//------------------------------// // The Fundraiser // Story: Instant Teenager // by SeasonTheWiccan //------------------------------// Cumulus had sat down in her seat when Dandelion asked, "What was THAT all about?" "Huh?" "Cue, why did you hang back?" asked Autumn. "I'll tell you after class." Autumn and Dandelion looked at each other briefly, dropping the subject. They knew something was up and honestly, they were a tad scared to know. Mr. Donkey then addressed the class, "Morning students." "Morning," most of the class grumbled. He simply ignored their groans and continued, "Now before we get to our lesson, our Valedictorian has a project to put together...Cumulus?" "Y-yes?" she stammered. 'What was Mr. Donkey getting at?' "Don't you remember me telling you?" Cumulus was now officially confused, "Can you refresh my memory please? A lot has been going on lately." "Of course, Cumulus has to organize a fundraiser to raise enough money for both our Graduation Party in Las Pegasus AND for the location for the ceremony." 'F-f-f-f-fund...raise...er? Me?' "Um, Mr. Donkey, no disrespect...but I don't think you told me this..." "Really?" Cue could only shake her head. "Oh...well...now you do...um...this has to be put together within the next month. I will be here to assist you if you need it and I'm allowing your family, friends and fellow classmates to help as well since this is such short notice." Cumulus could breathe a sigh of relief, she had backup. "Thank you." Mr. Donkey grinned and turned to begin the lesson, meanwhile, Cue gears were turning for ideas. Though how she would get the result would not be what she expected. For the next two weeks, Cue was going crazy trying to set something up for a fundraiser. She was in her room, typing down ideas to present to Mr. Donkey. "Candy Gram? Maybe...Auntie Pinkie could make some candy and ponies could buy some and write a message to somepony...no, that's more for Hearts and Hooves Day and it's almost Winter Wrap Up." She took the sheet out of her typewriter, crinkled it into a ball and tossed it aside. As the two weeks went by, her friends and family noticed how little sleep she'd been getting by the way her mane and tail looked. It looked like she had been working at the wind section of the Weather Factory full time for the past two weeks. They were getting increasingly worried about her especially since she was also saying and or mumbling random fundraiser ideas out loud. "Popcorn sales...Carnival...Animal Races...Dog Show...Kissing Booth..." Rainbow Dash heard this as she passed by Cue's room when she was on her weekend break. Cue had told her about the fundraiser and immediately worried and this was the reason. Cue has always had a habit of delving deep into every big challenge thrown at her, whether it be performing for the Princesses, spelling out a proposal, acing all her classes or even setting up a fundraiser, anything you throw her way you can count on the task getting done on time and done perfectly. The only problem is that sleep and sanity isn't part of the deal, she will go crazy to get it done at the expense of her health (Gee, I wonder who she learned THAT from!) which was why Rainbow was both happy and scared for her. She even dozed off in the middle of class while reciting these ideas, which even surprised Mr. Donkey, 'Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to pile this much on her,' he thought as he was teaching and watching her. She tried her best to be wide awake for both work and school, though she had to work REALLY hard to keep her eyes open and awake. "Poor Cue," said Dandelion who was watching Cumulus clumsily bust a cloud from below with Autumn by the Ponyville Fountain. "I know, I wish there was something I could do to help her," Autumn said sympathetically. Dandelion then got an idea, "Maybe there is!" "How?" Dandelion grinned slyly at him and nudged her head towards Cumulus, Autumn knew what she was getting at. "No! No no no! No way! I'm not doing it!" "Autumn, it's the only way to help her!" "I-I can't! I've never asked a mare out before!" Dandelion rolled her eyes, "That's because you've never tried! I mean it can't be as hard a performing a song!" Autumn then got a lightbulb moment, "That's it Dandie! You're a genius!!" Dandelion looked at him confused, "Excuse me? What am I a genius about here?" "A song! I'll perform a song to ask her out! Mares love that!" "Autumn I was saying that as a comparison, not for you to take serious-" "Dandie, this is perfect! You're awesome!" "Ly.....and you're not going to listen to me are you?" "Why? What's so wrong with this plan?" "Because it is THE most cheesiest thing