//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: My Little Ponies // by chubbysonicfan //------------------------------// Julian's power completely drained from his body, returning him to his original form. He regained his balance and control of his body, not caring about the headless man before him. Julian couldn't look at his family, he was too disgusted by his actions to. His legs were too weak to support him. He leaned himself against a wall. He took one long look at the scene before him, seeing the eyes of the ones who had raised him drained of love and compassion, replaced by fear and despair. Julian backed away from his grandparents, scared of what he'll do to them. His heart was beating out of his chest, his face drained of color. He clutched his head, feeling that same heat surround him again. Julian was close to loosing control again, when he was suddenly surrounded by a bright flash of light. When the light dissipated, everything vanished, as if nothing ever happened. Even his grandparents seemed oblivious to everything. "Mijo, what's wrong?" His grandfather asked. Julian didn't know how to respond. He just stood up and lied about his well-being. "I'm fine, just... tired." His grandfather patted his back and went about his business. Julian left to investigate the source of the light, finding a pony lying unconscious on the floor. "H-hey, you alright?" Julian lifted the pony in his arms. Her eyes fluttered open but she refused to speak. "I know you can understand me, can you at least tell me your name?" She looked into his eyes, and she whispered one, soft, word, "Celestia." Then she fell asleep in Julian's arms. He didn't know why, but seeing Celestia sleeping so soundly pulled on Julian's heart strings. He, reluctantly, placed her on his bed before gazing at the others, who were all were fast asleep, like nothing ever happened. Julian was too lost in thoughts to realize his grandmother walked into the room. "Honey bee-" He jumped at the sudden mention of his pet name. "Gah!" She seemed unfazed by the presence of the ponies, though unfortunately, not oblivious. She sat in the chair beside Julian's bed and just starred at the ponies. They looked so peaceful, sleeping like, well, babies. "Mijo, are you sure you want to keep them. I know they mean a lot to you..." Julian was taken aback, his grandmother never acted this nonchalant to owning a pet, let alone eleven. Celestia's power was clearly stronger than he thought. "Yeah..." She nodded and hugged her grandson before leaving the room, leaving Julian alone with his thoughts. He noticed a weight in his pocket not there before. He reached in and pulled out something that froze him to the core. Immediately, he closed his door and starred in horror at the item he had dropped onto the floor: Agent Norton's pistol.