//------------------------------// // Ch.31, Out of Ideas // Story: The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain // by shysage //------------------------------// I think for the first night in a while, Summer and I slept well, and through the night. We both woke up at around the same time, and I hugged her tightly, and she sighed. I still had to work on propping my avalanche up though, but at least this wasn't getting any harder to do... Summer and I were together, and alone. I was remembering the time she asked me in Equestria Present one evening, when we were also together and alone, if that was even safe for us. Summer sensed this, and I knew she did, so I just explained it to her. She answered quietly "Stallion, you make me feel amazing, and take such amazing care of me... And we have an amazing family... I don't ever want to leave any of that..." I just hugged her tightly for a few minutes. After a little while, we got up, sat facing each other, and rubbed noses some. I was working on resisting the urge to lick her nose, when she did it to me. I couldn't ignore those feelings. "Oh, Summer..." I said... Summer just smiled. Still, I explained to her we had a full day ahead of us, and we could maybe do more of that tonight. It was quiet for a minute, then she said softly "I love you, Shysage. Princess Celestia, er Cel was right, you really are amazing..." My brain stopped, and I hugged her tightly... I really appreciated her saying this, spontaneously like she did. But I wanted her to remember everything, too... While I was thinking about this, Summer asked quietly "Stallion, when you are in that 'other form', is you voice wierd? You didn't talk to me at all..." "My voice is the same. As a matter of fact, turn around and I will talk to you." I said this, and really wasn't thinking it through at all. Summer said "Ok" then turned around, and sat down facing away from me. I quickly turned into a 'people'. "Ok, I'm a 'people' now, that is what this form is called" I said quietly. Then, I got an idea. "Summer, sit still, don't move, and tell me how this feels." I softly and slowly ran one of my hands down her spine, from her neck, most of the way down her back. Then I said quietly "How did that feel?" "Can you do it again?" she asked, and I did. Only this time, I used my fingers, instead of holding my hand flat. I think she melted. She just sighed. "Well, I'm not going to turn around, but you can do that to me as long as you want... It feels very nice..." she said softly. I asked her to close her eyes, then I wrapped both arms around her neck, and hugged her tightly. "I love you Summer..." I said this, then I changed back to a Pony, walked in front of her, and rubbed her nose. Summer opened her eyes at that point, and smiled. "That form looks strange, but..." She got this far, then sighed again. I didn't think this was exciting to her at all, I was pretty sure she just enjoyed it because it felt nice. It was probably relaxing. This whole thing just happened 'on the fly', I don't know... It was still pretty early when Cel (Princess Celestia) stopped by with Fluttershy. We were quickly all hugging. "I need to attend to some things. I have had to put a lot of off... Can Fluttershy stay with you two?" Cel asked quietly. Summer and Fluttershy were quickly hugging and crying softly together. That was answer enough. I hugged Cel, and she left, no doubt attending to the needs of Equestria. It was time for me to tell Summer as much of our story as I could. And I didn't think it would be a problem that Fluttershy was with us. Summer and I laid on our bellies facing each other, and Fluttershy was quickly laying right next to her sister, and they hugged tightly right away. As best as I could, I started from the beginning, and basically worked through the account of the events included in the first of Summer's chronicles. I told her to ask me if she had any questions, which happened quite a bit. And Fluttershy helped with this too. Well, Fluttershy helped a lot. I was glad she was here for this. Summer laughed... She cried... Well, we all laughed, and cried together. I stopped a few times, and cautioned Summer that this all took place in the Future, and so couldn't leave this room. Cel especially couldn't know any of this... And I had to try to explain Princess Twilight and 'her girls' as well as the 'Equestria Girls' fairly early on, and this took a while. I also had to fight hard not to cry... I could only guess what hardships our amazing Equestria Present friends might be facing... Summer fully sympathized with herself as I described her first hours and days in the Equestria Girls world. I tried to explain Fluttershy's 'Twin', and grasping this was really hard for Summer. Fluttershy explained it better than I could, and