//------------------------------// // Chapter 34: Chance // Story: Fiddling with Her Heart // by Kevinltk //------------------------------// “This one is from Derpy.” “The mailmare?” “Yep, she’s a bit ditzy, but she has a daughter that’s in the same class as Apple Bloom.” “Speaking of, this is from Cheerilee, her teacher.” “Octavia, there’s a note for you in this one.” “Really? Who’s it from?” “Some pony named Vinyl Scratch.” “Oh, I met her at the wedding. She was the deejay, and we actually got to talk to each other for a bit. Let me see that.” “Alright, this one is from… Uh, Octavia, what’s with the funny face?” “Vinyl has pledged quite a generous amount, but she says I now also ‘owe her one’.” “Wait, she’s demanding something in return? That’s horrible!” “No, no. She’s just having a bit of fun. She made an interesting proposal to me some time ago and was merely reminding me about it. I should contact her when Apple Bloom is better. I just wish she didn’t start calling me Tavi.” “Just give it time. I’m sure you’ll get used to it, Octy.” “Why do so many ponies insist on giving me a nickname?” “We can save the chit chat for later, sugarcube. Looks like we’re almost done for the day.” Octavia, Twilight, and Applejack were all seated around a small table inside Apple Bloom’s room with a pile of letters on one side of the table. They were all reading through the letters that had arrived, while Twilight made notes on a large sheet of parchment floating right next to her. After Apple Bloom was diagnosed with Morbiferum, Twilight had sent the news explaining everything back to their friends and family in Ponyville through Spike. Later that day, she received a response in the form of a shower of letters raining down on her head. Most of them were from their friends, all containing promises that they would do all that they can to help and that they would spread the word around Ponyville. One letter was from Granny Smith and Big Mac, stating that they would be going through Sweet Apple Acres’s records so that they could dig up as many bits as they can for Apple Bloom’s treatment. They also planned to contact the various members of the Apple Family that were littered around Equestria. Their friends and family had decided that they would try to get as many ponies as they can to chip in. At first, Applejack was a bit reluctant to accept the generosity of so many ponies, but she swallowed her pride, knowing that she could not save Apple Bloom by herself. Over the course of the next few days, more and more letters had arrived from Ponyville, and the three of them read through them all, recording the pledges and donations that were sent along with them. Octavia recognized the names of a couple of ponies she had met during her stay in town, but they were eclipsed by many others that she did not have a chance to meet or even heard of. She knew that the Apple Family were quite popular in Ponyville, but she was amazed to see that so many ponies, some even being complete strangers, would be so willing to send in their bits. “So, how much closer are we now?” Applejack asked as they finished going through the letters. Twilight levitated the large parchment in front of her as she made a few more marks with a quill. After looking it over for a few seconds, she let out a sigh. “Even with today’s batch, we still have a long way to go.” Applejack groaned and planted her face into the table. “This isn’t good. We’re already gettin’ less and less every day. It’s not goin’ to be long before the letters stop comin’. We’re not goin’ to make it at this rate.” Octavia sighed as well, wishing she could do more. She had already contributed all that she could, even selling off some items from her home, but she had to dip into her savings several times during her long hiatus. Even the payoff she received from the royal wedding had dried up while she was brooding over the aftermath of her separation with Applejack. “What about the princesses? Could they help in anyway?” Octavia asked. Twilight shook her head. “I already asked them. With the increase in defenses, repairing the city, and changeling research, money is really tight. They’re really sorry, and as much as it pains them, they can’t afford to send us more than a few bits. They have to put the needs of everypony else in front of Apple Bloom.” “So in other words, we’re running out of options,” Octavia remarked. “There has to be something we can do.” Applejack bit her lip. “Well… Ah could ask Granny to look into how much Sweet Apple Acres is worth…” “No!” Octavia immediately cried out. “Sweet Apple Acres has been in your family for generations. You can’t just sell your home and everything your family worked for just like that!” “Octavia’s right,” Twilight agreed. “Sweet Apple Acres is much more than a simple apple farm to your family and Ponyville. Even if she got better, Apple Bloom would not have a home to return to.” “Ah know,” Applejack replied. “Ah was thinkin’ maybe we could sell some of the land instead. At least that would get us closer, right?” “You probably will make a few bits if you’re lucky, but I doubt it will cover the rest of