constant threat of insanity from the sheer isolation. Trixie possessed such qualities; one of which was the ability to keep oneself entertained and motivated seeing as nopony else would be there to do so for you. "Trixie could kiss you, you ingenious little minx!" Trixie had however found that monologuing and praising herself in private, especially if she felt she deserved it, did wonders for her mood. It was like talking with a best friend and having them agree with everything that you said. Except in this case, Trixie's best friend was her reflection in a mirror, of which she was willing to tolerate looking at for the moment, if only for this. Trixie's mane flicked about as she pranced and posed. "It's such a simple, yet brilliant solution!" Trixie proclaimed, tapping her horn against her reflection before giving a seductive giggle. "But you already knew that didn't you? Trixie, you vibrantly astounding-". Trixie blinked, before rearing back, startled by her actions. 'Getting a little creepy there, Succubus,' she thought in disgust at her actions. Trixie proceeded to turn away from her reflection, preventing her from observing her cheeks lighting up, like one of the many holiday lights ready to be placed up around the city. She gazed down at the discarded newspaper she had been reading only moments ago, before going off on a tangent and making advances towards her reflection that is. Trixie grasped it from the rugged floor and held it firmly in her magic, taking another long look at the illustration of the masked hero dubbed Mare-Do-Well, and the accompanying words that sung her praise. "This is how you get back on top, Trixie," she whispered. Dropping the paper, she began to pace, or at the very least, move around as much as she could in the cramped environment. Her head bobbing along as she continued to work out the delicacies of her recently thought of scheme. Trixie didn't take any notice of the falling light outside, or how the glow of her still lit lantern seemed to intensify as the moon rose higher into the sky. She simply became lost in her thoughts, ignoring everything that was not of relevance. The sounds of the muffled clops of her hooves on the carpet, and the crashing of the waves against the shore far off in the distance were the only sounds she allowed to invade her thinking. "Mare-Do-Well was loved by all," she summarised. Her voice was dull and stale as she continued to walk and turn in sequence. Her tone subconsciously reminded her of an odd grey mare she once knew, at a time before her aimless wandering across Equestria so many months ago. "She hasn't been seen in months," she continued. Replaying her plan over in head, looking for a flaw or something that could convince her maybe this wasn't such a good idea. She would admit that there was a certain amount of idiocy that clouded the brilliance of it all. "She is a suspected Alicorn," she pondered. Trixie realised that any suspicions could cause a hiccup in her progress. Ponies would draw into question the validity of Trixie's claims if the facts didn't add up. "It can be worked around," she ultimately concluded, as it wasn't a very pressing issue, though it could very well become one at a later moment in time. At this moment in time she could not be more ecstatic, and could contain it no longer. Trixie ceased her pacing in the middle off her dimly lit home, her joyous smile returning to her face full force as she involuntarily reared up on her hind legs, her left foreleg flying out to her front, as if she was on a stage at the mercy of hundreds. She was grinning at nothing, and proclaimed her voice to her non-existence audience. "It is settled then! The Great and Powerful Trixie shall become, The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well!" Her outburst sent her into a fit of giddiness, falling back onto all fours, she flailed her hooves around like an excited filly, unable to contain a bubbling laugh. She paused her dance as she looked at her reflection again, as if it was another pony entirely, awaiting an explanation for her behaviour. Trixie obliged. "They all love Mare-Do-Well. They made float balloons off her for ponies sake! So if I- if Trixie becomes Mare-Do-Well, they'll love me!" Trixie broke eye contact with her reflection. Twirling around as the shimmering moonlight cut through her curtains, it's light centering on her, blinding her to everything but her joy. Trixie's prancing ceased as the seemingly genius nature of her plan flashed through her mind. A vision of its potential outcome revealing itself to her. Her, stood clothed in a gleaming purple and black costume, a mask adorning her face with her eyes seeming to glow. Stood on a glamorous