//------------------------------// // Chapter 98 - Ripping // Story: Trixie's Forest Retreat // by crowscrowcrow //------------------------------// Trixie rushed towards the front door. She ran through a list of possible entertainers in her head, crossing a few off with each step. The Wonderbolts were rather unlikely to be in this area of the woods, so they were out, but if she was lucky it might be a musician of some sort, looking to trade a tune for a meal. Musician, that struck Trixie as the most likely. There were many more ponies that had a special talent involving music than there were actual jobs for musicians. Some of whom adopted a similar model to herself, traveling around, spreading song and tale like the bards of old to make a living. Though, unlike musicians, there were plenty of actual jobs for magicians, as natural magic talent was far less prevalent. Excitement coursing through her veins, Trixie pushed the door open. She briefly considered if she’d remembered to take the frying pan off the stove, she was pretty sure she did. The only real question left in her mind was which instrument the visiting pony played. On the other side of the door, she suddenly found herself eye to wall-eye with a familiar pegasus. “What kind of—What? Derpy? You’re not entertaining!” She groaned, annoyed with herself for getting swept up in thinking everything had fallen into place perfectly for once. Since her first ‘plan’ of sorts failed, she immediately set to work on coming up with a new one. Maybe Trixie could teach some of these birds to sing in a choir? No, that’s silly; animals can’t do that. There might be a spell of some sort that can simulate music, but Trixie doesn’t know one. A brief glimpse of her stay in the hospital flashed through her head, showing a very bored magnificent unicorn making rudimentary music by tapping her hoofs on the bedframe. Uh, let’s put that in the ‘maybe’ pi— The sound of somepony clearing their throat drew Trixie’s attention back to the door. Coming down out of her scheming mode, Trixie looked Derpy over. She’d completely ignored the very uncomfortable looking gray pegasus in the doorway for a while now. Flustered, Trixie did her best to recover some semblance of polite conversation. “Ah! Derpy! Right! What are you doing here?” Trixie resisted the urge to headbutt the doorframe for asking such a stupid question. At least Derpy didn’t seem to mind. “H-hey, Trixie. I, uh, I’m just delivering the morning mail. I-I just need somepony to sign here.” Derpy looked awful. She had bags below her eyes, and her face was white as though she’d seen a ghost. Her hooves trembled lightly while she held out a clipboard. A brown, paper package stood next to the doorframe. Trixie nodded awkwardly as though it was some sagelike wisdom. Fortunately, it gave Trixie a few seconds to try to compose herself. She had Derpy here now, and she had to apologize somehow for what happened, but she had no real idea of how to go about that. Derpy was obviously here for work, so it would be strange to suddenly bring up what happened at the hospital, wouldn’t it? Sensing she was expected to say something, Trixie glanced up at the afternoon sun, noting it was well past midday. Settling her eyes back on Derpy, something didn’t seem right, and she had to make conversation somehow or she’d never get a chance. “It’s too late for the morning mail, Derpy.” Given that Trixie knew at least one pony liked to give Derpy impossible deliveries with a block of wood, it did not surprise her that the pegasus looked so tired. Poor thing. She looks like she’s two deliveries from collapsing. Derpy nodded, and Trixie noticed the shaking got a little worse. "Y-yes, it's just—Dinky was sick, H-headaches, and I needed to get her looked at. I swear. I missed breakfast so I could get the mail done in time, but—" Trixie frowned, unsure if she really believed the story. Dinky hadn’t looked ill at all when Trixie saw her yesterday, but these things were unpredictable, right? However, she didn’t dwell on it after she heard that Derpy hadn’t eaten anything all day, that seemed like a terrible idea. Her eyes widened slightly as inspiration struck. This is it! She quickly raised a hoof, motioning for Derpy to stop. “Say no more. Trixie knows exactly how to deal with you.” She pushed the door open all the way and turned to trot back into the house. This was perfect! Trixie could see it now: Her first omelet was practically done, so she could let Derpy have it. A good lunch would invigorate Derpy, and maybe even make up for the muffin Trixie had inadvertently come into possession of, which would lead right into the perfect chance to talk about how Dinky was doing, finally clearing up their misunderstanding. It took Trixie a moment to realize that she was not being followed, and glanced over her shoulder at Derpy, still nailed to the ground at the doorstep, and looking increasingly anxious. It was understandable, she was already running late after all, and taking a break might feel irresponsible. “Trixie assures you, this will be over quickly.” With an impatient flick of her horn, she drew an orchid glow around Derpy, pulling her into the cottage. The strange