to do in the history of cheesiest ways to ask a mare out!" "Well, I'll be laughing in your face when it works!" He then ran home to get his guitar with the hopes that she would snap out of this, come up with an idea, and most importantly: say yes. Dandelion face hoofed as she watched him leave, "What...an...idiot." Cumulus went to the restaurant to get herself some coffee, she rarely drank it, but right now she REALLY needed caffeine in her system. When her coffee was finished, she heard a guitar playing and Autumn's voice singing as if he were singing to a certain somepony and to her alone. Imagine her surprise when she heard his voice approaching her! She listened closer to the lyrics: "Would you go with me? If we roll down streets of fire...would you hold on to me tighter? As the Summer sun got higher? If we roll from town to town and never shut it down." Autumn was now right in front of her, and only surprise was on Cue's face, 'Wait, is he asking me out?!' Cue had only considered him a friend but occasionally thought of dating him, but she'd put it out of her mind, thinking of what would happen if they broke up. She had honestly never had the inkling that he had a thing for her, 'How long has he liked me? Oh my gosh! My best friend had a crush on me!' "Would you go with me? If we were lost in fields of clover? Would we walk even closer? Until the trip was over? And would it be okay, if I didn't know the way?" Cue was now a smiling and giggling mess as he continued. "If I gave you my hoof would you take it and make me the happiest colt in the world? If I told you my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you girl...Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea let me know if you're really a dream...I love you so...so would you go with me? Would you go with me? If we rode the clouds together? Could you not look down forever? If you were lighter than a feather? Oh and if I set you free, now would you go with me? If I gave you my hoof would you take it and make me the happiest colt in the world? If I told you my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you girl...Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea let me help me tie up the ends of a dream...I gotta know...would you go with me? I love you so...so would you go with me?" He then finished with a small solo on his guitar and looked at a flabberghasted Cumulus, as the rest of his audience applauded. Cue still wasn't answering. 'Argh! I hate it when Dandelion's right!!' he yelled in his mind. He then heard a simple, "Yes!" He looked at Cumulus, "R-really?" Cumulus, too dazed to speak only nodded. "Okay, umm...I'll come up with a date then for us to...you know." Now that his feelings and intentions were out, she found it very cute that he was tripping over himself. And that's when the idea hit her, "A dance." "Um, Cue? You okay? Please tell me you're back to normal!" "No! I mean, it's perfect! Everypony in Ponyville who wants to attend can buy a ticket, and you and your band can play the music!" Autumn had recently joined a rock band called The Party Crashers as the lead guitarist and singer, the music wasn't his taste but he needed to earn the bits from playing gigs. Cue then thought it through, "Ugh, that's not gonna work." "Why?" "We'd need to pay you." Autumn didn't want her to suffer through this anymore so he said, "You know what? I'll pull some strings and see if we can do the labor free." "Really? Are you sure?" "Nothing beats helping out my new marefriend." Cue felt herself blush, she never thought she'd be blushing for Autumn someday. Finding the location for the Dance was a cinch, Cue just had to ask Auntie Applejack if they could the barn and she said yes giddy now that the insanity was over. Pinkie Pie and the others helped to decorate, Rainbow even asked to come home early to lend a hoof and she even brought Soarin home with her to help. Cue noticed that Soarin was accompanying her Mom home quite a lot since they'd been dating but didn't go out in public because of the rule, but Cue didn't mind, she liked having Soarin around. Dandelion was helping her latest coltfriend Sound Check to set up the sound for the band, they'd been dating for at least a week now and had been on, so far, 2 good dates. Even Cumulus was wondering how long this one would last. Meanwhile, her Aunt Twilight was helping Cumulus keep a checklist of the things that needed to be done, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were decorating the ceiling, Applejack was getting the food and refreshments ready, Pinkie was decorating the dance floor and walls with confetti, streamers and balloons, and Rarity was getting the tables and center pieces ready. 