I think that helped. Talking about rescuing Princess Twilight and her girls from their tombstones proved very difficult, and Fluttershy had to describe how she herself was rescued from hers. I just couldn't do this... And Summer seemed horrified as I described the final battle with Sunset Shimmer... She was holding on to Fluttershy pretty tight for that. Summer and Fluttershy both cried a lot as I covered how the girls went about rescuing Cel and Lu from their 'gargoyle' statues... We had to stop there. This was clearly too much for both of them... So, we just cried together a little while. After that, Summer just asked a lot of questions. Towards the end of the afternoon, Summer was asking Fluttershy to talk about them growing up together. Fluttershy cried a lot through this, and they both hugged tightly most of the time. This was just hard for both of them. I suggested that we stop everything, and just spend the rest of the afternoon hugging together. We ended up weeping softly too. Nothing was said for quite a while. Cel (Princess Celestia) found us that way, when she walked in, as the Sun was setting. Cel immediately joined our hug, and wept softly with us. Stopping where we had was good, because I still wasn't sure how to handle Summer, as a 'people', being kidnapped and raped. I just didn't know, and I doubted she would be able to even grasp what happened. And I had no clue what to work on the next time we talked about this stuff. I guessed I had some time to decide... Overall, even though Summer was learning quickly, I didn't think we were any closer to reconnecting her memory. "But anything could do that" I thought to myself... We all had dinner together again, and just being together like that was very nice. Summer and I both ate quite a bit. I guessed my appetite was returning too, I don't know... With coats on, we all took a walk after dinner. It was fairly short, and I wondered if Cel was tired after a long 'Princess day'. The four of us were soon back inside (warm) 'Princess quarters'. In the large 'visiting room' that Cel and Lu's bedrooms connect too, there was also a long, low bench. I was sure it was intentionally patterned after the bench our family had in our home while we raised our girls. I could tell Cel was looking over at it, with just a little bit of longing. Summer and I hugged our girls a lot on that old bench... But I explained quietly to Cel that Summer wasn't real comfortable with me being a 'people' yet. This was ok, we wandered into Cel's bedroom, sat together, and hugged tightly, and cried for a while. A little later, I asked Cel to share some of her memories of the two years we had all spent together. I was hoping for a few stories, but Cel had a lot of memories, and the four of us talked until very late. We all were laying on our bellies facing each other as Cel remembered... Summer was just amazed at her role, but listened attentively to details about mine. Fluttershy just listened. Some of this she already knew, but a lot she didn't. And Cel talked about our last day together with great difficulty. It really was a good day for Equestria, but Cel, Lu, Summer and I clearly paid a steep price on behalf of the Realm. Anyway, it was very late, and we all hugged together, and wept softly for a while. Then Cel and I hugged a bit while Fluttershy and her 'Sis' hugged and cried softly. Summer and I left Princess Celestia's bedroom, and wandered down the hall to 'our room' and closed the door. Summer and I were both very tired, and I simply laid down, rolled over on my side, and she was quickly asleep, tucked up against my chest and neck. I was asleep pretty quickly too. I woke up hours later, it was still night. I was cold. Summer was gone... I initially just paniced, and began to cry. I didn't know what to do... I tried to get control of myself; I needed to go look for her at least. I found my way into the Audience Hall, then out the door into the Commons. The Moon was up, and it was pretty bright out here. Just like last time, I was immediately confronted by a guard. Almost crying, I said I was looking for my Mare. I described her to him; he was drawing a blank. But I recognized him from the other night. I sighed... "The 'apple thief'..." I said with some dismay... "Oh, I found her out here, and locked her up again" he said calmly and 'matter of factly'... I wanted to scream, but simply said "Take me to her." Well, he did, and soon two guards and I were standing in front of the door of her jail cell. "Open the door" I said about as calmly as I could without sounding upset, which was very hard. "Sir, I don't think--" one of the guards started to say. I knew I was about to snap. "Open this door, or I'll go get Princess Celestia up immediately!" They begrudgingly unlocked the door and