ethereal sensation of a tug on her magic, and the sound of hooves striking against wood, caused Trixie to glance back a second time, noticing Derpy had braced herself against the doorframe to prevent being dragged inside. Although Derpy had been nearly motionless throughout their talk, at the sight of Trixie’s magic wrapping around her, she suddenly became shockingly animated! Struggling and beating her wings as though she were trying to fly out of a hurricane. “No!” “It’s for your own good.” Trixie tried to reason with Derpy, but seeing her fight that hard weakened her concentration enough for Derpy to break free from the spell. Suddenly lacking any pushback, Derpy hurtled through the air, crashing into the wooden fence that bordered the path, sending letters flying everywhere while she tried to untangle herself. Dumbstruck, Trixie just observed for a moment while Derpy clumsily got to her hooves, and rapidly tried to sweep the letters back into her mailbag. Maybe this had not been her best idea. At least Derpy looked to be okay. “You foal, be careful!” Trixie cautioned while she took a step forward, drawing her magic around the rebelling letters. A simple telekinesis spell prevented the wind from carrying the letters away, levitating them into a stack instead. Without warning, Derpy screamed and shot up into the air, preforming an almost impressive, if entirely accidently, couple of loops before getting her bearings and taking off toward the sky. “Oh, you have got to be kidding!” Suddenly very aware of how bad letting Derpy leave before they’d cleared this up could be, Trixie gasped. “Get back here!” All she had to do was cast a quick levitation spell and drag the pegasus back to her, but Derpy was already nearly at the edge of Trixie’s range, making the spell much more difficult than it should have been. Surrounded in an orchid glow, Derpy nearly stopped in midair despite her rapid wingbeats. She looked back at Trixie. “L-lemme go! I swear I won’t tell anypony you’re here!” “That’s not the point!” Trixie screamed back while she strained hard to keep Derpy in her grip long enough to convince her. Each time she spoke her grip on the gray mare lapsed, but she had to say something, and make it count. “If you’d just calm down for five minutes we can get this out of the way!” Dropping the letters, Trixie focused all of her attention on maintaining the spell. Sweat ran down Trixie’s forehead while she watched a frantic Derpy slowly creep further out of range. “Don’t be scared of Trixie!” The spell flickered, allowing Derpy the few vital hoof lengths she needed to cross Trixie's limit and break free, leaving Trixie to watch as Derpy sped off towards Ponyville. Trixie stomped her hooves on the ground. “No! Come on! Trixie knows you heard her!” As expected, she was completely ignored; Derpy did not even look back. A frustrated groan escaped Trixie while she watched helplessly as the gray dot disappeared from view. “Seriously? Again?! This is just repe—What smells like burning?” Trixie sniffed, catching a whiff of smoke. “Eggs!” She spun on the spot, galloping back towards the kitchen. “No no no no no!” Trails of smoke crept along the ceiling of the living room, and filled a good portion of the kitchen as Trixie burst inside. her heart beat in her throat while she franticly waved a hoof around to dispel the smoke and get a visual on the damage. What she found was not what she expected. The pan with the eggs was no longer on the stove. Apparently she had remembered to move it after all. Instead, it sat on the counter, perfectly fine. However, a roll of paper towels was ablaze on the counter, and being scattered around by a bunny that was frantically jumping up and down on the fiery paper. Trixie narrowed her eyes, raising her foreleg to her mouth to shield from the smoke. “Angel! What did you do now!?” As powerful as the drive was to roast him on his own fire was, she had bigger things to worry about: the fire was rapidly growing, flames licking at the wooden walls and leaving black marks already. Fighting back panic as she stared at the rising flames, she set about casting the first spell that came to mind to deal with the situation. The black smoke near the ceiling swirled into a single cloud right above the stove. While she channeled the spell, Trixie cringed in pain; it was much more advanced than the basic spells she was supposed to limit herself to. A small crackle of lightning ran through the cloud. No lightning! Rain! It’s just a little change, come on! A clap of thunder announced a short, but heavy shower onto the violently hissing stove and counter, barely extinguishing the flames before it ran dry. Weather magic had never been her strongest school. Mercifully, she was not trying to water a field. Collapsing onto her haunches, Trixie gasped for breath while she cradled her head, trying to ignore the drumming headache of victory. As hard as it was to see straight at the moment, Trixie could not look away from the dissipating raincloud, savoring the few moments she had with her creation. Weather magic of that caliber was an act of conjuring something up from scratch, or transforming existing elements into new forms. It revolved