stage, spotlights from nowhere shining lights onto her caped form, illuminating her like a beacon. In the sight of thousands, no, millions of ponies, all sat there chanting, "Mare-Do-Well! Mare-Do-Well!" Over and over again, voices echoing off the non-existent walls. "Thank you! Thank you all!" The masked figure boomed from the stage, tipping her hat in humble appreciation. The polished floor reflected the mare's image back at her, prompting her to raise a booted hoof to her concealed face, as if in awe at her own appearance. She run it along the fabric, it was tough, but yet somehow elegant. Her eyes were barely visible under the mask's glowing lenses, expressing such joy that it was almost overwhelming her. She turned back to her waiting crowd, the chanting continuing but practically inaudible next to the masked mare's own thoughts. She rose a hoof to her face again, and in that moment, made the decision that would change her fate for the better. "Who wants to know who's under the mask?!" she roared, throwing her large purple hat aside when she was met with an outburst of cheering from the crowd. She grasped the black material in her magenta magic, her purple irises wide with tears under the mask's lenses. Everything. Everything had led to this moment. The moment she won them back. The moment she mattered. "Behold!" She ripped the mask from her face, awaiting the gasps, the gradual increasing of applause and cheering, and the moment that they began their chanting again. But not for the Mare. For the Magician. Instead the mask's removal was met with darkness, and utter silence. Devoid of all except for a single groan of unhappiness as a crack of light began to form across the mare's vision, unveiling an all too familiar environment. "Aww come on!" Trixie found herself lying on the shaggy floor of her caravan. Drool leaking from her mouth into her disheveled mane, sprawled out amongst the strands of carpet, resembling a splintered flower. She gave another deep groan of annoyance, disappointed her preciously pleasant dream had ended so abruptly and at its climax no less! "Luna, why!" she announced to the heavens, though silently hoping the disgruntled exclamation didn't reach beyond her fragile roof, least she have to add a vengeful princess of darkness to her ever growing list of concerns. With a final huff, she rose from the floor, her mane sticking out awkwardly, evidently due to the way she had fallen asleep on it. She retrieved a brush in the glow of her magic and began to groom herself, if only to get her mane under control. Once finished, she peeled back the curtains of her window, glancing at the somber sight outside. The leafless trees appeared both ominous and beautiful as the light of the morning sky shone through them, unobscured by the clouds like they were yesterday at the time of Trixie's arrival. There was evidence of frost left unmelted in the still shadowed areas under looming tree trunks, telling Trixie that it was getting colder quicker than anticipated. She considered herself lucky that she found civilization before the snow began to fall. "Just what day is it anyway?" Trixie asked herself with tiredness. She had lost track of the dates whilst on the road through the mountain, all it took was one forgetful morning not marking it down and her entire calendar was ruined. She retrieved one of her newspapers from the day before and glanced at the date, the ink seeming to glow as the light reached it through the curtains. "November 19th", she read. "That makes it the 20th today," she murmured as she corrected the calendar by her bed, disgruntled at having to continuously mark off boxes. "Which gives me... just over a month till Hearth's Warming Eve. Plenty of time for the grand reveal!" Trixie wanted her dream to become reality, and what better time than the best time of the year? When dreams came true. A few appearances of a newly revived Mare-Do-Well would definitely stir up some attention, and as long as Trixie kept appearing at a steady pace, her growing superhero fans would simply salivate at the prospect of finding out who was under the mask. Or at least, whoever was under the mask now. 'Details, details,' was her answer to the thought. 