The Love of a Dragon

by Racko

Welcome Surprise

As light barely crept over the rooftops, Spike stood at the door to The Golden Oaks Library, rocking back and forth on his feet, poised to knock. As much as he didn't want to be here, he knew he must. He knew that he had to talk with the pony inside, the pony he had called family, his sister. He knew he had to try and repair some of the damage between them. He knew, but didn't like it.

Gulping, trying to steady his nerves, he rapped against the door, waiting for Twilight to answer. After a few, long moments of silence, he knocked again, louder. Spike waited as the seconds passed into minutes with still no sign of the lavender unicorn. Sighing, he tried the doorknob, and finding it unlocked, pushed the door open slowly, calling out "Twilight, are you there?"

Still no response, and Spike looked around the library, taking note of the piles of books and parchment. Finding no sign of the mare on the main floor, he made his way upstairs. He stopped at the door to Twilight's room and knocked, softly calling out, "Twilight?"

His sharp hearing picked up a very faint "Go away" from inside. Frowning, Spike pushed the door open, a beam of light shining on a lump in the middle of the bed, which moved slightly as the darkness of the room faded. "I thought I told you girls to leave me alone?" Came a muffled call from the lump.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Spike asked, taking a few steps forward.

"Huh? Who's there?" A horned head popped out of the mess and turned to the doorway. Seeing the dragon silhouetted in the doorway, Twilight's ears drooped as she lowered be head back to the bed. "Oh. What do you want?" She sniffled, burying her face in the covers "was what happened at the mountain not enough for you?"

"Twilight, it's not like that," he sighed as he walked to the edge of the bed. "That's not why I came."

"Then why did you come, huh? I already know you hate me, you said as much before! So why else would you come here?" Twilight sobbed, bringing her head up to look at Spike, tears streaming down her muzzle. "I thought I was trying! I- I thought everything was f- fine. I- I- I- I..." She choked, unable to continue.

Frowning, Spike sat down at the edge of the bed, placing a claw on the back of Twilight's neck. "Twi-" he began, but was interrupted as Twilight shoved her face into his chest, crying. A pair of hooves wrapped around the drake as she turned his chest into a waterfall. Spike caressed the neck of the distraught made as she emptied her tears and sorrows.

As time crept by, Twilight's sobs started to die down, until they were little more than sniffles. "I came here," Spike began quietly "to talk about everything, Twilight. I came to realize that our friendship was important, no matter what happened."

"What do you mean, Spike?" Twilight asked, pulling away slightly and looking at him with puffy eyes.

"I mean that even after all that happened, you still mean a lot to me Twi. And some of it was my fault, too."

"What are you talking about? I'm the one who took you for granted, Spike. I'm the one that ignored you. Hay, we all did. Speaking of which, what exactly happened?"

Two sisters sat at a large table, enjoying a quiet meal together. The eldest, groggily munching on pancakes and sipping on coffee, watched her sister poke at her own plate, consisting of blueberry muffins and daffodils.

"Luna," she called, clearing her throat, "is everything alright?"

"I think we should go ahead and let them know, Tia." The midnight blue alicorn said, not looking up.

"Why is that, Luna?" The sun princess's ears perked up. "I thought we were going to wait a few more weeks?"

"I have a feeling that they need to know soon, especially him." Luna's eyes stared into those of her sister, unwavering. "A very, very strong feeling."

"Well then," Celestia sighed, frowning at her unfinished pancakes. "We will do it tomorrow. I will go ahead and take care of all the arrangements. We'll ward the castle tonight after everypony has been sent home. I'll tell them all it's a sort of... Holiday." She glanced at her sister, who was back to staring somberly at the table. "Are you sure about this, Lulu?"

"Yes, Tia, I'm sure." She glanced at her white sister. "But I'm not sure what will happen. At best, I bet there shall be confusion. At worst, it's possible that there will be some hostilities after that night."

