Just a Memory

by Happy Guy

Second chance to say goodbye

"Is that thou want?" Luna says in a perfessional tone.

You rise from your kneeling and make eye contact with her.
"Yes. That's all I ask for." You say as you try to stay calm.

Luna stares at you for a while then speaks.
"Then I would be happy to help out." She walks to the balcony and sits. She lets out a sigh and speaks. "I'll be by the library in morning. I suggest you head to Zecora's hut and pick up some stuff for your trip."

You bow to her again and take your leave.

You walk from the everfree forest with a necklace in your hand. Gripping it as you walk to the library. Zecora said that it'll keep you safe without the help of Luna. But you don't agree with her and will keep Luna by your side. Finally, you reach the library and walk in. Hanging your coat on the hook by Twilight's saddlebag.

"Hey Alex, where did you go today?" Your mare asks.

Knowing that you won't lie to her, you tell her your visit to Luna. She walks up to you and hugs you.

"Are you really going to risk going back there? What if-," you cut her off by placing a finger on her lips.

"Twilight, nothing bad will happen. But I need to do this." You say with determination. You two break the hug and head to your bedroom. You lay down to your side of the bed and wait for Twilight to do her part. She lays a hoof on your chest and turns off the light.

"Goodnight." You both say to each other. Only you and Luna knowing your problem.

You find yourself in the same place every night. In a long white hallway in a hospital. The same long beep sound echoing. Then the same door appears. With the same room number on it. Every time this happened you simply walk towards it. But this time, you make a run for it.

Seconds turnes to minutes as you try to reach the door. And every step you took, the door seem to move every futher. You start to tear and let out a roar. You were determined to reach that door. After a while, the door seemed to slow down. You push yourself to go faster. The door now in your reach. With one foot foward, you jump. Only for the door to move an inch away. Just out of your reach.

You fall down onto the floor. The sound of the beeping now louder than ever. You get up and reach for it. But you start to fall through the floor. Looking up, you saw the door getting more further away from you.

"Noooo!" You shout at the of your lungs. Then everthing turns white.

"Alex! Alex, wake up." Twilight says as she nudges your body.

You quickly opwn your eyes and wipe away the tears. You look at Twilight and get off the bed.

"Are you sure your okay? This has been happening for a month now." Twilight says as she walks next to you.

With her hoof rubbing your back you reply. "Yaeh, i'm fine." You look at the clock hanged on the wall. "I should be getting ready. Luna should be any minute."

After a quick shower, you dress yourself and make your way downstairs. At the top of the stairs, you see that Luna has been waiting for you.

"Art thou ready for the trip?" She asks. You pat your left pocket and give her a nod. Luna walks up next to you. Her horn starts to glow and the glow surrounds the two of you. You wave bye to Twilight as she looks at you. With a pop, you two are teleported out of the library.

You almost stumble onto the floor as you two teleported. Looking around, you realized that nothing has changed. You start to feel tears build up as your eyes stare at a door. Your mouth starts to vibrate at the site. But Luna breaks you out of your state.

"Alrigth Alex. I'll start to spell now." Luna says as she starts to do the spell. You reach your hand into your left pocket and take out the blue necklace. You take out your coat and put the necklace on.

"Okay Alex, it should be working be now. I'll be in your living room." Luna says as she walks towards her destination.

You walk up to the red wooden door and stand there. Zwcora said that the necklace will start to glow when its time.

A few moments later, the necklace glowed. You reach towards the doorknob, the beeping sound coming back to you. You twist the knob and make your way inside the light green room. You almost break down but keep a steady pace.

You look around the room. Everything was the same, except for a few missing things. You take a seat on the nicely done bed and contine to look around.

A thing on the wall catches your eye. You glare at it and take it down. A cry escapes from your mouth. Your eyes start to tear up again. One thing that you won't forget about the object is the date and timestamp in it.

"Alex?" You hear a feminine voice say from your right. Looking in the direction, you couldn't take it anymore. You fall to the floor. But keep your eyes on her.

You become breathless and try to speak. "Iris," you say with a cry.

"Where did you go Alex? I needed you there with me when my time was coming." Iris says with a saddened tone.

That was the last straw. You just let yourself go. "Iris!" You sad with tears running down your cheeks. "I'm sorry for not being there for you." You start to uncontrollably cry and reach out to hug her. Only for you to go through her.

"Shhh. Its okay. We're here now." She says, trying not to cry as well.

You lay on the ground for a while. Letting your emotions out. Then you remember your reason for being here. You wipe away your tears and clear your throat.

"Iris. I have come here to end my nightmares." You start to sniffle. "And now is my only chance." You stare at her. "Go-goodbye Iris." The last word making you break down again.

Her body starts to glow bright and she smiles. "Thank you Alex. And farewell." A tear runs down her cheek. "We'll be together soon."

"Goodbye sister!" You manage to yell out as she fades away. The glow of the necklace doing the same.

You leave the room with a photo in your hand. You tuck it in your pocket and go find Luna. She's was sitting on the couch. A few dried tear stains on her fur.

"Thank you," you say as your teleported back.

You both ended back in the library. With a surprised Twilight a few feet away. She happily makes her way to you. Once in front of you, she lets out a gasp and takes you in a hug.

"Alex, are you alright? What happened?" She says as she wipes the tears away from your cheeks.

You hug her back and comb her mane with your hand.

"Nothing Twilight," you say before you sigh.

"It's just a memory now."