//------------------------------// // 4. Trying To Reclaim // Story: A Shadow's World // by Invanger //------------------------------// Once outside the village, I start treking towards the train station. Never had I thouht I would be so glad that the village is so far from the crystal empire. After about three ours of walking, I create a crystal over hang that will protect me from any wind. I lay down with my pressed against the crystal and fall asleep. ***********morning************ I wake to the sound of the wind howling. I lift my head to look around see that another blizzard has come. I stand up and walk the rest of the way to the train station. No trains are here. Nor ponies. I'll just wait here I've waited a thousand years to be free, a day or two is nothing. I guess I could go see the empire. See how strong the shield is. I turn to shadow and start to head in the direction of the Crystal Empire. I move quickly to get there faster and then return to the station to await to ponies and scare them. I reach the edge of the empire and see that everything that my dark magic had done to the empire is gone. I growl at this. I see a pony walking this way. He stops at the edge of the shield and just stands there. He steps out of the empire and now he notices me. "Sombra." He says with a ton of hatred. I know I can't get in, but he can. He makes an attack at me. I dodge easily and growl at him. I don't plan on doing anything to him yet. He fires another laser at me and I dodge it again. This time, the unicorn stallion starts to run. I let him go and swiftly return to the station. I become a pony again and wait for the help to arrive. A train pulls up and six candy colored ponies get out with a small purple and green colored dragon. The purple mare seems to be a ring leader or something of the little group. When the train leaves, I am a little shocked that these are the ponies Celestia sent. Pathetic. The pink one just seems to be some happy thing. The white one is looking like she would rather be somewhere else. The orange one is jsut standing and the cyan one is flying above all of them. A yellow mare is kinda hiding behind all of them. The dragon is trying to catch some scarves that are flying around in the blizzard. I hear a voice and see that the stallion from earlier comeing. The purple unicorn greets the stallion happily. They say something that I don't care about and start walking to the empire. I follow them in pony form for a bit, then become a shadow and begin to chase them. They don't notice me till I'm rather close. All of them start running and the dragon just stands there stareing at me, frozen in fear. The unicorn stallion grabs him wih magic and starts running. The dragon reacts and runs rather fast to the front of the group. The purple mare throws him on her back and the stallion slides to a stop. He turns to face me and shoots a laser at me. I dodge it and growl slightly. I lunge at him and he prepares another, but I use a spell to block his magic. We are right outside the empire and I throw him in. I become a pony again and watch them. I learned that this spell allows me to see inside, but they can't see outside. Over the next day and a half, the protection spell has flickered, but still strong enough to keep me out. I turn to shadow when I see it flicker weaker than it has. It disapears completly and I rush to get in as the spell is regained. I almost get in and the spell cuts part of my horn off. I raor loudly move back a little. The part off my horn that had been cut off goes into the ground with dark magic. It doesn't tke long for the dark magic to start and work inside the empire. "Yess, crysstal." I hiss. The six ponies that had come are trying to save the empire. What they don't know it I hid the crystal heart. And they won't find it like this. I can't see what they are doing exactly, but I do know they are using brain more than combat skills or even magic. The shield flickers again, but stays intact. I see a black crystal grow. The entry crystals are already black. I don't see the purple one anymore. The purple unicorn is no longer at their thing that I really don't care about. I sense part of my castle return. That means someone knows how to use dark magic! Not good. I can something dark in the throne room from here. I think I know what part was just uncovered. A really long starcase that only lead to a cursed door. By cursing the door a thousand years ago makes it easier to scare the pony down there. I cursed it to where it moves until blasted by dark magic. Then it stays, but shows anyone their worst fear. The door also leads to another eternal starcase that leads to the crystal heart. It will take a while for the pony to reach it. Even my crystal heart. "Crysstal heart." I hiss that has a slight hint of a growl. I turn int a pony and sit down, waiting to see if anything will happen. My dark magic seads in the empire, turning the crystal homes into black crystal. It is speading perfectly. A crystal pony spots this and I feel much fear comeing fro them. It powers me and my horn grows back. I feel a new fear coming from inside the castle. I watch the pony's fear. It is that darn purple unicorn. She find herself in canterlot and in where ever Celestia is in this fear vision. "Twilight Sparkle." Celestia says. I don't really care what else arpart from, "You failed the test. You are no longer my student." That is the best part. She fears failing a test and not being Celestia's student. I chuckle, which sounds closer to a growl than anything. A voice starts calling to twilight. Her vision ends and I can't see or hear what is going on. A new vision is being seen. The first of this kind ever. A dragon's fears. I watch as his fear vision Twilight tells him to leave. "Spike. Leave. I never want to see you again." Twilight says. Spike says something, but i don't listen and the vision ends. I growl. That one was interesting. I feel the door getting shot and turned to a normal door. "Grr." I sit down an wait for something to happen. I spot more houses turning black and a few small crystals growing. I turn into shadow again. I don't knw why. The shield has been flickering a lot. I feel something. It is a pony! Twilight must'vee stepped on the ground four feet around the crystal heart I cursed. I make a wall of crystals gow on the edge of it and crystals start to grow on the outside. The shiel disapears as the magic from the pony is gone. Most the pony can do now is a simple levitation spell. One pony panics and runs. She bumps into the crystals I am inbetween. "Hi Sombra." She says extremly scared and nervious. I see something start moving on one of my black crystals. I reconize Spike and I see he has my crystal heart. "That is mine!" I growl and dive into the ground. I come out of the ground a lot closer to the castle in a crystal. I feel myself change and look at myself in shock for one second before turning my full attention to the crystal and dragon that are now falling. As I'm about to reach them, something pink and purple whizzes by and grabbs them. I see the horrid alicorn. She was flying not far above the crystal ponies and had the Crystal heart in levitation. She also has that wretched dragon on her back. She says something, but I don't hear what. She send the heart to two pillars from the castle and it floats right in the middle of the two points. All the crystal ponies begin to do something. They ae all bowing to the crystal. A blue glow starts to spread on the streets. "What?! No! Stop!" I say with a little growl. Nopony listens and soon all the streets are blue. All the glow flys into the heart and there is a light blue flash. Some of the ponies that weren't born a Crystal pony get a crystal coat. The flash passes me and my body begins to have glowing marks that look like cracks. I roar as the spell imprisons me in my horn. Third ponies POV It has been three years since they defeated King Sombra. Everypony was happy after the newest princess and her friends deafeated Lord Tirek a few months ago. Princess Twilight Sparkle has a small castle and each of her friends have a throne. Everypony knows Princess Cadence started to rule the Crystal Empire after Sombra was killed. Or so they thought.