//------------------------------// // The letter. // Story: The young king. // by The orky brony //------------------------------// Dear Princess Celestia, ruler of all Equestria. It has come to my attention that you are to merciful when punishing your enemies, as you have failed to properly execute Tirek and instead let him be locked up in Tatarus. When its clear for unknown reasons Cerberus has already left his post ounce, and it can happen again. I'm afraid that this shall not be tolerated for you are showing more weakness than usual and I fear for my peoples well being, we may be nothing but metal and brain at this point but we can still die. Now then onto what I want from you miss Celestia, I want Tirek's decapitated head on a pike by next month. The moment he escapes again your rainbow power won't save you, bombs don't explode twice. I hope you understand I am doing this for the protection of not only MY ponies but for your's as well, I do not want our two nations becoming slaves to him. Nor do I want any nation falling to a problem you have failed to clean up. Not only is this a sign of weakness on you're behalf but it also makes you a threat to my nation, gods know what else you have down in that pit you call Tatarus! I want you to start executing your enemies rather than just locking them up to deal with later like their just food to be put in the fridge to eat later. Signed King Gear, ruler of all Cogdon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear King Gear, ruler of all Cogdon I understand why you are so distressed about the way I handle the threats to my country, I understand your own country faces similar threats every now and then. However I am getting off topic, I would rather we speak in person for this with my co-rulers Princess Twilight sparkle, Princess Cadence, and Princess Luna. I expect you to bring a company of an ambassador or 4 so we may speak with more idea's on how to handle this on the table, you know that we Equestrian's frown upon the act of killing another even if it is for high treason. The meeting shall commence on march the 5th at 8:00 AM. The reason I am getting so many others involved in this because if this act is carried out it would be the first execution to be carried out by Equestria in a very long time. I hope to see you there with the warmest of formalities. Also as to your threat to wage war on my fair nation, I'm afraid I must humbly decline it for you shall see in our meeting as to why I have never executed any of my enemies, with the exception of Sombra but I simply had no choice. I do not save them for later. I trap them so that way they may not harm my ponies, but I would rather speak in person. Signed Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ King Gear sat on his throne, face hoofing, as he read the letter. The throne he sat on was made out of a spinning contraption of technology and many moving parts with a magically enchanted bronze on the outside to cover it up. The bronze itself was transparent due to the enchantment imbued into it. Said parts were actually hooked up to the King to keep his power level high enough for him to function. The throne itself had stairs surrounding it made from the same material allowing anyone to see the smog powered engine underneath and all of its parts. Their were pipes connected to the wall inside of the material that lead outside were the smog was sucked up rapidly to use in the engine to either power the city or recharge the King himself. The throne room he was in was made completely to show off the nation's advanced technology, T.V. screens lining the walls and if turned on would show a history video on each past King to come before Gear. Gear himself was actually very young when compared to most other cyborgs, as he got out of his seat one could see he had a rather bulky build to him and a huge cog on his back that gave him extra power when moving. He had a tail made out of covered up wire's each one factory colored. He had no cutie mark at all mainly because anyone who is made into a cyborg pony before they got their mark would never see it. You can only get one from your true body but his was to badly burned. He also had a bronze similar to the throne's where the white of his eyes would be allowing ponies to see the moving parts in his head that allows him to think and move around. His mouth could open and close to simulate organic speech when in reality a voice box inside of his throat allowed him to speak at all. "Bucking princess. Why can't she see that the things she simply puts away for later is a threat to everypony?" The young King stood up from his throne waiting for his servants to unhook him from the massive and loud machine. The servants were mostly pony save for their lungs and nose which secretly had built in gas filters, the more machine somepony looks the higher up in society they are. The King is completely robotic from the outside just to show his connection to technology. Gear trotted down the bronze steps, his legs making audible piston noises. He looked at the T.V screens, one such showing his father, King Steam. His father died in a war with the gryphons, impaled on a soldier's spear through his eye. It pierced his brain and killed him, his mother is still alive. Her name is Queen Nail. She recovered from the stress of her husband's death at the claws of the gryphons long ago, and a good thing to for that was 1 year ago! He went out of his throne room. The massive steel doors opening slowly. The doors were both the size of dragons and used for religious reasons. They also had specially made hinges that made them easy to open even to a small colt cyborg, it is made that way to symbolize inner strength. The material was a bronze colored steel and the designs on it was inner machine parts. The many guards positioned on two sides of the doors took station and saluted their King with their spears. The salute was them raising their weapons to the sky screaming "PRAISE THE KING!" in unison. The tradition was there since the kingdom's founding. The scream echoed throughout the hallway as King Gear gestured to his ponies. "At ease men. I need 2 things, 1:I want all my meetings temporarily delayed. 