'Go out with a big hat and a cheap costume, save a few cats up trees. Keep them guessing. Soon enough they'll be tripping over each other just to catch a glimpse of you.' Trixie knew it would probably be a bit more complicated than that, but for the moment she just wanted to enjoy herself. The difficulties could be dealt with later for now she just had to get the basics of her plan organised. Trixie gave a snort, subconsciously looking towards her reflection once again. "Once I've done all that I'll reveal- Trixie will reveal the reality!" Trixie blinked at the slip up. It was instinct at this point to slip into third-pony whilst talking, yet she found herself reverting to first more often as of late, but Trixie couldn't put her hoof on it as to why. Discarding the query, Trixie laid down upon her bed. Her eyes faced the ceiling, but she instead saw the eventual outcome of her plan. Her standing on the stage, her hoof grasping the fabric, ready to yank it off. "They'll love you, Trixie. They will-" 'Sniff sniff.' "... Wash first. Then plan for comeback." It was unfortunate for Trixie that she was unable to acquire a caravan with bathing facilities, which she considered to be way too far out of her very limited price range. Heck, the one she has had cost her a fortune, or at least a fortune to her, a moderate investment to others. Though things had certainly improved since the early days when she had taken to the road again, after the second incident in Ponyville. Her caravan situation did make washing a pain however. In the odd instance when she was traveling she would find a cheap hotel, or a public swimming pool. But the further away from civilisation she got the less facilities there were, so she had to settle for bathing in the occasional river she came across. By now Trixie was used to it, she even found it preferable in some cases. Being able to relax and observe the beauty of the land in her serene lonesome was an always welcomed opportunity. The thing is though. It wasn't winter in those cases. "Stupid pegasi!" Trixie just needed to vent her frustration, holding no ill intent towards any pegasus whatsoever. She had opted to jump into the flowing water of the river in one go, not wanting to prolong the inevitable. She had found it past a white picket fence near her camp, and decided it was as good a place as any for a wash. Her teeth chattered together as she scrubbed herself, desperately trying to generate some heat. "Did they really need to make it this cold?" she whined, before dunking her head underwater. Trixie soon reemerged, her shivering intensifying. If it wasn't for the fact that she liked being clean, she wouldn't have gone through with this at all. Erupting out of the water, she forced her magic to wrap around herself like a warm blanket. A practical spell for drying oneself, but it wasn't fast enough for Trixie's taste. She sprinted back in the direction of her home, leapfrogging the fence as she went. Her camp was visible not to far away, and she was intent on returning to the relatively warm comfort of her bed. She sped down as she neared however, when an unfamiliar sight accompanied the desired view of her home. She could make out the form of a pony through the cold morning mist. A neon-green mane with a stark white streak shined in the sunlight, along with an orange coat which faded in with the distorted trees in the background. The figure was knocking at Trixie's door, pausing, and then tapping again in sequence, patiently waiting for a response from within. During Trixie's observation she had unknowingly sunk to the ground, lying on her chest to conceal herself from the green-maned stranger. 'Who the heck is that? What do they want?!' she frantically thought. Not taking notice of the coldness of the ground, instead focusing on the image of the intruding figure intensively, running the image through in her mind in an attempt to identify whoever it was. 'Green mane, with a white streak?' Trixie thought in a moment of recognition. Rising steadily from the ground, the pony at her door became visible to her again. Trixie took in the the familiar color of the stranger's coat, a mare's ecstatic face flashing through her mind for an instant. "Is that Apple... Leaves?" She had to pause to remember the mare from yesterday's name, the sound feeling unfamiliar as she said it out loud. Condident in her recognition, Trixie grew befuddled. 'What the heck is she doing here?' she pondered, rearing her head up ever so slightly. 