The Trotting Dead

by moench123

Chapter One: Downfall

“KNOCK KNOCK SLEEPY HEAD!” calls out Spitfire, knocking on Rainbow Dash’s door at 8:45 am.
“mmmmuh. Ok, did you have to come so early?” questions Rainbow Dash, sliding out of bed. Spitfire walks in with her wonderbolt suit already on.
“I said bright and early, now hurry up! We gotta get out there before your fans get bored,”
“M-my fans? W-wait, people are already waiting out there?” Spitfire nods and holds a poster of the “sesh” they were doing. She rolls it up then tosses it onto Rainbow’s bed. About five to ten minutes later, the two pegasi fly out of Rainbow’s home and already looping around and giving the crowds on ponies an amazing show. When turning around for the 3rd time, Rainbow Dash sees Sweet Apple Acres in the distance.
“keep the crowd happy, I’m going to give a friend of mine a show of her own,” Spitfire agrees with a nod and then flies away. Rainbow Dash turns to SAA and starts to loop around trees giving Applejack, Big Macintosh and Applebloom a good show of their own. Finally, Rainbow was headed back to the normal show area but she slams into a tree at high speeds. Applejack saw it and got the hospital instantly. They rushed Rainbow Dash to the hospital and the doctors instantly knew, she was in a coma.

She was in there, not able to respond to anything for two weeks. Everyday, Rainbow’s friends would get something together as a group and would give it to her. Rainbow sees everything but when she reacts, its 2 weeks later.
“Heh, Rarity, that vase looks like its from Granny smith… you steal her spoon collection to? Hehe… Rarity? Girls?” she looks around the room, nothing. The moniters aren’t even on. She tears of the tubes and other things on her, and in her, and walks to the bathroom. Everything is dusty ad if it was from 100 years ago. She limps around calling for the nurse. No pony would answer. She opens the door into the hallway and calls more. Her voice echos through the hallway. It was dusty and lights were broken, much like the bathroom. She limps down the hallway a bit then reaches a door, locked in many different ways. 2x4s, pad locks, chains. Everything. As she walks closer to the door, moans and hooves tend to claw at the door and give Rainbow Dash a shiver of fear. The door had a sign, taped on with many layers,
“do not enter” rainbow dash reads out loud. Luckely Rainbow dash still has a sense of commin sense and just walks away and tries to find a way out. She turns a corner and sees a unicorn, torn in half, blood all over the ground. At first Rainbow thought she was going insane when she saw it move, then it moaned. Rainbow shuts the doors and locks them, then goes to the emergency exit. She opens the door and is almost blinded by the light. But after a moment, she finally sees a body, then another. Then hundreds. Unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies alike, thrown into a pile like a bunch of filly books. Rainbow Dash gets off the property and starts walking down to the library which normally holds a purple unicorn and a little purple dragon. Once she gets there, she finds them both gone. Along with books and supplies. Rainbow Dash checks the farm, village, bakery and workshop. No pony. Not even a dress from Rarity’s workshop. She walks out into the street and gazes around. BAM!
“oh sweet celestia, GET THIS ONE INSIDE!” Rainbow Dash is knocked unconscious and is dragged inside by two earth ponies that she recognizes the voices but can’t think of who it is. So she just lets them take her and just falls asleep.