'So far, so good,' Cue thought to herself. The Party Crashers were the setting up their instruments on stage to practice when Sound Check had Dandelion to take a break for a bit, he said that he had it under control from there. "You sure?" "Yeah, I got it, plus...you've deserved it with all the help you've been giving me." She grinned and blushed, "Okay, just let me know if you need me." "You got it." He kissed her cheek before she left. As Autumn was setting up, he couldn't but glance occasionally at the beautiful image that was Cumulus. He could not believe that it happened, he was dating her! He was dating HER! The only filly he had a crush on since the very first day of school. Dandelion put her arm around Cumulus and said, "So, I take it the song went well?" "It did, it was so sweet, which kinda begs the question...how long has he liked me?" "Seriously? You never noticed?" "No, I didn't...is it that bad?" "Since Preschool." "Whoa!" "I know right? Well, I had to nudge him a little this year to get him to ask you out." Cumulus giggled, "I bet you did." Rainbow Dash was behind them and heard the whole thing, she looked up at Autumn and he was looking at Cumulus like he had a schoolfilly crush, Rainbow however couldn't believe what she just heard. Cumulus had a coltfriend, maybe it would've been best if she didn't take that offer from the Wonderbolts, then she could've seen this coming and prevented it. On the other hoof, Cumulus risked a lot to get her that position and it would've been giving away an opportunity most pegasi don't even come within 50 miles of getting. The best thing she could do as a Mom was to give her advice. Rainbow stepped towards the two mares with a half smile, "Hey girls." "Hey Ms. Dash!" "Hi Mom." "Hey Dandelion, do you mind if I take Cumulus out for a minute?" "Sure, no problem, I'm gonna see if Sound Check needs help any." Dandelion then walked away towards the stallion. "I think she might actually stick with this one." Cumulus then turned around, "So, where are we going?" "Just going for a fly for a bit." "But...there's a lot of stuff to do and..." "They've got it...trust me. I just need to talk to you...alone." Confused, Cumulus followed the sound of her mother's hoofsteps. They both then took off to the sky, Rainbow didn't say anything for a while which told Cumulus that something was wrong. "Mom, are you okay?" Rainbow took a deep breath and said, "We'd better sit first." She led Cue to a cloud and sat down, with tears in her eyes, she nuzzled Cumulus' hair. "Mom, what's wrong?" "You're growing..." Cumulus looked at her with compassion, she knew it was hard for her; knowing the bond they had and it took a LOT for it to be severed at all. "I...sorta heard you talking to Dandelion and...I just..." "Mom, we've had this conversation before like...8 years ago." "Cue, you didn't have a coltfriend 8 years ago." "Fair enough." "It's just...even I knew he had those feelings for you." "You did?" "It wasn't that hard to notice, it was the way he looked at you all the time, like...he was struggling to get it out but didn't know how to do it. But, I just want you to be careful, being your age and dating...I just don't want you doing anything you're going to regret." "Mom, if it makes you feel better, I'll get on birth control. Okay?" This made Rainbow a little more relieved, though in the back of her mind, she hoped she wouldn't have to put it to use. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?" Cue asked. "Well, I haven't seen you in a while, how is everything else?" "Twilight shoved another college pamphlet my way." Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Which one have you added to your collection?" "Vanhoover." "Sweet Celestia, that's like, what? The third one you've gotten?" "5th actually." "Well, maybe I can talk to her..." "Please?" Rainbow smiled and hugged Cue, "I'll see what I can do." The fundraiser took place the day after the last balloon was in place and all the food was prepared. Word got around fast because Rainbow asked Derpy to put flyers for it in Ponyville resident's mailboxes, and it had a surprising turn out, almost all of Ponyville came out including a majority of Mr. Donkey's class. Cue and Dandelion were holding the ticket booth, Cue was daydreaming about the date Autumn might take them on while Dandelion was getting a roll of extra tickets out from underneath them when they heard a familiar voice, "So, you managed to do something right for once huh?" Dandelion came up with the tickets while Cue snapped out of it and turned her attention to the couple in front of her, "Hello Shiny Bit...Gem." "It took you long enough to pull this thing together! I still have no idea why Mr. Donkey chose YOU as Valedictorian," said Gem bitterly. "Because she earned it and didn't ask her butler to do the work for her!" Dandelion snapped. "If you had one, you'd be doing the same." "I prefer to do the work myself thank you!" "Now are you guys gonna buy a ticket or are you just here to make comments all night?" Cumulus asked irritated. Bit rolled his eyes, "2." 