'How did she even know I-' her thoughts went blank as her pupils shrank, her expression turning to absolute horror. Trixie slammed herself back down to the cold grass, laying her head on the floor and closing her eyes, as if not being able to see the intruding Apple Leaves would somehow mean she couldn't see her. Unfortunately for Trixie, Leaves could see her. Trixie's frantic attempt to hide had only drawn Apple Leaves' attention to her direction, and the farmer was currently staring bemused at the still soaking azure mare who was lying down cradling her head. Completely viewable in the open. A sly grin adored her face as she approached the cowering Trixie, her saddlebags bouncing in her stride. She stood before Trixie, who remained still and frozen in fear. "Mornnning," Leaves said, drawing out the 'n'. Her announcement only made Trixie cradle her head tighter. Leaves tilted her ears in the direction of the almost incoherent mumbling that was originating from Trixie, which was barely audible to her. She grew increasingly concerned as the scenarios Trixie was describing grew increasingly bizarre and unsettling. "Ah don't think legs can bend that far back, Trixie." Was her response to a particular gory mumble from the magician, who ceased her whimpering and simply cowered before the seemingly imposing form of Apple Leaves. Years of fear displayed on her face concealed under her forelegs. 'I knew I couldn't trust her, there's no way she couldn't know about Ponyville. She must have followed me back here so she can ransack my place while I watch, then burn it... and probably defecate on it. They're Apples, they always look out for each other!' Trixie retreated into her thoughts, as if they would protect from Apple Leaves' inevitable onslaught. "Just do it..." Trixie whispered. There was no way she could take on an earth pony in a physical fight, and she was so close that Apple Leaves would be able to react to her horn lighting before she even had a chance to cast a spell off. The Apple blinked. "Come again?" was Apple Leaves confused response, staring at the strange mare in utter confusion. She was beginning to feel very awkward, like she was suppose to understand what was going on with Trixie but could not grasp what. Trixie for the first time peaked out from beneath her forelegs, expecting to be met with a look of pleasurable rage and contempt. She was quite surprised to be met with the look of complete bemusement. "You... you know what." She retreated into her forelegs again, prepping for the oncoming assault. "You're here to punish me for my crimes against your family." Apple Leaves couldn't help but release a boisterous laugh as everything seemed to fit together for her, though she unknowingly demoralised Trixie further with her chuckle. "Ah kinda guessed that you were a bit dramatic, but punish you for crimes against the family? You staying on the farm ain't that big of a deal if you ain't causing no trouble, Trixie!" Trixie fear seemed to be overcome immediately, and she shot to her hooves. Now she was the one staring at the other in confusion. "Staying on the farm? What farm?" she asked, leaning back baffled but in expectancy of an answer. Apple Leaves proudly puffed out her chest, motioning to the surrounding frozen trees with her forelegs. Trixie's gaze followed the gesture. "Why mah farm of course! Or at least... the family farm. Ah don't really own it, but I do a lot of work on it!" she finished with some disappointment, though Trixie was still focusing on her words. Her expression grew ever calmer as she started to realise what Apple Leaves was implying. 'This must be her Apple Orchard! No wonder there's so my trees.' The fact Apple Leaves had yet to attack told Trixie that she should just play along, if she didn't know about Ponyville, which Trixie assumed she didn't, she would rather it stayed that way. At least for now. 'She must think my trespassing on her land is why I was afraid...' Trixie just lied as convincingly as she could, which being a performer, was not too difficult a task. "Yeah, you caught me! I was just... afraid you wouldn't take too kindly to my trespassing on your land. I'll get moving as soon as-" "Now that won't be necessary," interrupted Apple Leaves, a hoof held out to emphasise, causing Trixie's fear to resurface quickly. "You ain't the first traveller round these parts to set up camp. Heck the farm's so big most folks don't know where the borders end. Ponies are always passing through thinking it's the Filly' Forest!" The Apple announced, reassuring Trixie, whose fear diminished when it was revealed that Apple Leaves wasn't being devious. The magician was honestly quite surprised. More often than not she would be chased off of the land she'd unwittingly stumbled upon by this point. Yet this time she was having a calm conversation about the mistake, with one of its owner no less! Who was apparently allowing Trixie to stay without argument. Convinced that there was a catch of some sort, Trixie began to pry. "Why let me stay? It doesn't exactly help your interests," she questioned, mustering a suspicious glare, which honestly wasn't all that intimidating. A glare which Apple Leaves didn't seem to take any notice of, being quite happy to explain herself. "Just being a friendly neighbour is all, wouldn't really be proper to throw you out without a reason, specially since you ain't done