The Draconequus of Notre Mare

by Inkquill

Chapter Six: The Feast of Fools.

Chapter Six: The Feast of Fools.

The Morning had come. Her highness, Chrysalis sat alone at the massive dining table, quietly eating her customary morning meal. The table was a finely carved piece of hoof carved mahogany, its surface so well polished the Marisian queen could see her reflection. The grand dining halls drapes had been left only partially opened, allowing only a faded aura of sunlight to illuminate the room. Everything was so quiet, the only sound coming from the brief clatter of metal brushing against metal as Chrysalis would dip her spoon into her bowl of warm soup.

The slight groaning of the dining halls great oak door disturbed the silence as it slowly opened. Chrysalis set down her spoon and greeted the messenger with a stoic, questioning look.
"Your majesty." He said with a bow, "The commander you sent for has arrived, he awaits an audience with you."

Chrysalis withheld her regal coldness, "I will see him. Return to your duties." She replied.

The messenger made no hesitation at his instruction, "As you wish, your highness." He said calmly before departing the scene.

After returning to her quarters to charge into the proper attire, Chrysalis made her way to the Grand Parlor to greet her requested visitor. Her personal servant followed at her heels and was quick to open the parlor doors for her entry. He was standing there in full uniform awaiting her arrival. His posture was well tuned and alert; a well-trained example of military authority. His mane was a rich, vibrant blue with a faded orange coat that both seemed to complement one another alongside his armor.

"Ah, the gallant Captain Flash Sentry home from the wars. Tell me, how goes the fight on the northern front?"

"Our forces have suffered heavy losses in the war with the griffons, but we have managed to halt the Griffon Imperium's advances. It is a stalemate."

"Ah, I see... Your service record precedes you, Sentry, I expect nothing but the best from a war hero of your caliber."

"And you shall have it, your majesty. I assure you."

"Yes. You know? My last Captain of the Guard was, how should I say? A bit of a disappointment to me. Well, no matter, I'm sure you will be able to hold your own. Just be sure to heed my words dear Captain."

"Always, my queen."

"Very good. Follow me."

Chrysalis and Flash walked together through the ornate royal halls of the palace, ascending flights of stairs before coming upon a vast open balcony terrace that overlooked the Marisian streets beyond.

"You have come to Maris in her darkest hour, Captain," Chrysalis began, "It will take a firm hand to save the weak minded from being so easily mislead."

"Mislead, your majesty?" Asked Flash.
"See for yourself, my dear Captain." Chrysalis gestured to the streets below. Looking down, Flash Sentry could see a forms of two strangely cladded individuals playing music and dancing, a small group of ponies collecting about them and occasionally offering them coins. "Gypsies, Captain."

Flash look at the Marisian queen with question. "The gypsies exist outside of the normal order; their heathen ways inflame the peoples lowest and most bestial instincts."

"Forgive me, your majesty, but am I to understand that I was summoned from the front lines to capture fortune tellers and hoof readers?"

"Oh no, no, my dear Captain. The real war, is what you see before you. You must understand that as Queen it is my duty to safeguard the souls of my subjects. In this world and the next. I must be the shepherd to guide them from sin. The souls of Maris are in my hooves, and now, yours as well. The gypsies must be stopped!"

"What are we to do about it, my queen?"

"For twenty years now, I have been taking care of the gypsies. One by one. And yet, for all my success, they have thrived. More come from the mountains and vales, trying to bleed their way into Maris, to poison its heart. Just yesterday, I received news of one such caravan trying to "open trade routes". I believe that they have a safe haven within the walls of this very city. They call it the "Court of Miracles". Whimsical is it not?" She said with a laugh. Her eyes then befalling upon the towering silhouette of the great cathedral in the distance. "Do you see that, Captain?"

"Notre Mare, your majesty?"

"All over Equestria, in every city, their stand cathedrals like this one. Triumphant monuments of the past. They tower over the homes of our people like mighty guardians, keeping alive the invincible faith of Faust. Every arch, every column, every statue, is a carved leaf out of our history. A book in stone, glorifying the spirit of Equestria. The cathedrals are the hoof writings of the past, and I would rather bleed upon the holy altar in order to keep their words pure then let the vile tongues of the gypsies corrupt their sanctity."

"You make your point quite vividly, your majesty."

"You know, I like you, Captain." Chrysalis said with a slight grin, "Shall we?"

