//------------------------------// // Falling Feathers // Story: Falling Feathers // by ElectricEpicEmily //------------------------------// The sky darkened as a heavy downpour rained across ponyville,filled with sadness and sorrow.Claps of thunder echoed for miles,with lightning illuminating the darkened sky.All ponies were locked away in their safe,cozy homes,waiting for the dangerous storm to pass.Nopony dared to go out in a storm this brutal.All but one.The cyan Pegasus narrowed her magenta eyes,glaring with hatred at the raven storm clouds.She shook the water droplets out of her colorful mane and took a step back,before hurdling towards the storm. Fluttershy was inside,trying to keep all of her animals calm.Angel was the most terrified,therefor,would not let Fluttershy anywhere near him.The butter coated Pegasus gasped as a clap of thunder shook the cottage.All the animals ran into their tiny homes in the walls or cages,slamming doors behind them.Fluttershy whimpered and looked through her kitchen window,into the lush everfree forest that stood behind her cottage. She stared for what seemed an eternity before looking at the terrifying sky.Her blue eyes pierce right through the clouds,into space and beyond,before a cyan streak runs through the clouds.Her gaze is broken as she stares quizzically at the sky,wondering what the hay just flew by.Soon,the streak flew by again this time close enough for Fluttershy to make out a rainbow mane and two magenta eyes.Rainbow.Rainbow dash was in this deadly storm all by herself! Fluttershy gasped and ran towards the door,stopping at the familiar wood.She knew she had to do something to help her friend,but what?After some hard thinking,she came to a conclusion:She must go up there with rainbow.Fluttershy walked to her closet and pulled out some familiar goggles,the goggles she used when she helped deliver the water to clousdale. The butter coated Pegasus opened her door and struggled against the harsh,freezing,wet wind to get outside.Once she was,she hesitantly opened her wings and gave a weak flap upwards. She continued flapping until she got high enough to get to rainbow dash.Her bright mane and coat made her stand out like a fish out of water."Dashie?!?!"She called out,hoping,waiting for a reply.She tried once more,louder this time,And waited.The only reply was the cracking of thunder and the whooshing of the wind. Rainbow started hacking away at the clouds,clearing them but not for long.Everytime she cleared one,it would get replaced with a thicker and larger one.She took a deep breath of air and flapped her cyan wings with all her might,trying her hardest to get a reaction out of the clouds.Nothing happened. Fluttershy felt tears sting her eyes as she flew deeper into the storm.She was worried for rainbows safety and hers.The were a good way from the ground,so if something were to happen to one of them,they could easily fall and die.She quickly shook the thought out of her head.Dashie was defiantly too quick for those nasty lightning strikes.But what about her? Rainbow felt satisfied as some of the clouds cleared,leaving a little view of ponyville.She felt the edges of her mouth turn up and she smiled before speeding deeper into the storm.She continued doing what she did before until she saw it.It being Fluttershy.She was about to call out when she saw it.The crack of thunder.The bolt of lightning.Heading straight for Fluttershy. Fluttershy saw rainbow and smiled before feeling a unbearable pain.Her left wing and right foreleg felt as that they were on fire.It only took her brain a second to register what had happened.She had been struck with lightning.Her wings gave in and she started hurdling towards the ground,the clouds doing nothing to slow her down.Rainbow sped after her at breakneck speed,determined to save her friend.Fluttershy saw rainbow disappear in the clouds as she fell to her doom,rainbow kicking and screaming to the clouds. Fluttershy felt a tear leave her eye.The lone tear traveled down her cheek,stopping at the end of her chin.It got demolished by the wind shortly after.Flutters knew she was going to die.Nothing was slowing her down at this speed.She heard the snapping of her bones and the cry of a lone Pegasus before her world faded to black.