//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 – Talking to a mirror // Story: The Romantic Misadventures of Spiced Tea // by Yokal //------------------------------// Chapter 5 – Talking to a mirror [3/3] “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna spoke highly of you in their letter. But they mentioned that you were only coming here on an important errand. So…To what do I owe the pleasure of your company today, Spiced Tea?” Mayor Mare said in earnest. It is a good thing you took that break on that hill. This left you some time to read on your character sheet and memorize your citizenship papers. And eat some lunch. So now all you need to do is become your persona, Spiced Tea. “W-Well, I recently came back from my trip around Equestria. Since I was on a mission to catalogue and resource different plants and herbs used for medicine and magic, I decided to settle down with the princess permissions of course,” you say with feign confidence. Remembering that you have a spare cup of tea you offer it to her. “A trip you say but settling down?” she says with a smile as she takes the cup. Mayor Mare takes a sip as she listens to your reply. “Yes…Being a high mage from the university is hard. But seeing is that I have roamed around and about. I think I have seen too much for my age. So early retirement would be a good thing” “I see. But let me guess, she recommended us because of the proximal nature of our town to the Everfree and Whitetail, am I right?” “Mmm-hmm…Even though I am settling down does not mean I should not work for a living.” And with this you gave Mayor Mare your citizenship documents and another paper from your envelope. A written and possibly falsified by trolls truly certificate of sigilis princeps magus, a symbol of a High Mage. “Tell me something about your trip, what made you go on your journey?” “It was more of a finishing study piece before graduation really. But since I journeyed for 7 years, by tge time I arrived last week at the university. I was immediately given my title.” After briefly skimming your papers she asks “Why is that?” “Well, I am the first unicorn to have successfully returned after their study piece. The only one since Starswirl the Bearded” I would like to thank my crazy professors in college for giving me the ability of cramming. Twenty pages, pff, piece of cake. “I see. Well your papers seem to be in order. So let me ask you, do you have any lodgings for the night? I could arrange for you a room at the Farrier’s Inn” “No need Mayor. I was thinking of asking you about the spare housing that is available. I would like to buy a house tonight, if that is okay with you?” With a shrug and a confirmation “Why not, it is a slow day today. And I was thinking of heading home early today, but I couldn’t stay away from my desk. Here, let me get my housing ledger and you go stand by that map” With a nod you do as she says and turn around. You then notice the map that you have taken into account when you entered. This map is huge. Noticing the shape of the town, it resembles an almost circular pattern. And by the looks of how the town is structured, you take note of the town’s districts: Merchant housing, Town Square, Trade district, Town Park, Ponyville Fount Square, Bazaar, Several residential quarters, other smaller districts, and this piece of land labeled Sweet Apple Acres. ‘That is a lot of land’ you say when you happen across the scale measurements at the lower right corner of the map. These measurements speak of huge, REAL huge. The Mayor takes to your side, ledger in mouth, putting it down on the table in front. “Here we are” “So Spiced Tea…Do you mind if I call you Spice?” “Go ahead Mayor” She nods “Alright then, Spice, from the map here where do you want to settle down?” “That’s a tricky one. Hmm…What do you suggest Mayor?” “Well since you’ve asked. I’d say settling here” pointing to the west of town hall, near the Trade District. “This area provides the best access to most of the establishments around the trade district and the bazaar.” Trying to see whether or not the place is quiet for your tastes “Is it quiet in that neighborhood?” “Somewhat. But if you prefer a bit more privacy, the housing to north from the trade district, right around the Fount square would be right for you” she mentions this as her hoof glides up. Pointing to what looks like a very spacious neighborhood. And without second thought “That looks perfect” “Would you like to visit the neighborhood? If you think it would be perfect for you…?” “I think the area is nice for my standards. And if you say I could get some privacy there then by all means.” “Alright then, let us see if there are houses that could catch your interests, hmm?” Heading out to your new neighborhood, you find yourself enjoying the town a little more. Now that you have a guide of course, who being Mayor Mare. So before anything else, you both need to get out of the building. That means getting past Desk Penny, who happens to be talking into a mirror. Easier said than done right? It was. Basically she was just giving a go at her speech training. And speech is pretty important to all Equestrian government employees; who are in contact with the general public every day of the week. You were about to drop it till you hear Desk Penny say something near the lines of: “If you don’t have anything to do tonight, would you want to go out to dinner?” to “So if you have the time, why don’t we step out back and let you ravage me” In hearing these lines, you could have sworn that Desk Penny was looking at your ass. Just as you and the Mayor were about to step out. Alas her daydreaming has come to a halt when the Mayor spoke up. “Penny it looks like we will have to close early for the day. And seeing