At that instant, a glorious sound rose up from the distance. The triumphant sound of gilded horns, sounding the beginning of the day’s festivities - the Feast of Fools had begun.

Groaning with reluctance, Chrysalis turned to her Captain of the Guard, "Ugh, duty calls. Tell me, Captain, have you ever attended a peasant festival?"

"Not as of late, my queen."

"Then this should be an experience for you. Come along..."


A large crowd of ponies had condensed in Grand Plaza. Thousands of multi-colored banners had been raised and hung in every possible manner, their bright fabrics dancing in the breeze. The smell of food upon open fires, decorated the air with the scent of fine spices and wines. Dancers and other well skilled performers jostled about the crowd, earning small bits of wealth and laughter as they passed. Music poured from their instruments in vast torrents in response to the performers and commoners that abounded. 

All the senses could afford to be gluttonous here.

Fluttershy had never seen such a spectacle. Everything seemed so lively, much different to the Maris that she had encountered upon her arrival. She, Pinkie and Angel had maneuvered their way among the populace undetected by any of the city guards and were now inside one of the many decorative tents that stood around the square.

"Quite something ain't it?" Pinkie said happily.

With a wide smile, Fluttershy turned to the curly maned mare who was in the middle of changing her previous wear to something more "festive" if one could say. It was a colorful arrangement, fitting snugly to her slender form. Decorated with small bells on both the sleeves and the hat, it quite suited the occasion. "Oh yes, I've never seen anything so bright and cheerful."

"Biggest party of the year!" Pinkie exclaimed. "And I'm the ring leader."

"That must be interesting."

"You betcha! Now, do you remember the plan?"

Fluttershy nodded her head in response, "I do. You'll conduct everypony’s attention, as festival gets further underway. I'll wait here until you return and then we'll mingle throughout the crowd and make our way to the city gates."

"Perfect." Pinkie exclaimed. "It's been short Flutters, but I've enjoyed your company."

Fluttershy felt a warm smile spread across her muzzle, as her ears perked up. "But wait!" She paused. 

"What if the plan fails? What is somepony sees us and we get separated?"

Pinkie pondered for a second, then before long she had an idea. Reaching into her satchel, she pulled out a small necklace of which hung a woven band. "Take this." She said.

"What is it?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I can't say here, but know that if you ever get lost, this will guide you back the Court." She said, 

"Remember, when you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hoof."

"You know that didn't rhyme, right?" Fluttershy asked cheekily.
"Eh, what can you do?" Replied Pinkie in defeat.

Fluttershy took the small ornament and inspected it. It was a simple mesh of twig and colorful string, shaped like an oval. The mark of the sun at its center, surrounded by four red beads. She looked up at Pinkie Pie and nodded.

"Okei Dokei Lokei. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a party to put on!" Pinkie said before happily bouncing away. In the distance, a convoy of ponies dressed like monks and wielding banners came marching down the long streets, and as they approached, they began to sing -

"Come one, come all!
Leave your looms and milking stools,
Coop the hens and pen the mules.
Come one, come all!
Close the churches and the schools
It's the day for breaking rules
Come and join the feast of ..."

In that instant, the elaborately decorated mare burst into the scene.

"Fools!" Pinkie laughed happily. She then proceeded to dance around the watching crowd, singing her cheerful song.

"Once a year we throw a party here in town,
Once a year we turn all Maris upside down,
Ev'ry mare's a queen and ev'ry queen's a clown,
Once again it's Topsy Turvy Day.
It's the day the devil in us gets released,
It's the day we mock the prig and shock the priest,
Ev'rything is topsy turvy at the Feast of Fools!"

As Pinkie continued with her cheerful antics, Fluttershy could help but get excited in the matter. She found herself wander into the crowd to get a better view of the show while Angel stayed behind in the tent; it was magnificent. She was smiling so brightly that the muscles in her face had begun to ache, but she didn't care, everything about her wouldn't let her.

"Topsy turvy!"
"Beat the drums and blow the trumpets!"
"Topsy turvy!"
"Streaming in from Chartres to Calais,
Scurvy knaves are extra scurvy,
On the sixth of "Januervy",
All because it's Topsy Turvy Day!"

Arriving at the Festival in her customary iron cladded carriage, Chrysalis ascended to her podium overlooking the crowd, with Captain Sentry in tow.

