My Little Human: High School is Magic

by TidalWave

Ch.2 Part 1 Chemistry 911

My Little Human: High School is Magic

Author’s Note: I’ve decided to make the second chapter into six shorter parts, so that it’s not all in one big messy clump. This story takes place during the events of the first chapter. Don’t worry the rest of the mane cast are coming very soon! Only this chapter(2) will be done in this style. The rest will include all the characters and will not focus on just one. Enjoy :)!

Chapter 2: Chemistry 911

Shy stepped into the room just as the teacher turned to close the door.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She uttered softly to the woman, her long, pale, pink hair flowing gently behind her.

The black woman, dressed in a black and white striped dress and a golden choker, merely smiled and said, “My dear, there is no need to apologize. I can tell for myself if a student lies.”

Blushing, Shy, made her way to her seat in the very middle of the room. All around her, other students were conversing, about parties, gossip, and sports. Letting her long hair fall slightly in the way of one of her deep teal eyes, the student opened up her Chemistry 1 textbook and began to read. Out of all her classes this semester, Chemistry was definitely her favorite. Although she preferred to learn about animals and Biology, the teacher was nice and she didn’t have to talk much or interact with other kids from her grade. This being a junior course (she had already taken biology the summer after 9th grade) there were mostly juniors and seniors.

“Alright, class,” Professor Zecora said loudly, the entire class hushed.

“Today, we are going to be studying the chemical relationship between sulfuric acid and sugar.” She raised an eyebrow and looked around the room as the entire class, aside from Shy, began to buzz with excitement.

“Ah, I see you all are aware of what will occur when these two elements are combined?” the class nodded in response. “Well, then, I trust you also know we must keep each reaction confined.”

Turning to her left she raised a small clear box for the students to see. “A box just like this has been placed on each of your tables, as are samples of each element.” Each person at every table takes a moment to look and make certain that they had the materials.

“Remember, this reaction produces intense heat as well as a toxic gas, so please be sure to keep the elements safe within the glass.” The teacher reminded the students carefully.

The class was separated into seven groups of four. Shy’s group consisted of Carter, Hector, and Bonnie, all juniors. She smiled; Bonnie was actually really nice and had been known to bring in samples of homemade candies randomly. Hector, a loud obnoxious wrestler, quickly made a grab for the box and the element samples.

“Hey!” Carter yelled at the boy, her orange hair flying around her face as she made a grab for the box, “we all need to work together.”

“No we don’t,” Hector retorted, “You girls will just screw it up!”

They began to do what looked like tug-of-war with the little clear box.

Shy was just in the middle of sinking so low in her chair that she couldn’t be seen, when a tall shadow became visible over Hector’s head.

Professor Zecora quickly reached down to snatch up the box, but before she could Hector stuck out his tongue at Carter and let go. This sent the girl flying in the opposite direction and causing her grip to slip from the clear cube. Shy lunged gracefully to try and catch the box but not before it came crashing down and hit the floor.

“I-I’m so sorry” the tall pink-haired girl breathed, her hands behind her back.

The teacher, mad now, ignored Shy and turned to Carter and Hector. “Why must you foolish children do this every time we have an experiment?”

Carter and Hector looked down at their feet sheepishly.

“Never mind,” Professor Zecora said bringing a hand to her forehead, closing her eyes, and shaking her head. “You two,” she pointed to the two embarrassed students, “Vice Principal Luna’s office. NOW!”

They both grumbled things like “Ugh” and “That’s not fair” but then did as the teacher had said.

“As for you,” she said turning to face the remaining two girls, “you can manage this on your own. But please do the steps, just as I’ve shown.” The girls nodded.

The teacher handed Shy the box and walked off irritated, but thankful that the two who had to do the experiment on their own were two of her best students. Bonnie turned to Shy and smiled, “well we should probably get started on this thing.”

After they had set up the experiment just that way Professor Zecora had showed them, they began.

“So Shy,” Bonnie turned her head toward the silent girl, “that was crazy right?”

A quite “yes” was the only response.

“I mean, really! You would think that some people could at least behave in class!” Bonnie said and shrugged, tearing open the packet of sulfuric acid.

Nodding, Shy reached across the table and opened the small clear door on the top of the box. Bonnie then poured the acid into the small clear bowl they had previously placed in the box, humming as she did so.

