Heart of Diamonds

by APoeticHeart

Chapter Twenty-Six: Final


As I enter back into my slumbering state, I can faintly hear my name being called.

“... rity?”

Now another voice joins in with the first one as I clench my eyes tight and start to stir. My eyelids slowly start to ascend, blurred light entering my vision.

“Rarity? Are ya alright sugarcube?”

I can distinctly distinguish that voice in belonging to Applejack as I blink my eyes to focus. Soon the blurred shapes and colors form into the recognizable figures of my friends “Oh darlings, how have I been out?” I slowly start to get up and rub between my eyes.

“Well, you were our for a pretty long while, even after we all woke up.” Twilight places her hoof on my shoulder “How are you feeling?” I can see the concern in her eyes along with the others.

“I feel exhausted dear, but otherwise I’m doing quite fine.” I turn my attention toward Princess Luna “Your highness, do you think we defeated that witch of a mare once and for all?”

She trots close to me and gives me a warm, reassuing smile as she places a wing over my back. She clears her throat “My dear friend, please call me Luna. Yet, I feel that Nightmare Moon won’t ever disrupt your dreams anymore.” She caresses my back tenderly with her wing before lifting it up.

I breathe a sigh of relief “Well that is very delightful news indeed.” I smile happily at my friends “Now darlings, why don’t you all say we go back to Ponyville so I can see my son.” They all nod in agreement as I look back at the princess “Would you like to come with us Luna dear?”

“That is a very generous offer indeed of your my friend, but I’m just going to stay for the rest of the day. Thank you very kindly though.” She gives a bow of her head to us “Now you go and reunite with your son my friend.” We bow our heads we turn to trot out of the throne room

Before I leave I look at the girls “Dears, just give me a second, I’ll join you later. Go ahead and I’ll meet you all at the train station.” They nod and leave as I turn to face Princess Luna. I clear my throat “Luna, I would like to thank you dearly for helping me through this whole horrific ordeal with that beast of a pony.” I give a bow of my head.

She places her hoof gently on my shoulder “You not need to thank me my friend, it was your battle you had to contest on your own. I was only here for support and guidance.” She gives me a warm smile “I believe that you will be successful in anything that comes ahead of you Rarity. All you just got to is believe in yourself and never give into temptation.”

I nod “I understand Luna.” I bow my “May you have a lovely day darling and thank you again.” I turn to trot as I wave a hoof to the princess. I make my to the Canterlot Train Station to board the Friendship Express with my friends.

While the Friendship Express travels along the track toward Ponyville, I look out the window to take in the beautiful scenery passing by. A warm smile creeps across my face Oh, I can’t wait to scoop my darling little boy up into my forelegs and give him the biggest hugs I can ever give him. A soft sigh escapes my lips.

“So Rares, how did you get rid of that rusty old hag anyway?” Rainbow plops herself down beside me and wraps a foreleg around my shoulders “Did you send her flying through the castle window with your magic?”

“No, no, no Dashie, I bet Rarity created a super, duper, sparkly gem cannon that she used to shoot that ugly, mean meanie pants out of!” I gasp as Pinkie Pie out of nowhere appears in front of my face and starts hopping on her flank.

“PINKIE! I certainly wish you would stop popping out of nowhere like that darling. You could cause a lady like me to have a heart attack.” I place a hoof against my chest and pant heavily.

“Oopsy! I’m sorry Rarity!” She gives me a pouty face and I can’t stay mad at her I know. She then beams hopefully “Here, have a honey bun!” Suddenly, without explanation, she randomly pulls out a big honey bun.

I giggle “Thank you Pinkie darling, but I’ve had enough sweets for one day.” I give a blushing smile.

“Seriously though Rares, how was you able to defeat that jerk of a so called princess?” Rainbow arched her eyebrow and it seems like she’s not going to quit asking me until I tell her the truth.