Celestia walked over to her midnight blue sister, placing a hoof on her shoulder and said "I'm sure everything will work out, eventually. Now, you go get some rest and get prepared for tomorrow, sis." They shared a hug before the elder mare trotted away to attend the day

"She did WHAT?!?!?" Twilight screamed, infuriated. She charged out of the library and galloped down the street. "I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!"

"Wait, Twi! Don't do anything too drastic!" Spike gulped, taking off after her. "This is not good!" he thought to himself.

By the time he got to the Carousel Boutique, Spike hoped he wasn't too late, as he could hear the shouting and screaming from down the road, and the door was blown to pieces. Leaping through the splintered doorway, he saw something that turned his gut upside down. Standing over a cowering, sobbing Rarity, whose mane and tail was covered in splinters, was Twilight with her horn charged and kicking the downed unicorn with her front hooves.

"Twilight!" He shouted, running up to the duo, trying to pull the attacking mare away. "What in Celestia's name do you think you're doing?"

"I'm giving this prissy bitch what she deserves." She snorted without pausing her assault.

"Twilight, stop!" He finally got the lavender unicorn away from the bruised and now unconscious Rarity. "There is no reason to be doing this."

"What all of us did wasn't right, Spike," she growled. "But what she did was just horrible. It's just- just- UGH!" She dropped her head, charging her horn more as it pointed towards the white unicorn.

"Twilight, NO!" Spike tackled the unicorn, right before a large magical blast emerged barely missing its target, but leaving a smoldering hole in the floor. "Have you lost your bucking mind, Twilight?!" He yelled, restraining the panting mare.

"Let me go, Spike." She grunted, trying to get free. "Rarity must pay for what she did to you!" She pushed him off, nostrils flaring and eyes wild with rage.

"Twilight, enough!" He shouted, slapping her across the muzzle with enough force to send her spinning across the room. "Won't you listen to yourself, Twilight? She was your best friend for ponysake!" He pointed to the unconscious mare on the floor.

"Spike, I—"

"No, Twi. You've done enough damage here already." He turned away from the mare. "I want you to go back to the library."


"Now, Twilight." He watched out of the corner of his eye as the lavender mare slowly made her way out of the Boutique, head down and ears drooping dejectedly. When she had vanished from sight, Spike turned to the mess of a pony lying on the floor. "Oh, Rarity," he said quietly as he picked her up. "What happened to all of us? What are we going to do?" He set the unicorn on the sofa and busied himself pulling splinters from her mane.

After removing most of the mess from Rarity, Spike grabbed a bowl of ice and threw together some ice packs before starting to clean up the mess.

"Oh dear, what a terrible dream." Came a soft moan from the couch, causing Spike to turn towards the fashionista, who was slowly starting to stir. Rarity's eyes fluttered open, and dazedly looked at the dragon. "Oh, hi dear, wha—" she paused, as the mess of her shop, and herself, started to register. "It wasn't a dream, was it?" She asked, mostly to herself.

"Afraid not, Rarity." Spike said as he walked to her side.

"What are you still doing here?" She winced, sitting up. "I would have thought you would have left."

"I wanted to make sure you were alright, Rarity." Spike sighed, sitting next to the disheveled unicorn and placing an ice pack on her forehead.

"Well, I am alright, Spike. You don't have to stick around.

Spike said nothing, just sat there staring at the floor, holding an ice pack to Rarity's head.

"Spike, dear, is something wrong?"

"I thought you deserved it," he mumbled.

"What was that, darling?"

"I thought you deserved it," he said again, louder. "What Twilight did, I thought you deserved it, until I seen it happening."

"Well perhaps I did deserve it." She sighed. "I did treat you like an animal, after all."

"Either way, I couldn't stand to see it happen, Rarity." He brought his eyes up to meet those of the white mare. "I guess I'm just a big softie."

"Well darling, no matter what the case may be, I am grateful." She put a hoof on his arm, giving a small smile. "I don't think anything around here would be the same, otherwise. I would hate to see the damage Twilight could've caused if you weren't here."