This next step was tricky. It accommodated the initial combining of the two elements, the most dangerous part of the activity.
Shy was more than a bit nervous, something that hadn’t been help with all the activity leading up to this experiment.

“Okay ,Shy, this is it.” Bonnie grinned at Shy encouragingly. She ripped open the packet of sugar, and handed it to Shy.

“Here, you can pour in this one. I know how much you like this class.”

Shy gave the other girl a smile, “okay.”

Bonnie slowly released the hatch on the top of the box, opening the door. Being careful not to drop any of the powder, Shy gently poured it into the small bowl. Hastily, Bonnie reached for the door and sealed it shut. Both girls watched intently as the reaction began to take place.

Knowing that they were to report to Professor Zecora when the initial reaction process began, Shy quietly stood up and walked in her teacher’s direction, leaving Bonnie to observe the elements. As it turns out, Shy and Bonnie were not the first group to complete their reaction and Professor Zecora was occupied in helping another group. Shy waited patiently for the teacher to finish with this group before informing the teacher about hers.

Suddenly, from across the room, Shy heard gasps and whirled around to see what was going on. On the floor, was Bonnie eyes closed, mouth gasping.

She looked to be choking on something… but what was there to choke on? Water and food was prohibited from the class and she hadn’t been chewing gum. Just them it dawned on her.

“It’s the toxic gas from the reaction.” Shy said under her breath to no one in particular as she made her way across the room and kneeled beside Bonnie. Someone shouted for the nurse and several others sped out of the room in sure of her.

Reaching for her backpack, Shy took out her inhaler. She shook it up carefully, fear rising in her throat. She had been warned on several occasions that is was extremely dangerous for one to allow another person to use their inhaler. But that didn’t matter right now; the gas had caused Bonnie's lungs to tighten up and was now making her unable to breath.

Shy pressed the inhaler to Bonnie’s mouth and pressed the button on the top. The medication was forced it's way into the girl’s mouth, down her windpipe, and through to her lungs.

The entire class was silent, no one dared to move. Shy didn’t take a breath.

Just then Professor Zecora rushed the nurse through the door and over to Bonnie.

“Oh my goodness!” the light pink haired nurse interjected, causing Shy to briefly look away from her ailing friend. When she looked back she gasped with joy, along with the majority of the class.

Bonnie’s eyes were slowly opening, her chest gradually lifting up and down. She looked around for a moment before the nurse began to shoo away the surrounding students.

She checked Bonnie’s pulse for a moment before addressing the class. “Alright now, I need three strong boys to help me lift her up onto one of the rolling tables and other volunteer to call an ambulance. Although she is breathing now, she still remains in critical condition.”

A girl with light blue hair raised her hand and offers to call the ambulance. Shy didn’t hear anything. She just remained kneeling, where Bonnie had been lying, with an inhaler clutched in her hand.

Before being carried away on the make-shift stretcher Bonnie opened her eyes and whispered something to the boy on her right side.

The boy looked up and faced Shy, “she said that she wants to say thank you to Shy, for saving her life.”

Shy walked over to the girl on the table and caused her to smile. “Thank you Shy, you saved me. You’re a real hero.” Bonnie once again closed her blue-green eyes, and laid down her half-pink half-dark violet head. Then, she was wheeled out of the room.

Professor Zecora addressed he class. “Okay everyone. Please just clean up your tables, we will take the rest of class off and you will have no homework.”

The entire class cheered, except for Shyler.

“Shy,” Professor Zecora said, approaching the hushed girl, “what you did just then was very brave, you probably saved Bonnie’s life.”

"But, the gas. It must've leaked out from the box." Shy whispered, her eyes begining to moisten, "I should have been more careful and checked the box after it had been dropped."

The teacher put an arm around the girls shoulders and said, "Do not feel upset, as I said before, what you did saved her. It is no one's fault but mine that the box wasn't properly checked. I am very sorry Shyler."

Shy nodded and wiped underneath her eyes.

“If you need a moment, you can go to the restroom.”

“Yes, thank you.” She said at a barley audible level, and walked out of the classroom.

She stepped into the vacant bathroom and checked to make sure she was alone. She strode up to the large body-length mirror and gazed at her reflection.

Her baggy yellow sweater was hanging off one of her shoulders and her long pale pink hair was covering her face again.

She bowed her head before turning away.

“I’m no hero.”