//------------------------------// // Chapter two: Chapter One // Story: Sweetie's "Happily ever after" // by Lululu //------------------------------// “And I know how many cookies we have, so don’t you think I won’t find out!” With that, Rarity swept out, and they were alone for the weekend. Noteworthy wasn’t entirely sure whether the warning was for Sweetie Belle or for him. Since he’d moved to Ponyville a year ago, he had been babysitting for her on a frequent – and increasingly so – basis. It wasn’t that Rarity disliked looking after her sister, it was just that she always had better things to do. As he had told her, however, Noteworthy had moved to Ponyville exactly because he didn’t like always having things to do. He was now living an idle life of composing between his tours, and, he readily confessed, that meant an idle life of not actually doing anything at all for most of the time. So, they had come to an agreement; when Rarity needed to be somewhere else, he would take Sweetie off her hooves, and in return he would have something to keep him just busy enough to keep the boredom away and he would clean out her cupboards more thoroughly than a swarm of locusts. It was a simple, pragmatic arrangement. Sweetie pressed her muzzle up to his, her eyes closed. Well, that was how he explained the arrangement to everypony else, at least. There was a little more to it than that. A certain little secret that he and the little filly hid, just between the two of them. He nuzzled his adorable charge back for a moment, then opened his mouth to ask what she wanted to do. The words, however, stuck in his throat. They were trapped there by a tongue, which was being completely clear about what it wanted to do. He froze, briefly, in surprise, before melting into the kiss. Whilst it was not unusual for her to kiss him, Sweetie was never this forward about it; their relationship was playfully inappropriate, but Noteworthy was always sure to keep it to the safer side of romance. He put her eagerness down to their long separation over his recent tour, and let himself enjoy the filly’s affection for a while before breaking off. “So, I’ve got you for two whole days. Any ideas for what you want to do?” “Uh-huh.” She slowly leaned into him again, but was stopped by a hoof against her chest and a laugh. “Appealing as it sounds, I don’t think we can stand here kissing until you have to go to school on Monday,” Noteworthy explained. “Have you got anything planned that I should know about?” “Well, Apple Bloom managed to get Vinyl to help us get DJ cutie marks on Sunday. She was really drunk though, so she might have forgotten… Other than that, you’re going to have to keep me busy,” Sweetie tried to purr seductively. +++++ Noteworthy drifted slowly through the market, following the excitable white ball of fur that bounced from stall to stall, grabbing things and exclaiming in delight, before promptly dropping them and dashing off somewhere else. He wasn’t sure what was so exciting about it all, but the joy on her face was more than enough reason for him to come along. Every now and then, she bounded back over to him, snuggling up against one of his legs. Her beautiful face rubbing up against him made him want to kiss her then and there. He almost did, but he really couldn’t risk doing that in public, and so he changed the motion to a lazy stroke of her mane. Overly affectionate, perhaps, but nothing too unusual. Rolling her head into his touch, Sweetie opened her eyes and gazed into his. He let himself drink her in for a moment before she buried her face in his side again. Despite his efforts to avert public disapproval, he noticed that they were getting a lot of funny looks. Not aggressive, thank Celestia, but the ponies around them obviously thought that he and the filly were being too close. Much as he would like to ignore them all, he dreaded to think what might happen if somepony put it into Rarity’s head that they were more intimate with each other than they should be. He gently pried her away. “How are you still so interested in the market? It’s not that big, you must’ve looked at everything here three times already.” “Hmm, I don’t know.” “Well, shall we go, then? There isn’t much point just walking in circles staring at things.” “I don’t feel like going back yet.” Sweetie threw a lingering glance over her shoulder, towards nothing Noteworthy could bring to mind. “We could go to the park, then? Just for a change of scenery. Ponies will start to think I’m a statue, standing here for so long.” He finally earned a smile and a head-tilt of assent. He gratefully struck out away from the market, with Sweetie in tow. Once there, Noteworthy started to worry about how he would keep her occupied. He was certainly safer from suspicion here, but in a lot more danger of having an upset filly on his hooves. His first idea was to hunt for other foals, who could entertain Sweetie without him having to think of any activities at all. A quick lap of the park, covered by idly chatting to her about what she’d been looking at in the market, turned up nothing. He supposed that he could kick a ball around with her, but that would require getting a ball from somewhere… As they talked, she started to wander off in her own direction. Well, he mused, if she wants to just walk and chat, that’s fine by me. So, that was how they spent the next half hour, just wandering in small circles in the park, talking a whole lot about nothing of any importance. +++++ Overall, the day had been thoroughly enjoyable, and thoroughly uneventful. Noteworthy was completely unprepared, therefore, when Sweetie came and curled up against him on the sofa that evening. Her curling up between his legs was not unusual in itself – she had fallen asleep with him holding her many times since they had met – but what she was doing certainly was. “Uuuh, Sweetie?” “Mmmh?” She kept grinding her hips against his. “Could you stop that?” “But you like it,” the filly half-whined, half-laughed. “No, no I don’t. You’re a foal, you aren’t supposed to do stuff like that!” “You do. I can feel it against my back.” Noteworthy was so mortified that he didn’t even respond for a few seconds. When he recovered enough to move, red-faced, he pushed her off the sofa. “Alright, it’s time for bed,” he decreed. She leaned in towards him, eyes half-lidded, and asked, “Are you coming up with me?” “No! I am not. Bed. Now.” “Why not?” Now the filly really was on the verge of a whine. Her tail slumped down, and her face scrunched up ever so slightly. “You’re a foal; you don’t understand sex,” her babysitter pointed out. “I do,” she snorted in a rather unladylike manner, “it’s not exactly complicated. All you have to do is…” “I mean,” he drowned her out, “that you don’t understand the emotional side. The act itself might be simple, but there’s lots of emotional aspects to it too. If you have sex as a foal, it might be with somepony who you’d regret it…” “Adults regret it too, sometimes, and I’m being far more picky than my sister is. How come she’s allowed to and I’m not, then?” “Well, you should really love each other before…” “But we do love each other, don’t we?” Her eyes widened further than Noteworthy would have thought possible, brimming with tears. “Of course we do.” “Good.” Sweetie kissed him firmly on the mouth. “But, but,” Noteworthy cast around desperately, “you might get pregnant! You wouldn’t want to be pregnant now, would you? Think of how much trouble we’d be in, and how you’d be stuck away from your friends and school, and how you’d have to look after a foal afterwards!” “I haven’t had my first cycle,” Sweetie grinned slyly. She kissed him again, not on the mouth this time. He didn’t answer.