"Yea, well speaking of her, I need to have a talk with that crazy mare." He grunted, standing up. "Will you be alright here?"

"I suppose so, darling," she sighed, to which Spike nodded and made his way to the splintered doorway. Just before he reached it, Rarity called out, causing him to pause. "Oh, and Spike? Everything I said before about how I feel about you, I meant it all. I just want to let you know, and that it isn't just me being jealous or anything. But please just be happy, dear." She watched as he left, not saying a word, then she slumped back into the sofa. "Oh, Rarity, darling, what are you going to do with yourself?." She looked around her destroyed boutique with a grimace. "And your wonderful shop?"

Spike walked slowly through Ponyville, not concerned about getting to the library anytime soon. He paused at the bridge and stared out towards the mountains, the same one where he first became a monster, and watched the sun gradually come down, bringing an end to this rather eventful day. As the sun lowered to reach the crest of the mountain, Spike felt a presence at his side.

"Lovely evening, isn't it Spike?" Came the soft, soothing voice.

Spike continued to gaze out into the sunset, nodding. "Yes it is," he glanced to his side and did a double-take. "Princess Luna? What are you doing here?"

"Please, Spike, it's just Luna." The midnight blue alicorn said, continuing to watch the sunset. "And I was just out, enjoying the evening, getting some fresh air, same as you." She looked at the dragon, who had turned back towards the mountains, a small frown on his face. "Is there something on your mind, sir Spike?"

The drake sighed, "Nothing to bother you about, Princess. And I'm not sure if you could help anyways."

"You might be surprised at what I could help you with, Spike." She brought a hoof to her chin in contemplation. "Are things going alright with your friends?"

"A little bit," he gulped. "I think I just need to talk to all of them, now that I've settled down some."

"Well, how about everything between you and miss Twilight Sparkle?"

"Well, I really need to have a talk with her," he grunted. "But I think everything will be OK, in the end."

"Well, that is a good thing." She tapped her hoof on her chin. "Hmm, what could possibly be troubling you... Could it be that Mr. Spike is having mare problems?"

Spike turned and stared into the Princess of the Night's eyes and deadpanned. "You have no idea."

She giggled. "Well, you were correct that I probably can't help you with that," she frowned, draping a wing around the young dragon. "But I know some pony that might. Do you think young Princess Cadence could help with your troubles?"

"I don't see how she could possibly make things worse," he shrugged.

"Well, I shall see if she won't pay you a visit in a few days." She declared, removing her wing and taking a couple steps back. "Now, is there anything else that is on your mind, Spike?"

Spike sat there with a solemn expression across his features for a few moments before quietly asking, "How do you deal with loneliness, Luna? Does it always feel like you are all alone, no matter how many ponies you're around?"

Luna sighed and sat next to the dragon, looking down into the flowing stream. "Well, Spike, it's not always easy, but you just have to remind yourself that there are others out there that truly care for you, even if you think they don't. Twilight Sparkle cares for you tremendously, though I think she has just started to realize just how much. The same, I think, with my sister." She held up a hoof to Spike. "Now, before you say anything, you must realize that they may not be able to help with everything, as ponies do get busy with their own lives. And nopony can tell exactly when you need help, so you need to be the one who seeks companionship, and not wait for it to come to you. Even if you manage to find somepony who dedicates themselves to you, it's not always easy not to feel alone."

"So really, it's up to me to not feel alone?"

"Well, yes, but there will always be some pony there for you, young Spike. If you ever need a friend to talk to, or even just an ear to listen to your worries, don't be afraid to ask me." She gave him a small hug, which he returned. "You know how to get ahold of me, after all. Now, if you'll excuse me," She said, pulling away and taking to the air, "I must attend the night. Take care, Spike."

"Thanks, Luna." He called to the retreating princess. Spike continued to sit there for a few minutes as the first stars of the night made themselves visible. Eventually, he grunted and headed towards the library. "I guess I better go talk to that crazy pony," he sighed to himself.