"Quite lively if I may say your highness."

"Yes... very. Have your men taken up their positions Captain?"

"As you ordered my Queen."

"Good, can't let things get too wild can we." She said with a sneer.

While the queen wallowed in her despise for the festivity, Flash marveled at it, keeping an eye open for trouble all the meanwhile mind you, as a good guard should. It had been many long, war-torn years since he had had the chance to attend the Festival, but he remembered as a colt how his father would take him every year, though he would usually find himself dragging his father home afterwards due to the access of drink would indulge in, much to the disdain of his mother, but never the less, he had always had fond memories of the Festival, and it seemed that they held true, as the spectacle was just as he remembered it.

"It's good to be home," he thought to himself.


"I don't know about this, Spike," said Twilight, "are you sure this is ok?"

"Don't worry about Twi, everything going to be fine." Spike reassured.

With that, the violet colored unicorn mare and young dragon hatchling descended the cathedrals sloping staircase and into the crowd. They stuck close together so not to get separated in the commotion.

Everypony in Maris was there. From the bakers to the blacksmiths, from the paupers to the nobility, all came to take pleasure in the Feast of Fools. "Wow!" Twilight exclaimed, "That's a lot of ponies."

"Well, what did you expect? It is the Feast of Fools after all."

Twilight could see the silliness in her previous statement, "I know, I know. It's just, it's just that I don't really know any of them..."

"That tends to happen when you lock yourself away in your room all day reading a book Twi."

The dragon hatchling's reason was sound, Twilight had always kept to her studies throughout her life, so much so that she rarely would leave the cathedral walls. This of course had dashed any true form of friendship outside the circle of fellow nuns, or "nuns-in-training" so to say.

"So, what would you like to do first?" Asked Spike.

"What would you recommend?"

Spike smiled, "Personally, I like bobbing for apples the best. But there's also the stone toss, the sack race, the pie eating contest, the list goes on."

Twilight decided to play it safe and take up Spikes offer of bobbing for apples. It took her some practice, but after a few 30 tries, Twilight finally managed to catch on of the delicious fruits in her muzzle. Much to her excitement.

"Well that was an experience," she said.

"Yeah, but now we're out of bits."

Twilight could help but feel embarrassed that she had spent all the money they had brought trying to snag an apple. "He he... um, oops.." She said nervously.

Although they no longer have any money to buy anything, Twilight and Spike continued their way throughout the crowds, passing jugglers and musicians. Then Twilight's eyes fell upon the Queens royal podium. 

Every corner was flanked by guards, armed to the teeth and alert. At first she looked away in discontent, but then looked back as she caught a glimpse of a familiar face. "Flash?"
"That's Flash!" She exclaimed.

"Who's Flash?" Asked Spike.

"Flash Sentry... the bakers boy. Didn't I tell you about him?"


"He was a friend of mine back when I was living on the streets. I was trying to snatch a bit of bread when he caught me. I was so scared he'd turn me over to the guards, but he didn't. He took pity on me and gave me a loaf of bread. I guess you could say we were childhood sweethearts. I still owe him two bits for the bread he gave me." She chuckled.

"I haven't seen him in ages. My, has he grown... I wonder if he still remembers me?"

"Seems like Twily's got a crush." Spike taunted.

"W-what, what no, pfff! Are you kidding? No, I'm just glad to see him after so long." Twilight stammered. A deep blush flooding her face.

"Sure, sure..." Spike chuckled.

This only caused Twilight's blush to deepen as they moved away from the scene, but not before Twilight could steal one last look at the refined Marisian royal guard. He looked so handsome in his armor, his mane kept neatly in place by the rim of his helmet.

"If only I hadn't wasted my coins so quickly." She thought to herself.

"Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for,
Here it is, you know exactly what's in store,
Now's the time we laugh until our sides get sore,
Now's the time we crown the King of Fools!"

Pinkie was fully engaged in the happenings of the festival. She stood there upon the lofty stage like a composer overseeing an orchestra.

"You all remember last year’s King?"

She directed the crowds attention to a rather large, hastily dressed Donkey who had clearly had too much ale the required to become completely drunk.

"So make a face that's horrible and frightening,
Make a face as gruesome as a gargoyle's wing,
For the face that's ugliest will be the King of Fools!"