opened it, and I walked in. Summer was immediately crying on my shoulder, and I hugged her. Honestly, I was just glad to be next to her again. Not much else really mattered to me of late. Still, I felt bad I yelled at the guards, and said a little more calmly "Look I know you are both trying to do your jobs in a dangerous time. We are married, just lock us in for the night, and we can sort this out tomorrow." They locked me in with the Blue 'apple thief', and went away. It was the same jail cell, so I walked over to the corner, laid on my side, and asked her to come get warm. She quickly did, still weeping softly. I hugged her tightly for a while, and she calmed down. "Summer, I love you" I said quietly. "I love you too Stallion, and I'm sorry I caused such a fuss..." Summer said this then was softly crying again. "Summer, I'm just glad I have you back again. You can tell me what happened if you want though" I said quietly. "I was talking to true friend..." she said this much, and began to cry again. I was honestly stunned. Since she lost her memory, we had not talked about this at all. Still, she tried to explain again. "I know that you talk to true friend a lot, and I realized I needed to talk to him too. The Audience Hall was pitch black, so I walked just outside the big doors. The guards took me right away, it was terrible..." Now she really was crying hard... I thought a minute, then said quietly "Summer, I know it is late, but can I rub your back for a little while? I think it might help you calm down. She climbed out, then laid on her side facing away from me. That was her answer. I changed into a people, and gently rubbed her back with my fingers for maybe fifteen minutes. After that I couldn't do it any more because both my arms were too tired. Still, before I changed back into a pony, I kissed her back, and told her I loved her a lot. Summer was falling asleep... Just where she was, I laid on my side next to her, and carefully pulled her back up to my chest. She was soon asleep. And I was too. Cel (Princess Celestia) was beside herself in the morning when she found out we were back in a jail cell. Still, she realized that it was basically her fault that some of the guards had not heard Summer had been released by the Princess, herself. Cel was upset at herself, and felt very bad for Summer because of what had happened. Cel and Summer were hugging and crying in the middle of that jail cell... Summer carefully nudged Cel back away and looked into her eyes, then said softly "Cel, it's ok. My stallion said you are under a lot of pressure. He was upset too, but explained that the guards were just doing their job... And... I love you, Cel..." I honestly don't know where this came from. It wasn't memory returning, but my amazingly sensitive Mare continuing to feel her way back into all the right relationships... Cel choked off her tears, and said as officially as she could to the head guard "The 'apple thief' has been pardoned, and these two are married now and under my special protection. Please let the rest of the guards know. And thank you for being cautious, none of this was your fault." Such an amazing Princess... Still, Cel led us back to the Audience Hall, down the short hall, through the 'sitting room', and into Cel's bedroom where Fluttershy was. Once we were by ourselves, Cel broke down, and cried for quite a while, hugging Summer mostly. Cel said a few times "I love you too, mom" This was still hard for all of us... So close, but so far... After a little while, Cel calmed down. Evidently she had a busy day ahead, and it was still morning. We both hugged her again, and she left. We hugged Fluttershy a few minutes, then I mentioned that I thought Summer and I needed some time alone. Fluttershy said that was fine, she would be in Cel's room if we needed her. We walked into our room together, and I closed the door. I wasn't sure what to do, honestly. What I thought would work was taking a long time, and didn't seem to be heading anywhere. Well I just didn't know. "Summer, what do you want to do right now?" I asked quietly. "Stallion, I don't even care as long as we are together. Last night was scary. I realize I took a lot of chances with you, but the fact that you came and found me, then spent the night back in the jail with me..." Summer said this much and began to weep softly. I just sat in front of her, and hugged her while she cried. "Summer I have nowhere else to go, and there is nopony else for me... I will die without you..." I said this, my heart was speaking again... "I know Stallion. I won't ever question that again..." Summer said softly. "And I don't ever want to leave you either..." We actually hugged there for a while, and basically did nothing other than be together. I was out of ideas anyway...