2nd:Where is Ambassador Black Gold?" Gear said as he gave a salute himself to his loyal elite soldiers. "He's in his room sir, studying on the other nations." One of the soldiers said. Gear nodded his thanks and started to head down the hallway towards Black's room so he can give him the news that they will be leaving by morning. His sensors detected on the way that the smog level in the palace was at 70%. At this level any organic pony would die in about 5 minutes due to how highly polluted even a little bit of smog is. Which is why all cyborg's brains are instead kept alive by special preserved food, enchanted on the way here before it reaches the smog to resist it. It's easy to counter with magic, a gas mask, or simply not needing oxygen. But cyborgs still needed nutrition for their brains. He looked out on of the windows and saw factory after factory in a ugly yet somehow enchanting world. His nation was designed around tech and supplying it to other nation's for their uses. However they kept the best creations to themselves without large amounts of money to buy it from them that would be later translated into Cogdon scrap. Gryphon coins and Equestrian bits being the most valuable to Cogdon because it can be smelted down into more metal. Cogdon cyborgs were obsessed with building and crafting as much as possible to become and stay more advanced than any other race. However this generated much pollution that soon condenses into smog, which is then sucked up by the mechanical throne and sent back to the city as power. Unfortunately this just makes it back into smog, a endless cycle. The king soon regained his wits and continued down the hallway passing the occasional servant or noble along the way, the nobles were 75% robotic including their internal organs. Only the King and Queen were nothing but robotics with a brain located inside of the head. He looked down the hallway and saw the ambassador's room. Black Gold was reading paper after paper in his personal living quarters, his eyes scanning through each one closely. King Gear knocked on the door "Come in!" Gold yelled. King Gear opened up the door trotting in, looked into Gold's eyes before speaking "Black Gold I have some good news for you. It seems that I have been invited to Canterlot to speak with The princesses to discuss a political treaty concerning the execution of Lord Tirek. But I need at least 1 ambassador with me for this." Gear said as he handed over the letter to Black Gold, Gold's jaw of course dropped while he was given the paper. It was very rare for anyone at all to be invited to Canterlot itself to speak with a princess. Much less all 4 of them! If his eyes could show excitement they would. His build was small and made purely for conserving all the energy he could. He was made from a metal that was painted yellow. He had a tail made of wires that seemed to flicked with enjoyment at the news. The ambassador was also 75% robotic much like the nobles. His legs were machinery, most of his torso was robotic save for his flank. It showed off his cutie mark, which is a stack of documents. His face had a metal eyes and his mane, tail, and remaining fur is yellow like his metal. Unlike Gear he had no cog on his back. The cog on King Gear's back is a mark of royalty rather than just another device. Black read through the letter his eyes went into complete overdrive as he read into it he was next to over heating, but soon regained his composer. "Thank you for the news you're highness. I shall ready my bags for the journey. I have to say it shall be exciting having a conversion with two beings who control the day and night, one who controls love, and one who controls magic." Black said as he looked at his King. "We shall take the royal armored train. It is safer for my cog is highly valuable on the black market to say the very least." King gear said, it was true. 2 kings before him was assassinated and their king was found tore from their bodies, one had to assume that's what happened because one was found in a mafia shed during a royal guard raid, the other was never found. "Um no offense my King but are we trying to protect ourselves or scare everypony there shitless? Pardon my language but the armored train is made for war and is practically covered in weaponry." Black Gold said as he put his papers away gently. "I'm sorry but we have no choice, I am a young and weak King. You know how in the past they are targeted because they are seen as very easy targets. I may also have to bring my elite guard with us to make sure somepony doesn't attempt to assault us when we get off the train." King Gear stated. Black Gold simply sighed and nodded in agreement. "Very well. Just give me time to have a fish cake and I'll get to work on alerting the citizens that the duke of coal is in charge while you're gone." The duke was King Gear's second in command, and he is next in line for the throne unless Gear gets a prince or princess. King Gear nodded and turned around preparing to leave the room. The fish cake sounded good right now and he should likely have some meat in his diet before he leaves the country. Meat did so much more to a cyborgs energy system seeing how they ate to both keep their only organic parts alive, the brain for the king and other various organs for others. It also converts the rest into more power, meats are just more effective than any plant could be. Gear went down to his throne room to recharge on his gigantic machine. When he stepped out of Black Gold's room he looked to a passing guard "Inform the captain to prepare the R.A.T. Me, black gold, and 7 elites shall be headed to Canterlot castle for political reasons." The soldier saluted before heading off to the captain's office. He took another look outside of the window to admire the city as he trotted along. When he reached the gigantic doors his elites did the salute ounce more filling the hallway with "PRAISE THE KING!". The King ignored the salute and continued on his way past the doors as the elites went to close them. He went to the bronze stairs and began to walk up them before turning around, Sitting down on his throne he rested laying back. He looked down upon his guards as they went by either bringing in the next pony for his judgement on their matters or heading to ready the train. Two servants come to his side to hook him back up to the throne. The throne made one very loud "PFFFFF" as water is seen pouring into it to cool it off rapidly before it begins to overheat. With that steam rose from behind his chair soon to exit through ventilation systems.