With that, several individuals quickly clambered up onto the stage to stand alongside Pinkie. Organizing them in a line, the curly cued mare proceeded to unmask the first pony in line.

"How do you like his face?" She called.

The crowd responded with a unanimous cry of displeasure. Everypony crying out "boo!" and shaking their hooves in a demanding manner.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy had begun to lose herself in the festivities. The music was so intoxicating, her hooves seemed to have a mind of their own as they began to move beneath her, until she was engaged in a passionate dance. Her taught, slender body rhythmically moving to flow of the notes.

So enthralled was she in the music and her dancing that she hadn't noticed the crowd that begun to encircle her. The feeling of being watched was what broke her from the music's spell, and she was mortified to see dozens of eyes staring back at her. She shrank back.

But then the crowd did something that surprised her, they cheered her on. Some even tossing her bits of coins and flowers.

She hesitantly picked up one of the offerings. It was a rose, freshly picked and healthy, small drops of dew still glistening on its petals. She breathed in its humble fragrance. The smell of spring. Like the mountains vales that she and her caravan would pass through each spring.

Wait, the caravan!
She had become so enthralled in the festival that she had lost track of what she was doing. She was supposed to wait until Pinkie came back for her in the tent. With that, she jumped to her hooves and began trying to move through the crowd. But suddenly, her progress was halted as her body came into contact with another's.

A few short steps backwards and Fluttershy looked down at her assailant.

He stood there before her, a young stallion in his prime, a well-groomed coat and mane with a figure that could bring a glimmer to a mare’s eye, but the sight only struck her with horror as she realized he wore the garments of the royal guard. She had literally run directly into the wolf's maw.

"Oh, please pardon me, mademoiselle. I didn't see you there."

Fluttershy's ears were firmly clamped to the back of her head as she tried to retreat back into the crowd, but found herself unable to move as the armored stallions eyes were looking down upon her.

With nervous eyes, she looked up at the guard. She was surprised to find him smiling at her, his rich ultramarine eyes holding a gentle warmth within them.

"Oh... I'm, I'm sorry. My mistake, I'll, I'll just be going now..."

"No, it ok. I was the one who ran into you miss... may I inquire your name?"

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, not sure how to react. It seemed that this guard was unaware of who she was. "Um, um. It's Fluttershy..."

"Well, mademoiselle Fluttershy, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He said warmly.

The kindness in his voice prompted Fluttershy to ask for him name. "And yours, monsieur?"

"Captain Flash Sentry of the Marisian Royal Guard." He said proudly.

Fluttershy felt her fear return to her in the form a great wave. Not only had she walked into one of the city guards, but the captain of the guards nonetheless!

"Oh, well this has been pleasant, but I think I best be on my way--" Fluttershy paused as her cyan eyes spotted something that both surprised and un-eased her, even more so than she had been.

The foundation of the stage was composed of a simple arrangement of wooden posts and beams, with several rows of long wood planks evenly spaced between them. However, a few of them had the occasional knot hole, and in one of them, Fluttershy found a large, golden eye and red pupil staring back at her.

Seeing her expression of surprise and distress, Flash placed his hoof upon her fair shoulder. "What is it, mademoiselle?" He asked.

"T-that eye... staring at me..." She said nervously.

Fluttershy's words unintentionally alerted the attention of several other ponies that had been standing nearby. They all look towards the knot hole where Fluttershy had indicated and quickly rushed to investigate. "What's under there?" Somepony called out.

"Its an animal!" Cried one mare.

"It's a fiend!" Cried another.

"Quick, somepony get under there and see what it is!"

With great speed, the excited crowd raced about to the small opening in the stages side, built for easy access for the stages builders and dove in after the darkly cloaked figure.

Dressed in shadow, the strange figure bolted away as the crowd swarmed in after him. Suddenly, a frightened scream came up from one of the pursuers. "It's Discord!" He screamed. "It's the bell ringer from Notre Mare!"

Fluttershy watched as the crowd reemerged from beneath the stage, surrounding their quarry and herding him towards the wooden steps that lead to the raised platform. The crowd obscured Fluttershy's vision of the being they had forced out into the daylight, and she watched them as they tossed the cloaked figure on stage.

Slowly, the figure rose from where he had been thrown. Fluttershy watched in amazement and surprise had the tall slender figure, who seemed almost a giant, reached his full height, facing away from the crowd.