around changing actual reality to ones whim, something easy for a chaotic creature like Discord, less so for a unicorn. Trixie, though talented and amazing, had about as much luck with conjuration as a normal Unicorn, despite her talent being magic itself. The amount of power it took to make more than a simple small thundercloud was just exhausting, and made Trixie feel a bit proud that she’d actually made one in her current condition. She’d even done it without using her more hidden talents. Maybe all the injuries and magic exhaustion she had been going through recently had increased her magic stores a little? She liked to think so, though thinking was becoming a problem due to the pounding of her head. Heh, maybe Trixie has grown even more powerful? She resolved to test her new found powers at some point, for now she would be satisfied with just making the room stop spinning. In the moment it took her to recover, she caught sight of Angel, staring at her briefly. “Just you wait!” she threatened, only to see him make his escape while she was incapacitated. Whatever had possessed the rabbit to stick to his ‘burning’ theme for tormenting her was obviously staring to backfire. The pristine white fur that Fluttershy put so much effort into maintaining was scorched here and there. Once she felt vaguely steady again, Trixie rose up to her hooves. Naturally, Angel was nowhere to be found again, but that was about what she expected. The kitchen was a mess, though funnily enough, nearly burning it down still didn’t match up to the disaster area Trixie had left behind that time she attempted to make pancakes without her magic. Snickering at the imagined victory, Trixie set about restoring the kitchen to a presentable state. Mostly, this just meant she had to take care of the water, which was easy enough for somepony as amazing as herself… as soon as she had her magic available. Not content to just sit around, Trixie returned to the front door. On her way there, she glanced at the mail she’d scattered through the living room when she’d rushed through there to deal with the fire Meh, at least the wind can’t get it here. Trixie will deal with it later. She had something much more interesting that she wanted to get out of the way first. The large brown package still temptingly stood by the door post. Trixie read the return address. Ponyville Library? Why does that sound familiar? Shrugging, Trixie reached for the letter that came with the package. Fluttershy. Well that makes sense at least... Wait, does it? She jabbed the package with her hoof, it was heavy. Did Fluttershy order all this? What is it? Her curiosity was nearly overwhelming. Maybe Trixie should open it? She would have signed for it, right? She reached out a hoof towards the brown paper, running it along the surface tantalizingly. Just as she started to try to squeeze a small part of her hoof between the wrapping, Trixie quickly pulled away. “What are you thinking Trixie! You can’t just nose through another pony’s mail!” she scolded herself loudly while she looked around. Seeing as nopony was nearby, she tore her hoof through the paper. “Woops! Look at that. Somehow this package was torn when it arrived! Trixie guesses she'd better make sure nothing is broken!” Glancing around once to confirm there was no objection, Trixie peered through the tear, and discovered books. Huh, well duh. Trixie is not sure what else she was expecting… Let’s see here… ‘Tempting the Draconequus’. Wait, what!? Trixie’s cheeks flushed. She’d read a copy of the book a few times. It was great for certain moods, but much more steamy than she had thought Fluttershy would be able to handle. Carefully she dragged her hoof down a bit further, eliciting the ripping sound of paper a second time. "Seems like Trixie is all butter hooves today..." she mumbled, greedily peering at the next book. ‘Forbidden Apples’! Fluttershy! Beet red, Trixie remembered the ‘plot’ of this one: it was a story about a spicy apple farmer finding unconventional ways to sell her wares. One that Trixie now couldn’t help but see a little bit of Applejack in while she did her best not to imagine what Fluttershy was thinking when she ordered this one. "Something, something, woops..." Trixie mumbled, giving up any pretense of what she was doing. Ripping the paper a little more, Trixie felt heated while she tried to guess at what else Fluttershy would be into, maybe she could get some good hints from these books. She brought the next title into view. ’Three's company’!? Trixie’s eyes widened, it was much more niche. O-Oh my Luna! No wonder she was so interested! Her face positively on fire, Trixie quickly tore down to the next title in eager anticipation. ’The magic of slight of hoof’ Improving your technique, Flutt—Huh, wait a second. She blinked slowly while she read over the title again. Trixie knows this one too, but... this is just a textbook for stage tricks. Has Trixie's amazing personality convinced Fluttershy to try her own hoof at performing? It didn’t make sense, what on Equestria was a dull book like that doing among steamy romance novels? Unless… Trixie smacked her hoof against her forehead. “These are Trixie’s books!”