'Would it kill you to say please?' Cue thought to herself. They paid and took their tickets in to give to Applejack and went inside to the sound of Autumn's guitar solo. Cue couldn't help but ask, "Do you think they'd catch us if we...oh I don't know...made them disappear?" "We'd have to be pretty good at hiding the body, both families are crazy rich." "Good point....what time is it?" Dandelion looked at her watch, "Eh...6:30, we're done taking tickets!" "Good, my Aunt Applejack's food is making me hungry." "Just stay away from the cider Cue." "Har har har, you're soooo funny!" "I try." As they went in, they heard Autumn say into the mic, "Alright everypony, this is a new song called 'Lonely Boy' that I wrote a while back for a certain pony and...well...I'm now dating her." Cue blushed and thankful he didn't mention her name. "This one's for you." He started out with a guitar solo then the rest of the band joined in. He then began singing, "Well I’m so above you, and it’s plain to see, but I came to love you anyway-y so you pulled my heart out and I don’t mind bleedin' any old time you keep me waitin'...waitin', waitin' Oh whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin', Oh-whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin', I’m a lonely boy...I’m a lonely boy. Oh whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin' Well your mama kept you, but your daddy left you and I should’ve done you just the sa-a-a-a-ame But I came to love you was I born to blee-heed any old time you keep me waitin', waitin', waitin' Oh whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin', oh-whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin', I’m a lonely boy...I’m a lonely boy Oh whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin' Hey!" He then went into a guitar solo that made the crowd roar and continued. "Oh whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin', oh-whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin', I’m a lonely boy...I’m a lonely boy Oh whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin.'" The song ended as the crowd and Dandelion and Cumulus applauded and Cue could see why he wrote it for her back in the day, but she had to think about that later, she then heard Gem and Bit yelling at each other again. "Bit, why does it always have to come back to this?" "C'mon, it'll loosen us both up and stop the fighting." "Bit, I told you I want to save it for marriage!" "Our parents pretty much have had that arranged since before we were born Gem! Who cares if we start a little early?" "Unbelievable! You are just unbelievable!" "What? What did I say?" "I swear to Celestia, you have no respect for mares!" "What's that supposed to mean?" "We're done!" "Oh no, oh no missy, we're done when I SAY we're done." "Too bad, I just ended it!" Gem then tried to walk away and that's when Bit grabbed Gem by her mane and began dragging her back to his side. Cue heard her screams and went to her defense. "Please, please, please Bit...don't! Not here, please!" Gem cried. "Are we done?" Bit asked harshly. Gem mumbled an answer. "I said, are we done?" he asked again with more force. "No." "Good," he then let go and she collapsed to the ground. "Gem? You okay?" Gem looked and saw that it was Cumulus, words could not describe the amount of surprise on Gem's face. "I-" "Look bat, it's just a regular marefriend/coltfriend argument...something YOU wouldn't know about now BEAT IT!" "Excuse me, but I wasn't addressing you...Gem?" "I...I'm..." "She's fine now get outta here!" That was all Cumulus needed to hear, "Gem, step away from him." "She doesn't need to listen to you!" "Gem, it's okay...just come with me." Gem then got up and walked with Cumulus to get some ice on her head which now felt like somepony took a weedwacker to her hair. Her family saw Gem and asked what happened, Cue knew that Gem probably didn't want that kind of attention so she said that she hit her head and her hair came undone. Applejack then went to get her some ice for her head and Rarity went with her to fix her hair up again. Cumulus couldn't believe what she'd witnessed, Sparkling Gem was in a REALLY bad relationship with Shiny Bit.