//------------------------------// // Night 9 Part 2 // Story: Five Nights at Freddy's: Finding the Truth // by Ravings1 //------------------------------// Midnight's eyes slowly fluttered open, he groaned as he tried to rub his neck where it had been hit, only to find he couldn't. Fully opening his eyes, he was met with the eyes of a certain chicken. Midnight yelped at the sight of Chica bending down and looking him in the eyes. Seeming to be done, Chica rose back up to her full height and walked off. After watching to see where she would go, only to find it was the other side of the room, Midnight looked around the backstage. First thing he noticed was the bare endo-skeleton that was currently holding him captive. It didn't appear to be alive, instead, Midnight assumed Freddy posed it in order to be a makeshift prison, it's servos must have been locked. The second thing he noticed was the elements and princess's, animatronised and just standing there, not doing anything. "Didn't I tell you?" Midnight heard a voice ask, looking to it's source, he saw Freddy step out of the shadows. "You're time has finally come, just like all the other guards before you," Freddy grinned evilly, before it turned into a frown. "But I don't appreciate you killing Bonnie and Foxy, though I am impressed." "Oh, shut the fuck up about this 'I'm impressed' bullshit, you fucking-" he was unable to finish cursing Freddy out as Chica delivered a swift punch to the side of his face. He yelped in pain as his head shot to the right, when he looked back at the giant bird, she only shot him a death glare. "Thank you, Chica," Freddy said, as Midnight gathered any blood in his mouth and spat it out. "While your at it, can you get one of the normal suits from the back?" He asked, Chica simply nodded, to upset to say anything. With that, Chica opened a door Midnight didn't even know was there and headed in, where she soon disappeared going down a ramp. "Normal?" Midnight asked, while silently trying to free himself, to no avail. "See your friends over there?" Freddy said, gesturing to the use to be ponies. "We put them into these 'special suits', when that happens, the suits absorb the body and take on the features of the body it absorbed." "What the fuck..." Midnight said under his breath, unable to believe that such things exist. But he was next to living examples of it. "How the hell do you have things like that?" "I do not know, but whatever the reason, it will help in spreading the Joy of Creation. And I'll do it all with them," Freddy said, once again addressing the animatronics ponies. Just then, Chica reappeared, holding an empty freddy suit. Once close enough, she set the suit on top of the table, where it slumped over a bit, but managed stay on. At the sight of the suit, Midnight increased his efforts, but it made no difference. Seeing that the endo's grip was not loosening, Midnight finally gave up, hanging his head in defeat. "Finally gave up, I see?" Freddy taunted, Midnight didn't say anything. While Freddy was easily lifting the fingers of the endo-skeleton, Midnight swore he saw Celestia's suit twitch, but brushing it off as his imagination, he paid it no mind. Once Midnight was let out of his prison, Freddy brought Midnight to the empty suit. "I would say it has been fun, but you've been a major pain. I'll be sure to make this as painful as possible." Freddy said, taking the head off the suit, just as he finished doing so, a blur of white suddenly appeared. It had punched Freddy, causing him to let go of Midnight. When Midnight landed on the ground, he looked up to see who his rescuer was, and was shocked. Standing over him, twitching uncontrollably, was Celestia, who appeared to be in mid punch. Freddy had been knocked to the ground, seemingly dazed, Celestia meanwhile was doing her best to look at Midnight, who was currently in shock. "R-ru-un!" Celestia said in a robotic tone, it seemed she was using every ounce of strength she had in order to say. Midnight was knocked out of his shock and nodded, quickly getting to his hooves and running out, but not without Chica giving chase. Once Freddy had recovered from his daze, he looked up at Celestia with a hateful expression on his face. His eyes flashed black for a second, in the next, all the remaining animatronic ponies fell to the ground, seemingly deactivated. He then turned his attention to the door Midnight escaped through, having an annoyed look on his face. Back with Midnight, he was currently making his way back to the managers office, planning on retrieving the axe and taking care of the two remaining robots. Hearing heavy footsteps behind him, he turned around to see a very angry chicken robot chasing him. There was no way he was going to be able to get the axe and have enough time to fight the enraged robot. So instead, he needed to figure out a way to slow the animatronic down. Having nothing better, Midnight picked up the nearest chair and chucked it at her. It was a perfect shot, it was heading directly at her head. But just as it was about to hit, Chica opened her beak and bit down on the chair, causing it to break into small pieces. She didn't even slow down, with wide eyes, Midnight retreated into the arcade area instead, trying to hide from her. Chica quickly followed him in, but once she saw that she managed to loose sight of the stallion, she growled in anger, punching a hole through a nearby machine. While she was carefully searching, Midnight was trying to figure out a way to get past Chica. She was close enough to office, meaning even if he tried to make a run for it, he would most likely be caught. He was currently hiding behind a few machines, it wouldn't be long until Chica finds him. He quickly looked around for anything he could use to distract her. Soon, his eyes fell on the kitchen door, an idea popping into his head. While Chica was not looking, Midnight quickly made his way to the door. Hearing a sound, the chicken turned around, only to say the kitchen slowly closing. Thinking the pony was corned, she made her way to the kitchen and headed in. After a moment, Midnight poked his head out of his hiding place. "Heh, kicking the door actually worked," Midnight said to himself, he looked towards the office and quickly headed towards it. Once he reached the entrance, he looked at the axe and sighed in relief, it was still there. He went to it and tugged... only to find it was not budging. He pulled again, but was met with the same results. He panicked when he heard an angry yell come from the arcade, he quickly put the axe off and went deeper into the office. Just then, Chica appeared at the door, looking infuriated, most likely because she had been tricked. In desperation, Midnight picked up the globe on the desk and threw it at Chica. However, he was off aim, and she simply swatted it