“Yea sugarcube, Ah’m glad that that rotten mare is gone for good, but how did ya finally finish her off? Did ya give her a good ol’ fashion bucking that knocked her into yesteryear?” Applejack chuckled as her, Twilight, and Fluttershy soon gathered around.

“Um… I think she is a nasty pony… um… but I hope you didn’t hurt her too bad Rarity.” Fluttershy’s cheeks blushes a light pink as she hides behind her mane. Fluttershy, always he kind one, even toward a cold-hearted trollop like Nightmare Moon.

I can’t help but chuckle at all of their guesses “Well girls, let’s just say I gave Nightmare Moon her just desserts.” I rub at my belly and let out a warm, contented sigh.

Soon I hear them all gasp and look up to see their jaws nearly touching the floor. I giggle “What? I just gave her a taste of her own.” I giggle at the other pun I can’t help but bring up.

I can see they are all speechless until Twilight speaks up “Well Rarity, I admit, that is kind of weird, and a bit shocking, but whatever it takes to get rid of Nightmare Moon once and for all, I’ll take it.” She blushes and giggles as the other slowly start to nod in agreement to her.

After several more minutes of traveling along the train track toward Ponyville, the Friendship Express comes to a slow, steady stop at the station. We unboard the train and I turn toward my friends “Well darlings, it’s been quite the thrill indeed to spend time with you again. Now though, it’s time for me to go see my baby boy!” I beam with glee as I wave a hoof to my friends and trot toward mother and father’s home.

When I arrive at their house I knock on the door. I wait a minute before mother opens the door and I see her gasp “RAR…”

I place a hoof against her lips “Shh… mother, I’m glad to see you again too, but I don’t want Connor to know I’m back.” I gently take my hoof off and hug her around the neck “How have you all been while I was gone?”

She takes a moment to catch her breath as she calms down. She clears her throat “Oh Rarity dear, we’ve been so worried about you, but we’ve been doing okay. Your father left to go to the market to get a few things, Sweetie Belle of course is in school, and the little one is upstairs asleep.” She nuzzles my cheek “How are you honey?”

I nuzzle her cheek in return “I’m doing better now mother, I love you.” We break the hug and I look up toward the top of the stairs “I’m going to go see my darling precious son now.” She nods and steps to the side to let me go upstairs.

As I reach the top, I very quietly approach the door to the guest room. I slowly open it to see Connor sleeping peacefully, tucked in underneath the covers. Carefully, I trot inside and up to the bed as I feel a smile of warmth and love creep across my muzzle.

I lean my head to kiss his cheek tenderly and whisper into his ear “Connor darling, it’s time to wake up.” My smile soon turns into a beaming grin.

His little eyes blink open and I see him reach his small hands up to rub at them. Blinking them once more, he opens them completely and his jaw nearly detaches from his face. He then smiles brightly “MOMMY!” He cries out and leaps out of the bed, wrapping his arms around my neck.

The force of him leaping into me causes me to fall backwards, but I don’t care, I wrap my forelegs around him and stroke up and down his back soothingly. I feel him lay his head against the wamrth of my chestfur “Mommy, I missed you so much!”

I kiss the top of his head and continue to stroke along his back “Mommy missed you too dear!” I feel him shake softly with sobs, but I know those are cries of joy “Shh… it’s okay Connor, Mommy’s here now, and I promise I’ll never leave you again!” I hug him warmly against my chest and belly in my forelegs.

“I love you Mommy!” He cries joyfully as he lays his head against my chest, relaxing to the sound of my gentle heartbeat.

I smile warmly at him “Mommy loves you too my darling baby boy!” I kiss his head once more and we just stay in that embrace for a while longer.

Now since I finally gotten rid of that barbaric nuisance, maybe now I can focus on being a real mother to Connor. Maybe I should consider on enrolling him in school. A smile of wonder creeps across my muzzle at the thought For now though, we just need this time together to enjoy without any disturbances.

Life truly couldn’t get any better since I have my baby in it!