is that we are the only ones left here. I will put you in charge of closing down the hall.” “Will do Mayor” Desk Penny replied with gusto knowing that it is closing time. “Good. Now I will bring Spiced Tea along to his new house, so please don’t stay here too late?” the sudden change in Desk Penny’s face reveals all. “…o-kay” her reply saddened by the realization that her boss just stole her fun for the night. So to salvage any pride she had left, she mouthed you a: ‘Call me’ You reply with a curt nod. Acknowledging at least the now saddened mare, the reply was the least you could do. But not saying you might take her up on the offer, aside from calling upon her public duties that is. But at least you have placed a little smile on her face, which is enough for a green card. As it is your wish to move on; you make it through the door. Finding that outside is still as dreary as you left it. Not minding the total lack of emotion in the sky, you find Mayor Mare waiting at the foot of the stairs, looking towards the sky. She too has noticed the grey veil of woe and is pondering about it deeply. So you take this chance to hitch yourself to your cart, placing your documents in as you go. And as sure as you are safely secured, grab the attention of Mayor Mare. Signaling her that you are all set, you both depart in search of your new house. Not much life is seen around town as both of you walked on. So thinking up some small talk to pass the time, Mayor Mare decided to ask about you. “Like how you got to be enrolled into the University?” “How were you able to get through your long research journey?” “Were you able to meet interesting Ponies?” Or things like “how you got to know Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?” “Are you a Duke or Count? What is it like to be part of her majesties inner circle?” Mayor Mare found it odd that they spoke about you in the personal sense in their letters. Not many have the privilege to be addressed as such. You, by simple sticking to the character sheet, have given the appropriate answers. It seemed that this interview accomplished two things: Get the head of the town to accept your identity and pass the time to make it to your new neighborhood. So by the time Mayor Mare has run out of questions and you run out of answers, you arrived at your destination. Looking over to your left, you see a small fountain with a few benches around it. It seems to be normal. And over to your right, you notice many houses with the ‘for sale sign’ “Here we are, the Fount District. Known for that very important fountain…” You both slow down before the said fountain. Staring at its current still waters, you make a shape out of a reflection you see. Well, you see three shapes for that matter. One is a blurry pink fluff that was quick enough to escape your glance. The second one faired even better than the first. Its speed is paramount to the color of the shape. Its color of white, cyan, pink and pastel green before it disappeared from your sight. The last shape would be…you. ‘Tan coat, green pupils and orange mane and tail. Still looking good there….for a pony’ Reeling back into reality after a brief encounter with water squiggles, you find that Mayor Mare went into a monologue. You might have caught a few bits of that. But all you could get out of it was that this very fountain was said to be the very place. Where princess Celestia bathed and the founding father of the town peeked on her. You look closely to the fount again. This time you shudder at the thought of the second squiggly. ‘It can’t be, could?’ “…To think, what would have Princess Celestia done if all this time she knew of his presence?” Raising your head to reply “What would have she done?” “I have been looking into that myself. And it turns out nopony knows except her, princess Luna and Starswirl the Bearded” Both of you take notice the sky take on an amber hue. The clouds part revealing vivid pastel hues and deep purples beneath them. The moment when sun and moon share their presence together, the moment twilight reins. “Seems it's already dusk. Let us hurry along then, Spice?” “Yes Mayor” Seeing is there is barely anypony here besides you and the mayor. You decided to leave your cart next to the fount; which is pretty much the center of this neighborhood and in line of sight. Confident now of your stuff, Mayor Mare led you to the first row of houses. Most of them are single unit types. But the predominant ones would be the two story duplexes. They somewhat look kind of thin, which gives you the feeling of tight living quarters. But if the prices are not that swell, then a duplex might be your last and most obvious choice. Then you were proven wrong when Mayor Mare showed you one pre-furnished duplex. Looks can truly be deceiving. It took you both a quick 15 minutes to pass most of the empty houses. And walking back, a U-turn gave you the option to look back at the selection from the fountain. Within that span of time, you recall a two story house. “Mayor, I remember seeing a two story house back there. The one with the wide windows overlooking the bazaar and fount” you point your hoof in the general direction where the house is. Not knowing where it really is as you are not familiar with the street names. Mayor Mare looks through her ledger, finding out if such a house exists. “Yes, there is a two story house that fits that description. Many wanted that house but soon moved out due to the size of the windows.” She points out the house written on her ledger. Looking through the description, there have been many attempts to claim the house. But many were unsuccessful due to the red inked comment on the paper. “Those windows seem to catch the sun and moon rising. Many of the newlyweds that