//------------------------------// // Of disappointments and delays // Story: Pony Terrestrial // by Arcanel //------------------------------// And now, a thank you for all of you readers! Grazie, gracias, danke, vinxa, merci, arigato...and that’s all the languages I can remember XD. I have one thing to say that is very important. For those who don’t know, I had to throw at the side the Okami project . Why did I have to do such awful thing? Well, because it’s getting unbelievably difficult to write these gaming chapters. Aside from Burnout, which I think turned out very well, ever since then, getting the chapters done have been burning at my mind, and I am getting constantly blocked on such deeds. Therefore, if I can’t write like I like, and I can’t even do so better, then I must change it before I start taking too much time. It could be that I didn’t have Okami in plan at first, but I think that I overestimated myself. After writing 12 chapters in 14 days, I think I felt WAY too good with myself. Like, I could write everything or something like that. (Sigh) I am deeply sorry for this. I really wanted to keep on doing this game, and I hope that some of you did, but I can’t go on much longer like this. I don’t even think these last chapters have been the best of me, let alone something good. Therefore, I will change the subject as best as I can, even though it WILL be seen as something rushed. Once again, I’m sorry and I hope I don’t have to do this again. You DON’T deserve this. That aside here is the next chapter of The misadventures of MLP: FIM around the world, Of disappointments and delays! Sadly I am not a girl, therefore, I cannot own everything like Queen Chrysalis. At least I own this fic. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ After the little kickass moment of Rarity and Fluttershy, we went on to the next part of the game, which was Kamiki Village. Of course, we needed to do one teeny tiny little thing that was very important…getting the village back. “Okay, remember when Sakuya talked about that fruit on the tree? Well, now we need to cut it down!” I told them. After a little nod and the very few instructions to do so, which really make me think that I think they are not intelligent enough to discover that on their own and thus, making me look like a jerk, cut down the tree, and so ensued the scene where the village reappeared…and the awe of the awesome scene. “That was…beautiful” Fluttershy and Rarity said at the same time. I just smiled. “Yeah…one of the reasons why I wanted to show you this game. The idea is to restore the world, and this is a bit on the how to do it, but that will be explained on due time. Heh, I honestly think that the creators of the game did one good job on this thing, no?” I told them. Only a slow nod was done. Point for the humans! “Okay now we-“ The reason I interrupted myself, was because the screen hadn’t changed yet…and that could only mean one thing. “Nonononononononono-“I kept on saying begging to the lords in vision of time and space to be merciful on this poor soul. “What’s the matter Arcanel?” Rarity asked with concern. Apparently the fact that I was grieving over a little black box did not help matters. “The game is taking too long to charge up the next scene. It’s going to tilt!” I exclaimed like if a bomb was going to explode (And truthfully, to some of us it WAS like that…). “Come on! Work!” And with that, I did what was humanly possible to save the situation. I put the disc out and in, cleaned it, cleaned the PS2, bowed and said prayers to every god in existence, spoke curses in every language I knew, commanded the console to work, promise it to get it the best treatment that I could if it worked, begged for forgiveness for my insolence, and finally, turned it down and turned it on again. After battling with the damned console, the game did not work anymore. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I realized, getting out of my “PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GREAT, WORK!” trance, that I was in front of the ponies and dragon where I pretty much made a fool out of myself. Needless to say, their faces where all a big “What…the helllll….?” Except Pinkie, of course. “Eh…ehehehehe..sorry you had to see that. I kinda go overboard when a game like this doesn’t work, especially when I so much wanted to show it to you guys ehehe” I nervously chuckled, putting on my best poker face…and failing horribly. After a few seconds, that REALLY felt like much more, Rainbow spoke. “You know what? Don’t worry. Pinkie here does WAY more crazy stuff than you do” She said. ‘Okay, whether that was an insult or a compliment, I think I’ll never know, given the circumstances’ I thought. Nevermind that! “Well…thanks I guess?” I said, once again not knowing what to say at the moment. While the others who still had doubts, were know normal again, I think they still were a bit weirded by me…and I wouldn’t blame them at all. “So…since this plan was now a failure, let us continue into the next thing! I’m sorry Fluttershy and Rarity. You seemed to really start to like the game. Sadly, fate had another plans” I told them in sadness. Even though, to be sincere, I think I have been pretty lucky so far. “Oh don’t you worry darling. While I am still a bit…intrigued by this game of yours, I am most CERTAINLY okay with us moving on” She said. Oh lovely Rarity, your generosity knows no bounds. “Um…I’m okay too. Maybe…you could show it on another time?” Fluttershy whispered/asked me. “Great idea! I will do so. But now let’s move on to-“ I got interrupted by one curious and attentive pony. “Um Arcanel? I don’t mean to interrupt but, didn’t you say that you were going to sho us the reason you pretty much know everything about us?” Twilight told me. And here thyself has been revealed to have been most certainly BUSTED! “Uh…yeah. I did. I know, but the thing is that, once I show, I will have to do a LOT of stuff and explaining and such. I will ask you one final selfish request, and that is go with me once more before so. After all, it’s not every time I go and explain magical beings that I thought were unexistant why we know pretty much everything about you. Will you agree?” I tried to explain to them. If I could get at least one more subject done, then I can say I am done go and show them the thing. After a few little moments of pensive faces of all ponies and dragon, surprisingly, Pinkie Pie included, Princess Celestia spoke. “Well, as much as I would like to see the reason of your vast knowledge of us, I believe we can indulge in your plea again. After all, I am still curious about what your race has done. Is that alright with all you, my little ponies?” She spoke in that regal, angelic tone of hers. The rest turned to look at each other and then nodded. “I thank you very much” I said as I bowed. “But then, Princess Celestia, like you said, this will be something directly from humans as you say. The thing I wanted to show you was none other than…music!” ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ That’s that, for now. I am sorry for the short chapter, but I think I at least needed to release something soon, or I was going to go nuts. Not to mention, that the chapter’s name pretty much resumes the chapter…and myself at this moment. (Sigh) and now from saying sorry, I ask for opinion. Yeah, what a writer I am XC. Anyway, since the next thing is music, we KNOW what will that mean. AKA songs on and on and on and on! So the question is the obvious one: Which songs do you want me in? I already have some songs planned of course, as the chapter WILL be long due to obvious reasons, but I want to see your opinion on those. Especially on which song to you think fits best any character or group of characters, the songs you think MUST be shown and stuff like that. However keep this in mind. Do not, I repeat, do not ask for fanmade songs of MLP: FIM or of the show itself, because those will happen when I DO show them, not now. Keep them in mind, but not for THIS chapter in itself. That’s all I ask. I won’t even bother putting the catchphrase in this one. I feel too bad to even do so now.