Slowly, cautiously, he turn to faced his audience. A simultaneous gasp rose up from the crowd as they beheld the strange being.

Chrysalis' eyes shot wide open in that instant. Her breath seemingly deserting her. And as she beheld the disharmonious form of her servant, standing there upon the stage for all of Maris to see, she felt a boiling rage build within her throat. "How dare he defies me!" She screamed in her mind, clamping her teeth together with every ounce of strength she held in her jaws.

"He's hideous!" One mare cried out. "Let's make him the King!"

The crowd seemed to take fast to the suggestion as a thunderous roar of applause and laughter exploded from the masses. Discord on the other hoof only saw their wild movements and gawking faces. All eyes upon him, burning into his flesh. He wanted to run, and he was about to when a colorfully clad mare appeared at his side.

"Well, Discord," Pinkie chimed, "We knew you were ugly, but we never knew you were so ugly. We've never been so close to you before. You've always been up in your bell tower, and now we want to make you King of Fools. What do you say?" She asked placing her hoof upon his back.

Discord was surprised by the sudden touch of the mares hoof, and his nervous eyes immediately darted to the rosé colored mare. He scanned her face in question.

"What's the matter? Are you deaf?" Pinkie asked in confusion.

Frightened and unsure of what was transpiring around him, Discord was quick to act upon his first impulse. Quickly darting his eyes about, he lashed out with his only fang, in an attempt to bite at the strange mare.

She leaped back in response, dodging the draconequus' lunging maw. "Well to you to! I offer you the King's crown and you bite me."

"He's deaf. The bells have made him so." Called out one stallion.

"Deaf? Perhaps he's dumb too?" Called out another.

"That makes him the perfect King!" Proclaimed Pinkie.

"No, he can speak. He just doesn't like too."

"Well, what do we do about it?" Asked Pinkie

"Show him the crown."

Pinkie them held up the comical, belled crown of the fools. Their soft giggles filled the still air as the audience watched in suspense. She held it up to Discords horned head, having to stand on her hind legs and stretch out her forelegs in order to.

"By unanimous vote, I now proclaim you, King of Fools." She said as she then place the colorful ornament on his head.

Through the entirety of this strange occurrence, Fluttershy Had finally got a good look the mysterious bell ringer for the very first time.

Another bright flash appeared and the bales of hay were now giant wads of bright pink cotton candy.

Then another bright flash, and the silverware ponies were using to eat suddenly became animated and began to dance about the tables.

This greatly surprised the populace as they all retreated back from the strange occurrences.

Discord was too enthralled in his joy to notice as the guards began to surround him.

"Magic user!" One guards called out, "He's using magic!"

In that instant, Discord's joy was cut down as he felt armored hooves grab at his body. His eyes shot open and he saw all the weird happenings that were going on around him. Then he felt the blunt of a spear pole strike him in the back of his head. Sending him tumbling off stage and onto the cold cobblestone.

The shock from the impact made Discord's mind spin. So disoriented he was, he didn't even feel the soldiers leap upon him and bind his mismatched arms in shackles.

Fluttershy witness the whole thing, and was horrified as she saw the tall, slender being tumble off the stage. Her hooves racing to her mouth to hold back a scream as her eyes began to water.

Fluttershy jumped as she felt a hoof land upon her shoulder. She whirled around to find Pinkie and Angel staring back at her with nervous eyes.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked.

"I, I..." Fluttershy stammered.

"Never mind it. We got to go." And with that, Pinkie hastily lead her away from the scene.

Chrysalis had seen this as well, but as she watched Discord fall, a slight smile of satisfaction traced across her lips. "Captain!" She called.

Flash Sentry, who had been standing nearby immediately turned attentively to his queen. "Yes, your majesty?"

"Escorts this creature to the Palace of Justice."

Flash hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes, my queen."

Lifting the draconequus to his feet, the guards began to lead him away from the festival.

"They can't take away our King!" Exclaimed one bystander.

"Everypony stand back! This beast is under arrest for the crime of magic use!"

Then all was silent. The populace looking up at the figure that now stood before them. Tall, slender and beautiful, with eyes like razors. They cowered back as the Queen herself loomed over the shackled creature.

Discord looked up at his mistress with pleading eyes, but was met only with hollow orbs of emerald. Unfeeling, and unmoved. He hung his head in shame, as the guards proceeded to lead him away.