Stepping into the Golden Oaks Library, Spike was expecting to see the same mess that greeted him this morning, but was surprised to see Twilight organizing the books, with all the trash already taken care of.

"Looks better in here, Twilight."

"Thanks, Spike. I figured I might as well clean up my mess while I waited." She blushed, heading over to the couch. "I'm sorry about what happened at Rarity's, Spike." Her ears drooped. "I don't know what came over me."

"At least you didn't manage to do anything overly stupid." Spike sighed, taking a seat next to the lavender unicorn. "The crazy thing is, I had thought she deserved everything coming at her, until I seen it happen."

"Well, let's be thankful for that. She did treat you like trash, though."

"Yea, but it still killed me to see you attacking her like that, Twi."

Twilight stared at her hooves, ashamed. "What about the rest of the girls?"

"I'm still upset at some of them, but I think we all just need to get together and talk."

"Well, I think I can get them all here tomorrow, though I'm not sure about Rarity."

"I believe she will show up."

"Well, I'll send them all a message, then." Twilight stated as she got up and scribbling five notes before magicking them away. " there anything else, Spike?"

"I think I would just like to relax, Twi."

"Would you mind making some hot cocoa?"

"Yea, sure."

"Great, I'll be right back!" Twilight exclaimed, trotting up the stairs.

Spike set himself to work, preparing two large mugs of the sweet, chocolaty nectar and making a small, cozy fire in the hearth before laying down in front of it, relaxing. No sooner than he got comfortable, Twilight slid next to him, placing a book in front of them.

"What's this, Twi?" He asked, puzzled.

"Its our book from when we were really really little, Spike." She had a smile across her muzzle as she opened the book a few pages in and pointed to a picture. "See, you remember this?"

"Yea," he groaned. "It was when you thought fun time for a baby dragon would be reading a history book. Then you got mad when I started chewing on it."

"Waste of a good book," she pouted. "I never was able to get the dragon slobber gone."

"Yea, well try cleaning up pony drool after you fall asleep on a pile of books," he smirked.

"Hey!" She nudged him, blushing. "At least I put books to good use!"

"Yea, as a pillow." He retorted, and pointed to another picture. "Hey, what about this one?"

"Ugh, how could I forget? Your first cold was a disaster." She groaned. "My parents had to redecorate the whole house and threatened to have you sent back to the princess."

"Really?" He glanced at her, incredulous. "You never told me that."

"I didn't want to make you feel worse." She said meekly. "Huh, I don't recall this one."

"Hmm, I think that was when we tried cooking."

"Is that what that mess is?"

"Either that, or-" Spike was interrupted by a loud belch and a scroll appearing in front of them. He grabbed it, wondering aloud, "Huh, I wonder what the Princess could want at this time?" He opened the letter and read aloud.

Dear Spike,

Your presence, along with that of Twilight Sparkle's, is requested first thing in the morning at Canterlot Castle. There will be a chariot arriving at the Golden Oaks Library at dawn to pick up you and Twilight. Get plenty of rest.

Love, Celestia

P.S. Don't try to respond to this letter.

“Huh, I wonder what this is about." He pondered, to which Twilight shrugged, a frown on her muzzle. "Well, I guess we better get some sleep, Twi."

"Can we look at these just a little longer, Spike?" She pouted.

"Yea, I suppose so." Spike settled back down with the unicorn mare, and got comfortable leaning against her side, where they continued to look at pictures until the pair of them fell asleep in front of the fireplace.

"I wonder what those things were called?"

"No idea, but they were awfully stupid for claiming to be able to see the future."

"Yea, well they sure tasted good. Hey, let's visit that planet."


"How about that one?"


"Why won't you let me have fun?"

"There will be plenty of time for fun when we unleash the Dawnbreaker. Let's just hope that imbecile succeeded in unleashing the Nightmare."