Apple Bloom’s treatment,” Octavia pointed out. “In the long run, you’ll lose a lot more. Do you think your family and Sweet Apple Acres would survive that?” “If we made a few cutbacks, maybe?” Applejack answered in an unsure voice. Octavia sighed. “Applejack, I know you’re worried, but selling off pieces of Sweet Apple Acres is not the right way to go.” “But what else can we do? If we don’t think of somethin’, Apple Bloom is goin’ to die!” “And I know you! If anything happens to Sweet Apple Acres, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life!” “Girls, calm down,” Twilight interjected. “We still have time to think up a plan. Let’s just shelf that idea as an absolute last resort.” Octavia and Applejack sighed, both muttering out, “Fine,” at the same time. A knock on the door caused them to turn their attention to it. At their consent, a well-groomed unicorn stallion entered the room. “Oh, hello, Fancy Pants,” Octavia greeted the newcomer. “Hello to you all. How are things going?” Fancy Pants replied. “It could be better.” “I take it that the fundraising is not working out too well at the moment.” “No, it isn’t,” Twilight answered, shaking her head. “We’ll be lucky to make it halfway if we continue to rely on donations and loans.” “That’s a real shame,” Fancy Pants remarked as he used his magic to levitate an envelope from his pocket towards Octavia. “Well, here’s my contribution. I know it isn’t much, but I do hope it helps.” Octavia quickly opened the envelope, revealing a bank note. She let out a sigh when the number she saw was nowhere near what she was expecting. “So, this is all you and Fleur can afford now?” Octavia asked. “I’m afraid so. I’m sorry, but like we discussed a few days ago, business has been rather slow ever since the invasion, and we already gave away a good deal of bits to help those who were less fortunate during the attack.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. You were helping out others before I asked, and I can’t fault you for that. Besides, with all the help you have given me and my friends in the past, I am in no position to criticize you.” “Is there any plan to raise the rest of the money?” Fancy Pants asked. All he received were either shaking heads or shoulders shrugging. “That’s what we were trying to do right as you came in. Other than maybe a few slow letters, it doesn’t look like we can rely on anymore donations at this point,” Twilight remarked. “By my calculations, just about everypony from Ponyville who would contribute had already done so, and according to Applejack, it’s the same story with the Apple Family.” “Guess we’re gettin’ to the end of the rope,” Applejack said along with a groan. “Ah kind of have a backup plan, but Octavia and Twilight ain’t too happy about it.” “We are not doing that, Applejack. End of story,” Octavia firmly stated. “See what Ah mean?” “Is there anything you can do right here in Canterlot?” Fancy Pants asked. “Aside from you, Twilight’s family, and the princesses, there’s nopony else that I know of that would even think of helping out,” Octavia replied. “The only other ponies I know are all just clients I had worked for at one point or another.” “Which is a real kick in the teeth,” Applejack added with a huff. “Ah’m sure that loads of the ponies that live here have plenty of bits to spare but would rather spend it on fancy stuff for themselves instead of helpin’ a sick filly.” “Now, Applejack,” Fancy Pants gently chided. “While it is true that many ponies here are more fond of material objects than other places, they are far from heartless. I’m sure if some of them knew what was going on they would chip in a few bits.” “Then perhaps we should do something to draw their attention and give them something to spend on,” Octavia suggested. “What do you mean, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. “Well, I don’t mean to be boastful, but there are a lot of ponies in Canterlot that enjoy my music. If we put together a benefit concert with me performing, I’m sure I could draw in a sizeable audience. The ticket sales alone would raise enough money to at least start Apple Bloom’s treatment.” “If it were only that simple,” Fancy Pants said as he shook his head. “While it is true that your idea could very much be very fruitful, should you succeed, there are a number of factors to consider. Setting up a concert takes time, and not only that, you need even more time to allow your audience to hear about it and purchase tickets for it. As I understand, you are in a hurry to acquire the necessary bits.” “We’re running under a time limit,” Twilight informed. “Dr. Panacea mentioned that the longer Apple Bloom goes untreated, the less likely his treatment will work. If we’re going to follow through with the concert, we’ll have to find a balance between getting a bigger audience and Apple Bloom’s health.” “That’s right,” Fancy Pants replied. “You will also need to find a suitable place to perform. If you are hoping to draw in a big audience, you need someplace to seat them all. Knowing the ponies of Canterlot, the place has to be nice and up to their standards as well.” “Which