A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 14 linoone

So far, none of them had told Lea exactly what had happened. She was more occupied with Ziggs (the zigzagoon who had come) and following him. The little hatchling was fast for how young he was, and Lea was having a little trouble keeping up. Her one leg had been beaten so much that straining it too much really hurt her.
Finally, the group of Lea, Caddi, Midnight, Angela, Matrix, Copper, and Ziggs came to a stop in front of the side of the police station. Various medical ponies were around the area evacuating hurt ponies out of the area. Those who were there, but weren’t hurt were being questioned. Lea overheard one officer giving one statement that sent a shiver down her spine and made her start to sweat.
“Some black and gray, dog-like pokemon came and blasted down a wall, letting out a pegasus stallion that had been in the cell. Then I saw the Stallion say something to the pokemon. It blasted another wall and let out a unicorn mare. Wasn’t it those two ponies you caught recently?”
“Lea, calm down! You’ll poison someone.”
Lea turned her attention to Matrix “Wha-? Oh, right. Umbreon can sweat poison.”
“Normally they only do it when they’re threatened, but after hearing that, I’m guessing part of your brain thought that.”
“I-I guess.”
Lea shifted her attention to Ziggs, who had started calling to his dad. “Daddy! I found help! Where are you?!”
The group fell silent to listen for a reply. Near the far edge of the rubble in front of them and a little to the right, Lea could hear a reply, but she almost missed it. “Over here Ziggs! Right over here! Can you follow my voice?”
Ziggs started off, and Lea followed him over the rubble. The rest of the group stayed to go clean up the piles of rubble. Under a large piece was a linoone. Ziggs reached his dad first. The second the linoone could see his son, Ziggs spoke up. “I brought help! A really nice umbreon came to get you out. Then she can help bring you to her pokemon center.”
Zigg’s dad gave a small laugh. “An umbreon setting up a pokemon center? That’s something I’d never think I’d hear about. Where is she?”
Lea came into view of the linoone. “Right here sir. What happened?”
His face darkened “Some mightyena came and tried to take down the wall. I came in to stop him but he won in the end. He succeeded and some of the wall fell and pinned me down. Ziggs came and found me, so I sent him for help. I saw two of those ponies come out of the building. Any idea who they were?”
Lea had started working on lifting up the piece of wall trapping the linoone. “Unfortunately, yes. This place was a police station and those two were being held here.”
“Their pokemon let them out?” The linoone asked.
“Didn’t have one last I checked. Would have used it against me if they did.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…” Lea was able to lift the wall up enough to let him out. “They were put in jail after they attacked me and even my family a few times. Last time I saw them, the unicorn one of the two tried to kill me by strangling me.”
The linoone winced. “That’s bad. Hopefully my mate is doing alright. We got split up by the move. Well, I was already away from them when it happened, but Ziggs was with his mom.”
“There’s at least one female linoone back at our building. I’ll take you over there myself.” Lea examined his leg. “The wall diminished the blood flow to your leg. Nothing too serious, but it’d be best not to have you walk on it until it’s caught up again. The loss of blood flow probably made it too weak to walk on.”
Lea told the others where she was heading before coming back and getting linoone on her back. It was a little hard for her, as the linoone was at least 20 pounds heavier than her, but she could still get him down to the sewers and use one of the carts they had set up to move pokemon.
In a matter of minutes, Lea was getting the linoone on the cart with Ziggs helping her. Soon they were off, heading towards the pokemon center. It wasn’t long before they arrived. Lea had a little trouble getting the linoone upstairs, but it wasn’t anything too hard.
Ziggs ran all over the place, meeting with any linoone that was in the place. After Lea had been able to find a good place for his dad to rest, he ran back in with a sad look on his face. “None of them were Mommy. I want her back!”
Lea couldn’t bear to see him so sad, so she hugged him. “Aww. I’m missing some of my family too. I’m still looking for my daughter and her son. I’m also looking for my dad and a friend of mine.”
“What kind of pokemon is your daughter?” Ziggs asked. His face brightened. “Is she a jolteon?! I’ve always wanted to meet one!”
Lea laughed a little at his reaction. “No, she’s adopted. She’s really a quilava. Her son is a dunsparce she hatched from an egg.”
“Oh!” The hatchling looked at his sleeping dad. “My dad’s looking for some friends of his too. He was with them when we came here. They were attacked right before it happened! He said these big pokemon came to take him and his friends, but Arceus saved them all. He was scared he’d never see them again.”
“Your dad seems like he really cares about his friends.”
“Yeah! He said he had a crush on one of them at one point, but then he met Mommy!”
“Okay then! Well, I should probably get back to my friends and help them. You make sure your dad gets everything he needs.”
“I’ve got it! No one will hurt Daddy again!”
Lea giggled once more before leaving. She bet he would get along great with Sparks if she ever found him.