claim the house seem to move out after a week. They say that they can’t find curtains or blinds big enough for the size of those windows.” “But I don’t see why that is a bad thing.” Closing her book, she thinks well for a reply “Yes, well if you are a newlywed and would want to spend the night doing ‘happy happy fun time’ with your wife. Then would not those blinds help with privacy. But I agree with you entirely though.” Nodding “If it’s the same to you mayor, let us see the house. I want to find out what is so odd about it.” You decide that this is the best course of action; the finality of your choice house in your mind. You hitch yourself to your cart yet again and walk with Mayor Mare to the latter mentioned destination. You were about to say something till a brief line killed your brain. “Sure…I am also intrigued by this. But it also sounds like you just want to get me alone…” “Ahmm….uhhh” Mayor one. Spiced Tea zero. “Hahaha…I am just kidding. Come on, let us get you that house” She chides with a light jab to your shoulder. ‘Seriously, these mares will be the death of me one of these days. And I would not even reach Earth to tell the tale’ sure Spiced Tea tell yourself that. The truth may be closer than you think-Moving on. “But it is good to see you survive Desk Penny back there” “Well I-Wait, what do you mean by survived?” you are taken aback by that statement. ‘Survived?!’ “Well, she has undergone a recent heartbreak.” “What happened to her Mayor?” “Her very first coltfriend ended up cheating on her…with a bucket” “…” “Don’t ask. As a general rule here in Ponyville, if it’s weird and has no logical reason. We tend to accept it and move on.” “I’ll keep that in mind” “Mm-hm” “So basically, I was the rebound.” “Mm-hm” “That explains a lot” You continue with your inquiry about Desk Penny for a good minute or too. The Mayor also gave some advice about living here. Any advice about living is indeed welcome as you are indeed alien to this world. Sometime later after seeing through a twist and a turn, you happen to see your house. Observing it closely gave you a sense of accomplishment. It seems as though that this house is built for you specifically. Although the paint looks a tad bit drab, it is perfect. Satisfied with the front, you decided to take a look round back. And to your surprise the back door has a very generous overhang. And by the looks of the overhang leading directly into a back road, makes this part of your house the garage. Mayor Mare noticed the grin on your face and is sure how you will respond to this “How do you find the house so far?” “It’s perfect! It has this garage and everything.” Extremely giddy are we. “I can’t wait to see what’s inside” you try to say, but instead you decided to run up to the front door, Mayor Mare trotting right behind you. “So, shall we take a peek then” you ask the Mayor while you open the door for her. “We shall. But don’t think that opening the door for me will get me into the mood. You need to take me out to dinner first” grinning madly as she walked in. She passes you as you hear her giggle at your stoic indifference of her statement. Your face showing signs of being flustered. ‘Mayor two, Me zero’ “Hey now, I am just kidding.” still giggling, she prods your side to see whether she broke you or not. “Mayor please, we have only just met” “Hahahaha! Sorry about that, I could not resist. And besides you are a little young for my tastes. But I could always make an exception. I am the mayor after all.” she says with pride. Proud for the fact that she is out of your league. What a familiar tactic. Although she is willing to make an except, just for you. How lucky are you to be alive in this world, huh? Moving on, you close the door and continue inside. You’re surprised to find that the house is mostly furnished. Just need a few more bits here and there but it’s perfect. Moving around and investigating the first floor rooms, you happen across a flight of stairs. ‘Leading to the second floor no doubt’ you say as you approach it. Looking up you find remnants of sunlight illuminating the steps. It looks as if it’s an illusion. The picture of ascending into the heavens, a welcome yet obvious cliché, but still is worth looking at. But before you alert the Mayor of the stairs. You ponder, choosing your words carefully. You would not want her to think you walked right into one of her jokes. So having thought a good minute you proceed. “Mayor, I think I found the problem” “Hmm?” Seeing her exit from the kitchen, you took the lead and went up the second floor. What you saw when you reached the second floor took your breath away. The entirety of the second floor is made up of four rooms, which two had wide windows. Some of them equipped with town standard wooden shutter. But the rest were so big that it indeed gave you a painted view of the twilight. You stood there quote a while, looking at the beauty of this world. Not minding at all the approaching mare behind you. But in some odd twist of fate. You came to your decision. “Mayor, I would like to buy this house if that is alright with you.” She moved towards you, stopping by your side. She too is looking through the window. Smiling that the town she lived and worked in is still as magnificent as she knows it to be. “I’m glad that you’re happy about this house. So, will you be the first one to stay in this house for good? “I might take you up on that challenge Mayor” “Well then, let us just fetch the papers to sign downstairs” “Before I forget, how much is the house” “Considering that it is already furnished, how about I offer the house to you for four thousand and three hundred bits? Consider the furniture a welcome gift” “I think I have more than enough. Let us see those papers shall we?”