means that we would have to likely rent a concert hall,” Octavia realized. “Even one night can be very pricey.” “Well, even if we do have to use some of the bits we acquired, it shouldn’t be much of an issue. Ah’m sure that more than enough ponies would want to see Octavia and more than make up for what we put in,” said Applejack. Octavia flashed Applejack a quick smile at the praise before turning back to Fancy Pants as he sighed. “Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you, but there is one last issue that I need to bring up,” said Fancy Pants. “Octavia, do you recall what we discussed about before you left with Rainbow Dash?” “Before I left?” Octavia repeated, looking up at the ceiling in thought. After a few seconds, her face sank. “Oh…” “What? What’s wrong?” Applejack asked with concern. “Before I went to see you and Apple Bloom at the hospital, my reputation as a performer was not exactly at a high point, and I doubt it has gotten better while I have been away with you and Apple Bloom.” Applejack gave her an incredulous look. “What? How could that be? Ah know for a fact that your music is the best. Not only that, but you played at the royal weddin’. Ponies should be flockin’ to your door. How did things get messed up?” Octavia bit her lip. “Um… Well… It’s complicated…” “You don’t want to tell me?” Applejack asked with a frown. “You do like using that excuse, don’t you, Octavia?” Fancy Pants pointed out, eliciting a glare from Octavia. “I think now would be a good time to explain what happened. It’s going to come out eventually, and doing so now would save you and your friends a lot of worry.” “Come on, sugarcube,” Applejack encouraged. “You did so much for me, the least Ah could do is listen to your problems. Ah want to help.” Octavia opened her mouth to protest, but when she looked at Applejack, staring at her with concern and worry, she let out a sigh instead before continuing. “Applejack, I didn’t want to tell you this, at least not yet, because I did not want to add anymore worries for you. The thing is, after we parted ways, I pretty much fell into a depression. I hardly showed myself in public, let alone putting myself on stage. While there are still plenty of ponies who enjoy my music, there are also quite a few ponies who have been put off by my behavior. It’s quite possible that my sudden rush to Ponyville had made the situation worse.” “Oh, Ah see…” Applejack uttered quietly. “So because of me…” “No, it’s not your fault,” Octavia quickly protested, only to earn herself a frown from Applejack. “Sugarcube, you just explained that you were unable to do anythin’ because of what happened between you and me.” “What I mean is I don’t want you to think my problem had occurred only because of you. I dwelled on what happened for too long and allowed things to spiral out of control.” “But it started because of me.” “Um… Well… Yes…” Applejack sighed, averting her eyes from Octavia. “Applejack…” “Ah’m… Ah’m fine…” Applejack replied in an even voice. “Ah just need a few minutes to myself. You guys keep discussin’ the plan.” Octavia slowly nodded as she turned back to Fancy Pants and Twilight. “S-so…” she started, only to clear her throat before trying again. “So, do you know what the others are saying about me, Fancy Pants?” Fancy Pants stared at her for a moment before giving her a shrug. “A bit. While there are definitely a few who don’t think quite highly of you, I think the majority of ponies are just simply confused about your actions. It really is hard to say how they will react if you suddenly throw a benefit concert.” “What could happen if we go ahead with the concert?” Twilight asked. “Well, since Octavia has been leaving Canterlot quite a bit lately, I would assume that a number of ponies would be concerned that she would just run off on the night of the performance. While we all know that would not happen, it would be a bit harder to convince everypony else.” “Perhaps there is a way to make things run a bit smoother,” Octavia remarked. “Fancy Pants, would you be willing to be the one hosting it? You can take the credit for it, and you will be fully reimbursed for the entire thing. It’s basically free publicity for you.” “You’re hoping that my name will attract the ones who are unsure about your behavior, aren’t you?” guessed Fancy Pants, receiving a nod in return. “It would take some time for me to acquire the funds to set it up, but I would be happy to do it.” “How long would it take you to get enough money?” Twilight asked. Fancy Pants hummed as he rubbed his chin with a hoof. “It’s hard to say, and we would still have to do a bit of research on where to hold the event, but even by my estimates, it will likely take a few weeks.” Twilight winced. “I don’t think we can afford to wait that long.” “Would you be able to start right away if we gave you the money?” Octavia offered. Fancy Pants gave Octavia a look of surprise. “I suppose I could if your friends have no objection to it.” “Hold on, Octavia,” Twilight spoke up. “We all know that you are an extraordinary musician, but I’m not sure if this is such a good idea with all the