Earlier that day:
Hmm… The scent is coming from from here now. Looks like they’re right behind this wall. Wait… the female’s scent is diminished. Only the male’s scent in recent enough.
A mightyena was tracking something. He called out to the occupant of the room behind the wall.
“Is somemon in there?”
A noise came from the other side. It sounded like the male. “What? Hmm, must be another one of those pokemon.”
“Master! Are you okay? Where is your mate?”
“Unless you came here to let me out, leave.”
“Of course, Master.”
The mightyena attacked the wall. “What the-?” The voice said.
Soon, a large crack had formed in the wall. It was then the mightyena’s job was stopped.
“Hey! What are you doing? We’re not supposed to destroy anything. If you’re confused, come with me and we can find a pony that can help.”
The pokemon paused to see a linoone talking to him. He brushed it off. “I don’t have to do what anyone tells me to do except my masters, and Master wants me to free him.”
“I still can’t let you destroy that building.”
The linoone attacked before the mightyena could react. Unfortunately, it’s attack was stronger, so the bite pokemon brought down the linoone quickly. From inside the building, the voice had been attacking the wall from the inside, and the crack had grown larger. The mightyena attacked it again, and an attack from inside helped bring the wall down, some of the rubble falling on the fallen pokemon.
“It’s you!” The pegasus from inside stepped out, recognising the pokemon. “That other pokemon was never as strong as this… Maybe you can help. My wife in stuck in another room. Think you can get her out?”
“Of course!” The mightyena nodded his head. “Anything for you.”
The pegasus directed the pokemon to a place to attack. At that point, officers came running to the two of them.
“Get rid of them.” The pegasus ordered the mightyena.
“Sucker Punch!” The pokemon called, attacking the other ponies. “Thunder Fang!”
Soon the whole group of officers was down, and more of the building had collapsed. Within minutes, the second wall was down revealing a unicorn mare. “Quarry!” The mare ran over and kissed the stallion. “I knew you’d get us out.”
“Actually, it was this pokemon. He did what I told him to.”
“Really?” The mare said, shocked. “Maybe we can get more of these and catch that one who put us in jail.”
“Mistress, I know of some others I can get for your cause.”
“Yes, I think a team of these creatures will do nicely. You, go find others for our team.”
“Of course Mistress.” The pokemon nodded to her before running off.
As they left, a small zigzagoon came out from his hiding place and ran over to the linoone.
“Daddy! Are you okay?”
“Yes Ziggs, can you find help for Daddy? He’s stuck.”
“Yeah, I can!” And the little hatchling ran off in search of help.”

Back to present:
“What do we need to do?” Lea asked.
“Clean up this mess and look for Quarry Arrow and Bright Ire. You should be careful for the next few days. I’ll have a guard on you at all times.” Midnight told her.
“What?!” Lea exclaimed. “I don’t need protection. I’ve got my family, well most of them, to help. Matrix and Angela can just train me. I don’t need police watching me 24/7. It makes me nervous.”
“I’m sorry, but we need a guard to capture them as soon as possible, and most likely, they won’t come out unless it’s to get you. Besides, you’re kind of a small celebrity in this town. Compared to it’s size, news travels fast, and everypony is at least the friend of your friend, if not your friend here.”
“Okay, but he or she better not get too close. I’m still not trusting of any random guard you give me.”
“Of course not,” Midnight chuckled. “Ben’s going to be doing it.”
The hitmonlee walked over to Lea. “I promised I would protect your family. I think that includes you too.”
If one were to look closely, they could notice some of Lea’s face get a little pinker. “O-okay, I guess I can live with that.”
Angela gave Lea a look before walking up to her. “No way are you crushing on him.”
“Wh-what? What do you mean?” Lea whispered back.
“Don’t try and hide it. I can tell you do.” Angela told her, backing away now.