nothin," she stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. That answer didn't seem to satisfy Trixie, who continued with her questions, not convicted that Apple Leaves wasn't up to something. "How'd you find me anyway? We only met the once and I didn't tell you where I was living." Leaves snorted, the image of two fillies rushing through her mind like a bad headache. "Weren't me that found ya. The Twins were out late last night playing, past curfew Ah might add. Said they heard shouting and then came across a wagon parked up by the ridge. Ah came and took a look-see and lo and behold, there was you sprawled out on the floor. Came as a bit of a suprise ta me I'll admit." Trixie assumed that the 'twins' Leaves was referring to were some extensions of her family. Trixie immediately grew concerned at the prospect that they had heard her rambling of her Mare-Do-Well scheme last night, worried that the plan for her comeback would be over before it even began. But seeing as how Apple Leaves had yet to say anything on that topic, she decided to avoid it entirely on the assumption that she did not actually know anything. If that was the case Trixie would rather it stayed that way, at least for the time being. Trixie attempted to pull a grin, which she found difficult on account of her current supressed feelings. "Well, Trixie supposes that she should thank you for allowing her to sleep. And also the whole 'not throwing her off your land' part. That's good too," Trixie stated. Her primary fears overcome, but a little suspicious none the less. Apple Leaves seemed to brighten up a little, her familiar gleeful attitude from yesterday returning, and she was quite amused by Trixie method of speech. "Well then, neighbour. As a welcome to Filly', the Apple family would like you ta have..." her speech became muffled as she slung her saddle bag from her side using her mouth, an everyday practice for an earth pony. The bag landed before Trixie, who could already detect a sweet scent from within, not understanding how she could have missed such a delicious smell until now. Apple Leaves stuffed her hooves into the bags, having to look through it herself as she didn't remember what half of its contents were. "Now. We got you some Apple Pies, made by Apple Pie no less; mah sister. Couple galas, those are the red apples, not a lot a ponies know that. Some fritters. A pitcher of Cousin Mac's apple cider. Ah also personally got you some-" "Why?" Trixie's interruption of Apples Leaves' rambling prompted her to cease her rummaging through the bag. Upon turning her head up to meet Trixie's gaze, she did not anticipate the look of complete shock that adored her face at all. Leave's swiftly rose from her position, waiting for Trixie to continue, who just could not stop staring at the bag with contemplative eyes searching for an explanation. Trixie didn't understand. She had known the pony in front of her for less than a day, and yet she had not thrown her from her property, she had even allowed her to stay. Not only that, she had brought her a bag of offerings, which even though Trixie knew she wanted, she could not accept. Was it stubbornness? Pride? In this instant Trixie knew that it was neither. It was simply a matter that Trixie couldn't accept because she did not consider herself worthy of the gesture. The question on her mind was why Apple Leaves thought she was. "You don't even know me," Trixie said, breaking the intentional silence. The wetness of coat was long forgotten, she didn't even flinch as a morning wind broke past, causing both mares manes to flutter and sway. Branches creaked together due to the lack of leaves upon them, and the crashing tidal waves in the distance were as audible as ever. Apple Leaves took a long hard look at Trixie, pondering her words extensively before something seemed to become clear in her mind. Their encounter yesterday and Trixie's confusion now suddenly made a lot more sense to the mare. A small smile soon creeped onto her face, not an overly ecstatic one like the ones Trixie was familiar with, instead a subdued one that seemed ten-times warmer by comparison. "You ain't used to kindness are you, Trixie," Leaves stated simply but with certainly, awaiting Trixie's response. "I- Just- Trixie- Well-" Leaves' response had sent Trixie into a state of stuttering, trying to form a retort that didn't sound like denial. She could not do it however, as everything she could think of sounded pathetic and forced. Trixie just didn't want to admit that Apple Leaves was probably right, and that the fault in this situation was Trixie's own ignorance of how to respond to it and not the Apple's own generosity. "I know I don't know