uncertainty. We’re taking a big chance if we follow through with this plan, and if it fails, we’ll likely lose a huge portion of our funds. If that happens, we’ll have no hope of raising enough bits in time to save Apple Bloom.” “Twilight, I know it’s a bit risky, but we don’t have much time to spend looking for another option either. The sooner we start with this plan, the more likely it will succeed. Even if the concert doesn’t completely cover Apple Bloom’s treatment, it will surely draw attention to our cause. I really do believe this will work.” “Well… I’m just worried about it potentially failing and would rather play it safe, but you do make some good points. I still have a few doubts, but like you said, we don’t have much other choice. Still, since the money is for Apple Bloom, the final decision is up to Applejack,” Twilight remarked as they turned to their friend, only to see that Applejack was still idly staring at the wall. “Applejack?” Twilight called out. When she received no response, she trotted up to the orange mare. “Applejack, are you alright?” she asked when she was next to her. Again met with silence, she lightly jabbed a hoof into Applejack’s side, finally earning her Applejack’s attention. “Hey, you okay?” “Sorry, Ah was still thinkin’ about things and wasn’t payin’ attention,” Applejack replied quietly. Before Octavia could say anything, Twilight beat her to the punch. “Sorry for disturbing you, but we kind of need your opinion right now. Octavia and I have been debating whether or not we should do the concert. While it does seem like a good idea, there’s also a risk that it could end up failing, leaving us with a lot less money for Apple Bloom’s treatment. Since you’re in charge of Apple Bloom, we leave it up to you to decide what you want to do.” “Oh, okay,” Applejack mumbled as she took a moment to think about it. Eventually, she looked at Octavia and asked, “You really think this is the best way to go?” “Yes, I do,” Octavia answered. “You think you can pull this off?” “Yes, I do.” Applejack stared at her for a moment longer before nodding. “Then we’re goin’ ahead with the concert.” Twilight cocked her head. “Just like that? Are you sure?” “Twilight, Ah know you like to try and analyze things as much as you can, but sometimes you just have to go with your gut. If Octavia believes she can do it, then Ah trust her.” Octavia smiled. “Thank you, Applejack.” “Well then, I guess that settles that,” Fancy Pants announced. “Now then, shall we get right to work? I’ll get started on getting the details sorted out and search for a suitable venue. Octavia, I presume you’ll be heading back to your place now to start working out what you’re going to play.” Octavia blinked before nodding. She had not thought about it, but it had dawned on her that she would have to spend time preparing for the concert instead of staying with Applejack. Other than occasionally urging Applejack to go outside from time to time, she had stuck by her friend’s side ever since she arrived in Ponyville. “Then allow me to escort you home,” Fancy Pants offered, opening the door for her. “We can go over some of the details of the concert on the way.” “Will you two be fine without me?” Octavia asked her other friends. “Ah think we can survive a few hours without you just fine, sugarcube,” Applejack replied with a small smile. “Don’t worry about us. You go ahead and take as long as you need.” “I’ll be sure to be back by dark,” Octavia stated as she headed out the door with Fancy Pants. “Octavia,” Applejack called out to her, grabbing her attention before she disappeared from view. “Before you go, Ah just need to say… Ah’m sorry… Ah’m sorry for what Ah put you through, and Ah’m really grateful you came back. Thank you for doin’ all this.” Octavia smiled and nodded before leaving with Fancy Pants. On the way back to her place, Fancy Pants explained some of the details they would have to look through as they set up the concert. While it seemed like there was a lot to do, Fancy Pants had experience in hosting a few other charity events, and he assured that it should be no problem once things started moving. By the time they arrived back at Octavia’s house, Fancy Pants had finished his explanations. “There is one matter I wish to speak with you about, Octavia,” Fancy Pants stated while she was opening the door. “Yes, what is it?” Octavia asked, turning back to the stallion. “While I do have the utmost confidence in your ability, I could not help but feel you were really pushing this concert idea.” “Is that a problem?” Octavia asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. “I think that it would be quite easy to pull off. The faster we gather the necessary funds to start Apple Bloom’s treatment, the better.” “And I wholeheartedly support the notion. I just feel the need to point out that besides the paperwork and backstage things, this plan pretty much puts everything in your hooves.” “You doubt I can do it?” Octavia asked with a faint tone of disappointment. “Of course not.” “Then what’s the problem? This will get us the money, and I am perfectly willing to do this.” “I