Calm Before The Storm

by Ribe_FireRain

The Storm

The night was getting cold and Rainbow Dash was heading home to get some sleep after her long day of work on the weather patrol around Ponyville. They had spent the majority of their day preparing a storm and it was scheduled to start later on in the evening. To say the least, all that hard work had made Rainbow tired. When she got home, she fed her pet tortoise and got ready for bed. It was only until a couple hours or so later on that she could hear the sound of thunder crashing.

The crashing got louder as the thunderclouds moved closer to her house. Then she could hear the heavy rain. It was only lucky Rainbow had reinforced the walls of her house when she built it to hold against strong winds and other forces if it comes her way. She laid in bed, trying to sleep off her tiredness but the loudness outside was keeping her from falling into the world of dreams. She fidgeted around in bed as she tried to get into a comfortable position, pulling cloud pieces from her pillow and sticking them in her ears.

''I gotta remember to hit my team in the head for making this a bit too strong...'' Dash muttered under her breath as she once again closed her eyes and snuggled her cheek deep into the pillow. Rainbow was finally getting comfortable, having managed to block out most of the sound of the storm outside but it all ended as she felt the surface of her cloud-floor shake. She shot up in bed as it got worse, eventually climbing from her bed to find out what it was. Her eyes widened when she got downstairs, seeing that one of her supports had shaken loose, causing the floor it was once supporting to sag down, pulling the walls and surfaces of the upper floors with it.

It wasn't long before the roof broke completely in a mist of white, more of the supports giving out as Dash stared in horror. Her house was being destroyed by the storm! Rainbow tried to fix the supports as fast as she could but it was of no use. Too many of them were being destroyed and she wasn't going be able to fix them fast enough. Then the walls collapsed around her, the outside visible. The winds threw Dash off of her hooves and into a cloud wall, knocking her straight through it and into the forceful winds that raged everywhere. Even for Rainbow, it was hard to avert herself into a flying position as she was twisted and thrown around in the wind, unable to balance herself.

She had no idea where she was in the air and as she soon was able to see the ground below her, her eyes went small, her nerves ringing with fear as she knew what was about to happen. She was going to be thrown into the floor if she didn't do something but the fear seemed to take over. She just fell, falling faster and faster as she neared the ground, eventually coming into contact with it, her vision going black.

*** *** ***

The smell of antiseptic filled Rainbow Dash's nose as she weakly opened her eyes. Her head was spinning softly and one of her hooves hurt. When she tried to move her foreleg, she found she couldn't. Looking down, Rainbow could see it in a cast, wrapped tightly and securely around the majority of its length. A stallion with a yellow coat and brown mane entered the room, wearing a white doctors coat and levitating a clipboard in green magic. He looked a little surprised to see she was awake as he smiled at her.

''Good morning, Miss Dash, glad to finally see you're awake. How are you feeling? I'm Doctor Stable, I'm sure we've met before?'' Doctor Stable said, still smiling as he looked at Rainbow, seeing that she looked more hurt than when she was brought in. The pain was so evident if one would look her in the eyes.

''W-What happened?'' Rainbow asked groggily, using an unrestrained hoof to rub the back of her head. The doctor lifted the clipboard, telling Dash what had happened and why she was here. Doctor Stable looked uneasy as he looked Dash in the eye again before looking back at the writing on his clipboard.

''Miss Dash, first I've gotta tell you that during the storm that happened a couple days ago-''

''Wait WHAT?! A couple days ago?! I've been here TWO DAYS?!'' Rainbow exclaimed loudly, clutching her bad hoof as pain shot through it as she writhed in bed. Doctor Stable used his magic to stop her limbs moving, stopping her hurting herself.

''Miss Dash, please! You must calm down! Let me finish!'' Doctor Stable said as he locked eyes with her, half pity and half anger lingering within them. Seeing it, Rainbow calmed down, letting the doctor speak again.

''Thank you. Now, as I was saying, you've been here two days after being knocked out. You suffered some head trauma and broke one of your legs and both of your wings. You're lucky to be alive, thanks to one of your friends.'' Rainbow's ears perked and her face grew pale. Broken her wings and leg? Friend saved her? Who?

''One of my friends saved me? Who?'' Rainbow asked softly, her tone a whisper as she tried to hold back the urge to scream and thrash around in bed at knowing she probably won't be flying for a long time.

''Ah. I mane, yellow coat. Doesn't talk much-''

''Fluttershy?'' Rainbow interrupted, ''Fluttershy saved me?'' Her heart slowed as she remembered the intensity of the storm. It was probably one of the strongest the weather team had ever created. But Fluttershy? What was she doing out there in that time? More importantly, did she get herself hurt? ''Where is she? Is Fluttershy alright?'' Rainbow asked, her worry for her life-long friend growing.

''Oh, yes, she's fine. As a matter of fact, she's in the waiting room. One more thing, Miss Dash, while you were unconscious, Fluttershy offered to pay for the expenses. Be sure to thank her, she's worried about you.'' And with that, Rainbow immediately felt guilty. If it hadn't been for Fluttershy, she would of probably died, meaning that she pretty much owed her her life. And then she paid for the hospital expenses? Rainbow was at a loss for words. ''Luckily, you'll be able to leave today, Miss Dash. Given the circumstances, Fluttershy had offered to take you in for the meantime, so you'll be staying with her.''

''Wait, what circumstances?''

''Oh, right.'' He coughed nervously, ''Well, during the storm, the strong winds...destroyed your house. I'm truly sorry.''

Rainbow felt like she had been hit in the head with a hammer. She covered her face with her hooves as she began to feel tears invade her eyes. She really hoped she heard that incorrectly. Her house was destroyed by the storm? Everything she owned was in that house! Even her trophies and valuables! That included her Element of Loyalty necklace and her signed Wonderbolt picture by Spitfire.

*** *** ***

When Rainbow Dash was wheeled into the waiting room by a nurse, she was almost immediately greeted by an extremely worried but relieved Fluttershy. The nurse had left them both alone with each other and it wasn't long before Rainbow found Fluttershy locked around her barrel, hugging her tightly but not enough to hurt her damaged limbs.

''Oh, Rainbow, you're alright! I was so worried!'' Fluttershy cried, letting go of her friend and looking into her eyes, seeing that Rainbow looked upset. ''Hey, what's wrong?''
Rainbow looked down, sighing softly before looking back up, faint tears glazing her eyes.

''Fluttershy...I...why were you out that night? You shouldn't of been out while the storm was at its worst! You could of gotten yourself hurt!'' Rainbow said, looking dead into the eyes of her friend whom was clearly taken aback by what had just been said to her. Fluttershy only placed a reassuring hoof to Dash's shoulder.

''Rainbow, calm down. I was out because I wanted to see you. I swear I didn't know about the storm but it was a lucky thing that I found you. You're house was destroyed and when I did eventually find you, I brought you here.'' Rainbow could see the tears form in Fluttershy's eyes. Saying nothing, Rainbow drew her friend closer, hugging her in a grateful embrace.

''Thanks, Fluttershy. I'm sorry I yelled at you. You saved my life.''

''It wasn't any trouble, Rainbow. I couldn't leave you there. But anyway, I think you should come with me back to my place. Its the least I can do after all you've been through.''

''Thank you, Fluttershy. Should we get going then?''

Without saying another word, Fluttershy wheeled Rainbow out of the hospital and headed towards her cottage.