//------------------------------// // Ch.1 Just Another Day // Story: The Apple Doesn't Fall Far // by Regis-Th3-Lesser //------------------------------// It's just another regular, calm Ponyville morning. Celestia's sun began to stir all living things from their slumber, including a familiar green-eyed mare. One small shaft of light shone into her room bouncing off a mirror on a nearby dresser. The light struck her eyes at just the right angle pulling her out of a beautiful dream. She fluttered her eyes trying to adjust them to the immense light flooding focused on her eye. She let out a long yawn. “Ahh, another beautiful, sunny mornin’”. Sitting up on her mattress, she stretched and contorted cracking a few bones. She trotted over to her mirror and looked over herself to see if any flaw was present. She gently began to rub her hoof across her face. “Hmm, even after all of these years, ya still look the same, Applejack.” She did look the same as she had for years now. Hair long and golden waiting to be tamed by her red hair ties, and her iconic Stenson awaiting its bearer. All of her friends had since changed their styles. Twilight lost her bang leaving her mane long and curly; Pinkie had began to wear her hair straightened some years ago; and even Rainbow Dash had embraced her more feminine side, wearing dresses regularly, dismissing anything that tied her to her tomboyish past, but if anyone had changed the most, it was Spike. He disappeared for five years to experience the world for himself. Even though that was a whole twelve years ago, he still came back to his home.The only ones who hadn't changed much were Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity achieved her dream of being a famous designer and moved to Manehattan. She does visit Ponyville often. Her and Spike have formed a mutual friendship. Fluttershy still lives in her cottage, but now she has male company. Long story short, an earth pony was wandering the Everfree forest studying the animals where he saved Fluttershy from being mauled to death by some timberwolves. The two have been inseparable since. That didn't sit too well with Discord... Applejack stood still eyes locked on the mirror thinking to herself. “Look at me the, same hair this same hat. Maybe that's why I can't get me a stallion. But who would wanna miss out on hips like these?” She wiggled her rump before a knock was heard at her door.“Ah'm comin,” she said walking over to the other side of the room. She opened it to reveal none other than Spike. He was walking on all fours like he usually does the only time he actually walked upright were when he had to reach for shelves or write. “Morning Applejack, I didn't wake you did I?”he said with a claw scratching the spines on the back of his head. “N-no ya didn't...” “Good... Well have you seen Big Mac? He has a couple of books due.” Applejack shook her head. “Nah, sorry Spike. Ah just woke up. What books does he have that are due? Ah could probably find em'.” “I'd prefer to not say... It had something to do with Pony Sutra...” “Oh... OH... I think I know where the bonehead is.” “Okay thank you. Tell him I came around.” Spike answered with a warm smile before beginning to exit. “Sure thing—” she paused “—Hey Spike”. Applejack asked from behind her mane like Fluttershy. Spike turned back to her. “What do you think of me?” Spike was caught off guard highly by the question. “Why is she asking me this?” “Well, you're strong, a hard worker smart, honest of course, pretty, and just a great all around mare.” Applejack hid her face to conceal her blush. “Thanks Spike... I needed that...” “Of course AJ, only honesty for the one who embodies the element,” he said graciously walking down the hallway towards the exit. “Well, I gotta head back to the library. Come get me if you need anything,” he shouted before turning the corner. “Kay Spike, goodbye now,” she yelled from the doorway. She went back into her room and touched herself up a bit before coming back out in all of her cowgirl swag. She walked down the hallway to the kitchen thinking to herself whole way. “I wonder where Mac is, probably hanging with Cheerily again. All he does is sneak out to be with her leaving me to buck all these damn trees alone. Maybe the Apple family just ain't all that strong anymore,” she shook her head at that last thought “No! We are still strong! Things have just been tight around here since granny passed and Applebloom decided that she wanted to go to school for carpentry or somethin.” She hung her head low as she made a breakfast of apple pancakes, once enjoyed by her family and now it was just her. She sat down to eat still lost in a world of deep thought. “Everyone has their own somepony now while I’m stuck here all alone with no one.”That last thought echoed through her head leaving a trail of tears in it’s wake. She hadn't even noticed she was crying directly onto her food, she took another bite taking in the salty brine of her tears. She wiped them away then proceeded to finish her breakfast. She got up from the table and cleaned anything she thought was dirty. Finished with her work she readjusted her hat before walking toward the front door. “Well someone is gonna hafta do this work,” she said before heading out to the barn to get a couple of supplies. “Let's see baskets, harvester for those stubborn apples, and the wagon,” She looked around the barn. “Now how in the hay do ya lose a whole wagon?” She paced around the barn searching each corner. “There ya are.” She pulled it out from under a heap of rusty tools and empty bags of fertilizer. “Here we go.” She strode out of the barn into the fresh noon air. Her long day soon came to a close as the remaining rays of Celestia's sun tickled the horizon. She was bucking the last few trees when she heard a soul shattering howl. She stopped and surveyed the surrounding shrubbery. Then there was a low rumbling growl. “O...o...kay who ever that is....you b-betta stop now... or I’ll—” She was cut short by a rustling sound that came from nowhere. “Whoever you are... Ah'm tellin' ya s-stay back...” she shook violently, fear dominating her tone. All went silent for only a moment. Whatever it was let out a loud hiss and snarl. Applejack turned her head violently only to meet the gaze of two ghostly red eyes staring at her. The creature growled aggressively before attempting to pounce on the petrified earth pony. Applejack ran faster than she ever had in her life driven by far. She dared not turn around. She had galloped halfway across the orchard. Seeing the barn right ahead of her she mustered all the strength that she could and ran faster. She was at full speed when she tripped over a rock and hit the ground with a series of rolls and flips. Everything was fuzzy, she couldn't move, and each breath felt like a knife was being thrust into her chest. Applejack lay in the dirt battered and bloodied. She couldn't even twitch without intense pain overloading her senses. In the incoming twilight she called, “heeeeeeelp heeeeeeeelp,” her voice hoarse and low. “So this is it huh? You ran from something' that wasn't even there and now you...” she began to choke on her tears before losing consciousness. “Applejack? Applejack!” She shot her eyes open searching frantically for the voice. “Applejack!” Wait she knew that voice! “S...Spike! Over here!” she yelled out with what strength she had. “Applejack?! Where are you...?” She could hear the worry in his tone. She lifted her head and yelled with all her strength. “Spiiike!” That was all she had. She barely had enough left in her to breath. Her stomach dropped as the air grew silent. “No! He didn't hear me!” “Applejack!” Spike came charging towards her. “Oh no, what happened?” She was in terrible shape. Her main and tail were strained with blood and dirt, her front hoof looked crooked and swollen, and a pool of blood sat under her head. “Don't worry, I'll get you some help!” Applejack's vision began to fail again. The last thing she saw was him picking her up. With a smile she whispered, “Spike...” before darkness set in once again.