just have the feeling that there’s another reason you want to do this.” Octavia raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” “It feels like you are using this as an opportunity to prove yourself. You have been put through a lot because of Applejack, and yet you still go to such drastic extents for her. You wouldn’t happen to be trying to get Applejack to depend on you, would you?” Fancy Pants asked. Octavia shot him a nasty glare. “You really think I would use a filly’s illness for my own gains?” “Forgive me,” Fancy Pants apologized with a bow. “I did not mean to insinuate that. I only want to make sure you are doing this for the right reasons and have thought this through. I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.” Octavia’s face softened a bit, but she was still a bit peeved. “I assure you that I’m doing all of this because I deeply care for the both of them.” Fancy Pants nodded. “That’s good to hear, but I must ask, do you still love Applejack?” All traces of irritation instantly vanished as Octavia let out a huge sigh and turned her head away. “Octavia?” “Yes, I still have feelings for her,” Octavia quietly confessed. “But does it really matter? She made it pretty clear she doesn’t feel the same way back at the royal wedding.” “So you’re doing all this just because you are good friends?” “Like I said, the both of them are precious to me. If Applejack just wants to be friends, that’s fine with me. Better that we’re friends than nothing at all.” “I see…” Fancy Pants said. After a few silent moments pass between them, he added, “I apologize for harsh questions. I really needed to know for sure.” “It’s alright,” Octavia replied. “After I arrived in Ponyville, I got a chance to think things over. I know I caused you and Fleur a lot of worry after the wedding. You’re just looking out for me as always.” “Of course I do. You’re no fun when you’re moping around,” Fancy Pants said with a small grin. Octavia let out a small chuckle. “I suppose I made the past few months a bit boring for you.” “It has been most dreadful,” Fancy Pants cried out with a face of mock horror before quickly returning to normal. “Anyway, I shall finally leave you be while I go get started on some of the paperwork. I wish you the best.” “Thank you, Fancy Pants. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Octavia bade as she closed the door. Not wanting to waste any time, she headed straight to her room where she kept all her music. As usual, her desk was pretty much buried under mountains of sheet music. Surely there was something in the pile that she could incorporate into the concert. A few hours later, she frowned when she noticed that she was nearing the bottom of the clusters of paper. While she did find a few possible candidates, none of them really jumped out at her. With a sigh, she picked up the next sheet, and when she looked at it, she drew a short gasp. Shifting her attention back to the pile of papers, she quickly scanned through it, selecting a few more sheets and adding it to the one she held in her other hoof. She had found one of several movements that she had been working on for some time. With everything that had been going on, it had receded to the back of her mind. While most of the movements needed a good deal of polish and refinement, the most pressing matter was that it lacked a final movement to tie it all together. And yet despite all the complications, she felt compelled to use them. It would take quite a bit of work, but if she finished writing the last movement and put the finishing touches on the rest, she was sure that it would make for a spectacular show. What caused her to hesitate was that the movement she held in her hooves was written during the time she parted ways with Applejack. Even now, it caused a dull ache to manifest in her heart, but it easily was a step above the rest. Maybe there was some merit to the idea that there was a relation between creativity and depression. Octavia let out a sigh. While she was confident that everypony would love what she had planned, practically ensuring the audience would chip in even more to Apple Bloom’s treatment, the thought of reliving those horrible moments of being pushed away by Applejack through her music was most certainly not appealing. As her thoughts drifted back to those awful memories, she also recalled how distraught Applejack was when Apple Bloom was diagnosed with the very same illness that claimed her mother. Applejack had been tormented for years over her parents’ death, and Octavia feared what would happen to her if her sister was to suffer the same fate. Octavia had no intention for that to happen. It was only one night of remembrance to save her friend a lifetime of suffering. She would do anything for Applejack, and even if they were not going to be lovers, she was okay with that. As long as they could still be together, even just as friends, that was enough. A small smile appeared on her face as she made up her mind and started digging through the stacks of paper for her quill. She had a lot of work to do, and she had the perfect ending for her performance.