you at all, Trixie. But you don't need ta know a pony to want to do good, it's all just a matter of... doing it." Leaves hadn't intended to have a conversation such as this on her way over, but the almost pleading look on Trixie's face, in a desperate search for an answer just forced her to say something else. Though it was slightly aggravating that Trixie wouldn't just take the bag, she didn't voice these frustrations of course. "But you really really don't know me. The real Trixie." She desperately reiterated. Trixie has lied to Apple Leaves' face only moments ago about Ponyville, and she was too cowardly to tell her the truth now. How could she accept her generosity being the mare that she was and because of the things that she had done? Leaves couldn't contain her sigh, her expression downcast as Trixie continued to stare, still silently pleading. Apple Leaves' purple irises bore into Trixie's own. "I'm beginning to think a lot of ponies don't know the real Trixie." With that, Leaves slung the bag from her shoulders completely, slipping it to the ground, the contents rattling from within. Trixie didn't pay attention, her expression blank as Leaves' words overcame her thoughts. She pondered them continuously. 'I don't think I even know who the real Trixie is anymore.' The soft clopping of hooves on the grass broke Trixie from the clouding thoughts. Her eyes focused on the retreating Apple Leaves, walking in a strange side on stride, in order to remain facing Trixie's direction. She eventually spun to face Trixie completely, now walking backwards, the welcoming smile never leaving her face for a second. "Offer still stands though, Trixie. You're always welcome at the farm. Just... Whenever you're ready." With that final word, Apple Leaves disappeared into the trees, becoming invisible between the winding trunks that almost matched her coat in hue. Trixie just stared, a sudden coldness overcoming her form. It wasn't due to her soaking coat. It was an emptiness. A longing, but not the usual kind Trixie felt. It wasn't for the riches, or for admiration. It was just to be in the presence of another pony like Apple Leaves, who didn't treat her with anything less than what she deserved. Problem was that she had never been offered too much before. It was in Trixie's nature to take what she could and give nothing back, not have it handed to her on a silver platter. It wasn't because she didn't want to be pitied, or treated with compassion. It was that she felt they were meant for those who deserved it. Not those who longed for it. And especially not for ponies like Trixie. She stiffly veered her muzzle towards the discarded bag, the draft of the delicious contents from within reaching her nose. Knowing it would only go to waste otherwise, she grasped the bag in her magic, holding it firmly as she turned towards her home. Slowly, she paced over, numerous questions about the nature of the generous mare's kindness and her own deceitfulness distracting her to the world around her. She was back inside with the bag's contents deposited on her desk before she even knew it. Her vision became cloudy at the sight of the apple gifts, all varying in color and attractiveness, and all present with unique warm smells. She grasped the jug of apple cider in her magic, shaking it slightly to get an estimate of how much of the drink there was. With little hesitation, she uncapped and took a gulp of it. The delicious taste was extravagant. It was so good that Trixie had to force herself to stop, wanting to savor it as much as possible. Her amazement at the drink was only overshadowed by the fact that somepony had given it to her willingly. 'We can't all be good mares,' she thought dejectedly, assuming she wouldn't administer the same level of kindness to a stranger. She once again focused on the plethora of apple relented treats bestowed upon her, adding most of it to her other piles of groceries. Upon emptying her table, she came across one of her notebooks. She kept a few of them around to plan out her shows, or write down the occasional bout of insane rambling. Seeing it there inspired her. The memories of her comeback plan flooded back as if a dam had been broken in her mind. She took a seat at the table, and grasped a quill and the bottle of cider in her magic. Opening the book to a random blank page, she began to scribble, doodle, and craft. She wrote everything and drew everything that seemed relevant to her idea; her costume sizes, what materials she possessed, the type of equipment she would need, what spells she should brush up on. All under the page heading that read 'Step one.' She wrote it all down. The kindness of the stranger never leaving her heart.