Flower's New World

by Flower Lush

Diamonds,Silver and Meanies?

"Why is there a treehouse in the middle of the town Rainbow?" asks Flower Lush Curiously.

"This is Twilight Sparkle's home! Or should I say Princess Sparkle's House!" Said Rainbow Dash Excitedly.

"Okay but i've never heard of her.." Said Flower Lush nervously tapping her hooves on the ground. Suddenly the door opened quite sharply knocking Rainbow off her balance.

"Rainbow, you okay?" Said Twilight flying over to her friend who was now gaining balance again.

"Yea, you could say so.." murmured Rainbow Dash still dizzy. Twilight Cast a teleportation spell and all three of them were inside of Twilight's house. "Anyways Twi, This is my friend, and a new CMC, Flower Lush. You have to hear her story, it's so awesome!" said Dash Enthusiastically. Twilight nodded towards the littlle filly.

"Wow Rainbow calm down, what is so 'Awesome' about her Cutie mark story?" Answered Twilight rolling her eye's. Rainbow landed next to Flower and told her to show her cutie mark.

"I got this cutie mark just as i was going to the final test I felt a strong magic inside of me this was called a "Power Blast" and it increased my power 10x which allowed my to create a rainboom. Princess Celestia accepted me into her academy with pleasure. After that moment my magic created a purple rose to mark my Cutie mark i have now." Explained Flower Lush smiling nervously and getting a shocked face from Twilight and none from Rainbow.

"What?! but a 'Power Blast' from a filly i was one of the only, well we need to get you to school, ill ask Miss Cheerilee for a spot. But you must be going home now" Said Twilight in a strong voice. Flower frouned since she had no where to go.

"But the squirt has no where to go..." Said Rainbow.

"I guess you can stay over night my house." Said Twilight Happliy "I guess i'll need need the Slumber 101 Book again!" Said Twilight happily.

"Can I stay over too" Asked Rainbow. Twilight nodded a 'Yes'.

They spent the rest of the night having fun from the Slumber 101 Guide.

"Time to go to school umm what's your name anyways?" Asked Twilight.

"My name is Flower Lush" Smiled Flower and went to school with Twilight. Twi nodded towards the school telling her to go. The first three girls she met were Apple Bloom,Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo all welcoming her to the class.

"Okay Everypony we have a new filly joining us, Flower Lush." Said Cheerilee as Flower came in blushing. "Would you mind sitting next to Diamond Tiara, Flower?" Flower nodded heading to the seat but was tripped by a hoof, who's hoof it was she had no idea.

"Silver Spoon don't trip people up, it's not funny!" Shouted Cheerilee putting Sliver's name up on the board. Sliver, joined by Diamond Tiara put her tongue out.

"Well, let's get on with the lesson okay...." Miss Cheerilee Said.

The lesson past and it was Breaktime.

"Okay ya'll ready to get cutie marks? Asked getting two nod's. "Ah hey Flower ya'll wanna help us get ah' cutie marks?" Asked Sweetie Bell getting one last nod.

"Bump, Bump Sugar Rump Lump!" Said Silver And Diamond infront of the cutie mark crusader, "It's the cutie mark losers!" Shouted Diamond Tiara expecting laughing and got laughing. "Well you definately won't get your cutie marks soon.. you have a person who doesn't have a cutie mark and another and the last newest one ha, pathetic!" Laughted Silver spoon. All the cutie mark crusader looked down to the grud, accept Flower who was furiously staring at the bullies.

"What did you just say?!" asked Flower Lush Angrily still staring at the two rich filles.

"We said you're pathetic and I bet you can so nothing with that weak horn of yours!" Laughes Diamond Tiara being joined by Silver Spoon. Suddenly Flowers horn burst into dark purple sparks knocking the bullies off their hooves. Flower was going through a "Power Blast" once more but this time stronger than before. Next thing she knew she was in the air, she looked at the bullies and slowly said "I think you're the more pathetic now.." and she made a strong aura around Silver and Diamond scaring them. "Next time watch your language!" shouted Flower drowning the screaming out.

"LET US GO!!" screamed the two spoilt fillies, gaining Cheerilee's attention very quickly. Flower burst the bubbles with anger and stared at the bullies as if she was Babs when she was about to leave Ponyville.

"Woah ya'll really is special, no one would even dare to do something close to that brave" Said Apple Bloom in suprise looking at the unicorn. the other crusaders had their jaws dropped low staring at their fellow cutie mark crusader.

"Rainbow Dash will be so proud when she hears this!" screeched Scootaloo jumping in excitement.

"young lady what do you think you were doing, someone could have been hurt!" Shouted Cheerilee looking angrily at Flower and the other CMC's.

After School

All the cutie mark crusader were now walking to Twilight's treehouse excited to show her, Flower's new spell. Flower knocked slowly getting a fast response of "Come in girls!"