A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 13 building

Lea woke up to a loud noise from inside the building. A couple of the workers were yelling and calling for her. Lea ran so quickly down the stairs that she tripped on one step and tumbled to the bottom. Upon reaching said bottom, she saw some of the ponies staring at a fletchinder. “What happened?!” What’s wrong?!”
“The pokemon there changed!” One mare told her, guessing what Lea had asked from her tone.
“Did it glow and change from a pokemon that looked a little like that except smaller and more grey, less red?” Lea asked after one of them was able to cast a translation spell on her.
“Y-yes… that’s exactly what happened.”
Lea laughed a little inside her head. They had monsters all over the place, two rulers who could move the sun and moon, and they had all the pokemon and former humans appear about three weeks ago. They were scared by this?
“It’s natural for pokemon. You see, pokemon while they can grow bigger, more naturally evolve when they grow up. Some pokemon don’t evolve, like…” She walked over to a blue and beige pokemon that looked much like a rabbit. “This minun here. Some like this Sunflora,” She gestured to a sunflower looking pokemon. “evolve once. Then there are pokemon like this fletchinder here that can evolve twice in their life. This was this pokemon’s first time evolving.”
“What about you?” One curious pony asked.
“I’m an umbreon, which evolves from eevee, which is one of the most complicated evolution lines there are. Seriously, other than umbreon, it can evolve into seven other pokemon.”
The cluster of ponies didn’t really want a lecture, so they departed to do what work was left. Many of the ponies that had come the first day, but were no longer there. The work that could be done was wrapping up and was close enough to a finish that Lea decided to run upstairs to fetch a checklist she had made earlier in the week. Before she went back down, however, she took out the note she had made the night before and added two more notes. Speaking in Poké and Ghost Pokemon.
Lea grabbed her checklist and went to see what was done. The garden on the roof was done with a few plants other than berries that had been planted the day before. She checked garden off the list and went downstairs to see what else was done.
The kitchen had been one of the few rooms that was finished early. The ponies, despite not having some technology, did have stoves and refrigerators. The kitchen was well done, but like the rest of the building, not really decorated so that Lea could decide that.
The next room was a sleeping room for the pokemon to rest in. It was filled with beds and pillows and blankets everywhere. There was a large closet in one corner that was filled with extras, should they be needed. Next door was a slightly smaller room filled with toys and games for fillies and colts which the younger pokemon enjoyed too. Lea checked those both off the list and went on her way.
The next room was for pokemon that needed to be treated. Many of the things they would need weren’t there, but they had enough that Lea decided to check that room off as well. She quickly checked what supplies they were missing and could get though, and wrote them down on the side as best she could.
The large entry room was fixed up quite a bit. The large hole had been made bigger so that if any pokemon in the sewers were hurt, they could bring them up or bring them supplies. It was also a good place for water pokemon to stay, which brought Lea to the list. She didn’t really want them in the sewers since she knew what was normally in the water there, but she had been able to pull enough money together to send for some sort of water filter in a city called Cloudsdale, which was apparently where they made the weather.
The ponies that were left didn’t really have much to do, other than helping with better lighting and the exterior of the building. The only other ponies there were actually hanging out with the pokemon staying there.
After making note of a few more rooms, Lea finally came to the conclusion that the place could be open to the public for use no later than two days from then. That left her one question. Where to get some red ribbon.

Lea decided the ribbon could be put on hold. There were more important matters. The umbreon made her way to the local library. Before she left, Citrus stopped her at the door.
“Where are you going?”
“Library. I want to get some books to learn about this world.”
“Thought you might be going out for something like that soon. I talked with your sister last night and she told me how much you like to read and learn, so I left for my home and grabbed my saddlebags from when I was a filly. I kept them in case I ever had one of my own.”
Citrus Flower helped fit the bags around Lea’s belt. She also threw in a few bits, telling her the library would only let you take out books with a card and there was a fee to get one.
“Thanks Citrus! I’ll try to be back soon.”
With that, Lea left the building. On her way, she saw a pony ranting in the street about pokemon.
“...It’s just a matter of time until they turn on us! There’s no way to tell what could happen to us all now. If their so called god is able to bring them here, then he should take them back. He’s just trying to take over this world. Who knows how many others he’s done the same to?”
Many of the other ponies on the street ignored him. One filly didn’t, but only because she threw a rotten apple at him. The stallion continued, none the less.
“They’ve done more damage in the time they’ve been here than Ponyville sees in a month. Do we really want these monsters running around too?”
Those sentences caught Lea’s attention. Was this Ponyville that bad that he could compare the past three weeks to a month worth of time in that town? Citrus had told her the Everfree was a dangerous place, so that might be the case.
What really got her was him calling them monsters. She decided to walk up to him and give the stallion a piece of her mind.
“Really sir? You find us to be monsters? Where we are from, your kind would most likely be seen as monsters. You have no typing, so any attack you used would not be affected by our resistances. A fire attack on a water pokemon could possibly kill them. Unicorns could overtake the minds of dark pokemon. The only real evil ones on our world were the humans, and any evil humans were left on Earth. If you really think we should be gotten rid of, maybe you should talk to Arceus in the Everfree about your opinions.”
Lea left the formerly ranting stallion stunned and speechless. In a few minutes, she reached her destination at the library. Not much was going on in there, but a few pokemon joined the ponies that were there in reading. Lea walked up to the librarian’s desk and got a card for herself.
Upon leaving, she had filled her bags as full as they could be with books, and even had two riding on her back. When she got back, she was met by Midnight at the door, who had a small package with him.
“Woah! With that many books, you look like you’re trying to rival Princess Twilight in reading.”
“Who?” Lea asked
“She’s one of the Elements of Harmony who recently became princess. She used to be student to Princess Celestia.”
“Okay. What do you have there?” Lea questioned the package.
Midnight blushed, “I, uh… I got a present for Kiwi.
“Kiw-? Oh yes! I hope she’ll love it!” Lea said quickly, almost blowing Caddi’s cover.
They both went in and, as Lea started up the stairs, she heard Caddi squeal in delight over the present. It was a necklace with a fire opal gem in the middle.
“I love opal! How… how did you know?”
“I just guessed.”
“Well I love it!” Caddi said as she wrapped Midnight in a big hug.
‘They make a cute couple.’ Lea thought as she went up the stairs.

After an hour of reading later, Lea had almost run out of books. Many of the books that were older history books were more pictures than words, much like a picture book. Her only reasoning was that the ponies from back then were mostly uneducated, and couldn’t read. The maps were easy to skim over. The other books went by fast, but that was because she was a fast reader and had also learned a way recently enough to go even faster, yet still find what she needed.
Lea decided it was time to take a break. Going downstairs, a zigzagoon hatchling ran inside asking for help. The umbreon ran over to the little guy to ask what was wrong.
“Bad ponies! Mightyena! Daddy’s hurt! Please help!”
Someone else ran in the door, this time a pony. Said pony was Copper Star. She rushed over to Midnight, who was nuzzling Caddi.
“Midnight, sir! There’s been an attack at the station. The chief was injured upon the attack. He’s been taken to the hospital, so you’re in charge now.”
“What happened.?” Midnight asked, suddenly looking very serious.
“A pokemon attacked the building, letting two of the ponies locked up there out.”
“What?! Who!?”
Copper glanced at Lea, who was talking to the zigzagoon. “I’ll let you guess...”