//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Wings of insanity // by Rarity Belle //------------------------------// The very same rumbles that echoed through the ears of Twilight, were caught in those of Rarity. The unicorn glanced up to her window. She began to stare out of it for good measure. For mere seconds she continued to look at the window and the storm outside. Everything seemed to have gotten right in place for her. Everything seemed to have been working out the way that she wanted it.         Her plan was a go and there was no way that she would allow herself to make it stop. Nothing would have stood in her way. Not a single pony would have prevented her from getting back the thing that she desired most. Her maddened mind had come up with a plan of insanity that would have set her free. One way, or the other.         The eyes of the mare took themselves off of the window just before she stood up from her chair. That same chair was then pushed back against the desk. Rarity then turned around. She was then faced the doorway of her cell. A nasty grin formed itself across her lips. Everything was falling just into the places that she wanted them to. Everything was working out as she had planned.         Her hooves began to carry her over to the door at a gentle pace. Everything had to appear normal for her doing. One deviation of her pace and the guard would have noticed that she was planning something. The grin faded away from her face in an instant. She gave an almost depressed look out of her eyes. Naturally it was all an act, an act meant to distract the guard at her door.         Once the door came in reach did she gave a knock or two on it. Her position was maintained before the thing. Rarity just stood in full view of the guards eyes. A guard who had turned his attention over to her and looked through a hatch. The expression upon his face was one that spoke of confusion. Rarity never had been the kind of mare who would just have knocked on her door if she wanted anything.         “Can I help you?” the guard asked before he rose an eyebrow to her. His tone was monotone, there wasn’t any emotion within it that could have been found within it. The eyes were sterner than anything though. They glanced like spears towards Rarity’s very being. Who knew that she had to play it even cooler than expected. She had one shot at it all and she was not in the mood to blow it all up. Not while she was that close at least.         The unicorn in the cell gave a gentle nod to the guard. “Yes, yes there is something that you can help me with,” Rarity spoke to him. She had then managed to get the full attention of the guard. One who gestured her to continue with her words. “With, the rain pouring down as it does, I would like to have my hour in the courtyard.”         Perhaps her words were a little bit too blunt for the matter. She thought about that fact only after she had spoken them to the guard. The stallion rose his other eyebrow as well. He didn’t seemed to have fully understood what she have meant, or he didn’t get why she wanted what she wanted. “I, I’m sorry miss, but I don’t fully understand. Why would you go down and outside, in this downpour?” he questioned to her with a confused gaze in his eyes.         The question was rightfully asked from his side and Rarity gave him a nod in response. Shortly afterwards would she have given her reply though. Her mind still had to think about the facts as she wanted to present them to him. There also laid the problem: she had only seconds.         If she took her sweet time with a reply, the stallion would have noticed that something would have been fishy. That in return meant another bust of her plans. So the mare came up with a quick excuse that sounded reasonable to her. “It’s that specifically, actually,” Rarity managed to say.         The saddened look in her eyes only appeared to have gotten greater after she glanced back through the window again. The stallion shook his head a little bit before he gave her another chance to speak her mind.         “For months have I been here, locked in this prison cell with nothing here. The sun I have felt shining upon my coat every time I went out. But I have forgotten what it feels, to have a pouring rain going over you,” Rarity then spoke as her excuse for it, “I want to experience that, again.”         The guard at her cell still didn’t understood of why she wanted to go outside and stand in the rain. But her words did seemed to rang some form of truth. It almost seemed as if she was actually desperate to feel the rain upon her coat. A thing thought to have been insane by him, but would he really take away such a little pleasure from her?         The looks in her eyes were eventually the thing that got to him. Just that saddened look within her eyes was the thing that he couldn’t stand any longer. Those big and soppy eyes that were almost ready to burst into tears.         He just gave a single nod towards her and gestured her to take a step or two back. “I would say that you have to go into the shower to feel it again, but it’s nothing compared to what’s coming out of the skies now,” the guard replied to her words.         Rarity understood what he was going to do. She just couldn’t believe the sheer amount of luck that she had in the moment. Nothing in the world could have stopped her then. She would continue on with her plan and he was helping her like that. Though the act had to be kept on for a little while longer. For the door was opened up and she was allowed to move out of her cell. ---                       A little bit later in time did the unicorn stood at the edge of the courtyard. The grassy field before her was taking a massive pounding from the rain that came from the skies. She didn’t care too much about all of that though. She had more an eye for the thunder and lightning strikes that were crashing down to the earth. The guard had escorted her all the way to the field. But the rest of her wish did she had to do alone.         The guard wasn’t going to take a single step outside of the hallway. But the unicorn, she would do it in a heartbeat. Step by step was taken by her while she walked onto the field. The drops of rain crashed against her entire body and crystalline dress before she searched for a suitable location. The place where the downpour was the most was the place where she would be standing.         Not much later had she found the right spot in her eyes. She allowed herself to bath within the rain. All of it was still the act she decided to play of course. Yet there was also something that was unexpected. Rarity began to rise herself up from her hind legs for no apparent reason. Yet the action resulted in her horn being pointed up straight into the skies.         The guard didn’t gave it too much attention and he turned the other way. There were about a hundred different places where he could have been in that moment. Instead he was guarding a maddened mare with a strange desire for the pouring rain. He was completely oblivious to the things as they would be packing out. ---                       All of the sudden was there a massive bolt of lightning that rushed itself down to the earth. It missed the roof of the asylum only just. After which it made a trip to the next thing it could impact. The highest thing in the entire courtyard in that moment was Rarity’s very horn. The bolt of lightning only saw it as the path of least resistance and made the decision to use it to its own advantage.         Within the fraction of a second had the bolt of lightning travelled over to the horn of the unicorn. A mare who began to consume all of the energy that it carried. The unicorn started to wince in pain while the guard only looked in horror. Even if he wanted to do something, there was nothing.         Fractions of seconds went by before the bolt had vanished again. Rarity had consumed the whole thing and the protective ring around her horn hadn’t just vanished, it had evaporated from it. The mare was free again as she fell down to all four of her legs. The horn coated itself within her signature sapphire blue aura. After that, she turned herself around in a slow manner towards him.         “Hello my dear, missed me?” she spoke up in an ominous tone. Mere fractions of a second after she had spoken her words did the rumble of the thunder came roaring through the skies. That, as well as the resonations of the crystals on her back.         Hell was about to be unleashed at the clop of a hoof.