The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain

by shysage

Ch.48, I Just Wanted Summer...

It was late, and cold... Still, Cel and Lu (Princess Celestia and Princess Luna) helped Summer and I get our coats on, and I hobbled over to a nearby Air Coach that would take Summer and I back to Ponyville.

Fluttershy and Shyna would wait until tomorrow morning to return. I was sure Cel and Lu would take care of accommodations for Summer's sisters. I had no doubt that an amazing visit with Fluttershy and Shyna's new-found family would unfold. I felt bad Summer couldn't stay. But honestly, I really needed my Mare...

We arrived at the Castle in Ponyville at dusk maybe. I think Summer realized that walking to the Canterlot Recorder's home would be a substantial task for me; it really hurt to walk. We would have to wait on visiting with Princess Twilight. We were soon back in our home, and quickly in our room.

I would like to think that I have a high tolorance for pain, but everything still hurt quite a bit. I just wanted to be alone with Summer. Summer wanted the same thing. I really love her...

It was cold in our home without a fire-place. Still, with coats and that old blanket, Summer and I were warm and close, and that was what mattered.

I probably didn't sleep much that night. I just could not find a position that allowed me to sleep. I know I kept Summer up much of the night too, and she didn't mind.

Summer tried to keep her head next to mine as much as possible, and I told her I really appreciated that.

After all we had been through in the last few weeks even, this was all minor details.

I am still amazed that I even found her buried in the Past, with a Blue coat, even... We were both just overjoyed to have each other back.

My wounds would heal, and we would be back to our normal routine soon (whatever that was).

Still, realizing that every position I could find, hurt, sometime in the middle of the night, I just rolled over on my side, and told Summer to climb up under my legs. Of course it hurt, but no more than anything else. Summer sighed a bunch, and was soon asleep. I love her so...

The next morning it was still pretty cold in our house. But I found out that I did actually doze off for a few hours.

My Mare was still tucked up against my chest and neck, but clearly awake. Realizing that I was awake, she said softly "Stallion, I love you."

I just hugged her tightly a minute, even though this hurt.

As I guessed, everything hurt worse today, though. Again, I didn't think anything was broken, but bruised tissue usually hurts worse on the second day.

Still, it was warmer outside today; Summer went outside and found out. Summer wanted me to come to the East meadow with her to eat some. I needed food and especially water, and she knew it.

It hurt more, but I managed to get out into the meadow, eat some and get a nice drink. Then I limped out to that small hill, and just laid down there on my belly.

The warm sunlight felt amazing.

Well, Summer was soon next to me, and that felt even more amazing.

For an hour we just relaxed there, basking in the Sun, and talking. I think I might have cried some, and she cried with me. It would probably be a while before 'losing her' for two weeks would be healed. That had hurt a lot. Well, my body hurt a lot now too.

Either way, Summer knew exactly what was going on, and that meant a lot to me. She is a Fluttershy.

A little before noon, Princess Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Shyna and Fluttershy landed near us, then walked over, and laid on their bellies facing Summer and I.

It really was an unseasonably warm day today, and the girls came by to see if Summer wanted to fly with them for a while.

Summer looked at me, but I didn't even hesitate. "Summer, go ahead and fly some. Time with the girls will feel amazing."

Summer hugged me tightly, which hurt, but I didn't care.

They were soon up in the air, flying over Ponyville. I watched them pass overhead a few times.

'Hopefully I can join them in a few days' I thought to myself.

For a while, I talked to true friend, thanking him again that I had my Mare back.

After that, my thoughts just wandered, slowly.

But it didn't take long for me to get back to this...

It bugged me that I got back-heeled yesterday, and still wasn't exactly sure why.

If it had been something that we had included, I would expect that this Unicorn would have quickly bee-lined straight to the offensive topic. Like I told him, I honestly wanted to know.

I mean, seriously... Maybe it was the stuff about true friend. Couldn't we have a calm discussion?

"Shysage, the stuff about true friend offended me."

"Well, ok, sir, and I apologize for that. The reason we included that is because that is part of who we are. But we tried too be very careful to use only descriptive language; we didn't want to come across like it was something everypony had to embrace. We try to be very careful about that. We will work a little harder from here on, though. I hope that helps..."

His anger seemed a lot more broad-based though; he refused to pinpoint any single thing.

I don't know...

Whether it was this or not; I think occasionallly, some ponies would rather not be bothered with the facts. And elevating feeling over thinking, that should set off so many alarms in a kingdom that wants to exist peacefully for a while. Well, the fact of the matter was I just had no clue. I had no data to go on, and further thinking was pretty much pointless.

But I realized he and his friends were accomplishing their objective...

Yet, after thinking about this last point, I realized that none of that should really even matter.

At least I still have the most amazing Mare in Equestria, even if I had to go back to the Past to find 'a needle in a haystack'... THAT was just a miracle...

Yes, my amazing Mare was all I wanted, all I needed; the last month had painfully taught me that.

Dusty books should just not be that big of a deal. I should just stay out of the Library.


Just from thinking about my Mare, I immediately really really wanted Summer close. I began to look around in the sky to see if I could even spot her. I just wanted her near me right now...

I was getting ready to get up and hobble over to the Castle to find her.


At that exact moment, Equestria Present faded from view...