Hope/ The Final Battle

by brandsca123


Chapter 2

Applejack and Twilight ran to Sweet Apple Acres. They came upon the robot and Twilight went to work, getting her books out and examining it.

"Thats strange, there is no record of anything like this in any of my books, and I can't seem to find the symbol you told me about."

Applejack looked stunned, "What do ya mean can't find it, the symbol is right there."

Twilight and Applejack looked, but the symbol has disappeared.

"Well thats strange. Symbols don't just disappear." Twilight said

"Uhhh, sugercube. Ah think we may have a small problem." Applejack pointed a hoof to the sky. Twilight looked and went wide eyed in shock. Coming down from the sky in the middle of the everfree was a giant black twister.


The streets of Ponyville were in a panic, it seems everypony has noticed the animals acting strange. Rainbow Dash had regained control of her body and was outside with Jane. Pinkie Pie was still in the hospital, recovering from the battle with Matsu.

"What the hay is going on?" Rainbow Dash yelled over the fleeing ponies.

Jane pointed to the sky and said, "Look."

Rainbow Dash looked up and gasped. A huge black cloud in the shape of a funel came slowly towards them.

"A twister, the weather didn't call for one today." Rainbow Dash was fuming, but was shushed by Jane.

"Rainbow Dash, do you remember what I said about me being captured by the fallen."

"Yeah, why?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Well thats the ship I was on." Jane answered. Rainbow Dashes jaw dropped, as she took a closer look. The twister looked metallic in structure, and in its center was a huge canon. Black mist spewed around it providing cover, and scouts were flying all around it. The metal robots zoomed around it attacking anything that went near it.

"Mother of Celestia." Rainbow Dash said with a mix of awe and fear.


Rarity was running to her boutique when a scared looking Sweetiebell burst out of the door and clung to her sister.

"Big sis, Opal is acting strange and a big black cloud is coming down to the ground."

Rarity looked at her sister in confusion. "Sweetiebell what could you possibly mea......"

Rarity turned her head as she heard the sound of wind rushing past. Then she saw it, the big cloud Sweetiebell was talking about. Her mouth dropped and she let out a scream.


Fluttershy was panicking, animals left and right were screeching and making a scene. Hope was at the window looking outside with Angel Bunny.

"Oh, dear...please settle down...ummm everything is going to be okay." Fluttershy was running back and forth trying to calm the animals down, when hope blurtes out.

"Mamashy look." Fluttershy looked out the window and squeaked in surprise. The black twister was nearing the ground and the earth was shaking. Both Hope and Fluttershy were scared, and they took cover behind the couch.


Celestia looked on in shock as the twister came closer to the ground. She was in the courtyard surrounded by guards, each ready for battle. Her sister Luna was beside her. Both sisters were sporting armor, Luna was wearing her black lunar armor while Celestia was wearing her golden celestial armor.

"ON OUR MARK WE LEAVE FOR BATTLE. PREPARE THYSELVES." Luna said loudly in the royal canterlot voice. The guards surrounding them tensed for the upcoming battle. The Princess's raised their wings and took off, the guards that could fly followed some carrying armored unicorns in carriages. They made their way to the twister in the distance.

The colossus had landed.