It wasn’t long before much of the destruction had been cleaned up and they were able to leave. This time, Ben went along with them and Midnight stayed. Upon their arrival at the pokemon center, Ziggs ran up to them.
“Something’s wrong with Daddy! He won’t stop coughing and sometimes he coughs up some red stuff.”
Lea’s eyes widened as she realized what Ziggs meant. “Guys! Hurry! To the sleeping room!”
They entered the room to find that Zigg’s dad was indeed coughing horridly. There was a little blood on the floor and some near his mouth. A few pokemon were watching, unsure of what to do. Lea helped him up onto Angela’s back and they made a run to the hospital in the town. The doctors took a look at him, and after Lea explained what she knew, the doctor came up with a conclusion.
“With a lack of blood flow to his leg, the blood that was supposed to go there was likely forced to another area. If too much blood was being pushed into one of his vessels, it could have burst it. That’s what seems to have happened here, and it seems to be in a place where the blood in finding it’s way close if not in his lungs.”
“Can you find out where?”
“I… guess I can try.” He said, looking at Ziggs nervously pacing in the waiting room.
A little while later, the doctor was able to confirm where the blood was coming from. He was able to do something that would stop the blood flow from reaching the linoone’s lungs while still letting him breathe, though he would have a little trouble.
“I basically gave him something somewhat like a bandage. Tomorrow, the vessel should be healed enough for me to remove it and he’ll be fine. Make sure he doesn’t strain himself after that, at least for a day or two, otherwise it could open up again.”
“Alright. Thank you Doctor. Here…” Lea gave him a bag full of bits. “This should pay for your work.”
“Thank you Miss.” He nodded to her, and sent the group off with their friend.

“Can I play with Daddy yet?” Ziggs asked for the tenth time.
“No, he has to rest for a few days. Meanwhile you be staying with us.” Matrix told him.
“Oh, okay.” Ziggs said sadly.
“Oh come on. You can still play with me! I bet your dad wouldn’t mind.”
“Okay!” Ziggs said, jumping onto the shiny.
“He’s good with kids, isn’t he?” Caddi asked Lea
“Yeah. Sparks like to play with him all the time. When our linoone wasn’t around, he was the only other male pokemon around. It made sense for them to play together.”
“Daddy?” Ziggs said, questionly.
The old linoone had walked in. He took a look at Matrix playing with Ziggs.
“I should go back to bed. I’m seeing things.”
Lea went over to the linoone. “Oh, what’s wrong.”
“I’m seeing a shiny Umbreon playing with my son.”
“That’s… exactly what’s going on. Should I tell Matrix to stop?”
The linoone’s head snapped in her direction. “What’s your name?”
“Lea. Why?” Lea asked, already thinking she knew.
“We finally found you! Ziggs come here!” The zigzagoon did what his dad said. “I don’t know how you did it, but you found my friends.”
“Linoone, that’s really you?”
“Yep, same one your dad had and used at the gym. Other than me, who have you found?”
“Only Matrix and Angela. And Angela we only found yesterday!”
“Hmm… I was hoping Ziggs might get to play with Sparks, but I guess we’ll have to wait a little longer. I’m at least glad to be with some of you.”
Linoone paused before thinking about what Lea had told him when she was getting him out from the rubble. “Wait! Those ponies are after you?! I overheard them talking about making a team of pokemon to attack you.”
“What?” Ben asked, walking over.
“Yeah, they sent the mightyena that freed them to find some pokemon to create a team to catch her.”
“That’s not good. Lea, you shouldn’t leave this place for the next little while. And If you do, do it that same way you got around before you proved your innocence.”
“I-I think I can. But I still need to look for Kya and Sparks. And now I need to look for Linoone’s mate.”
Linoone cut in. “We can look for them. I don’t want you getting hurt. If we find your dad, he’ll never forgive me if you did.”
“Thanks guys. I don’t know what I’d do without you!” Lea pulled everyone into a large group hug.

“So what did you bring to show us?” Ire was talking to the mightyena.
He brought me.’ She heard in her mind.
“What?” Quarry asked. He had heard the voice too.
A grumpig walked out, along with cacturne, an amoonguss, and a glameow.
“How are you doing that?” Ire asked the grumpig.
I am a psychic pokemon. I can communicate through your mind.
“Must you really?” She asked her.
You ponies don’t understand our language, so yes.
“That stupid umbreon talked to us perfectly when she visited us in jail.”
Many ponies of the unicorn variety have casted translation spells on pokemon they wish to communicate with. I see that you are one as well. If you wish for me to stop, you could do the same.
Ire grumbled a bit before using the spell.
“Thank you. Now we can have a proper conversation. Now, you said you had a grudge with an umbreon, am I correct?”
Quarry was standing to the side, observing what Ire was doing. “Just what are you doing?” He mumbled to himself.