away. Looking for anything else, Midnight's eyes fell onto the fire extinguisher, he took it out of its holder and chucked it. Chica, blinded with rage, opened her beak and chomped down on it, doing so caused it to explode in her mouth. The front of her face was blown off, revealing most of her endo-skeleton head, her beak flew off, skiding off the floor at a terrifying speed. Chica stumbled back before hitting the side of the door frame, nearly falling. Seeing an open opportunity, Midnight made his way to the axe and tried to pull it out. After a few hard tugs, the axe finally came loose, now with the weapon firmly in his hands, Midnight made his way towards the nearly fallen robot. With one powerful swing, the axe buried itself in Chica's endo-skeleton head, she didn't even have time to scream when she fell, everything in her going dark. Midnight quickly pulled the axe out, getting ready for the final animatronic, just as he heard that dark laugh. He felt something behind him, but had no time to check, something grabbed him by the neck and threw him out of the office. "Congratulations, you've officially pissed me off," Freddy said, making his way out of the office. Midnight landed hard on the ground, hitting his wing in the process, causing him to let out a yelp of pain. Freddy slowly made his way towards him, but before he could get any closer, MIdnight made an effort to attack. But it was in vain, Freddy easily caught the axe with a single hand, shocking Midnight, he pulled it out of his grip and proceeded to snap it in half. "It won't be that easy, pony," Freddy said, grabbing the still shocked Midnight by the arm, he once again threw him across the room. "Who knew a single pony could cause so much trouble?" Freddy said, walking towards Midnight, who was trying to crawl away. "You find out our plan, nearly foil it, and now you have the nerve to try and kill me," Freddy continued, once close enough, he bent down and grabbed Midnight by the leg, causing him to panic. "With your death, it shall mark the beginning of the spread of the Joy of Creation!" Midnight was lifted off the floor and thrown across the tables, yelling out in pain when he finally landed. "Fuck you..." Midnight was able to spit out, but Freddy lifted him up and threw him against a wall. "I'm going to keep tossing you around until you are nothing more than a bag of broken bones," Freddy informed, once again grabbing the downed Midnight, throwing him into the office. While Freddy wasn't near yet, Midnight was trying to pick himself up using the desk to push himself up. However, Freddy was back, he picked Midnight up by the legs and lifted him up, then proceeding to slam him on the desk, causing it to break in half. Groaning in pain, Midnight weakly opened his eyes... only to spot a small device, he almost immediately recognized it. It was a close-range taser, the manager must have had this if the animatronics ever decided to come after him. He reached for, quickly grabbing it, he would have preferred a long-range taser, but thus would have to do, at least it was a bit more powerful. Thinking quickly, Midnight turned around and proceeded to taze him, however, it seemed to have little affect. Freddy looked down, before smirking. "Ha, you think it would have been that easy?" Freddy taunted, before throwing Midnight aside. Nearly passing out, Midnight looked at the taser again, he saw what looked like a small nob on the side. Looking at it closer, he saw it a was some sort of power gauge, he reached out with his other hand and turned the nob to the left. Once the power reached max, electricity started arching out from the tip, it was even shaking a little in his grip. "Get ready to experience the Joy of Creation." "Oh, just shut up!" Midnight yelled, turning around and shocking the bear with the taser. Freddy froze in place as he started twitching uncontrollably. After a few moments, the back of Freddy's head exploded, causing him to fall forward, just inches from falling on Midnight. Freddy was still twitching a bit, but he soon completely stopped, one of his eyes had went dark as he did. Once that was over with, Midnight looked at the bear, panting a bit, he threw the taser aside, picking himself up. "Freddy, that was the joy of destruction, you piece of shit," Midnight said, placing a hand on his forehead. Just then, a bright, rainbow colored light filled the outside. Raising an eyebrow, Midnight looked out of the office, seeing that the light was coming from the backstage, which soon died out. Going to look over at the source, Midnight peered his head into the room, finding that the ponies were no longer animatronic. He could of sworn he saw something retreat into the darkness out of the corner of his vision, but he was too tired to care at the moment. Midnight sighed in relief, he headed back into the dining area and pulled out a chair. Once Midnight set himself on the chair, he let his eyes slowly close, soon falling asleep. ------------------------------------- "WHAT. THE HELL. HAPPENED?!" Midnight woke up with a small jolt upon hearing the new voice echo through the building. Whoever it was, they were obviously very angry. Blinking a bit to focus on what was happening, Midnight looked up, only to see the manager himself at the door. "The arcades are destroyed, the chairs are a mess and broken, and where are the animatronics!?" Pizza crust questioned left and right. Midnight just sat there staring at the other pony, before getting up, dawning an angry expression on his face. The manager looked at him with a angry look, before it turned to shock as Midnight grabbed him and slammed him against a wall. "Do you know what I've had to go through for nine nights now?!" Midnight questioned, the rage evident in his voice. "Huh? You're the night guard, right?" Pizza questioned. "Yes! I've been defending myself against killer animatronics for nine nights now! NINE! And you didn't even warn me about this when I applied for your job! What the fuck is wrong with you!? Do you know how many guards died because of you!?" "Well, yeah... but what happened to the animatronics? Are they alright?" Midnight's eyes widened in shock at how little the manager cared about his guards. "Wha- why are these robots so damn important?!" "Because of the money they bring in! I need to make as much money as I can before this place closes down," Pizza said, Midnight just looked at him, bewildered at his reasoning. After a moment, he dropped the stallion, letting him fall to the ground as he rubbed his face. "Fucking greedy-unbelievable," Midnight said under his breath. "So... what happens now?" Pizza questioned, Midnight looked up from his hands and looked down at him, he arms falling to his sides. With so much anger in him, he balled a fist, brought it up, and socked him in the snout, knocking him out cold.