Snowed in on Hearth's Warming Eve

by GoneGuy

10: "A Hearth's Warming Carol" Part 7/The End

"The spirits have done it all in one night. I must go and make peace. Today, I start my life as a new pony! May Celestia be my witness!"
Icy Heart went down to the market and asked for the largest, plumpest oat and hay sculpture and had it sent to Stricken Poverty's house.
"And remember, do not tell them I sent it."
"Yes sir!"
He ran to his nephew's house and spent a few hours with them, laughing and celebrating before promptly leaving and heading to the home of Stricken Poverty.
He knocked on the door, and was greeted by the face of his employee.
He attempted to imitate his old , heartless voice best as he could.
"Poverty, what are you doing here? Why aren't you at the office?"
"But sir-I...."
"I will tell you why, Stricken. because it is Hearth's Warming Day, and because with all the hard work you do year round, you deserve this day to spend with your family, as well as other days. As of today, I am raising your salary and giving you more time off."
"S-Sir, are you alright?"
"I am better than alright, my good lad! I am filled with Hearth's Warming Joy! Happy Hearth's Warming to all!"
"Happy Hearth's Warming to you too, sir."
And Icy Heart was as good as his word. He rose Stricken Poverty's salary, and gave to charity, and filled others with the joy of the season. And to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was like a second father. He became as good a friend than anypony could have thought. He shared honesty, and generosity, and kindness, and laughter, and loyalty. And the Magic of the Hearth's Warming Season turned in their hearts.

"The End," read Twilight, finally finishing the tale.
"What a good story!" AppleBloom exclaimed!
"Yeah, it was really cool!" Sweetie Belle said.
"It was alright," Rainbow Dash added, barely able to suppress her true feelings.
"And look everypony! The storm's clear, we can all go home now!"
Everypony looked around, and no one left, and Octavia took a chance to speak.
"Perhaps we should all celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve together, here."
"You know what that means?" Pinkie asked, "It means it's time for a Hearth's Warming Party!"
"Happy Hearth's Warming everypony!" Twilight exclaimed as she returned the book to the shelf and everyone sat down to cookies and hot cocoa.

"And Merry Christmas to all our readers!" Pinkie exclaimed, prompting several looks, all being shrugged off to 'she's just being Pinkie Pie.'